Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Rian Sema Luang Phor Ngern, Lang Phra Sai Yat (Reclining Buddha), Sang Ayu 85 Pi, Nur Thong Daeng (copper), Wat Prong Ngu, Phatthalung (B.E.2555)

No. : 837
Buddha image for Tuesday ~ Phra Sai Yat

The Sleeping Day
Reclining Buddha. This image of the Buddha lying with his left arm along the body, and right arm serves as a pillow with the hand supporting his head. It was believed that he is entering Nirvana on this day of the week.

Buddha in this position matching the one who was born on Tuesday for worship. The person born on this day is brave, active, broad and serious mind.

Profession : Likely to be in a services occupation.

Lucky day / colour : Thursday / Yellow

Unlucky day / colour : Monday / White

Effect : Power from this Buddha amulets will be protected from peril which includes begin immune to sharp objects, beloved by all and be bestowed kindness, free from all types of danger and extremely lucky.
Luang Phor Ngern, Wat Prong Ngu, Phatthalung.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Takrut 108, Nur Takua (lead material), Luang Phor Thong, Wat Sampaocher, Pattani (B.E.2545)

Size : 2.5 cm (1 inch)

Luang Phor Thong early batch takrut, made by lead material. It is about one inch long and is named Takrut 108. It means that there are one hundred and eight kinds of functions, avoiding all ominous things and staying away from all sinister disasters. Although this takrut as small as "chili padi" but very solid, its power is indeed obvious to all! Luang Phor Thong's takrut is hand-written with a mantra, and then rolled up and poured into a large jug filled with holy water. After many days of blessing, Luang Phor know that the takrut is floating on the water before it is handed to the believers or devotees. There was once a team of five soldiers who were driven to the mission and were bombed by rebel bombs. The military vehicles were bombed and volleyed and fell to the ground. The five soldiers in the car were bombed and thrown several meters away. Everyone thought that this time they would die, and even if they didn't die, they would have to burn five labors and seven injuries. However, when everyone slowed down, after careful inspection, the friends were shocked! Everyone has only a little bruise on the body, everything is intact, it is a miracle! ! And they all remembered that they had the Takrut 108 that they had obtained from Luang Phor Thong two days ago. After this message spread, the number of soldiers who came to seek the Luang Phor Thong amulets surged!


尺寸:2.5 厘米(大约一寸)

Luang Phor Thong Wat Sampaocher

龙婆通驻住在泰国南疆最危险的地带,也是泰国三大最混乱的州府[Yala(惹拉府)、Pattani(百大年)和Narathiwat(陶公府)]之一的Pattani(百大年)。几乎每天都有枪击、爆炸的事件发生,当地居民都战战兢兢地过生活,出入作息都要步步为营,甚至连僧侣早上托钵化缘时也会成为射杀的对象,人民生活就只能寄托在高僧的圣物上了。龙婆通所驻住的寺庙Wat Sampaocher位于名为Sam Pao的村庄。这里本来是一片汪洋,经历了地壳变动作用之后,渐渐露出水面成为一片土地。在此村庄曾经发现了好几艘古老的中国商用帆船的残骸,因此取名为“Baan Sam Pao”,意译为帆船村庄。最初Wat Sampaocher的名字为Wat Thusampao,于佛历2444年建于帆船沉落之地。后来一位名为“Cher”的县长,当他上任时先到佛寺祈福。发现佛寺离大海太近了,有很大的水淹危险。于是决定将佛寺迁进村庄里,就是现在的寺庙地了。当时选了新庙址之后,县长就立刻着手修建佛寺。而村民们见到县长尽心尽力地为佛寺付出,深感敬佩。于是经过村民和寺庙委员会商议后,决定表扬县长的功绩,讲县长的名字放在寺名之后,也就是Wat Sampao后再加上县长的名字“Cher”,于是才有了现在的名字Wat Sampaocher。而龙婆通于佛历2491年接任为寺庙主持,至佛历2554年圆寂。

Luang Phor Thong, Wat Sampaocher, Pattani.
龙婆通出生于佛历2461年4月5日,名为In Thong(因通),从小就很好学,而且常到寺庙里找经书念诵,僧侣们见他如此好学,也很乐意教导他。而大师也有很强的学习能力,可以过目不忘的念诵经文,并于佛历2477年出家为沙弥,于佛历2482年6月27日,在Wat Dom TewanOou正式出家为僧,由Wat Sampaocher主持Phra Kru Vitawat为授戒师。龙婆通建立了泰语学校,让邻近的孩童有接受教育的机会。而且如果哪家人遇到困难,都会来找龙婆通,并且都会得到援助,尤其金钱上的资助。因此附近的信众都非常敬重龙婆通。也因为有求必应,村民们改称大师为龙婆通,因为“通”意译为金。而师傅在招财法门上也确实非常厉害,绝对配得上“通”这个名号,所以被泰南信众奉为“南疆财僧”。龙婆通曾跟多位高僧学习禅定法门,也跟随很多僧侣进入深山修苦行戒律。曾经有一次在山林中,遇见一位白衣修行者。两人相互切磋讨论禅定之法,从言谈中得知此位白衣修行者绝非常人,于是向他拜师学禅定。这位白衣修行者传授了一个法门给龙婆通,就是从禅定中唤使一切灵来沟通,即唤灵术。龙婆通回到寺庙后就勤练唤灵术法门。经过一段时间的修炼后,有一天在佛舍里修炼时,突然出现一位老僧。老僧一脸慈祥,问题老僧从何而来? 老僧说道:“老衲未曾离开过,又哪知道从何而来呢?”龙婆通一时未明,又问:“尊驾是哪里人士?”老僧见龙婆通一脸诚恳,于是也道出自己的出身。原来老僧来自Ayutthaya,出生于佛历2073年,比龙婆托还要早一些,而且与瓦沧海佛寺的龙婆托是好友。在年届中年时,适逢缅甸大军进攻,带着一颗爱国之心,决定换上白衣白裤,献身对抗敌军。并以学来的法术协助士兵们避开刀枪,勇往直前,将缅甸军打得溃不成军,急急退回缅甸。助国抗敌之后,老僧又穿回了袈裟,而他的功绩获得了当时皇帝的表扬,御封为Ayutthaya的僧皇。到老僧迈入老年时,决定撤下一切僧徽,回复普通僧侣的身份,乘船出海飘洋,想找一个安静的地方来修行。后来来到了南疆的一个小岛,老僧爬上山居住,每天定时下山托钵化缘。然而山路险峻,身体常被擦得皮破血流。有一次老僧擦破了手臂,伤口发炎不能愈合,还流出许多脓水。由于当时医药技术不发达,不久后伤口更是长出了虫只。然而老僧慈悲,坚持不把虫挖出来,因为挖出来它们就没生存的地方了,将会死亡,所以老僧就任由这些虫在伤口里生存。而当老僧下山托钵化缘时,村民们见到老僧的伤口处竟然有虫在蠕动,于是就称老僧为“Luang Phor Thuo Non(龙婆托诺)”,“托”是有曾祖父,受人尊敬的长者的意思的,“龙婆托”即为受人尊敬的圣僧,是对老僧的尊称。而“诺”意译为“虫”,简称“虫大师”。虫大师是一位非常慈心的高僧,他饲养了两只家畜,一只狗和一只猫。每天清晨,虫大师下山托钵化缘,它们都会跟随下山,协助把一些事物咬起带上山。到了后期,虫大师因病重不能亲自下山化缘,就由小狗咬着佛钵下山化缘,小猫也跟随在旁,而村民见到咬着佛钵的小狗就知道小狗是代虫大师来化缘的,于是就将食物放进佛钵里。而有些空闲的村民也会亲自把食物带上山供养虫大师。然而突然有好几天都不见小狗和小猫下山化缘,于是村民们议论纷纷,认为虫大师必定是遇上不测了,决定上山寻访虫大师。而到山上时,只见虫大师坐在大石头上入定,村民们上前慰问之际,一探之下发现虫大师已经没有了反应,原来虫大师早已坐化了。于是村民们立刻准备为办理后事,从山下搬来大石头,排列在大师的法身旁边,用蜜糖和石灰粉混合,将虫大师的法身密封,砌成四方形的灵塔。而过了几天,虫大师的小狗和小猫也静静地躺在塔旁死去。自从大师坐化后,小狗和小猫都不愿进食,忠心地跟随大师坐化而去了。老僧讲完自己的出身后,更告知龙婆通其容身之处就是佛寺背后的那座山Kao Maluar。老僧说他经常往来此庙,可惜却没有容身之处,如果他可在此容身,就可教导龙婆通许多法术。于是龙婆通决定为老僧铸造法像金身,并供奉在寺庙里,而龙婆通也学到了老僧不少的法术。当虫大师金身铸造过了不久后,法像旁时常传来一阵阵的狗吠和小猫的叫声,而且不断在寺庙游走。于是龙婆通以通灵请教老僧得知,原来是大师生前所饲养的小狗小猫得知他在此驻守,于是就过来陪伴老僧了。龙婆通得知后,觉得应该再为这两只小动物造像,于是就再铸造了小狗和小猫的法像并安奉在龙婆托诺金身旁边,从此也再没听到猫狗的叫声了。龙婆通除了赞助学校的经费以外,每天学生的餐饮都是由寺庙所供应的。而且还捐助村里无依无靠的孤寡老人,若村里有贫穷人家办丧事,也会捐助。龙婆通还为乡村铺路、剑桥和造凉亭等等。龙婆通早期是以督造塔固知名的,擅长督造两种塔固,一种是三寸长的,称“Pichai Son Kran”意译为战胜,佩戴此塔固可以战胜一切苦难险境,避一切邪魔鬼怪和巫术降头,适合警察、士兵、官员等危险行业工作者。而且这款塔固有着许许多多保护佩戴者的神奇案例。另一种是龙婆通最早期督造的塔固,用锡片制作,长约一寸,名为一零八塔固,寓意有一百零八种功能,避一切不祥事物,远离一切凶险灾难。这款塔固虽然很小,但其威力确实有目共睹的!龙婆通督造塔固都是亲手写上心咒,然后再将之卷起,倒进装满经水的大水罐里。经过多天的加持,知道塔固浮上水面才交给信众佩戴。曾经有一队五人的士兵,在驱车前往任务途中,遭到叛军炸弹炸中,军车被炸得凌空飞起,并重重坠落地上。车中五名士兵被炸抛到好几公尺之外,大家都心想这次必死无疑了,就算不死也炸个五劳七伤了。然而当大家缓过神来的时候,细心检查一下后,小伙伴们都惊呆了!大家身体都仅有少许擦伤,一切完好无损,堪称奇迹!!而他们都想起身上都带有两天前从龙婆通那求得的塔固。此讯息传开后,前来求取龙婆通圣物的军人激增!而龙婆通在佛历2529年按大殿里的佛祖法相督造佛牌,这尊佛祖法相名为Phra Sin Song,或龙婆Sin Song,并在下方印有Wat Sampaocher的字样,背面平坦像烫斗一样,寓意将一切障碍铲平,顺利攀上高峰。而且这期佛牌收在寺庙大殿内加持了三个守夏节,于佛历2532年才拿出来给信众恭请。而龙婆Sin Song意译是佛胸前袈裟的高低,Sin Raek在颈下,Sin Song在肚脐上方,Sin Samg在腹部附近。传说是来自Ayutthaya一带的,有近四百年的历史,因缘巧合下到了Wat Sampaocher,龙婆通按照原尊法相督造出佛牌。后来经过一次次的灵验事绩不断出现后,在一次“Tho Har”(“督哈”,意译为桌台断裂)事迹后,就命名为Tho Har了。当时有一位杂货店的老板,是一位虔诚的佛教徒,每逢佛日必带水果前来供僧。有一天他来供养食物,龙婆通叫他来到跟前,送他一尊佛牌,吩咐他吧佛牌放到钱柜里,包生意做个不停。这位老板拿起佛牌一看,心想那只不过是一尊普通的佛牌,加上自己生意也过得去),所以心中并没有什么遐想和祈求。当他回到店里,还是遵照龙婆通的吩咐,把佛牌收在钱柜里。而从那时候开始,就开始一直忙碌到夜晚,非常累。他发现自从中午回来生意就非常火红,是凑巧还是佛牌的威力呢?到了第二天一早,准备开门做生意,就发现竟然有顾客在等待了。结果一开门就有许多顾客涌了进来。顾客们将小小的店铺挤得水泄不通,连柜台的一只脚都被挤断了。这个时候店主才惊觉佛牌的威力是何等强大了。隔天店主前往探望龙婆通,想再求一尊佛牌。龙婆通就问到:“你为何要佛牌呢?你不是不相信佛牌的威力吗?”原来那天龙婆通就知道这位店主心里的想法了。店主也将昨天的际遇告诉了龙婆通,而龙婆通也索性将这期佛牌取名为“Tho Har”,Tho意译为桌台,Har意译为断裂,Tho Har就意译为桌台断裂,寓意生意好到挤断桌脚。从此之后的几期“Tho Har”佛牌都非常抢手。
其实龙婆通也是督造龙婆托佛牌非常出名的高僧!一期2497龙婆托也有邀请龙婆通大师参与加持的!于佛历2505年,龙婆通督造了很少量的以108药草作为材质的龙婆托佛牌。但自此以后停了三十年没再督造龙婆托佛牌,直到佛历2535年才再次恢复督造龙婆托粉牌。并且每一期龙婆托佛牌推出寺庙,就马上被信众抢丰一空,可见龙婆托的号召力非同一般!在佛历2545年,龙婆通督造了一批龙婆托佛牌和圣物。当天在大殿举行加持开光法会,可是当中竟然有一些极端分子趁机混了进来,并在法坛底下安置了炸弹,想在法会途中引爆。可是直到法会结束都没爆炸,直到工作人员清理现场时才发现这个炸弹,并由警方处理了。此消息一出,民众蜂拥而至,将佛牌抢奉一空。因为此期佛牌竟然有克制炸弹爆炸的力量,实属世间罕有珍宝。其实Wat Sampaocher龙婆通还被认为是继五位龙婆托名师后的第六人,五位龙婆托名师分别是:瓦沧海佛寺龙婆添;瓦帕郭佛寺龙婆通;瓦西玛哈波佛寺龙婆登;瓦赛考佛寺阿赞弄;Wat Tongliap婆昙年。他们全是Pattani(百大年府)的,当时无论哪间寺庙督造加持龙婆托圣物,都必定最少邀请他们其中一人参与加持,可说是默认的规矩了。当然,龙婆通还有很多圣物都非常有口碑,如法戒、单眼椰拉胡天神,药师佛等等,还有少不了的当然还有“虫大师”龙婆托诺的佛牌了。每逢举办佛牌加持法会时,佛坛前夜必定安奉两张大椅,供两位圣僧就坐加持,分别是瓦沧海佛寺龙婆托和“虫大师”龙婆托诺,所以每一期的佛牌都能显圣并非常灵验。龙婆通终身为佛教奉献,任劳任怨地作出无私的付出,而他的功绩也得到佛教委员会的认同,并于佛历2545年,泰国九世皇圣寿之时,御封高级御扇,为“Phra Sin Mokum。可惜大师于佛历2554圆寂,一代圣僧从此陨落。
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Phra Somdej, Lang Phra Latthana Trai, Nur Phong, Luang Phor Prom, Wat Paranuphat, Pattani (B.E.2552)

Power : Thais believe Phra Somdej is one of great amulet that has many super powers such as bring great kindness, auspiciousness, popular to worshiper, great sales and business. By the way, this powerful Buddha amulet can protect worshiper from danger, harm and bad things.

Biography of LP Prom, Wat Paranuphat, Pattani Provice: 
LP Prom of Paranuphat Temple, Pattani Provice was born in 1918 in Pattani Province. His parents were Mr. Seekaew and Mrs. Khamkaeng Rachabut. He has a lot of knowledge in magic and is one of top guru monks in current era. He has also known herbs well since he was a child. He used to be a village leader. After that, he felt bored in secular life and wanted to learn a real matter of life. So, then he got ordained as a monk on the 5th December 1987 at Paranuphat Temple, Pattani Province. Many people love and respect him because he is a good monk and helps people.
Luang Phor Prom, Wat Paranuphat, Pattani. 
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Roop Muern Phor Than Pong, Roon Roon Charoenporn Maha Baramee, Nur Phong Fang Takrut, Wat Jaeng, Phatthalung (B.E.2559)

*Come with temple box.

Luang Phor Pong was given the rank of Pra Kru Sit Thi Karn So Phon (Pra Maha Phong Thanudhammo). He was born on 4 January B.E.2475, Father name Hoy and Mother name Phoon. He was given name Pong Aksornthong. He was ordained on 28 December B.E.2492 at Wat Jaeng with LP Chen Wat Tha Miram as his preceptor. He graduated in Buddhist theology 4th level. His master is LP Noo Wat Jaeng who was a close disciple of LP Dit Wat Pak Sak (creator of the most expensive Sangkajai in Thailand). LP Pong is also the master of Archan Wutai, Wat Vihansoong. LP Pong is a very good metta monk. He followed strict rules and morals to be pure in the mind. As such, many people respected him.

LP Pong is currently building up his new temple at Wat Ban Mai, Phattalung.

Phor Than Pong, Wat Jaeng, Phatthalung. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Luang Pu Thuad, Phim Yai Kamakan, Nur Wahn Fang Takrut, Roon Sao Ha Maha Sitthichok, Luang Phor Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani (B.E.2553)

No : 10699

*With temple code (behind) & Come with temple box.

Luang Pu Thuad amulets are well know to protect the wearer from danger, evil spirits and accidents. Many people believe that amulets created in Luang Pu Thuad image hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believers from seemingly fatal automobile accidents.
Luang Phor Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Rian Luang Pu Phuek & Singha, Lang Narai Song Krut & Hanuman, Nur Thong Daeng Rom Dum (Copper), Wat Saliko, Pathum Thani (B.E.2534)

Made & blessed by Luang Phor Somphop. With Luang Phi Erawan (A) handwritten yant.

Size : 4cm (Width) x 4.5cm (Height)

The best amulet of harm protection.

Material : This powerful amulet created from copper mixed with holy Yant sheets that LP Somphop wrote by himself.

Purpose : LP Somphop would like to donate the money from amulet to develop the temple.

Ceremony : LP Somphop strongly blessed this Rian LP Phuek for 3 years by himself. Moreover, while blessing LP Somphop invited LP Phuek’s spirit to live in him body for blessing amulet too that made this amulet is very powerful.

Power : LP Phuek amulet is very well known in Thailand about protect worshipper from dangerous, weapons, accident, black magic and ghost.

Presented : In front of the Rian has many holy Yant such as LP Phuek sits on lotus, Singha and Maha Yants. Moreover, in the back of Rian has Narai Song Krut, Hanuman and Phaya Phali Yant to increase powerful.

Biography of LP Phuek :
Thais believe LP Phuek is the magical expert monk that had live in Ayutthaya period and he was lived in LP Somphop’s body when he blessed amulet.

Luang Phor Somphop, Wat Saliko, Pathum Thani.

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Rian Jatukam Ramathep, Roon Chedi Rai, Phim Yai (Big Mould / 大模), Nur Thong Daeng (Copper / 红铜), Mass Chanted (B.E.2545).

No. : 1062

Size : Diameter 3.2 cm

Blessed by Archan Khun Phan in 4 ceremonies:
1st ceremony : 17th September B.E.2545, blessed in at Wat Khao Or.

2nd ceremony: 21st September B.E.2545, blessed in the deep oceans.

3rd ceremony : 22nd September B.E.2545, blessed at Khao Pasoon Mountain.

4th ceremony : 25th September B.E.2545, blessed at Wat Mahathat, Nakhon Si Thammarat.
The Legend of Jatukam Ramathep

Once upon a time, many centuries ago (about 1700 years ago), it was a time of war and trouble. There lived a king and his princes in Central Siam. The elder prince named Jatukam and the other named Ramathep. After many years of war, the King finally conquered and managed to secure Sri Lanka into part of his Kingdom. There was a saying that the King possessed a sacred treasure, this was none other than the holy relics of Lord Buddha. Before the King began his journey to the newly conquered land, he tasked the protection of the relics to his two princes, & ordered them to guard it with their lives.

Some time later, the princes received information of plan by their enemies to capture the relics. They immediately informed the King in Sri Lanka. The King instruction was to quickly take the relics away by sea and head to Sri Lanka. Halfway through the journey, a thunderstorm struck and their ships were sunken. Except the two princes, the rest of the crew did not survive.

The two princes were washed ashore, but well. Without the sea transport, they could no longer bring the relics to Sri Lanka. They started praying sincerely to the relics, saying: “Dear Enlightened One! If this land we step upon is a holy piece of land, then please guide us let us live a new life here. With our people, we shall guard and protected your relics forever.”

Later the two princes built a temple on this holy land and with much hard work, they also establish a wealthy and strong city. They brought new hope and peace to all the people. In remembrance of the great deeds by the two princes, they named this place Nakhon Si Thammarat in their honour. This is now located in Southern Thailand at the present time. The temple that the two princes built for the relics is called Wat Mahathat - as it is known now.

Ever since then, after a few centuries, many people had travelled to Wat Mahathat to locate the relics that were buried by the princes. Finally, they found a stone carving and the relics buried at the Wat. The stories of the two princes were found engraved on this stone.

The two princes had done many great deeds and the greatest is by erecting the temple to house the relics. And they promised to guard the Relics with their lives. They had earned respect from both the heavenly and earthly beings. Later, the people combined the two princes into one and named him Tao Jatukam Ramathep when praying to him. Tao Jatukam Ramathep becomes one of the most respected and popular deities in the South of Thailand. In olden days, Tao was used to address noble ones. It is believed that those that pray to Tao Jatukam Ramathep will be blessed with fulfilling life and better in all aspects in everyday work. 
Wat Phra Mahathat

The temple is located on Ratchadamnoen Road in Tambon Nai Muang, Amphue Meuang of Nakhon Si Thammarat province. This is one of the most important historical sites in Southern Thailand. The stupa, 55.78m high, has a distinctive Sri Lankan style. The top of the spire is entirely covered in pure gold. Inside the temple are many buildings of importance, especially the royal building which has beautiful architecture from the Ayutthaya period and the Sam Chom building, where the Buddha image garbed in royal attire - Phra Si Thamma Sokarat is housed. There are also the Phra Maha Phinetkrom (the equestrian image) building and the Thap Kaset building; while the Khian and Pho Lanka buildings are used to display artifacts donated to the temple by Buddhists from the whole region.

Over the doorway at the entrance of Wat Phra Mahathat in Nakhon Si Thammarat, there are the statutes of Tao Jatukam and Tao Ramathep, the guardian deities of holy relics of the Buddha. The name of one deity is Tao Jatukam, which later people understand that he is none other than Jatukam.

There are many stories on how the City Pillar (Lak Meuang) and the first Jatukam amulets were made. One story tells of Police Maj Gen Sanpetch Thammikun, the provincial police chief during the 1980s, going to Wat Nang Phraya during a shamanistic ritual. The medium, a woman, told the policeman to come back. When he did come back later the woman wasn't there, but had been replaced by a new medium claiming to be the spirit of the military leader for the B.E. 17th century Nakhon Si Thammarat King.
Archan Khun Phan (student of Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung).

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Phra Luang Pu Thuad, Phim Yai Kamakan (big mould for committee members), Nur Wahn (mixture of 108 types of sacred herbal powder), Fang Pet-na-tang & takrut, Luang Phor Daeng, Wat SriMahapho, Pattani (B.E.2536)

Pet-na-tang = Pyrite, believed to have power of protection of all danger and warding off poisonous animals, bad omens, spells.

*Luang Phor Daeng was one of the old geji ajarn who blessed Luang Pu Tuad Nur Wahn of Wat Changhai in B.E.2497.

BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).

In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.

*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.
Luang Phor Daeng, Wat SriMahapho, Pattani.
Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro

Although many series of Luang Phor Thuad amulets have been consecrated and those crated at Wat Chang Hai are without doubt the most popular, many people unfortunately overlook equally sacred amulets created by one great Southern Monk, Luang Phor Daeng.

Phra Archarm Tim Dharmataro, also known as Prakru Visai Sobhon, was the head monk involved in the creation of the very first series of Luang Phor Thuad amulets at Wat Changhai, in B.E. 2497.

He invited many senior monks to the blessing ceremony, including Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro (Prakru Viruch Sobhon), a sacred monk of Wat Sri Maha Pho, a monk highly regarded for his dedication to the Buddhist faith.

Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro was born to the “Jindawong” family on June 18th, B.E.2445. His family comprised of 4 brothers and sisters, all of whom have since passed away.

Over 90 years ago 
Luang Phor Daeng just a small lad lived in a poor communal farming village named Puk-Or. At that time no modern technology existed including running water or electricity, even the roads were non existent. There were of course no schools and all the children, including Luang Phor Daeng, were educated by the adults that surrounded them.

At the age of 7, his village suffered a serious outbreak of small pox, then incurable, taking the lives of much of the local population. Luang Phor Daeng is recorded to have said that prior to the deadly infliction a loud, mysterious noise was heard, almost as if they were being warned of the impending disaster.

As a result of the disease Mr.Kuer Jindawong, 
Luang Phor Daeng's father, moved his family away to another village in he same province where he was to re-start a new life.

Fortunately, Mr. Kuer had met some very kind people, who helped his family re-establish themselves. Mr Srikaew Maniprom, the the village head, also donated land near Wat Maduertong on which to build a new house for the family.

At that time of course Buddhist temples were also an important as they provided the young with an education, which included religious studies, languages and in some cases magic sciences from the senior monks.
Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro, as a young child was a keen student, and dedicated himself to learn all that he could from the then senior monk Luang Phor Sibhut. He was taught at the age of 14 sacred spells such as Prasutra Jedtumnan and Pra Patimok, remembering every single word by the age of 16, when he returnd home to his family.

Two years later, aged 18, 
Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro was ordained by Luang Phor Sibhut as a novice monk on May 13th, B.E. 2463, at Wat Kapo. (renamed as “Wat Maduertong” in B.E. 2497)
At 21 years of age, 
Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro was officially ordained a monk by Luang Phor Sibhut, Pra Atikarn Sook Puntasaro, a senior monk of Wat Prangmadun, Pranuam Dharma Kamo, a senior monk of Wat Kapo. He was given the Buddhist name “Suntaro”.

Nine months after his ordination he as able to pass the “Nak Dharma level 3”

Once Luang Phor Daeng was asked to travel by foot to Saiburi State of Malaysia where he was to invite the ash of Luang Phor Iad, the former abbot of Wat Tungkwai back to Thailand.

He faced many difficulties to traverse the mountainous forests, which took him almost 4 months, just so he could bring home the ashes from the funeral at Wat Tanode, Sabayoi District, Songkla Province as Luang Phor Iad had wanted.

His true dedication and devotion did not go un-noticed by local folk who asked if he could remain as Abbot of Wat Tanode but he had to decline due to other duties to Buddhism.

In B.E.2483, World War II Luang Phor Daeng remained at Wat Tohteng, Su-ngai Padi District, Naratiwas Province.

He was made aware that Luang Phor Sibhut, abbot of Wat Maduertong had passed away, he risked his life to return to Wat Maduertong to help console the locals, who had also invited him to become the new abbot. 
Luang Phor Daeng dedicated his life to develop the temple which he achieved with great success.

Shortly after the funeral, a series of commemorative sacred amulets under the royal patronage were created to give for free to all participants.

Phra Thep-Yanamoli, head monk of Pattani Province, had known that an ancient temple called Wat Bandon had been abandoned for a long time and asked Luang Phor Kimsui, head monk of Kokbhothi District to renovate the building.

In B.E.2494 Luang Phor Daeng was appointed by Luang Phor Kimsui to lead the team responsible for the repair of the temple. It was renamed Wat Sri Maha Pho.

Because of his hark work, it wasn't long after that 
Luang Phor Daeng was appointed as the new abbot of the temple.

It was recorded that on the very first day that Luang Phor Daeng and his followers entered Wat Bandon, it was infested with poisonous insects which caused havoc with the workers and progress with restoration.

During that night 
Luang Phor Daeng dreamt that a previous senior monk was not happy that many people had enetered the temple without permission from the sacred souls who remained to protect the building.

As a result of this dream Luang Phor Daeng organized a sacred ceremony to apologize to the sacred souls. Shortly afterwards a miracle occurred, all the insects vanished, leaving the team free to work on the building in comfort.
Luang Phor Daeng’s workers also discovered a small sacred chedi that had kept the sacred ash of Luang Phor Bunyarit, who was known to have been the first abbot and architect of the temple.

Phra Pidta Maha Utt, Nur Leklai Ngern Yuang, Ajarn Plien, Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung (B.E.2560).

No. : 102

*Come with temple box. With Ajarn Plien handwritten yant.

Functions and Efficacies - 
- Strong Metta 
- Wealth- fetching 
- Enhance business
- Boosting Windfall Luck
- Overall Protection from Negative forces
- Powerful Protection from black magic and calamities
Ajarn Plien (white shirt), Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Rian Maha Yant + 8 Arms Hanuman (behind), Nur Thong Daeng Phew Fai (copper), Luang Phor ThongKam, Wat TaChang, Surin (B.E.2561)

*Brand New with Temple Box.

Luang Phor ThongKam Suwajo was born on 12 April 1929, got ordained at the age of 14 at Wat Ban Kam Krang, Khon Kaen Province. After ordination, got interested in dharma mantras. So, went to LP Fan Arjaro and studied with LP Fan for 9 years. Then returned to layman, but continued studying mantras that learnt more from a monk in Laos. After that, came back to Thailand and went into priesthood again at Wat Ratphisai, Maha Sarakham Province. After priesthood, began a pilgrimage and meanwhile learnt more mantras from LP ThongMa and looked after until LP ThongMa passed away. After that, LP ThongKam set off a pilgrimage until reaching Phitsanulok Province and established "Yan Yow Monastery" for maintaining Buddhism and helping people in need.
Luang Phor ThongKam, Wat TaChang, Surin.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Roop Muern Pump Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Thong Daeng (copper), Luang Phor Koon, Wat Ban Rai, Nakhon Ratchasima (B.E.2536)

*Bottom have one temple code.

Luang Phor Koon, Wat Ban Rai, Khorat.

Luang Phor Koon was born on Thursday, 4th October BE 2466. He was raised in a well off family. His grandfather was an influential person and very well-known in the province of Nakon Raatchasima. He also known to possess Wichah (magic power), and unfortunately many people were afraid of him.

When Luang Phor Koon was 7 years old , his grandfather brought him to study Thai and Pali under Ah Jahn Cheum, Ajahn Saai and Pra Ajahn Lee in a temple near his house. Luang Phor Koon was ordained as a monk at the age of 21 years old at Wat Thanon HakYai on 5th May BE 2487. Phra Kru Wijahn Dtigit was the preceptor. Phra Kru Atigahn Torng Suk was his dhamma teacher. His monk's name was Pisuttoh.

Luang Phor Koon stayed in Wat Thanon HakYai to study dhamma, in addition Luang Phor Koon also learnt under Luang Daeng Wat Nong Poh. He learned dhamma, sammahdti and Wichah (magic). Luang Phor Koon was very diligent and studied hard.

Seeing that Luang Phor Koon was so keen in learning, Luang Phor Daeng brought him to meet Luang Phor Kong who was the abbot of Wat HatYai. Luang Phor Koon became a disciple of Luang Por Kong who was in fact a forest monk, whom he was to accompany on long journeys in the jungles and forests. 

Besides dhamma and sammahdti, Luang Phor Kong also taught Luang Phor Koon Wichah (magic) and tye technique of inserting takrut into a person's arm. After learning from Luang Phor Kong for some time, Luang Por Koon went Tudong alone. He went as far as Laos and Cambodia, remaining in the jungles for many years. 

Luang Por Koon returned to Thailand after a period of 10 years, and resided at Wat Bahn Rai, Nakon Raatchaseemah. The first time, Luang Phor Koon came to Wat Bahn Rai, the temple was in a delapitated state. There was only a old Salah (shether), Bot (hall) and Guti (place where a Buddha Statue is generally placed).

Luang Phor Koon was determined to re-build this temple. He approached the abbot of the temple at that time, and asked for his help. The abbot told him that the temple did not have sufficient funds (only 10,000 Baht) and asked Luang Phor Koon how much money he required to re-build the temple. Luang Phor Koon replied that he needed 3 to 4 million Baht.

When the abbot heard that, he said that he had no ability to help, though it was his duties. Luang Phor Koon, then asked the villagers and his lay disciples to source for fund. Many people came forward and helped. The total fund collected was almost 2 million baht and Wat Bahn Rai was re-built.

Luang Por Koon was gradually gaining popularity in Nakon Raatchaseemah. Whenever, people heard Luang Por Koon wanted to build a temple or a school, many people would come forward to help. Luang Por Koon Had had built many schools, temples and hospitals in Nakon Raachaseemah. The devotees who go to Wat Bahn Rai, be it rich or poor, Luang Por Koon will meet them personally and bless them.

Some 10,000 people a day used to come to Ban Rai temple to be whacked or more gently blessed. That number is down since the Thai economy tumbled a number of years ago—although it probably should have increased. Most pilgrims come to him for one reason: to get richer. "They believe he has magic powers," says Amporn Charnkuntawat.

he is a strange phenomenon: a Buddhist ascetic who donates sums of money to the poor, but is seen nationwide as the guru who can best bolster your bank balance. Many devotees ask Khoon to tap their outstretched wallets. A few have requested samples of his saliva or urine to drink.

The monk's fame reached new heights in 1993, when a woman was pulled alive from the rubble of a collapsed hotel clutching an amulet with his image on it. Stories abound of Khoon followers who have won the lottery.

Luang Phor Koon chanted the most amulets in Thailand. Many temples and people would create the amulets and asked him to bless. He seldom rejected anyone when come to him for blessings. Luang Phor Koon is very good in the Wichah of inserting takrut. He would personally insert the takrut under the arm of the devotees, these takrut were well proven to protect a person from accidents, Metta and as well as Kong Grapan (immunity from weapons).
Luang Phor Koon, Wat Ban Rai, Nakhon Ratchasima.

Phra Leela, Nur Phong Kraduk Pee Neng Roi Paed Pacha (108 human ashes from cemetery), Luang Pu Hock, Wat Thakam, Songkhla (B.E.2509)

*Come with 2nd place competition certificate.

龙婆Hock(佛历:2509)行走佛,这佛牌里面含有108个骨灰。师傅花了很长时间去收集这些骨灰,并得到死者家属的允许制作了这期行走佛,并采用古法法门开光,每粒佛牌都有很强的力量,制作数量多,可是因为这款粉牌很多到如今已经损坏,所以市面上完美的也很难找到了,这尊行走佛能赐予 全面人缘、招财、事业无往不利、克服障碍、第六感及在一切危险中得到保护。

Wat Thakam is an old temple in Tambon Huai Luek, Kuan Niang District, Songkhla Province. Nearby people invited LP Hock to be an abbot. At that time, Wat Thakam was poor. After LP Hock became an abbot, he developed Wat Thakam in many ways.

LP Hock was born in B.E.2433 (C.E.1890) in Songkhla Province. He had 3 siblings. Later, he married Miss Sen and had 6 children. At that time, LP Hock was a local traditional doctor, cured sick people and an exorcist, drove a spirit out of people who are obsessed by a spirit. LP Hock was known widely. Later, he got ordained at Wat Kuan Peng, Phatthalung Province. After ordination, he stayed at Wat Kuan Peng and then moved to Wat Saiton, the cemetery "Pacha Banh Huai Luek" and Wat Thakam. He had stayed at Wat Thakam for 30 - 40 years before he passed away.

LP Hock was a monk who was silent, humble, simple and merciful. When people were in trouble and asked for help, he was willing to help them. When Buddhist Lent was over, he usually went on a pilgrimage called "Tudong". Also, he was interested in magic and was very good at it. He began magic since he was a layman. He made powerful amulets. The most famous amulet is "Phra Phong Kraduk Pee Neng Roi Paed Pacha", Buddha amulet made with human ashes. It is very popular among Malaysian worshippers. This amulet is special because LP Hock collected powder to make it for years. When he got enough powder, he began making. Phra Phong Kraduk Pee Neng Roi Paed Pacha is made of:

1.*Human ashes from 108 cemeteries: LP Hock collected bone powder when he went on a pilgrimage. In the past, people did cremation in the forest. After people burned a dead body, they keep some bone ash. LP Hock got the rest bone ash. Every time, before he got bone ash, he always properly made a ceremony. *

2.*Powder of 108 kinds of plants

3.*Yant powder, powder from writing a magical script for 108 times

4.*Katha power, powder from writing 108 Katha (108 spells)

5.*Carpel powder and others

LP Hock blessed each ingredient every day. When the time came, in B.E.2510 (C.E. 1967), LP Hock mixed all ingredients together and pressed holy mass out of a mould for the first person. Then his disciples helped one another do. While pressing, guru monks blessed at the same time. This procedure was done in daytime. Every day, LP Hock repeated blessing singly in his room in the evening. LP Hock blessed until he felt sure the amulets powerful enough. *After that, LP Hock held the grand blessing ceremony, invited many top guru monks to join. When amulets were available, LP Hock distributed them to people free. People who had amulet had wonderful experience in protection and charm. Moreover, the amulet could be used to drive out spirit and black magic from a person.

LP Hock passed away at Songkhla Hospital in B.E.2524 (C.E. 1981) at age 91. The disciples held the funeral for him at Wat Nam Noi Nork, Songkhla Province and kept his bone ash in the base of LP Hock statue at Wat Thakam, Songkhla. **

Additional Info: 
1.) 108 ashes of a normal human which proper blessing was done given permission by the family members to collected for each site, this took years to collect before the first creation even before the official batch.

2.) 10,000 - 20,000 pieces was made not a single piece was hidden in any chedi because there isn't one in the temple.

3.) 3 blocks
White, Grey and Brown

4.) Amulet contains 108 ashes, 108 herbs and flowers powder, 108 holy scripture with yant written burnted and a spell was casted.

5.) Material was blended together to create this Neng Roi Paed Pacha means 108 human ashes from cemetery.

6.) Blessed 1 by 1 everyday personally until it was ready before a mass chanting was done release and given to all free of charge.

7.) A spell was imprinted behind

8.) When in danger chant the katha 7 times for help Pu Tang means Buddha, Ni Mi Tang summon helps from divine beings in spilt seconds.

9.) The amulet was best to be hang outside the house as the district has less population, the "holy" ordained spirits guard the house and brings wealth and fortune to the owner

Credit : HC JT

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Phra Luang Pu Thuad, Phim Phra Rod, Nur Wahn (mixture of 108 types of sacred herbal powder), Fang Pet-na-tang & takrut, Luang Phor Daeng, Wat SriMahapho, Pattani (B.E.2537)

Pet-na-tang = Pyrite, believed to have power of protection of all danger and warding off poisonous animals, bad omens, spells.

*Luang Phor Daeng was one of the old geji ajarn who blessed Luang Pu Tuad Nur Wahn of Wat Changhai in B.E.2497.

BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).

In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.

*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.
Luang Phor Daeng, Wat SriMahapho, Pattani.
Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro

Although many series of Luang Phor Thuad amulets have been consecrated and those crated at Wat Chang Hai are without doubt the most popular, many people unfortunately overlook equally sacred amulets created by one great Southern Monk, Luang Phor Daeng.

Phra Archarm Tim Dharmataro, also known as Prakru Visai Sobhon, was the head monk involved in the creation of the very first series of Luang Phor Thuad amulets at Wat Changhai, in B.E. 2497.

He invited many senior monks to the blessing ceremony, including Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro (Prakru Viruch Sobhon), a sacred monk of Wat Sri Maha Pho, a monk highly regarded for his dedication to the Buddhist faith.

Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro was born to the “Jindawong” family on June 18th, B.E.2445. His family comprised of 4 brothers and sisters, all of whom have since passed away.

Over 90 years ago 
Luang Phor Daeng just a small lad lived in a poor communal farming village named Puk-Or. At that time no modern technology existed including running water or electricity, even the roads were non existent. There were of course no schools and all the children, including Luang Phor Daeng, were educated by the adults that surrounded them.

At the age of 7, his village suffered a serious outbreak of small pox, then incurable, taking the lives of much of the local population. Luang Phor Daeng is recorded to have said that prior to the deadly infliction a loud, mysterious noise was heard, almost as if they were being warned of the impending disaster.

As a result of the disease Mr.Kuer Jindawong, 
Luang Phor Daeng's father, moved his family away to another village in he same province where he was to re-start a new life.

Fortunately, Mr. Kuer had met some very kind people, who helped his family re-establish themselves. Mr Srikaew Maniprom, the the village head, also donated land near Wat Maduertong on which to build a new house for the family.

At that time of course Buddhist temples were also an important as they provided the young with an education, which included religious studies, languages and in some cases magic sciences from the senior monks.
Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro, as a young child was a keen student, and dedicated himself to learn all that he could from the then senior monk Luang Phor Sibhut. He was taught at the age of 14 sacred spells such as Prasutra Jedtumnan and Pra Patimok, remembering every single word by the age of 16, when he returnd home to his family.

Two years later, aged 18, 
Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro was ordained by Luang Phor Sibhut as a novice monk on May 13th, B.E. 2463, at Wat Kapo. (renamed as “Wat Maduertong” in B.E. 2497)
At 21 years of age, 
Luang Phor Daeng Suntaro was officially ordained a monk by Luang Phor Sibhut, Pra Atikarn Sook Puntasaro, a senior monk of Wat Prangmadun, Pranuam Dharma Kamo, a senior monk of Wat Kapo. He was given the Buddhist name “Suntaro”.

Nine months after his ordination he as able to pass the “Nak Dharma level 3”

Once Luang Phor Daeng was asked to travel by foot to Saiburi State of Malaysia where he was to invite the ash of Luang Phor Iad, the former abbot of Wat Tungkwai back to Thailand.

He faced many difficulties to traverse the mountainous forests, which took him almost 4 months, just so he could bring home the ashes from the funeral at Wat Tanode, Sabayoi District, Songkla Province as Luang Phor Iad had wanted.

His true dedication and devotion did not go un-noticed by local folk who asked if he could remain as Abbot of Wat Tanode but he had to decline due to other duties to Buddhism.

In B.E.2483, World War II Luang Phor Daeng remained at Wat Tohteng, Su-ngai Padi District, Naratiwas Province.

He was made aware that Luang Phor Sibhut, abbot of Wat Maduertong had passed away, he risked his life to return to Wat Maduertong to help console the locals, who had also invited him to become the new abbot. 
Luang Phor Daeng dedicated his life to develop the temple which he achieved with great success.

Shortly after the funeral, a series of commemorative sacred amulets under the royal patronage were created to give for free to all participants.

Phra Thep-Yanamoli, head monk of Pattani Province, had known that an ancient temple called Wat Bandon had been abandoned for a long time and asked Luang Phor Kimsui, head monk of Kokbhothi District to renovate the building.

In B.E.2494 Luang Phor Daeng was appointed by Luang Phor Kimsui to lead the team responsible for the repair of the temple. It was renamed Wat Sri Maha Pho.

Because of his hark work, it wasn't long after that 
Luang Phor Daeng was appointed as the new abbot of the temple.

It was recorded that on the very first day that Luang Phor Daeng and his followers entered Wat Bandon, it was infested with poisonous insects which caused havoc with the workers and progress with restoration.

During that night 
Luang Phor Daeng dreamt that a previous senior monk was not happy that many people had enetered the temple without permission from the sacred souls who remained to protect the building.

As a result of this dream Luang Phor Daeng organized a sacred ceremony to apologize to the sacred souls. Shortly afterwards a miracle occurred, all the insects vanished, leaving the team free to work on the building in comfort.
Luang Phor Daeng’s workers also discovered a small sacred chedi that had kept the sacred ash of Luang Phor Bunyarit, who was known to have been the first abbot and architect of the temple.