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Pim Sahm Leam (Triangle) Bua Dteu Nah Yaow (Shallow Lotus and Long Face) |
During the olden days, Luang Phor Sodh use to named the amulets as "Phra Khong Kwan" (Means monk's amulets to give as a gift to someone else).
This batch batch of Wat Pak Nam mixed with old broken materials of Phra Khong Kwan.
The 1st edition amulet that made in B.E. 2493
Then follow by 2nd edition made in B.E. 2494
3rd batch made in B.E. 2499
Effect : Safety protection, Metta Maha Niyom, Kahkai (Great Sales and Business), Wealth coming in and Prosperity.
Note : Some news reported that Wat Pak Nam amulets proven to protect wearer from arm fire and accidents.
Pra Wat Paknam Roon 4
When the 3rd and last batch of Wat Paknam amulets which was chanted by Luang Por Wat Paknam was distributed to lay people. There were still alot of people who wanted to have a Wat PakNam amulet. The disciples of Luang Por Wat Paknam decided to chant another batch of Wat Paknam to cater to the demand of the lay people. This batch of amulets was called the Roon Tummakan Roon See and created by Luang Por Sod's disciple Pra Tummatirarah Mahah Munee, the then abbot of Wat Paknam after Luang Por Sod had passed away.
Quantity and Who Chanted
There were a total of 800,000 pieces amulets created for this 4th batch in BE2514 and was chanted for one rain retreat which is 3 months. The amulets were distributed to lay people on 23th October BE2515. It took more than 10 years for this batch of amulets to be completely distributed in BE2527, because of the vast quantity.
The Different Pims
There are four different pims:
1. Pim See Leam (Square) Normal Pim - 1.7 cm width, 2.4 cm height, 0.6 cm thick
2. Pim See Leam Kanaen (Square) Small Pim - has a dtua "Por"À; at back - 0.6 cm thick but smaller than normal pim
3. Pim Sahm Leam (Triangle) Bua Leam Nah Gong (Square Lotus and Round Face) - 1.8 cm width, 2.5 cm height, 0.6 cm thick
4. Pim Sahm Leam (Triangle) Bua Dteu Nah Yaow (Shallow Lotus and Long Face) - 1.8 cm width, 2.5 cm height, 0.6 cm thick
The Different Colours
There are four different colours irregardless of Pims:
1. Neua Khaow (White) - most common
2. Neua Liang (Yellow) - most popular colour
3. Neua Kum Moh (Grey) - very rare colour
4. Neua Gae Khaow (White mixed with shining powder)
The Material
The material used were:
1. Poon Khaow (Sea Shell powder)
2. Gluay Num Wah (Riped Banana)
3. Dtork Malee (Mulee Flower)
4. Broken amulets of Pra Wat Paknam 1st batch to 3rd batch
5. Precious stones powder like ruby
6. Hair of Luang Poo Suk (especially in Pim See Leam Kanaen mixed with most hairs of Luang Por Sod)
7. Num Mun TangYiew (TangYiew Oil)
8. Powder from the temple's urn
Effect and Price
This batch of Wat Paknam amulets are very good for klaew Klaht (Protection), Metta (Loving-kindness), Chohk Lahk(Fortune) and Raksah (Blessing).
There are many good experiences associated with this 4th batch of Wat Paknam amulets. Though a high amount was created, this batch of amulets are still in high demand for it's blessing and protection. There are a saying that, when one has a Wat Paknam, everything one wish will be fulfilled. Price range from a few thousand bahts to 10,000 bahts depends on pims, colour and condition of the amulet.
(The information about Pra Wat Pak Nam Roon 4 is from others website. Just used for reference.)
When the 3rd and last batch of Wat Paknam amulets which was chanted by Luang Por Wat Paknam was distributed to lay people. There were still alot of people who wanted to have a Wat PakNam amulet. The disciples of Luang Por Wat Paknam decided to chant another batch of Wat Paknam to cater to the demand of the lay people. This batch of amulets was called the Roon Tummakan Roon See and created by Luang Por Sod's disciple Pra Tummatirarah Mahah Munee, the then abbot of Wat Paknam after Luang Por Sod had passed away.
Quantity and Who Chanted
There were a total of 800,000 pieces amulets created for this 4th batch in BE2514 and was chanted for one rain retreat which is 3 months. The amulets were distributed to lay people on 23th October BE2515. It took more than 10 years for this batch of amulets to be completely distributed in BE2527, because of the vast quantity.
The Different Pims
There are four different pims:
1. Pim See Leam (Square) Normal Pim - 1.7 cm width, 2.4 cm height, 0.6 cm thick
2. Pim See Leam Kanaen (Square) Small Pim - has a dtua "Por"À; at back - 0.6 cm thick but smaller than normal pim
3. Pim Sahm Leam (Triangle) Bua Leam Nah Gong (Square Lotus and Round Face) - 1.8 cm width, 2.5 cm height, 0.6 cm thick
4. Pim Sahm Leam (Triangle) Bua Dteu Nah Yaow (Shallow Lotus and Long Face) - 1.8 cm width, 2.5 cm height, 0.6 cm thick
The Different Colours
There are four different colours irregardless of Pims:
1. Neua Khaow (White) - most common
2. Neua Liang (Yellow) - most popular colour
3. Neua Kum Moh (Grey) - very rare colour
4. Neua Gae Khaow (White mixed with shining powder)
The Material
The material used were:
1. Poon Khaow (Sea Shell powder)
2. Gluay Num Wah (Riped Banana)
3. Dtork Malee (Mulee Flower)
4. Broken amulets of Pra Wat Paknam 1st batch to 3rd batch
5. Precious stones powder like ruby
6. Hair of Luang Poo Suk (especially in Pim See Leam Kanaen mixed with most hairs of Luang Por Sod)
7. Num Mun TangYiew (TangYiew Oil)
8. Powder from the temple's urn
Effect and Price
This batch of Wat Paknam amulets are very good for klaew Klaht (Protection), Metta (Loving-kindness), Chohk Lahk(Fortune) and Raksah (Blessing).
There are many good experiences associated with this 4th batch of Wat Paknam amulets. Though a high amount was created, this batch of amulets are still in high demand for it's blessing and protection. There are a saying that, when one has a Wat Paknam, everything one wish will be fulfilled. Price range from a few thousand bahts to 10,000 bahts depends on pims, colour and condition of the amulet.
(The information about Pra Wat Pak Nam Roon 4 is from others website. Just used for reference.)
帕孔关 (礼物佛) 屈白欖佛牌, 第四期, 三角形 (淺蓮花長面孔)。
附有验证卡B.E 2514
附有验证卡B.E 2514
佛牌材料 :
粉制,草藥、花粉、經灰、廟土佛牌也加入屈白欖第一期第二期及第三期牌碎料功能 : 這批屈白欖佛牌對於避險、人緣、運氣、生意均有很好功效佛牌资料 :佛牌在佛歷2514年(西歷1971)開光三個月。在2515年(西歷1972)的10月23日出廟。
1.背殼粉末2.茉莉花3.五穀 4.大量第一至三期白欖佛牌碎片 5.寶石及紅寶石 6.龍波術師傅頭髮 7.寺廟聖土 8.手寫符咒粉抹 9.其他多種特別聖物
Wat Paknam2514第四期白欖佛是自 LP術圓寂以後,由Wat Paknam廟方所督造的白欖佛牌聖物中最為有口碑的一期。
Wat Paknam2514四期白欖佛牌,又稱為Denmargem Paknam,由Phra Dennagosentaena高僧所制,Phra Dennagosentaena沿用傳承至LP術的高深法門加持。
第四期白欖佛是Wat Paknam所出白欖聖物中最多靈驗事跡的一期,曾經有一位富翁的女兒,被三名歹徒在車上用AK47連開多槍,丈夫中彈身亡,女子的衣服被打穿四個洞,但奇跡地只有皮膚紅腫,四顆子彈不知所蹤,而當時她就是佩帶著Wat Paknam四期白欖佛牌。
粉制,草藥、花粉、經灰、廟土佛牌也加入屈白欖第一期第二期及第三期牌碎料功能 : 這批屈白欖佛牌對於避險、人緣、運氣、生意均有很好功效佛牌资料 :佛牌在佛歷2514年(西歷1971)開光三個月。在2515年(西歷1972)的10月23日出廟。
1.背殼粉末2.茉莉花3.五穀 4.大量第一至三期白欖佛牌碎片 5.寶石及紅寶石 6.龍波術師傅頭髮 7.寺廟聖土 8.手寫符咒粉抹 9.其他多種特別聖物
Wat Paknam2514第四期白欖佛是自 LP術圓寂以後,由Wat Paknam廟方所督造的白欖佛牌聖物中最為有口碑的一期。
Wat Paknam2514四期白欖佛牌,又稱為Denmargem Paknam,由Phra Dennagosentaena高僧所制,Phra Dennagosentaena沿用傳承至LP術的高深法門加持。
第四期白欖佛是Wat Paknam所出白欖聖物中最多靈驗事跡的一期,曾經有一位富翁的女兒,被三名歹徒在車上用AK47連開多槍,丈夫中彈身亡,女子的衣服被打穿四個洞,但奇跡地只有皮膚紅腫,四顆子彈不知所蹤,而當時她就是佩帶著Wat Paknam四期白欖佛牌。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.