Thursday, October 5, 2017

Phra Pikanet, Lor Boran, Nur Lohak Pasom, Luang Phor Pong, Wat Jaeng, Phatthalung (B.E.2556).

Made : 400 pieces
This is the first batch of Phra Pikanet made by Phor Than Pong in B.E.2556 and only 400 pcs were made. Made by old traditional Lor Boran/ pour mould method in the temple. Hard to come across nowadays. This is made in accordance to the design of Archan Yied, Wat Donsala. 

 Phor Than Pong was given the rank of Phra Kru Sit Thi Karn So Phon (Pramaha Phong Thanudhammo). He was born on 4 January B.E.2475. His father name is Hoy and Mother name is Phoon. He was given name Pong Aksornthong. He was ordained on 28 December B.E.2492 at Wat Jaeng with Luang Phor Chen, Wat Tha Miram as his preceptor. He graduated in Buddhist Theology 4th Level. His master is Luang Phor Noo, Wat Jaeng who was a close disciple of Luang Phor Dit, Wat Pak Sak (creator of the most expensive Sangkajai). 

Phor Than Pong is also the master of Archan Wutai, Wat Vihansoong. Luang Phor Pong is a very good Metta monk. He follow strict rules and morals to be pure in the mind. As such, many people respect him. His Lor Boran (pour mould) amulets were made by LP Paen, Wat Jaeng who is his disciple. His amulets have a lot of experience with gun shot and wearer going unharmed. Luang Phor Pong is currently 84 years old passing 67 pansa.

(Information about PT Pong is from others website. Just used as reference.)
Phor Than Pong, Wat Jaeng, Phatthalung.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.