Thursday, October 21, 2021

Phra Bucha Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Roon Sao Ha, Wat Pa Phuttha MongKhoon (B.E.2563).

Size : 5 inches Lap

Putthapisek Ceremony on Saturday, March 28, B.E.2563 (Year : 2020) at 1 pm (5th day of the waxing moon of the 5th lunar month). Thais believed that this day will be the most Auspicious Day to held a ceremony. All the Theva and Gaeji Archan will be invited to come and blessed together.

Devotees and believers to join in worship and gain funds to contribute for the construction of Phuttha MongKhoon Pagoda that is still in progress. It is to build morale and encouragement for Buddhists when they are at home in the epidemic crisis.
Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun Pagoda work in progress (WIP).