Friday, September 30, 2022

Inn Ku Hin Nak Krasuai (The Naga Krashui stone), Kruba Teelaphot, Wat Non Dtai (B.E.2563).

“Inn / Inn Ku / Yin Thong” is an ancient amulet commonly seen in Lanna, Thai Yai. It looks like a man and woman hugging each other. Face to face. Sex is mostly according to the imagination and the eccentricity of the teacher, the creator, as a symbol of love. The power of mercy. It is said that "Inn" will be heavy on love affairs. Metta, Inddu, other will make the possessor attractive to the opposite sex, loved by all.  

In the past, Lanna people used to carry Inn amulets for both men and women. Adults usually give them when they carry them. Or have it for worship. Believed to be affectionate indus to all people. It is a charm of Piya-Metta, cool, fertile, rich in luck, good fortune, selling “Inn” as found to be created from paranormal objects or objects with intrinsic power.  

According to the textbooks prescribed by your teacher, for example, made of wood, ivory, green horns, metal, stone, soil, powder, glass, silver, gold, etc., and are often found elsewhere in a honey-colored casket, a gold casket, a silver casket, a wooden casket immersed in oil. Many teachers, the process of creating and conjuring will vary.

“Inn Hin Nak Krashui” The Naga Krashui stone is a stone that the Lanna people believe has a sacred and powerful power in itself. And believed that it was a stone protected by a serpent. Therefore, there are many hidden natural powers. But it must be a stone from the Wa River of Nan, which has the best caste. Has special properties similar to "Jade" is that it can keep the cold well. Thus resulting in a feeling of freshness, happiness and very good in mercy.

Background in the creation of another shuttle Naga stone. It started from the process of taking the shuttle Nak Hin in the Wa River, Bo Kluea Sub-district, Bo Kluea District, Nan Province, which is the closest source to the Wa River. So many good stones were obtained. Then take the sheep into another shape. Ancient art in the style of Mueang Nanthaburi (Nan Province) Sahlup made in the ancient Lanna style. According to the teacher. A teacher's offering is complete. Must have rice from the house of two little girls, 3 houses: paddy from the house of Brahmachan without buying a young girl who must be willing to give. Then roasted to break into beautiful flowers. And bring 3 fragrant flowers and rice that has been cured for 3 days another layer of white.

Consecrated on Monday, October 26, corresponding to the 10th waxing moon to Monday, November 2, B.E.2563 (2020), the second waning moon of the Yi month (the auspicious number 222 is the 2nd day (Monday), the 2nd month (Yi)).

The way to use : 

1. When going out, offering fragrant flowers or perfume to praying for Inn and chant the katha that given (awakening first). And carry it with you will feel charming and popular amount all your friends. Opposite sex attractiveness. People will love and have mercy on us. Even animals love us.

2. If approaching the chief, elder and boss. To worship with fragrant flowers or perfume, sprinkle it somewhere else and chant the katha (mantra). Have mercy on us. Like a descendant.

3. If trading, bring Inn to soak in the water and worshiped with fragrant flowers. Chant the katha (awakening spell) and then sprinkled the holy water on the things for sale, very good, and put Inn to save money. Or purse. 

4. If you go to negotiate any business, chant the katha and pray according to your wishes. Will be charming.

5. If there is a Si Pheung (Metta Balm), then put in Inn into your Si Pheung cartridge as well, it can be a synergistic effect for each other.

6. If you want to raise Inn for human relationship, put honey, coconut water, sugarcane juice cubes, popped rice, white fragrant flowers. Worship Inn to keep the house cool. No argument between your family members. Happy people in the house love and reconcile with each other.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


字面上的意思, 就是深山里的人, 也就是形容山里修行的人, 这种人, 泰国称为鲁士, 而缅甸地区认为他们是仙人。

在泰北有许多神奇的法术, 令人惊叹。泰北的法术源 自兰纳时期, 而兰纳的法术主要来自于缅甸。在缅甸古时有所谓的五大仙人, 据说缅甸及兰纳王朝 的法术均源自此五大仙人, 也就是说, 泰北的法术源流的起源就是从这五位仙人处传下。除了这五大仙人外, 还有所谓的十大名师.....

这些早期的仙人, 传承下例如达隆咒珠, 大黄蜂, 姻通, 拉胡, 神奇红药各式神奇纹身.......等等十分神奇。




1. 迫枯骰押耶

2. 迫枯骰押彪

3. 迫枯骰押库

4. 迫枯骰押罕

5. 迫枯骰押啤仅咩拉庆

这些仙人据说掌握包括炼金术, 各式普通人难以企及。

的法术力量, 甚至拥有足以达到永生的神奇能力。据说他们还在深山的森林里修练, 等候有缘人再度得到 他们传授的法术。

在泰北或是缅甸地区有个传说, 如果你以坚定不移的 信念持续相信先人或是圣物, 无论任何隐匿的煞气甚 至毒物, 坏动物, 危险都不能让你受到伤害, 并且拥有富足的人生。

Phra Khong Klao, Kruba Kaew Kawiro, Wat Phra That Doi Thimu, Tak Province (B.E.2565).

*Amulet behind stamped with a temple code.

Placed this amulet in your shop or house, can prevent fire and lighting protection, against all evil creatures. Escape from all dangers. There is no shortage of good fortune, easy to trade, sell well, carry it with you can make a profit in business. 

It can make the wearer very popular, and people around you can feel your charm or attractiveness. Make money. Praise defeating all the enemies and demons. This amulet is made from the following materials: flower powder, old palm leaf, important medicinal herbs and Phra Phong Kesa (scared hairs) of Kruba Chao Sriwichai and Kruba 0 Apichai Khao, broken and damaged famous amulets of Lanna that have gathered to grind and mixed with Kesa (sacred hairs). 

Make an ancient love pearl and Kruba Apiwat personally (chanted & consecrated) to have mercy to spread the power of prayer for 6 months. Therefore brought as a souvenir to those who believe in the prestige of the teacher forever.

帕空高,古巴乔卡V咯,达府的 Wat Phra That Doi Thimu (佛历 : 2565 年)。



能使佩戴者人缘极佳,周围的人能够感觉到您的魅力或吸引力。财源广进与击败所有敌人和恶魔。这枚佛牌是由以下材料制成:花粉,老棕榈叶,重要的药材和 Kruba Chao Sriwichai 的 Phra Phong Kesa (圣发) 和 Kruba 0 Apichai Khao,损坏的佛牌材料收集起来研磨并与Kesa (圣发) 混合。

做一颗古老的爱情珍珠 并让古巴阿匹瓦仁慈地诵经开光加持足足6个月,正能量满满。因此,作为纪念品送给那些永远相信老师 (师父) 威信的人。

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Chao Ngor Maha Larp (Great Fortune), Roon Raek (1st batch), Phor Than Pong, Wat Jaeng, Phatthalung (B.E.2565).

Serial Number : 83

*Come with original temple box.

Who is Chao Ngor

As a legend has been handed down, Chao Ngor or Phra Sung was one of the incarnation of the present Buddha and he, at that time, also studied and completed the "Chinda Manee mantra" or "Dhippaya Mantra". The spell is capable of enchanting terrestrial, aquatic animals even the garuda or mighty angels irresistibly. It was known throughout Southeast Asia region for its incomparable power of charming and wealth. That's the reason why the master in the past made and pray to the statue of Chao Ngor. The magical powers of his have been summarized as follows;

1. exceptionally attractive to opposite gender

2. improve and support one's destiny. Other people tend to be more compassionate towards yourself as if a family member. Always get unexpected help from both human and angels.

3. A source of abundant food and wealth

4. bring endless luck and fortune 

5. career advancement

6. increase in sales and profit

7. trustworthy words and touching speech 

8. get protection from angels, always have safe journey.

9. Super-duper enchanting, successful negotiation and powerful

Besides, the old masters believed that, even without blessing, Chao Ngor possesses its supernatural power in itself.

Chao Ngor therefore is very popular amongst businessman, traders, and entrepreneurs. Sincere respect always leads to good money also attract more clients. Putting a piece of Chao Ngor amulet in front of your shop wilI bring more customers and healthier sales.

招娥螺仙,第一期“大幸运”, 由婆谭碰,瓦郑寺庙开光加持,博他侖府,(佛历:二五六五年)。 

编号 : 八十三号


[招娥螺仙 CHAO NGOR] 传说是一位天神转世, 他出世时 就非常的丑陋, 但这不是他原本的面目, 只是他不 想以他英俊潇洒的面目示人, 他的神通可说是无人 能及, 因为 [招娥] 拥有一身好本领, 当他去到森林, 只要他念咒经文, 自然会有水果跌在他面前, 让他充饥, 当 [招娥] 来到海边, 只要他念动咒语, 海里的鱼自动会从水面跳到他跟前, 是非常非常奇妙的, 他来到人间后就一直帮助生活面对难题的百姓, 也因为他怀着一颗慈悲的心广受世人的爱戴...

配戴 [招娥] CHAO NGOR 能带来效果:









周沃天神的 9 大功效: 




4)会有突如其来的好运,而且用不缺钱! 如果自身运不好的话可以把这牌放进水桶里面然后拿这个水来冲凉,可以帮你去霉运呢 

5)做生意/sales都可以有很好的成绩 ,在工作上可以升级并且得到好的职位,顾客源源不断

6)可以帮助创业者排除困难与挫折 ,拥有越来越多的利润 

7)你说的话会得到认同 ,人家会信任你,相信你所说的,你说什么都对啦!

8)保护佩戴者不管去到什么地方,都会很安全,避险辟邪,孤魂野鬼 不敢靠近你 

9)人见人爱 ,任何人看到你都会对你有好感,帮助双方感情 ,让对方心里一直有你



Jao Ngor 周沃天神,







周沃为招财人缘天神,原是一位王子,他的父皇 另娶了一位太太,皇后非常讨厌周沃,处处留难他,更叫皇帝赶走他,周沃被皇帝赶走后很伤心,为怕被人识破他是王子,周沃将俊郎的外表装扮成全身黑色更远离 父皇的国土。

后来周恶遇上了一位师父,师父教懂他念经,令他更易捉鱼及打猎借此自力更生,过了一段时间,一位皇帝有七位公主,其中六位都觅得好夫婿,但小公主仍是遇不上心仪的对象,最后皇帝下令要男性而又是单身的国民到皇宫给公主挑选为夫婿,周沃亦有前往,所有人只得小公主看见周沃俊郎的一面,所以小公主 选择了周沃为其夫婿,虽然得到小公主的垂青但皇帝及皇后不喜欢周沃,处处为难他,要他捕鱼及打猎。

天上的神仙看见周沃受尽凌辱,决定帮助他,神仙下凡面见 ,下一战书要与皇帝作一场马球比赛,如果皇帝输了便要赔出国土,但皇帝从没有打过马球,而大臣及战士亦没有人能懂得此项比赛,在担忧如何处理的时候,皇帝最后要周沃帮他代其参加此战,周沃将一身的黑色除掉迎战,最后周沃胜利了 。
Phor Than Pong of Wat Jaeng.

Friday, September 23, 2022

[FOR SHOW / 纯粹分享] Rian 1st batch "Setti Huan Duang", Billionaire Supports The Fortune Model, Neur Satta Loha LongYa Daeng with Thong Thip Mask, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2564).

No. : 39 Made : 39 pieces Chanted and consecrated for 1 phansa 3 months during Buddhist Lent. Come with original temple box. 第一期鸡蛋形古巴阿匹瓦自身法相铜牌, 七宝铜材质红瓷色和盖上黄铜材质面, 通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六四年)。 编号 : 三十九号 制造 : 三十九枚 Kruba Apiwat 古巴API哇2564第一期金属硬币自身,论“瑟缇隆端”,也被称作为“钱进不停”招财自身。作为泰国境内的缅甸法术第一高僧,用缅甸法门开光3个月后,再送往不同的缅甸寺庙开光。 最后一场仪式在泰北古寺瓦帕醒举行,参与的高僧有:古巴端占、古巴杰士达、帕阿赞巴勇萨等人。背后为缅甸掌管财富的天神,佩戴这期自身不仅可以得到师父的祝福和庇护,更可以得到缅甸天神“瑟缇隆端”的帮助,让有关赚钱的事情更加轻松和容易。在生意和买卖方面促进达成,事半功倍、一本万利,可以帮助事业和提升运势,防止降头等邪术,避开危险。

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Phayant Maha Setthi Thang 5 (五位缅甸百万富翁,巨富符布), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2562).

缅甸亿万富翁.帕彦潘查.(五位缅甸百万富翁,巨富符布)由古缅甸的五位有钱人所演变的,故名思义! ~能招来超级富有,无限的财富等等 这张五大财主大富豪布符可以挂在家里、商店或随身携带。可得一大笔财富可拥有像五位亿万富翁一样的财富 终年富贵,财源广进,万事如意。 不低于任何人.不会贫穷.受到所有人的赞美.爱戴.扶持.提拔你. 富贵荣华有无数的金钱和黄金。

挂在家里、商店或随身携带能够变成富豪大财主富甲一方。 泰北著名的古巴屈迈鸿.帕勇琴法脉的传承人,更被称为现今泰国红药第一僧,师傅亦精通于泰曳族法门及缅甸法等等,其开光制作的圣物不但深受泰国人热爱,当中亦不缺一些大富豪,更甚在中国内地及台湾亦大受欢迎,有如此高的受欢迎程度,原因很简单-~就是「灵验」!另外,古巴Api哇师傅亦常被泰北不同师傅邀请一同加持法会,在很多泰北大型的法会都会见到师傅的身影.可见其功力绝对不容忽视。 Size:46.5 cm x 79.5 cm Kruba Apiwat Wat Thung Pong 寺 B.E.2562 (2019 ) 年。 *Stamped with temple red ink chop.
 Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.

Thanks for people who support us. This item has been RENTED.

Tai Yai Red Medicine Golden Fly (Maengwan Kham), 2nd batch, Kruba Apiwat, Wat Thung Pong (B.E.2564).

*Come with original temple box. Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing inlaid with Pink Gemstones.

B.E.2564 (2nd batch) Made by mixing and proportioning according to the textbooks and recipes left by Kruba Wat Mai Hung. Among them, Sriweechai (the name of material medicine) is an extremely rare and very difficult to extract medicine. It also contains lemongrass oil and a young woman's breast milk for 7 days, but the other materials are very mysterious. I can't explain it here. After the configuration is completed, the master needs to perform a year's blessing of mantras. Its effect can improve popularity and increase Wealth Luck and attracting customers are helpful for the smooth completion of transactions and sales.

Putting this amulet under the pillow can achieve the effect of locking the heart of the couple, which helps to improve the couple's relationship and enhance the couple's lust.

Maengwan Kham literally translates as "Golden Fly" as the name suggests, this method can make other people like you, create a feeling of admiration, keep entangling you like a fly, giving you more choices, suitable for men or women, enhance charm and self-confidence Heart, it is admirable, makes your partner miss you more, and enhances love luck. It can enhance interpersonal relationships, and can also be used in career, making you as many customers as flies.

"The Golden Fly Method"

There is a special thing about this method. If you wear this Kreung Lang (holy object) with you 24 hours a day, it will make you around you, make the opposite sex have an inexplicable goodwill towards yourself, and make people want to approach you to please you. As the name suggests, it will make you surrounded by a lot of flies, if you already have a significant other, it can also play the effect of locking your heart and making your other half miss you more and more obsessed with you. To put it bluntly, this amulet can quickly increase your own relationship with the opposite sex. But, Not an ordinary effect!

If you sincerely wear it, it will be popular no matter where you go, and it will strengthen your confidence and show your charming charm wherever you go. Finally, the master said that the longer you wear this talisman, the greater the spiritual power, and there is no taboo at all. If you want to Fascinate the other half, so that you wear it when you mate, it will definitely make the other party remember you. No matter what profession you are in, you can wear it. In this modern society, no matter what business you do, you need popularity. The popularity is also very, very obvious!

The inheritor of the famous Kruba Wat Mai Hung ~ Phayong Kham Metta Balm in Northern Thailand is also known as the first monk of red medicine in Thailand. The master is also proficient in the Lanna, Tai Yai and Burmese method. Not only is it deeply loved by Thai people, but there are also some rich people among them, and it is also very popular in mainland China and Taiwan. The reason for its high popularity is very simple - it is "effective"! In addition, Kruba Apiwat is often invited by different masters in Northern Thailand to do the blessing ceremony together. He can be seen in many huge type of Phuttha Pisek ceremonies in Northern Thailand, which shows that his skill cannot be ignored.

缅甸紅药金苍蝇 (媚湾康),第二期,古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺庙 (佛历:二五六四年)。

*拥有原装庙盒。已经镶好带有粉红色宝石的防水定制纯银外壳。 佛历: 2564 第二期 根据古巴屈迈鸿所留下的法本、配方进行混合配比制作而成。其中的西潍柴(材料药物的名称)是一种极其罕见非常难以提炼的药。其中还包含了柠檬草油与一个年轻的女性7天的母乳,但其中的其他的材料十分神秘,这里不能说明,配置好后需要师傅进行一年的经咒加持,其功效可以提高人缘,增加财运、招揽客源,有助于交易与销售的顺利达成。 将此药放置在枕头下,可以达到夫妻锁心的功效,有助于提高夫妻感情,增强夫妻情趣。 媚湾康直译为“金苍蝇”顾名思义此法门能令其他人喜欢你、产生一种爱慕的感觉,像苍蝇般不断缠住你、令你更多选择,适用于男士或者女士,增强魅力及自信心,令人有倾慕之意,令你的伴侣更加挂念你,增强爱情运。能增强人际关系,亦可用于事业上,令你的客源像苍蝇一般多。 《 金苍蝇法门 》 此法门有个特别之处、如果你24小时随身佩戴此圣物能让你身边、能让 异性对你自己产生一股莫名其妙的好感、会让人想要接近你讨你喜欢,顾名思义就是让你给大堆苍蝇围绕,如果你已经有另一半的话也能发挥锁心定情功效让你另 一半不停的想念你更加迷恋你,说白了这个符管就是能快速增加你本身人缘异性缘但是,不是普通的效果! 如果你诚心佩戴不管你去到哪里都受欢迎、加强你的信心去到哪里都能展现你迷人的魅力,最后师傅说此符管佩戴越时间越久灵力越大,完全没有禁忌, 如果你想迷着另一半这样你交配时也佩戴着必定能让对方对你念念不忘,不管你从事什么职业都能佩戴,在现代这个社会上不管你做什么生意都需要人缘,除了异性缘了得之外,人缘也是非常非常明显! 泰北著名的古巴屈迈鸿.帕勇康法脉的传承人,更被称为现今泰国红药第一僧,师傅亦精通于泰曳族法门及缅甸法等等,其开光制作的圣物不但深受泰国人热爱,当中亦不缺一些大富豪,更甚在中国内地及台湾亦大受欢迎,有如此高的受欢迎程度,原因很简单-~就是「灵验」!另外,古巴阿匹瓦师傅亦常被泰北不同师傅邀请一同加持法会,在很多泰北大型的法会都会见到师傅的身影,可见其功力绝对不容忽视。 (Credit To The Owner)
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Phayant Pla Nang Kham (Gold Goddess of Fortune Riding a Fish Talisman), Kruba Teelaphot, Wat Non Dtai (B.E.2564).

Size : 23.5 cm (Height) × 31.5 cm (Width) Made : 40 pieces Serial Number : Lucky Number 7 The Yantra is all hand-written by Kruba Teelaphot. Wearing this Pla Nang Kham Talisman can quickly increase your fortune, there will be no food famine, and there will be no shortage of property. As long as you wear it on your body, you will be prosperous in any business and any job. Bigger and more profits; in any industry, you will become better than others, which will help the fair competition in the business, become the best in the industry and have a certain reputation. Besides this Pla Nang Kham Talisman is good for Prosperity, Peace, Protection. Charisma and luck; can make people respected, loved and popular. Speech will be increased whenever business approaches the user. 骑鱼黄金招财女神符布,由古巴缇啦波亲手绘画与开光加持,瓦弄戴寺庙 (佛历:二五六四年)。 尺寸 : 23.5 厘米 (高度) × 31.5 厘米 (宽度) 制作:40 张 编号:幸运 7 号 💯% 由古巴缇啦波亲手绘画与念经加持。 佩戴此 Pla Nang Kham 符布可以迅速提升财运,不会出现食物上的饥荒,财物上的短缺,只要佩戴在身做任何买卖、生意以及从事任何工作都会繁荣,从事见面和不见面的交易将获得更大更多的利润;从事任何行业都会变得比其他人更出色,有助于生意中的正当竞争,成为行业内的佼佼者和有一定的名气。 除此之外 Pla Nang Kham 符布有助于繁荣、安宁、保护。人缘魅力和幸运;可以让人受到尊敬、爱戴和欢迎。每当有业务接近使用者时会增加口才。

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Ahyong Tohsin Akkhi Ya That (Elemental Fire Bead), Phim Lek (Small Mould), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2565).

Made : 199 pieces

Size : 1.3cm (Length) x 1.1cm (Width) x 0.7cm (Height) *Come with original temple box. Kb Apiwat handwritten Yantra on behind. Stamped with one temple code. This is an Ahyong Tohsin Akkhi Ya That (Elemental Fire Bead) metal that has increased in price several times. When using the Elemental Fire Bead you should always be close to the body, you can see the best result of the effect. When the Elemental Fire Bead turned black, it is believed that it sucks out the toxins that remain in our body. The body often feels exhausted. Drink a lots of water. To continue to hang, do not rush to wash, or hurry to scrub. Because as long as the poison in us is not exhausted, it will continue to black like that. If you want the Elemental Fire Bead to always be bright and bright. It is best to keep it in a temple box. But it was not the purpose of making the most difficult Elemental Fire Bead at all.
Kruba Apiwat did it this time, it would be a long time before he was ready to do it. Or probably won't do it again. Doing this is to help people who want to use it. Because the original things that used to do have a much higher price. People who want to use it are difficult to find. If this round is over, it must depend on who's luck he/she have to seek for himself/herself. If someone who are wearing the Elemental Fire Bead daily. And it's completely black because the poison in his/her body probably has a lot of it as well. The elemental pellets are black as onyx... If someone's Elemental Fire Bead turned to be black don't be shocked. Shows that there is a lot of residual toxicity in the body, a lot of toxins accumulated in the liver, in the bile, in the lungs, in the tendons and in the blood.
1. Should always wearing this Elemental Fire Bead, contact with the body. Wear it when sleeping, it can repel and absorb poison. Remaining in the figure projected out make sleep well, wake up refreshed cheerful. Prevent Khun Saiphai Thanroi Matika later. 2. Prevent Bad Luck, Evil Ghost, Bad Stuff. All dangers are not allowed to invade us. 3. Balance the 4 elements in the body regularly (Na, Ma, Pa, Ta). Not easy to get sick. Illnesses do not occur in us. 4. Enhance your fortune have the power to support ascend. Let's carry it with us. Raise your destiny, so you don't fall, prop up the luck. Not to fall your great fortune. Wealth constantly, not starving, not difficult, not poor, trades well, has wealth, easy to save money when your destiny is up. This elemental fire will shine bright and gleaming in gold. When it's unlucky. This Elemental Fire Bead will dull and blackened. To be soaked in "Som Boi" to bathe and then should make merit and pluck up bad luck. You will always be young. 5. Wherever you go. Let the perfume be sprinkled on this Elemental Fire Bead and pray it as you wish. When worshiping this Elemental Fire Bead should always pay homage to the monks or chant the Lord Buddha Itipiso x3 times a day, it will be much better and better.
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Takrut Dok Mai Thong (Golden Lotus), white holy string, Roon "Prasobkarn Batch" Miracle Version, Luang Phor Poon, Wat Ban Pen, Ayutthaya Province (B.E.2533 - 2541).

Size : 7 cm

Takrut Dok Mai Thong is endowed 5 great ability other than protection; Maha Saney (ability to attract opposite sex), Maha Metta (ability of great loving kindness), Maha Niyom (ability of great popularity influence), Klaew Kard (ability to avoid dangers or misfortunes) and Ka Khai (ability to enhance business and selling).

This common piece of takrut is hand written by Luang Phor himself. It is a combination 3 copper takruts strung altogether. It can be worn in the pockets as it is or loosen up and tied around your waist.

This takrut is not only popular now or in recent but decades ago in Thailand. Still not many in Malaysia and Singapore have heard of it. It’s effectiveness in Maha Saney is very evident. One great advantage about this takrut is it has only one forbidden rule; Do not curse or swear especially at elders or parent. Unlike many takruts or amulets, one cannot purposely go under hanging clothes line or under hand of others, one mustn’t be involved with wife of others to name a few.

In order to reap it’s effectiveness, one must chant it’s heart mantra 9 times.

Katha Takrut Dok Mai Thong
Namo Tassa Bhagawato Arahato Sarm Ma Sarm Buddha Sa (x3)

Metta Khunang Arahang Metta (x9)

(*If one have cursed and swear at someone or elders or parent, it will lose it’s effectiveness but chanting the heart mantra again will reactivate it’s power.)
Luang Phor Poon of Wat Ban Pen.

Biography of Luang Phor Poon
Venerable Luang Phor Poon present age 81 years old at year 2012 (B.E.2555). He is the present 7th Chief Monk of Wat Ban Pen, Ayutthaya. Venerable LP Poon is also Amphur Sena Ayutthaya, a Buddhist’s Monk District Officer of Sena, Ayutthaya, Ven. LP supervise 37 Wat or temples in the district of Sena, Ayutthaya.

Luang Phor’s Buddhist name is Phra Kru Suwannsilanukoon but popularly known as LP Poon. He enters novicehood at age of 17 and subsequently at the age of 20 enters monkhood. He has been practising since then till present. He has learned under many great Teachers like Luang Phor Sawat, Luang Phor Mee of Wat ManVichai and Luang Phor Vik Boon Wat Kratongthong. He learn the art of making holy water from Luang Phor Pring. Luang Phor Poon received the knowledge and katha to make the ever famous Takrut Dok Mai Thong (Golden Lotus) from Luang Phor Sanan of Wat Saotongthong.

Though Luang Phor Poon has admitted himself that he is skillful and famous for making Takrut Dok Mai Thong only, yet many of his lay diciples have requested Venerable LP Poon to make other amulets. Now Venerable LP’s schedule is very tight because he is always invited to attend ‘pok sek’ or blessing amulet ceremonies both grand or small occasions.

(The Biography of Luang Phor Poon, Wat Ban Pen is from others blog. Just used for reference.)

龙婆判 - 屈班判 之 金花符管【奇迹版本】(佛历:二五三三年 至 二五四一年)。

尺寸 : 7 厘米




(有关金花符管灵验事迹,每人福缘不同 功效因人而异。)


之后女生的父亲感到奇怪,于是就找到当时大城府另一位圣僧寻求协助。这位圣僧就是 ~ 龙婆免,屈破局就。



如果最早的版本数量每一期只是九十多至百多支左右,所以在市场上是较为罕见的。但是如果计流行程度后期版本的纯金或纯银版本 在市场上也是相当受欢迎的。




金花符管主要功效 (庙方资讯)




金花符管咒就是 “咩打 冠能 阿那肯咩打”


1. 店铺篇 (促销)


这个是大家需要留意的 因为所有的用法也是头部向顶的

我们将金花符管放入水内之后 先念佛首经三次及金花符管咒三次


2. 餐厅篇 (建议大家注意卫生问题)


之后将符管底部放到水中划圈 每划一个圈就念一次金花符管的咒一次



*这个由庙方提供的资讯: 大家必须注意卫生为主要前题 *

3. 追还债务篇




之后拿起符管并念 “沉叻” X3



4. 求异性缘、贵人缘、生意篇


每日出门前先念佛首经三次 再念金花符管经咒9次

**请紧记佩带金花符管时 请尽量减少说坏话 (如咒骂、背后说人家坏话】

