Saturday, January 27, 2024

One-eyed coconut shell carved Phra Rahu (early batch), Kruba Phan Saen, Wat Pa Charoen Tham, Chiang Mai (B.E.2564).

No . : 11 Made : 108 pieces Size : 5.8 cm (Height) x 4.5 cm (Width) Come with two different design. Crated from Single-eyed coconut shell, painted with a layer of red paint in front and then stick with 24K Real Gold Leafs. Later with Kb Phan Saen and temple monks handwritten special Rahu Yantra & individual serial number on each piece. Chanted and consecrated on 10th June 2021 (B.E.2564) Suriya Khras (Solar Eclipse). **Encased with waterproof custom made Silver Casing inlaid with red gemstones. Come with original temple paper with temple ink stamp. Every piece come with individual serial number. Effect : Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck. (好运,增人缘,防小人,避事非,增强事业运) 古巴潘贤 所制造的单眼椰雕刻拉胡天神 能吃尽人们的一却霉运和晦气,因为人的一生,运势有三衰六旺,有起有落。运势起时,福星高照;运势落时灾星挡道。因此,一般佛教徒都相信:如果在行霉运,运气不佳时,佩戴“拉胡天神”,能把人之霉运和灾星吃掉,化死为活,改变运程。 还有些泰国信众,长年都佩戴著“拉胡天神”,是希望霉运永远不要到我身边来,灾星和晦气远离我! 1. 拉胡天神的功效和作用主要是用来克制小人,改运程避小人遇贵人。 2. 拉胡天神的功效和作用还能保护家宅安宁,镇压家中煞气,排除小人及不利风水影响。 3. 只要供奉拉胡天神,就能得到拉胡天神的护佑和福泽降临。因此拉胡天神的功效和作用还有破除风水煞气,遮止日月年令等凶曜煞神,遣除违缘。 4. 因拉胡天神嫉恶如仇,佛像口咬月亮便是拉胡天神憎恨月亮女神污蔑自己的象征,拉胡天神的功效和作用可以除去身边的一切恶人。 5. 拉胡天神佛牌还可以为主人提升运势避开是非,破流年受阻运气,增添后天运程,从而得心应手,在泰国,拉胡天神佛牌据说还可以为人挡灾挡险,阻挡邪术鬼灵的侵害。
Chanted and consecrated on 10th June 2021 (B.E.2564) Suriya Khras (Solar Eclipse).

Part 1
Part 2