Thursday, June 6, 2019

Handcrafted Raja Kayu Phra Pidta (帝王木帕必达掩面佛), with one takrut, Chao Khun Onn, Wat PhraChum Cholthara, Sungai Padi, Narathiwat (B.E.2553).

Embed with one takrut in the bottom of the amulet. Come with temple box.

The Raja Kayu or King of all woods, command its majestic power in the deep interior jungle of South East Asia. This Pidta is carved from the center of Raja Kayu ~ King of Wood trunk where the most strong aura is located. Finally blessed and chanted by Chao Khun Onn.

Effect: Ward off negative and dark energies, Counter black magic, Possess positive energy and expel negative forces, Attract majestic luck in things we do, Attract business, fortune and happiness, Instill confidence and courage, Bring Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Improve your luck and fortune.

功能 : 出入平安,助事业上发展,贵人扶助,小人远离,避邪挡危险,逢凶化吉。

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.