Monday, March 16, 2020

Phra Pidta Yant Yung, Nur Thong Daeng (Copper), Phor Than Khai (Luang Phor Khai Wachasit), Wat Lam Nao, Nakhon Si Thammarat (B.E.2546).

(Front & Back view)
(Side view ~ Left & Right)
(Top & Bottom view)
Effect : Very effectiveness in Kongkrapan(Body Protection) or so call invincible to sharp objects and bullets, Maha Utt (Arms Protection), Maha Mitt (Protect the owner from head to toe), Great for protection and avoid of danger, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Harmproof and bring good fortune especially business and authority.
Biography of LP Khai: 

LP Khai was born in 1913. LP was a novice since 15 years old. Next, LP was an ordained at the age of 20 at Wat Chai Chumpl, Amphur ThungSong, Nakorn Si Thammarat province. While LP was an ordained, he was studied Buddha‘s teaching strictly. LP studied a meditation and magical knowledge with many guru monks, until he was expertise in magical knowledge. Next, LP was stayed in the Buddhist at Wat Thun Sran, Wat Wang Kree and Wat Thung Kwai. Later, he was an abbot at Wat Lam Nao since 1959. LP Khai always is in morals. LP always done a mode of Buddhist meditation and pray Chinnabanchon mantra daily. He is suitable being pure monk of south people. LP will meet with visitor only 1-2 times per day. Most visitor sees him because ask for blessing from him. People believe that his blessing is very holy blessing. It can be according blessing.

Phor Than Khai (Luang Phor Khai Wachasit), Wat Lam Nao, Nakhon Si Thammarat.