Saturday, January 11, 2020

Phra Indra riding 3 Headed Elephant, Nur Thong Daeng (Copper), Luang Phi Erawan (A), Mulanithi Thammak Khosoon, Pathum Thani.

Phra Indra which is know as King Of Heaven & Devas or rather commonly known as the King Of Gods symbol the god of lighting, thunder, storms, rain & river flows. He is famously celebrated for his mightly power which can destroy the symbolic evil “Asura” who obstructs human prosperity & human happiness.

Weapons :
Phra Indra prefer choice of weapon is the lighting bolt which create thunder & lighting to destroy devils & restore peace to the devotees.

Protect against :
Another words he can destroy those people like bad stabbers or people who have evil thoughts on you. He has a special ability to sense dangers.

Effect & Enhances:
Lastly whoever worship Phra Indra will have incredibly great 6th sense or instincts to sense danger or any money making or fortune opportunities. And If you find yourself wealth or money is being obstruct or stuck all the more you should get a Phra Indra amulet to wear to clear the obstruction & obstacles.

Phra Indra 因陀罗大天神

Phra Indra来自天上大天守护神之群首 有如我们各国的首相之能力 ,Indra大天神 是管理着我们大家命运之轮的 得失之能力 善德之分 权力之争 力量不输于 四面佛 与 纳莱天神 与Shiva的能力力量,Indra代表着成功的到来 成功的代表 有大象骑兽有如事半功倍 万事得意 得心应手 ,在泰国古代 凡事谁 膜拜 或者佩戴此 守护天神的人 将拥有一切拥有着天下一般 万事俱备 一帆风顺 生意兴隆 贵人扶持等等 。
Luang Phi Erawan (A), Mulanithi Thammak Khosoon, Pathum Thani.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Phra Somdej behind with Phra Phrom & Rahu, Nur Phong Kesorn 108 (Lai Rasami), embed with 3pcs of Silver Takruts & Gemstones, Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin (B.E.2548).

*Bottom have a temple code.

*Lai Rasami = Radius Pattern

崇迪佛背后是大梵天~四面神与拉胡天神,108 花粉料,有三支银符管与宝石,昭坤奴因,Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin (B.E.2548).

Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin.