Size: 2.5x3.5 cm. 1 set 9 pieces.
PhraSomdej 9 Pandin. The 9 reigns PhraSomdej
PhraSomdej 9 Pandin, powerful blessing 9 Buddha amulets. These famous 9 Buddha statue are symbols for the 9 Kings of Jakri dynasty.
1) The first time in history the temple bless/chant 9 powerful amulets regard the 9 King's temples of Rattanagosin era with allowance of 9 abbots from these temples.
2) Secretariat of the Cabinet invited the royal ceremonial symbols to be attached on the back side of the amulet.
3) PhraSomdej PhraYarnasunkworn Somdej PhraSunkararth, thailand leader of monk council lead the ceremony.
4) The Princess and The Prince lead the ceremony consecrated these 9 PhraSomdej.
B.E.2551 PhraSomdej 9 Pandin bless/chant from WatArun again, it was 10 years ago these sets were made. The temple change the image backside of the amulet with 8 symbols the yogi saw at the Buddha's foot print when he's born. This 8 auspicous signs bring great protection and prosperous fortune to the wearer.
Front frame, Wand, Conch shell, Jakra, Victory flag, Elephant hook, Ausapa Bull, Pot, Dhamajakra Wheel of fortune.
PhraSomdej 9 Pandin are made of the most rare holy materials.
PhraSomdej 9 Pandin made of 9 consecrated holy powder mixed together, this comprise Arrahung Sidthitungorn, Sirichai Kosok, Navamungklapibarn, Mahararth, Ittijay, Buddhakhun, Dhumakhun, Sunkakhun and Mahapitupatarn mongkon 38, to bring powerful blessing for example.
1) Arrahung Sidthitungorn holy powder, make a valor, successful in every work purpose, born of infinity treasure.
2) Sirichai Kosok holy powder, All words are respectful by people, success in any contact and nagotiation.
3) Navamungklapibarn holy powder. Protect from all directions, harm dangers or evils/darkness can't get through. Bring life to the blessing fortune, get through all obstacles, everyplace prayer go are full of happy and victory.
(The details about this amulet is from others website. Just used for reference.)
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