Saturday, August 27, 2022

RoopLor Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom), Nur Chanuan (Mixed Alloys Material), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2562).

Size : 2.1cm (Height) x 1.5cm (Width) *With Kb Apiwat handwritten Yant and a temple code. RoopLor Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom) The supreme goddess of Myanmar, it is said that she is the first prophet of the universe, knows everything in the universe, has a lofty position, and takes care of her duties ~ Buddha, the three celestial books in hand record the past, present and future of the Buddha. And her beauty made her loved by gods and even demons wherever she went. The effect of wearing RoopLor Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi is super good for popularity and wealth. Everyone loves you, and wealth is abundant, which opens the way for us. When encountering difficulties, they will solve some problems wisely. Finding good amulets that have been made using Burmese Wicha is difficult and often as expensive as this remarkable piece of Burmese Occultism from Kruba Apiwat. This is an exceptional item, especially once you know that he is part of the lineage of Kruba Wat Mai Hong, the legendary maker of the see pung made by a ghost. This has been made using the original Wicha from the Khru Surasatee lineage of Burma, where there is a specific blessing applied to a Mixed Alloys Material amulet over successive rituals to bring the attributes associated with the magic of this Burmese Nat - the greatest deity for good fortune and the intellect. She also can grant 5 different types of request 1 - To bring success for love and Metta 2 - For wealth 3 - Gives help with studying and intellectual pursuits 4 - She aids Samathi 5 - Granting wishes in general Amulets such as this need pure offerings, enjoying green bananas, unopened coconuts, pineapple as a fruit, sweet smelling flowers, scents, and a jar of honey on the altar. Praising Burmese items has a simple beauty that astounds. It is an exceptional piece of spiritual work that measures 1.5cm and has no khata, just wear and connect. Burmese Wicha Burmese magic and the way it is made has great mystery to it, which will be investigated over the coming years. The power they manage to instill into their herbal mixtures is legendary and of great demand. 素拉色提妈妈小金身 (智慧与幸运女神),”参暖"材质,古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺庙(佛历:二五六二年)。 尺寸:2.1厘米(高度)x 1.5厘米(宽度) ”参暖"材质中文翻译为混合铜版本。 *底部拥有古巴阿匹瓦亲手写经文和一个庙印。 【智慧女神 / 幸运女神】 缅甸至高的女神,传说她是宇宙第一先知,知晓宇宙一切,地位崇高,职责看管 ~ 佛陀,手上的三本天书记载着佛陀的过去现在未来。 而且她的美貌让她不管到哪里都受到天神甚至妖魔的爱护。 佩戴功效是人缘和财运超级棒,人见人爱, 财源广进, 为我们开路。 遇到困难时会有智慧的解决一些问题。 古巴阿匹瓦 苏拉萨迪女神(九天凤女)”参暖"材质 依缅甸法本制成在缅甸和Thai Yai族苏拉萨迪女神为法术和智慧的源泉,掌管人世间的一切。 苏拉萨迪的功效主要是成愿和增加智慧,凡是需要动脑的工作和学习均可以得到非常大的帮助,另外生意人佩戴可得到丰厚的利润,孕妇佩戴有特殊仪轨可庇佑腹中胎儿,可求子,得到美满幸福的感情和家庭。佩戴苏拉萨迪女神可获得幸运,顺利和平安,功效增加魅力,人缘,可助学业以及事业顺利,也可以帮助正感情姻缘。 在对于修法者来说萨拉萨迪也是法术的源泉,泰北及缅甸几乎所有师傅的法坛上都会供奉苏拉萨迪。总之佩戴苏拉萨迪真的相当好,给小孩子佩戴苏拉萨迪女神可增加小孩的智慧,庇护小孩健康成长。 苏拉萨迪功效十分全面,几乎可以说是无愿不成。佩戴苏拉萨迪有特殊仪轨,第一次佩戴前可在自己周几出生的那天供奉香蕉,椰子水,一根白蜡烛,供奉之后佩戴会更加灵验,以后许愿还愿也是这样的方式,还愿可增加贡品(鲜花或金银珠宝)。