Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Phra Khun Paen Yod Khun Phon, Nur Thong Chanuan Pasom, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2561).

Made : 227 pieces

General Khun Paen
Legendary Khun Paen lived between 1491-1529. He is the legendary Ayuthaya warrior living some 450 years ago. His name later became the name of a kind of votive tablets found at Wat Bangkrang, Suphanburi Province, about a century ago. Khun paen was born in Suphanburi Province (some 70 km. northwest of Bangkok) but grew up in the close bordered Kanchanaburi Province, where the world wide well-known "Bridge over River Kwai" situated.

He was a disciple of Archan Kong, a magic-expert guru monk, for magical studies. By his skillful fighting, he was appointed by the king to be Khun or a high ranking military officer.

His biography was far more extended and rather a story by poetic authors of the early Rattanakosin period.

According to some comments and reviews by the archans, monks and local Thai people, khun paen amulet generally is best for :

1) Able to naturally attract the opposite sex.

2) Get to be liked, trusted, respected and admired by everyone.

3) Get to develop indestructible confidence and courage.

4) Easiler to ask for favour and help.

5) Gain the "upper hand" in business or career.

6) Sucessful in everything that your do.

7) Great luck and great charm.

8) Victories in all aspects of lifes.

and much much more....