Thursday, December 28, 2023

Phra Phong Roop Muern Kruba Chaiya Patthaphi, Nur Phong Kesorn (Pollen Powder), Wat Doi Duang Kaew Sanphanyu, Chiang Rai (early batch).

*This amulet is the self image of Kruba Chaiya Patthaphi. Made by Pollen Powder inside contains with Kruba's holy hairs, old jeevorn (monk robe) and old holy powders. Behind stamped with temple code.

Kruba Chaiya of Wat Dong Rong Kaew is one of youngest great monk in Chang Mai province who is only 32 years old this year (B.E.2566). He was born in 15th March B.E.2534 was a novice monk who practice Buddhism and magical practice at the age of 13 under the guidance of Maha Supan, Abbot of Wat Hua Song and ordained as a monk at the age of 20. At the age of 16, while he was learning Buddhism and magical practice under Maha Supan, he managed to encounter a great guru who is Kruba Boon Chum. Maha Supan strongly recommended Kruba Chaiya to study under Kubra Boon Chum as he know that Kruba Chaiya has great talents. Kruba Boon Chum decided to take in Kruba Chaiya as his disciple and guided Kruba Chaiya in Meditation, Buddhism and magical practice. After studying under Kruba Boon Chum for 2 years, Kruba Chaiya was sent to another temple where that is another great monk resided in, which is Wat Nam Pew. The Abbot of Wat Nam Pew is Kruba Indra who is one of the well known monks who is top few monk in meditation and magic practice among the Northern Thailand. Kruba Indra was 101 year old when he first encountered and take in Kruba Chaiya as one of his disciples. Kruba Chaiya got his ordination name from Kruba Indra before Kruba Indra passed away at the age of 102. At the age of 20, Kruba Chaiya ordained as a monk under Maha Supan as his preceptor and was given the title of Phra Chaiya Pataphi. Due to many miracle incident happened that believers encountered from Kruba Chaiya, more and more believers started to seek blessing from Kruba Chaiya. During Be 2555, a rich merchant who is a believer of Kruba Chaiya brought a piece of land and invited 108 top monks from northern part of Thailand to built a temple for Kruba Chaiya to reside in. This temple was named Wat Dong Rong Kaew. -Incident I The parents of the monk will always kept their child's first hair that was shaven as a monk and kept in a transparent container to place it at the Altar. The mother of Kruba Chaiya discovered that Kruba Chaiya hair sticks together and crystallize stones can be seem around it. After this news spreads around, believers started to gather whether Kruba Chaiya shaving his hair to gather it and place his hair in a small bag to keep inside their wallets. Many believers encounter good feedback and this drew more and more believers to gather together. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 师父简介: 金孔雀王 - 古巴猜也年纪轻轻谨24岁就能当古巴 (要最少出身十年时间), 及已经成为Wat Don Rong Keaw 寺庙主持。 2534年 3月15日 因母亲出现车祸,怀孕七月就被迫出世。师父出世前一晚,师父母亲梦见了一只白孔雀在她头上飞过,并吐出了一颗发光的珠子,珠子从空中飞下,就隐没在母亲肚上。没想到第二天就出世了。出世后取名Pataphi,意为'大地的恩赐'。全名为Dechai Pataphi Intama。一年后其妹出世,名命为Kataling Intama。 师父4岁时,因父母忙于农业工作,于是把他寄养在外祖父家,原来外祖父夫一位有名望的法师,如是者,Chaiya小时间已经熟读很多经文了。七岁已经认识基本法术,较特别的是防降补运的蜡烛法门。蜡烛法门是北暹的绝学,可助其所求的愿。 Chaiya 10岁时,已经主动想出家,但父母不允许,Chaiya就长跪不起,而经一轮交涉下,只要Chaiya完成小学毕业就可以出家了。 13岁毕业那年,Wat Hua Song主持邀请Chiaya到其庙出家。 2547年4月18日正式为沙弥,法号为'Samanean Pataphi'。 16岁那年,经过Wat Hua Keat巧遇泰北名师古巴汶春/Kruba Boon Chum。古巴汶春跟古巴猜也谈了一会儿,便说: 这位沙弥将会是我们佛教之宝。为我们佛门带来灿烂光辉的发展。其后古巴猜也跟着古巴汶春学了一段时间。 17岁那年,Chaiya在Wat Paway闭关五日五夜,轰动了整个清莱府。随后有善信向他讨马票贴士,结果开了头奖,此事一传十,十传百,师父个朵极速向起。 18岁那年,师父转去Doi Sekeat山上。山上有庙Wat Nan Pew。百岁僧一代禅师Kruba Intra教古巴猜也禅定。 20岁时法名Phra Chaiya Pataphi。 与古巴猜也亦师亦友的长辈 - 古巴阿里雅察 赐他法名: Chay Ratana Cito Phisu。信徒惯称师父为古巴猜也/ 古巴尼。而师父的头发非常有名,因母亲帮剃头发,不久后会生出结晶。 古巴猜也 Kruba Chaiya Pataphi 搵不到渠地既合照, 粗粗地起书到影出黎先 sosad 其后师父再一次入关禅定。名为Nilot,是禅定最高法门之一。是Kruba Srivichai原创,后传给古巴欣达,古巴欣达再傅给古巴猜也。相传是通往阿罗汉之途。不知过了第几天,禅定中见到一位仙翁,交给师父孔雀经文。自此师父开始铸造自身佛牌,另将孔雀牌发阳光大。信徒称师父为金孔雀王(Kruba Nok Thong)2555年5月5日,有位富商买了地捐给古巴猜也, 师父邀请了泰北108位高僧前来加持奠基仪式。取名为Wat Don Rong Keaw 。 因为了筹备起庙经费,曼谷的佛牌界都捐出收藏多了的旧牌,其中有2497龙婆托,百年前的阿赞多,龙婆添,龙婆多,龙婆炎等等,师父将其混合成'圣灵之粉'。可惜的是,香港冇咩人识,直到有书介绍才多人了解。 古巴猜也虽然年纪轻轻,但己经吸引了许多善信跟随。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The amulet images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the amulet. **