Sunday, July 26, 2020

Rian Arm Luang Pu Tim (Shield Shape), Police Batch, Nur Nawak with Silver Mask LongYa, Wat Phra Khao (B.E.2539).

Serial Number : 1423

龙浦tim为当今泰国著名的高僧,对于Dharma和Visha (超自然的法术)有极深的修为,关于大师所督造的佛牌也有无数的奇迹发生,虽然大师年事已高但仍然积极地参与其他庙宇的法会,可见大师为佛教的真诚付出。大师于1913年3 月出世在巴考区(啊哟塔亚省),大师的父亲名为prom,母亲名为Gim Chumchokdee,在家中6兄弟姐妹中排行第5,大师最早期在比库佛寺(wat pikul)(帮半区,啊哟塔亚区)出家为僧,剃度仪式由龙婆pui (wat kwid),龙婆刘。颇扣超佛寺(wat pohkobchao)及比库佛寺住持"龙婆留"共同主持。后来由于各人的原因龙浦tim向比库佛寺住持“龙婆留”还俗,并在1948年4月14日再次回来寺庙出家,当代大师“龙婆商“。楠涛佛寺(wat namtao)为龙浦tim再次出家的梯度师,大师在比库佛寺修行直到1949才移去巴考佛寺(wat pakao),而当时的巴考佛寺住持是“阿占ting“,期间大师非常认真研究佛学,直到1957年被授予佛教的最高水平证书,同时也在1955年被任命为巴考佛寺的住持。在1967年大师被提升为“区院长“,在1969年大师也被泰国皇帝授予证明书提升为“第三级帕古“,而在1977年更被提升为“第二级帕古“受封法号为“帕古商沃拉萨马拉季“,大师是一位善良慈悲的僧人所以人们对大师的迅速晋升并不感到奇怪。大师在职间为重新兴建巴考佛寺做出了许多的贡献,在1956年至1957年间兴建了9间僧人的宿舍,在1958年兴建了佛寺大殿,更换了巴考佛寺的所有瓦片与瓷砖,重新修饰巴考佛寺的墙壁 ,为寺庙周围建水泥和钢墙壁, 并且在佛寺前面建一间避雨亭,创建了一个火葬场,翻修佛教教育馆,创建了男女厕所和浴室,创建了桥梁以方便僧侣从宿舍往来佛教教育馆,还有等等数不尽的贡献,大师这种无私的付出,是值得我们尊敬与学习的!

LP Tim Wat Phra Khao, Ayutthaya province was born in 10 March 1913, B.E 2456. 

LP Tim's family has total 6 children as he himself being the 5th child. His parents works in farming industry. LP Tim's father passed away when he was very young. 
LP Tim studied in Wat Pikut since young till primary 4, he stopped schooling to help his mother in the farming work. During B.E 2477, he was forced to enrol into army as he has got a muscular build. Duty was to protect the King of Thailand as a bodyguard. He served the army for 1 year 3 months and got discharged from army during July B.E 2478.

After serving in army, LP Tim enter his monkshood at Wat Pikut for 1 year before he left his monkshood life to help out his mother to take care of the family. After which LP Tim got married and had his own family. During B.E 2484, LP Tim was summoned back to the Thai army for war against France. After France war, LP Tim volunteer to go to Myanmar for another war that lasted for 6 months named "Somkam-Indojing" commonly known as Indo-Chine War. LP Tim was proudly awarded a medal after that and he went back home after war. After 7 months he was called back to join in the World War 2 but retuned back home safely after World War 2 to help his mother. 

Having been through a lot of hardships, LP Tim always got memories back of his monkshood life. Just at this point of time, the place that he stayed has got infected with a serious Plague which causes many death because of no advance medication. LP Tim himself was infected as well, he prayed to Buddha and made a promise if he were to recover he would served the public and do good deeds for everyone. Miraculously, he recovered from the near death experience illness. Since than, LP Tim ordained at Wat Pikut on 10 April B.E 2491 for second time and went to Wat Phra Khao during B.E 2492.

LP Tim went to Wat Nam Tao to learn from LP Sang for 1 month and he became abbot of Wat Phra Khao on B.E 2498. Since B.E 2492 LP Tim went to take part in all kinds of tests and on B.E 2512 he had attained the highest level of studies a monk can achieved. 

LP Tim was an expert in concentration of mindfulness and he also studied vipassana meditation with LP Jong Wat Nantangnok and LP Sodh of Wat Paknam. 
LP Tim was very well known with his knowledge in Metta and Wicha Magic being one of the highest ranked monk in Thailand. 
Many believers asked for help as they believed that LP Tim has the power to improved their luck. There have been many reports of miracles and beneficial experiences related to LP Tim and his amulets as well.

LP Tim passed away on 22th March 2009 at the age of 96 years old.