Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Phra Khun Paen Saen Sathan, Mass Chanted, Wat Kae, Suphan Buri (B.E.2554).

Wat Kae, Suphanburi Province, has some history related to Thai folktales "Khun Chang-Khun Paen", this place was the place that Khun Paen in his younger years study with Archan Khong.

In year B.E.2554, this temple has made this batch of Khun Paen Amulet named "Saen Sathan". Mass ceremony by Phra Kru Palad Dhammanuwong the present time Abbot and other Suphanburi great Keji monks.

This piece in Pentagon Shape, Phim Oak Yai (Big Chest). Size : 2.7 X 4.8 cm. Consecrated through many big ceremonies, made by holy powder materials.

(Metta Maha Niyom, Maha Saney, Kaew Klaad Plod Pai & Kongkrapan Chatri.) 

Effect : Compassion, Great Popularity, Charm, Avoid from danger, Safety and Invincibility.

Mixed Powders from : 
1.) Phaya Rang silver powder, gold silver
2.) Tamarind leaves and tamarind trees from the Giant Millennial Tamarind Temple.
3.) Phra Khun Paen powder, famous batch of Wat Kae.
4.) Sacred holy material which made Jatukam Ramathep amulets.
5.) Benjapakee Amulets powder
6.) Sacred powder of Maechi Boon Reung, Wat Awut. 

 Chanting ceremony throughout the chapel quarter
 Consecrated in the ceremony of Deva Mangkalaphisek  Ubosot of Wat Phra Si Mahathat Woramahaviharn, Bangkok, Chao Khun Thongchai, Wat Traimit, Somdej Phra Wonarat, Wat Bowon Niwet Woraviharn, Bangkok.
Consecrate in the ceremony of paying respect to the head teachers of Wat Kae.
Phuttha Phisek at the Ubosot of Wat Samphatsil, Suphan Buri, Luang Pu Nam, Wat Noi.
Phuttha Phisek ceremony at Wat Kae.

It's consider 1 of Phra Khun Paen amulet that can be called as completed the whole consecration ceremony with sacred magical powers, well blessed & effectiveness.

泰国坤平 Wat Kae Phra Khun Paen 增强人缘魅力,提升谈判说服力,避险保平安,逆境中脱颖而出,战无不胜。坤平當初督造的因由,是為了紀念為國捐軀的士兵和功臣,帕Naresuan大帝諭令瓦阪港与大胜吉祥寺各督造84,000枚佛牌藏於舍利塔內,年代相近不远无法考究先后,以供後世敬仰和膜拜。還有為數不明的贈送給當時凱旋歸來的士兵和功臣,受贈者當時是備受人民仰慕的,屬於至高無上的光榮。其實,那批佛牌一開始並未授予任何名稱,而坤平在此批佛牌督造之前64年已經離世,只是後來人們用坤平這個傳奇人物,來稱呼那批佛牌,而成為第一代的坤平佛牌。以帕坤平命名,是體現當時在戰場上的士兵,如坤平一般驍勇善戰。其實民間將坤平佛比喻為”溝女佛”,是不恰當的,這樣的稱呼是貶低了其意義和佛祖,但是由於其的確在提升魅力,增強人緣,兼且與歷史上的風流人物坤平掛鉤,難免讓人有此想法。其實,这帮 Wat Kae 坤平佛本身並非單單人緣魅力功能,在領導力,說服力等都有幫助,甚至還有力槍不入之能,無數顯靈讓佩戴者脫險,可以說是一枚非常好佩戴的佛牌。