Monday, August 29, 2022

Wooden Chanting Beads, chanted and consecrated by Kruba Boon Chum of Wat Prathat Don Reung.

1. Wooden Chanting Beads, chanted and consecrated by Kruba Boon Chum of Wat Prathat Don Reung. 木佛珠链, 由古巴文春开光加持, Wat Prathat Don Reung. The Wooden Chanting Beads is not only beautiful, but also can protect safety and eliminate disasters, symbolizing wealth and auspiciousness. A variety of effects such as warding off evil spirits, sedation, etc. Can make people feel relaxed and full of energy. It can also be used to count the number of times of chanting Mantras on the weekly Thai Buddha's Day (Holy Day). 木佛珠链不仅美观,而且可以保平安消灾,象征富贵和吉祥。辟邪挡煞,镇静等多种功效,可使人心旷神怡,精神饱满。每个星期的泰国佛日时,也可用来记算念诵经文的次数。
+ 2. 由泰北活佛 Kruba Boon Chum (古巴文春),Wat Prathat Don Reung 开光加持的钱母。 *钱生钱。

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