Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Lanna Northern Thailand Candle Blessing Ceremony (Monthly)

Tonight (Tuesday) October 12, 2021 candle ceremony for the month of October (Thien Kakawana Maha Setthi) Billionaire Candle Puja Ceremony lead by Kruba Apiwat has been fully blessed & completed.

Billionaire who got rich because of the giant ghost (Ruk Khor Deva) gave a jar cointaining gold as a reward.

May all the friends whose participate these candles ceremony be Happy, Longevity, Good Fortune, Successful as you wish for all of you throughout this year 2021 (B.E.2564).

May the Blessings of the Triple Gem always be with you. 🙏🙏🙏
Anyone who are interested can contact with me. I will share with you more details on the following month Candle Blessing Ceremony (personal details Name & D.O.B will be covered up prevent for public to view).