Friday, October 28, 2022

Maha Deva Osot, Yaa Khun Duern Khun Wan (a Billionaire Medicine), created according to the original textbook Kruba Wat Mai Hung by Kruba Apiwat of Wat Thung Pong (early batch).

Size : 2.6 cm Beautiful condition, very rare. *Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing inlaid with Pink Gemstones. Built out of respect for the two great gods. It is Suriyathep and Chandrathep who is like the left and right eyes of the world. According to ancient texts. Respecting the sun and the moon as the eyes of the world. The sun is great in the daytime. The moon is big at night. Therefore created this Medicine Amulet to carry implying to be great day and night. Both asleep and awake. The power that the textbook says when tattoo-carry-use. This medicine amulet will be intimidating. And is a great mercy (Metta). The people looked at you with a beautiful face. Like we look at the moon on a full moon night. The enemy looks at us as if looking at the sun, trembling in our majesty. ++ Peacock image instead of Phra Suriyathep. The image of the Rabbit represents the moon ~ Phra Chandrathep. ++ Effect : Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract good opportunity to you. 【昆端昆仑法药】 Kruba Wichaiya Siriwitchaiyo (Kruba Mai Hung) 教科书上的第三位亿万富翁的守卫,由古巴阿匹瓦,瓦通碰寺庙的原版教科书制造而成 (早期)。 尺寸:2.6 厘米 这枚佛牌品相保存完好,非常稀有。 **已经镶好带有粉红色宝石的防水定制纯银外壳,即可使用。** .......这种法药本身拥有力量。夜间照顾世界的 “Chantra Thep” 传达幸福、和平、安宁,而白天照顾世界的 “Phra Suriya Thep”。随着太阳的热量到达 Tabadecha,幸运的力量。据称教科书所说的当信徒纹这种法药时,身边的人都会感到害怕。 .....今天就以这两种力量在【昆端昆仑法药】中充电。佩戴着两位大神会给佩戴者带来幸福、和平、财富、力量、好运、latbadecha。这枚佛牌有两个面,一个面是兔子,意味着月亮。另一边是孔雀,意味着太阳。如果孔雀被拒之门外,那将是一个超级大国。如果兔子被拒之门外,那将是一种仁慈的魅力。 【昆端昆仑法药】就像父母一样保护着我们,父亲像右肩的太阳,母亲像左肩的月亮。 这是用来统治群众的能量。 功效:提升好运,摆脱厄运,防止小人,转移负能量,做每一样事情都会成功完成,吸引好机会给佩戴者。