Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Rian Phra Uphakut, Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Nawak Loha, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2545).

Made : 108 pieces

Phra Upakut was a Monk in the times of Maharaja Asoka the Indian king who first promoted Buddhism. In this time Buddhism was experiencing a lot of disarray and downfall because a lot of false people were entering Monkhood just to make money or eat free.

As a result the local people did not have much faith and were losing their faith in Buddhism. King Asoka (we call Asoka in Thai) was then calling upon the monks to do something - they had a committee meeting and it came about that some monks knew of a monk called Phra Upakut who was sat in the "belly button of the Ocean" (Sander Tale), meditating and entering Nirodha and Samaddti state of meditation (enlightened and free from suffering).It wold have been so difficult to find a monk whose practice and purity was higher than this one - so they decided to elect him to be the leader of the Sangha in order to save Buddhism.
2 kinds of worshipping reasons
One reason is that he is a subdue of Mara demons and thus protects you from danger. Second reason is that he is a keeper of purity precepts whilst sitting in the middle of the water - this means he will prevent you from having any heated feelings or things that cause you to be disturbed, angry frustrated or unhappy..all these things are "hot" feelings.. the water around this Buddha, and his purity will keep you and your household cool and peaceful instead of hot and bothered. No heated disturbances in the household and family.

Pra Upakut is severely revered also in Chiang Mai province and most amulets and statues of him will be made there. This is probably the Burmese influence too because in past times Burma was always overlapping into the province and even to this day you can see that the monks in North Thailand wear red robes like in Burma not yellow like in the rest of Thailand.
The reason he is called Bua Khem is because khem (needles ) was used to refer to the Buddha Arahant relics used to implant in this statue (in original large statues of him) where 9 needles or relics were inserted into his forehead (1) shoulders (2) hips (2) Hands (2) and Knees (2)

Worship Phra Upakut:
Healthy, happiness, calm, peace etc all what you wish for. Great for wealth in place of business.

Phra Upakut Katha:
Namo Tassa (X3)
Upakuto Ja Mahathero
Upakuttang Ja Mahatherang
Panthawero Panthanu Pawena
Imang Gaya Panthanang Atit Thami (X9)
致富佛陀 ~ 乌巴库尊者(水财神)





(译音)乌巴库佛陀在古代的泰国、 缅甸和柬埔寨都是众所皆知的招财佛陀。














 Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.
Luang Phor Koon, Wat Bahn Rai.
Luang Pu Perm, Wat Pom Kaew. 
Luang Pu Tim, Wat Phra Khao.
Luang Phor Uttama, Wat Wang Wiwekaram. 
Luang Ta Ma, Wat Tham Muang Na. 
Some pictures of the ceremony chanted and consecrated by gaeji archan of the era. Monks with pure magical arts such as Luang Phor Koon of Wat Bahn Rai, and Luang Phor Uttama of Wat Wang Wiwekaram, Kruba Into, Kruba Duangdee of Wat Tha Champi, Luang Pu Tim of Wat Phra Khao, Luang Pu Perm of Wat Pom Kaew, Luang Ta Ma of Wat Tham Muang Na and there are many others monks who have mercy on praying with this Rian Phra Upakut Roon Raek (1st batch) made by Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.