Friday, February 26, 2021
Phaen Pump Ajarn Nong, Roon Sang Viharn, Nur Thong Daeng (Copper), Wat Sai Khao, Pattani (B.E.2538).
*Come with temple box.阿占农(Archan Nong)出生于佛历2462年,师傅于佛历2542年圆寂享年80岁. 阿占农师傅年轻时就与瓦苍海(Wat ChangHai)的阿占添(Archan Tim)师傅共同修行习法, 并与阿占添一起行脚收罗制作泰国第一期的龙婆托B.E 2497的材料. 随阿占添于佛历2512年圆寂后阿占农大师就回到瓦賽考. 而在阿占添在生时非常推崇阿占农师傅的Tarkut 那萊班路(NaraipengRoop).
此外阿占农师傅所制作的龙婆托牌灵验度也不亚于阿占添师傅. 当年阿占农师傅也积极参与瓦苍海寺(Wat ChangHai)于佛历2497年所制作的第一批龙婆托佛牌的制作与加持.
而在制作瓦沧海第一批的龙婆托佛牌之前的10余年间,阿占农更与阿占添师傅结伴寻遍泰国找寻适合制作龙婆托佛牌的圣土花粉材料, 对于一位参与者及制作龙婆托牌的先锋,阿占农师傅对于制作龙婆托的程序及法门有相当深层的了解.
此外阿占农师傅所制作的龙婆托牌灵验度也不亚于阿占添师傅. 当年阿占农师傅也积极参与瓦苍海寺(Wat ChangHai)于佛历2497年所制作的第一批龙婆托佛牌的制作与加持.
而在制作瓦沧海第一批的龙婆托佛牌之前的10余年间,阿占农更与阿占添师傅结伴寻遍泰国找寻适合制作龙婆托佛牌的圣土花粉材料, 对于一位参与者及制作龙婆托牌的先锋,阿占农师傅对于制作龙婆托的程序及法门有相当深层的了解.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Rian Sema Rahu OmChan, Roon ThepAmarit, Nur Fabart LongYa Blue, Wat Srisathong, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.2560).
No. : 2049
*Come with temple box.
*Come with temple box.
Effect : Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck.
Wat Srisathong
The temple builded in B.E.2358 Rattanagosin era in the reign of King Rama 1st. Wat Srisathong is the original of Phra Rahu amulet and ceremony in Thailand, founded by Luang Phor Noi an abbot of Wat Srisathong at this temple. Rahu is the giant god who eaten the sun and moon, in Thailand people worship Phra Rahu for strong success in wealth luck fortune and protection. These are the best of Phra Rahu amulets from Thailand, all the batch create follow the same way Luang Phor Noi made since the first batch. (Wat=Temple, Srisa=Head, Thong=Gold)
In those days the area that Srisathong Temple stands now was dry and deserted because it was far away from the river. This area was in Huaytako Sub-District. Later Laotians from Vientiane immigrated to live near the river where is called "Klong Koowieng Temple" in present. Some of the Laotians lived in Baan Kluay and the others lived in area where Srisathong Sub-District stands now. They deforested and cleared the land for plantation. They grew rice and vaious kinds of vegetables. Their families and population increased so it became a village.
The villagers had plentiful life and then contributed their money to construct a temple for their village. During the construction, they found the Buddha's golden head under the ground. It was considered as the auspicious sign. As the result of this, the villagers named the temple "Huathong Temple" (Golden Head Temple).
Luang Phor Tai, a Laotian monk from Vientiane, became the first abbot of the temple. Huathong Temple was developed to be bigger then it used to be. There have been six abbots descended up to now. In the period of Luang Phor Noi Nawarat, he made both of the temple and the village so glorious.
Later King Rama IV ordered to dig a canal from the Nakhon Chaisri River to Phra Pathong Chedi, called "Klong Chedu Bucha" for more convenient transportion to pay homage to Phra Pathom Chedi. This canal lined past the southern part of the village and Huathong Temple. As the result of this, many people moved to settle down near the canal for convenience. Huathong Temple was also moved to locate near Klong Chedi Bucha. Then Luang Phor Noi changed its name into "Srisathong Temple". Besides, the government has promoted the village to be Srisathong Sub-district so far.
Phra Rahu
Phra Rahu is the famous auspicous amulet of Srisathong Temple. Phra Rahu is a mythological giant god who is supposed to cause elipses by taking the moon or the sun in his mouth. He is a kind of giant in Thai myth. The legend is that Phra Rahu was an immortal giant because he drank some holy nectar. The temple created Phra Rahu amulet not only - taking the moon in his mouth - but also taking the sun in his mouth.
The legend of creation of Phra Rahu is that Phra Rahu was created by the two hermits. One of them was penance in the cave on Nantakhate Mountain. Both ot them created magical drawing and magic words in order to sanctify Phra Rahu amulet. One hermit created magical drawing and magic words of Suriyabuppa (eclipse of the sun period) to sanctify Phra Rahu which taking the sun in his mouth. The other hermit created magical drawing and magic words of Chandrabuppa (eclipse of the moon period) to sanctify Phra Rahu which taking the moon in his mouth. The two hermits made those things because they had foresight to know that humans will face with danger and grieves in the future. The auspicious amulet, Phra Rarhu could help people free from those ones.
To sanctify Phra Rahu amulet, it must be made 8 periods for being holy and effective. Phra Rahu amulets are made of one eyes coconut shells which are rarely found out. In general, the coconut shell has got three holes on the top, one of them is a hole for sprout and the other two are its eyes. But the one eyed coconut shell has got one hole for sprout and has got an only eye. This special kind of coconut shell is considered as the mighty amulet object by itself. Although it is not sanctified, it stil has supernatural power. The one eyed coconut shell has many magic qualifications as follow :
1) It can used as a bowl to measure rice for cooking. If you run a business, you will get more possessions. If you are a farmer, you will get good farm crops. And if you are an official, you will get the highest rank of all.
2) It can be used as an amulet because it has got holy power by itself. If it is sanctified, it will have more supernatural power.
3) It is used to prevent you from the mischief, sourcery and evil spirits.
4) If you have one and you always pay homage to it, you wil obtain a lot of properties and money will come in continuously.
5) The ancient quack used it as a tool to cut out the corneal opacity.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
(一) 佩戴佛牌时不能上厕所? 有些人觉得厕所有污秽之气, 所以就算在外头要上厕所解脱前都会把佛牌留在厕所外的某角落, 但是,恐怕这佛牌在你大小解完走出来时早已自身难保,不翼而飞了。其实上厕所乃人之常情, 并没有所谓的污秽不洁。试想想以前佛祖未成佛时,到处传法不也都需要每天上厕所吗?再说,当今又有哪位高僧和尚可以炼到不用上厕所呢? 所以, 只要我们持着正信的心态而不以怀疑之心去佩戴佛牌,就可放心不用避忌把佛牌带进厕所。只要我们心里有佛, 他就会永远伴随着您保佑着您。如果还是觉得不自在,只要在上厕所时把佛牌往背后放,眼不见为净就可以了。
(二) 佩戴佛牌时不能进入产房或停尸间? 佩戴佛牌不可进产房是由华人的道教信徒那里演变成的。因为从前泰国佛牌根本不普遍,人们一有病痛或不适就会去神庙求灵符等,而根据道教风俗,一切灵符等都避忌进入产房及停尸间,因为他们认为这两个地方充满血腥味与不洁之气,不吉利,带灵符进入恐有不祥的事件降临,所以信徒们都不敢贸然犯之。 但是,在泰国的小乘教义里常提到世事无常, “生老病死”乃每个人的必经之道, 要以平常心来看待。 “佛陀”在世时以慈悲宽怀的法门来渡化世人, 如今融入佛牌的形象供众生佩戴以志纪念“佛陀” 的精神传至永久不渝。信徒佩戴佛牌就是希望能够保佑出入平安、辟邪等。 如果佩戴佛牌时这里不可以去,那里也不可以去,那信徒们还戴来作何用呢?尤其医院、产房及停尸间,更充满了无数的灵体,信徒们如果一不小心可能会和这些灵体冲撞,导致行衰运,所以信徒佩戴佛牌就是要时时刻刻地受到保护,只要佩戴者“心正不疑” ,佛牌的圣灵力量一定伴随左右。
(三) 佩戴佛牌时不能走在晾衣架下方? 这也是牵涉到观念问题。人们把洗过的衣服、裤子及内衣裤等悬挂在晾衣架或铁线上晾晒,而其中包括华人最忌讳的女性衣物。因女性每月都会有“月经” 来潮, 所以其衣物都被认为是染有“血腥” 的污物,所以觉得吊在半空中的衣物会冲犯到佛牌, 使佛牌失去灵力与感应。 可是, 现今科技发达, 到处都建满高楼大厦,当我们经过公寓时,或会不经意地走进后面住户晒衣的地方,发现后就应赶快走出来,但是若已被晾衣架跨过,便立刻向佩戴的佛牌默念刚才是不小心走过的,不知者不罪, 我们便会宽心一点。如早已看见晾衣架及铁线之类时还特地走过去被跨过就不对, 因为佩戴佛牌就是要心正,佛牌是不会因被晾衣架跨过而失去灵力的。
(四) 吃的禁忌 泰国的僧侣每天早上都会出庙托钵化缘。因僧侣不可拒绝信徒所供养的食物,而小乘佛教的僧侣又是荤素皆食的, 所以托钵得来的食物会有鸡肉、猪肉、牛肉及羊肉等,都用胶袋包着,如僧侣自己不吃就拿出来供给其他僧侣吃。所以,泰国僧侣当中也有喜欢吃牛肉的。 但是东南亚各地信奉“道教”或信奉观世音菩萨的华人都不食牛肉的,因为传说两千年前, “佛教”源自印度, 而当时印度教的教义信念是把牛都当着圣牛来奉养,而且牛会帮助人们耕作田地,对农耕社会贡献不少。所以人们以不吃牛肉是表示对观世音菩萨的敬重及慈悲为怀的观念,逐使现在许多佩戴佛牌的信徒也跟风而不吃牛肉。善哉!善哉! 还有, 有些信徒说杨桃是佛祖的心,不可吃,怕冒犯佛祖,其实这并不属实。一些泰国信徒不吃杨桃是因为身上纹身的禁忌, 或者有些懂法术之人也不吃杨桃或某瓜类的,那是因为师父交代下来不可以吃, 以防洗掉法术与灵力,所以普通人若没学什么法术之类的东西,是不必避忌杨桃或其它瓜类。
(五) 佩戴佛牌持什么咒? 早上出门前,把佛牌往额头上轻放,然后心中默念奉请咒, 希望他们保佑信徒当天出门遇贵人,生意旺财,让信徒们诚心祈愿。当持完经咒后才往劲上一戴,就会充满信心去面对新的一天。如下: 经咒 Namotasa Bagawato Ahrahato Samma samputatsa 纳摩达萨巴卡哇多阿拉哈多萨玛萨莆达萨(3次)
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Pae Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Thong Daeng (Copper Material), Luang Phor Sin, Wat Lahanyai, Rayong Province (B.E.2555).
- Stamped with temple codes and serial number.
- Bottom inserted with LP Tim's left over Phong Prai Guman, Jeevorn (monk robe) and a small pcs of Ploy (Gemstone). Unworn condition, come with new waterproof plastic casing. The body of the Pae handcrafted with scared Yant by Luang Phor Sin himself. This efficacious Kreung Rang Charming Pae is extremely great charisma & attract opposite sex (Metta Maha Niyom & Metta Maha Saney) as the male Goat will always be accompanied by female goat. Pae is known as a tough and strong animal which ward off harm (Kaew Klaad) & Khakai (Business, Sales & Trading). LP Sin is under the lineage of LP Aum, LP Lat Wat Bangkaprok and LP Tim Wat Lahanrai. *LP Aum is the No.1 Pae maker of Rayong Province.![]() |
Luang Phor Sin of Wat Lahanyai. |
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Phra Chao Setti Plew Plong Fa (财富烟筒佛), Nur Chanuan, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2561).
No. : 636
*Come with temple box.
It spend 3 years to collect all the great, rare and auspicious materials for the creation of this Millionaire Buddha. Each amulet has different colour or texture. The Tai Yai (Shan) people respect and believe that if anyone has possesion and worship Phra Chao Setti Plew Plong Fa will only find success in everything that he/she do, unexpected money or wealth coming in, become a rich.
The word Plong Fa is that Buddha image has a characteristic under the base of the buddha actually is empty and with a small tiny hole on the top of the Buddha head. When someone who facing difficulty or loss himself (no direction what to do). For those who are faithful or in trust with Phra Chao Setti Plew Plong Fa try to make a wish and see through from the bottom of the Buddha it has a small light which guide us or give us signal what to do. Brighten us up!
Phra Chao Setti Plew Plong Fa also good for Khakai (Good Business & Great Sales) & Chokh Larp (Good Fortune & Boost Up the wearer Luck).
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.
The word Plong Fa is that Buddha image has a characteristic under the base of the buddha actually is empty and with a small tiny hole on the top of the Buddha head. When someone who facing difficulty or loss himself (no direction what to do). For those who are faithful or in trust with Phra Chao Setti Plew Plong Fa try to make a wish and see through from the bottom of the Buddha it has a small light which guide us or give us signal what to do. Brighten us up!
Phra Chao Setti Plew Plong Fa also good for Khakai (Good Business & Great Sales) & Chokh Larp (Good Fortune & Boost Up the wearer Luck).
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Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong. |
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Luk Sagot Maha Utt (马哈乌法胆), Nur Thong Leung (Brass Material)), Luang Phor Unn, Wat Tanggong, Phetchaburi Province (B.E.2550).
Size : 2.5 cm
*Great for evading danger, Metta, Authority & Maha Utt purpose, which means great protection.
*Come with 2nd place competition certificate.
Maha Utt 经文意思是刀枪不入,权威,人缘和避险。
Luang Phor Unn was born on Friday 9 March of B.E. 2459 at Ban Nong Hin Tuang, Tumbon Mab Pla Khao, Amphor Tha Yang, Petchburi province. In childhood, LP studied at Wat Sai Kan and went from school to help LP’s parents in agricultural field. Besides, when LP was 20 years, LP ordained on 21 July B.E. 2479 at Wat Tanggong and after that LP had studied with LP Phiew that was the beginning of Phutthakom study. Beginning with looking after of LP Phiew and teaching LP for Phutthaakom. Next Phansa, LP Unn has pray LP Thong Suk of Wat Tanode Luang to be LP Suk’s student in Kasin subject until fluently in 10 of Kasin and besides LP has studied Phong Metta .
For studying, LP Unn must walk from Wat Tanggong to Wat Tanode Luang each time has to stay for 15 days and must go to the forest with LP Thong Suk. Later, LP had met LP Jan, Wat Malurkathaiyawan who was the relatives of LP Thongsuk by teaching Sakod Chatri subject for LP Unn. LP Unn passed away in 31 October C.E.2010.
Many people have related special occurrences whilst wearing amulets consecrated by Luang Phor Unn. Amongst the most widely reported experiences are successful business dealings and improvement in inter-personal relationships. One of the most famous incidences related to a man who was robbed and shot with a revolver. All the ammunition pierced his outer garments but none penetrated his body. He was wearing an amulet by Luang Phor Unn at the time to which he attributed his lucky escape.
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Luang Phor Unn of Wat Tanggong. |
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Rian Sema Luang Pu Thuad (龙普托), Nur Ngern LongYa Si Nam Ngern (Matt Silver with Blue Colour Enamel), Sang Ayu 94-Pi (Made on 94 years old), Luang Phor Win (北海圣僧龍普运), Wat Phothichareantham, Sungai Puyu, Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia (B.E.2548).
Serial Number : 273
Luang Pu Thuad amulets are well know to protect the wearer from danger, evil spirits and accidents. Many people believe that amulets created in Luang Pu Thuad image hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believers from seemingly fatal automobile accidents. 龙普托佛牌在泰国已经是公认为很好的保护佩戴者免受危险,恶灵和意外的伤害。许多人认为当佩戴龙普托佛牌在车当遇险时具有极大的保护力量,尤其是在看似致命的车祸中拯救了信徒们的生命。![]() |
Luang Phor Win of Wat Phothichareantham. |
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Phra Somdej, Brown Colour Texture, Phor Than Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani.
Phor Than Keow is a famous geji archan (monk) of the Southern Thailand. The effectiveness of the amulets that consecrated by PT Keow mostly great for mercy, great popularity, good fortune, attractiveness and safety.
Thai People believe that Phra Somdej amulet is best for strong protection and give the wearer Smooth sailing in life, Good business luck, Wealth fetching, Overcome all obstacles in life, Good in Business, Protection from harm and danger, Protection from evil spirit and Increase your personal good luck.
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Phor Than Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani. |
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Luang Pu Thuad, Nur Wahn, Phor Than Wok, Wat Thepnimit, Pattani (B.E.2561-62).
Behind with fragment of Petnatang. Pet-na-tang = Pyrite, believed to have power of protection of all danger and warding off poisonous animals, bad omens, spells.
Made : 300 pcs
*Come with temple box.
BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).
In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.
*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.
龙普托,采用一百零八种药草制造,婆谈窝,瓦铁泥密寺庙,北大年(佛历:二五六一 ~ 六二年)
佛牌背后有塞入 Petnatang 的碎片。 Pet-na-tang = 黄铁矿,据信具有保护所有危险的能力,并且可以防止有毒动物,不好预兆,法术。
In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.
*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.
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Luang Pu Thuad 龙普托 |
最佳功效:Kongkraphan(帮助您不受所有武器攻击),Maha-Utt(阻止枪支向您射击),Kaew Klaad Plodpai(帮助使您远离所有危险),Metta Maha Niyom(使您周围的人爱您) ,并对您好一点)和Maha Larp(带来幸运的财富)。
在泰国,Luang Pu Thuad护身符被认为是“ Phra Nirantarai”,这意味着Luang Pu Tuad将使您摆脱一切危险。
*它是由Por Tek Tung慈善基金会认证的,该基金会在曼谷的道路交通事故现场帮助受伤者并收集尸体,使他们从来没有发现因道路交通事故丧生的人拥有LP Thuad护身符。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.
在泰国,Luang Pu Thuad护身符被认为是“ Phra Nirantarai”,这意味着Luang Pu Tuad将使您摆脱一切危险。
*它是由Por Tek Tung慈善基金会认证的,该基金会在曼谷的道路交通事故现场帮助受伤者并收集尸体,使他们从来没有发现因道路交通事故丧生的人拥有LP Thuad护身符。
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Phor Than Wok of Wat Thepnimit. |
Friday, February 5, 2021
Phra Phong Suphan, Model 558 Years, Maha Phuttha Phisek ceremony at Phra Prang and Viharn of Wat Phra Si Ratana Mahathat, Suphanburi (B.E.2544).
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Jade Green Colour. Come with temple box. |
Phra Phong Suphan, model 558 years, has both with the face print, the middle mould and the young face, the red, green and black color. And almost accurate, close to the original old type of Phra Phong Suphan. The back of Phra Phong Suphan, model 558 years old, has clear fingerprints like the original Suphan Buddha in all respects. The purpose of the construction is to raise funds for the restoration of Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat and others activitie. The provincial public such as in the suppression of powders, etc. As for the ceremonies, the Phra Phong Suphan Budda image was pumped out held on August 12, 2011, and the Phra Phong Suphan Budda celebration was held. On December 5, 2011, there were total 559 famous Geji Archan (monks) was invited monks from the whole Thailand of the Era who was attended the prayer ceremony around the Prang and in the Viharn of Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat Temple, Suphanburi Province, which was the place where Benjapakee originated. "Phra Phong Suphan" that is overflowing with Buddha until being called "Kanchanakorn of Amulets".
Phra Phong Suphan is good holiness in every aspect such as immortal, harmless, safe from weapons, authority and bringing good-will. Phra Phong Suphan deserved to be one of the Grand Five set of Benjapakee the most famous and powerful amulets of Thailand forever.
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Wat Phra Si Ratana Mahathat. |
五大名佛Phra Phong Suphan(帕蓬素攀)
颜色: 玉绿色
这批牌共4种不同颜色,分别是红、绿、黑、褐,以避险为著名。相传蓬素攀拥有各种佛力,包括佛法、功德、神力, 故至今极少有大师或寺庙制作,同时佩戴者将永不坠入绝境,就算坠入绝境亦能翻身再起。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.
Luang Pu Thuad, Nur Wahn, Phor Than Wok, Wat Thepnimit, Pattani (B.E.2561-62).
Behind with fragment of Petnatang. Pet-na-tang = Pyrite, believed to have power of protection of all danger and warding off poisonous animals, bad omens, spells.
Made : 300 pcs
*Come with temple box.
BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).
In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.
*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.
龙普托,采用一百零八种药草制造,婆谈窝,瓦铁泥密寺庙,北大年(佛历:二五六一 ~ 六二年)
佛牌背后有塞入 Petnatang 的碎片。 Pet-na-tang = 黄铁矿,据信具有保护所有危险的能力,并且可以防止有毒动物,不好预兆,法术。
In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.
*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.
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Luang Pu Thuad 龙普托 |
最佳功效:Kongkraphan(帮助您不受所有武器攻击),Maha-Utt(阻止枪支向您射击),Kaew Klaad Plodpai(帮助使您远离所有危险),Metta Maha Niyom(使您周围的人爱您) ,并对您好一点)和Maha Larp(带来幸运的财富)。
在泰国,Luang Pu Thuad护身符被认为是“ Phra Nirantarai”,这意味着Luang Pu Tuad将使您摆脱一切危险。
*它是由Por Tek Tung慈善基金会认证的,该基金会在曼谷的道路交通事故现场帮助受伤者并收集尸体,使他们从来没有发现因道路交通事故丧生的人拥有LP Thuad护身符。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.
在泰国,Luang Pu Thuad护身符被认为是“ Phra Nirantarai”,这意味着Luang Pu Tuad将使您摆脱一切危险。
*它是由Por Tek Tung慈善基金会认证的,该基金会在曼谷的道路交通事故现场帮助受伤者并收集尸体,使他们从来没有发现因道路交通事故丧生的人拥有LP Thuad护身符。
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Phor Than Wok of Wat Thepnimit. |
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
RoopLor Roon Raek (1st batch) Luang Phor Chop, Made at the age of 90, Nur Thong Daeng Long ManPu (copper), Wat Jampawanaram, Nakhon Si Thammarat (B.E.2561)
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No. : 180 |
Size : 1.9cm length x 1.4cm width x 2.7 height
- Bottom with a temple code "Utt" and serial number 180.
*With Lp Chop handwritten Yant on behind of the amulet. Come with temple box.
Amulets that made by Lp Chop very good in Metta Maha Niyom, Khakai (great sales), Chok Larp (great fortune) & Kaew Klaad (avoid danger).
Luang Phor Chop
~ student of late Luang Phor Moon, Wat Khao Deang Tawan Ork (Phatthalung).
Passed away in B.E.2564 at the aged of 94 years old.
sai Khao Or (student of Wat Khao Or lineage).
- Bottom with a temple code "Utt" and serial number 180.
*With Lp Chop handwritten Yant on behind of the amulet. Come with temple box.
Amulets that made by Lp Chop very good in Metta Maha Niyom, Khakai (great sales), Chok Larp (great fortune) & Kaew Klaad (avoid danger).
Luang Phor Chop
~ student of late Luang Phor Moon, Wat Khao Deang Tawan Ork (Phatthalung).
Passed away in B.E.2564 at the aged of 94 years old.
sai Khao Or (student of Wat Khao Or lineage).
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Luang Phor Chop, Wat Jampawanaram, Nakhon Si Thammarat. |
RoopLor Roon Raek (1st batch) Luang Phor Chop, Made at the age of 90, Nur Thong Daeng Long ManPu (copper), Wat Jampawanaram, Nakhon Si Thammarat (B.E.2561)
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No. : 191 |
Size : 1.9cm length x 1.4cm width x 2.7 height
- Bottom with a temple code "Utt" and serial number 191.
*With Lp Chop handwritten Yant on behind of the amulet. Come with temple box.
Amulets that made by Lp Chop very good in Metta Maha Niyom, Khakai (great sales), Chok Larp (great fortune) & Kaew Klaad (avoid danger).
Luang Phor Chop
~ student of late Luang Phor Moon, Wat Khao Deang Tawan Ork (Phatthalung).
Passed away in B.E.2564 at the aged of 94 years old.
sai Khao Or (student of Wat Khao Or lineage).
- Bottom with a temple code "Utt" and serial number 191.
*With Lp Chop handwritten Yant on behind of the amulet. Come with temple box.
Amulets that made by Lp Chop very good in Metta Maha Niyom, Khakai (great sales), Chok Larp (great fortune) & Kaew Klaad (avoid danger).
Luang Phor Chop
~ student of late Luang Phor Moon, Wat Khao Deang Tawan Ork (Phatthalung).
Passed away in B.E.2564 at the aged of 94 years old.
sai Khao Or (student of Wat Khao Or lineage).
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Luang Phor Chop, Wat Jampawanaram, Nakhon Si Thammarat. |
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