Saturday, August 13, 2022

Maha Deva Osot, Yaa Khun Duern Khun Wan (a Billionaire Medicine), created according to the original textbook Kruba Wat Mai Hung by Kruba Apiwat of Wat Thung Pong (B.E.2565).

Size : 2.8 cm

Built out of respect for the two great gods. It is Suriyathep and Chandrathep who is like the left and right eyes of the world. According to ancient texts. Respecting the sun and the moon as the eyes of the world. The sun is great in the daytime. The moon is big at night.

Therefore created this Medicine Amulet to carry implying to be great day and night. Both asleep and awake. The power that the textbook says when tattoo-carry-use. This medicine amulet will be intimidating. And is a great mercy (Metta). The people looked at you with a beautiful face. Like we look at the moon on a full moon night. The enemy looks at us as if looking at the sun, trembling in our majesty.

++ Peacock image instead of Phra Suriyathep. The image of the Rabbit represents the moon ~ Phra Chandrathep. ++

Effect : Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract good opportunity to you. 功效:提升好运,摆脱厄运,防止小人,转移负能量,做每一样事情都会成功完成,吸引好机会给佩戴者。