Thursday, December 28, 2023

Waen Phra Phut Si Laem (Square Buddha Ring), Nur Ngern (Silver), Luang Lung Dum, Wat Sakae, Ayutthaya (B.E.2556).

Size available : 59 (approximately diameter 1.8 cm) & 61
(approximately diameter 1.9 cm)

*Come with a pcs of original temple paper.

Luang Lung Dum (the direct lineage of LP Doo), Wat Sakae.

Made a ring in the shape of a Buddha. The ring's head is square, on the left and right are images of the apostles (Phra Mokkalla and Phra Sariputta). Luang Lung Dum prayed to the mind and then the silver rings from the temple are rented out for worship. This rectangular Buddha ring, B.E.2556, has a temple code have been punched in and there are three part of Yantra handwritten by Luang Lung Dum.