*Comes with original temple box.
Chai Sing Yeay (Cai-Shen-Ye ~ The God of Wealth & Fortune) presides over a vast bureaucracy with many minor deities under his authority. A majestic figure robed in exquisite silks often he is pictured a golden yuanbao is always close to him. Chai Sing Yeay is worshipped by the Taoists and is believed to bring good fortune to those who invite him into their homes. Chai Sing Yeay is a common sight during Chinese New Year and is received by many Chinese homes to bring windfall luck and prosperity into the household.Chai Sing Yeay amulet here is depicted holding a large gold ingot with Jade Ruyi. Symbolizing his offering of riches and fortune. Ruyi literally means, “as you wish” in Chinese. The shape of a scepter is said to carry religious significance as a reminder of a lotus, the sacred flower in Buddhism. Some other scholars attribute its origin to the backscratcher in ancient China. Having an image of Chai Sing Yeay at home or business premise or wearing an Chai Sing Yeay amulet draws on his power to attract his blessings of wealth and money luck.八方形财神爷牌,铜材质镀金上五色,清迈修德善堂 (佛历: 2559年 / 年份 : 2016 年)。 *配有原装寺庙盒。 万事如意,招财进宝。八方财宝进门庭,四面贵人相照应。 八方形财神爷牌,这款财神爷牌是招财与富裕非常好的圣物。牌的前面是财神爷,左手拿着金元宝,右手提着玉如意,背后拥有八卦镜。 财神爷能够提升运势招八方贵人招生意招钱财非常很棒,后面就有一颗大元宝,将金银财宝都招来。佩带者每天都会发生强劲的吸财力量,佩带后不再为钱财担忧烦恼,生意滚滚,一本万利,生活无忧,也被誉为泰国现今最招财的圣物,居于第一位的吸财法宝。 此财神爷牌也适合正偏横财、成愿升运、转运避险、避免破财、有时还可以拥有意想不到中彩票的收获。![]() |
Chai Sing Yeay (Cai-Shen-Ye ~ The God of Wealth & Fortune) |
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