Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Phra Somdej Mian (smelly), Nur Phong, Luang Phor Unn (Woon), Wat Tanggong, Phetchaburi (B.E.2495-2497).

Material: Nur Pong Gao mixed with Mixed with left over monk food and let it for fermentation. 
One of the earliest batch of amulets created by Lp Unn.

The best Buddha amulet for Charm & Protection.

Name: Phra Somdej Mian (B.E.2495-2497)

From: LP Unn, Wat Tanggong, Phetchaburi Province.

Year: B.E.2495 (C.E.1952) ~B.E.2497 (C.E.1954)

Material: LP Unn created Phra Somdej Mian from many holy mass such as rice from LP Unn’s mouth that is the most delicious to mix for creating Phra Somdej Mian. Moreover, LP Unn mixed many charm herbs in the Buddha amulet too and he mixed the S
uperb Metta Maha Saney Old Powder of Luang Pu Kaew, Wat Krua Wan from Chonburi Province who is great of creator Phra Pidta amulet in Thailand. 

Size: about 1.6 cm x 2 cm

Purpose for making: Donate the money from amulets to develop and restore the buildings in Wat Tankong.

Ceremony: LP Unn strongly blessed Phra Somdej Mian for 8 years by himself with monks in temple.

Power: Phra Somdej Mian by LP Unn is very well known in Thailand because there are a lot of holy powders from LP Kaew mixed to created. Therefore, Phra Somdej Mian amulet by LP Unn can make worshipper to be more charm, kindness, attractive and Metta Maha Saney. Moreover, Phra Somdej Mian amulet is excellent in lucky and wealth too. By the way, there are many wonderful experience of Phra Somdej Mian amulet about help worshipper from harm, accident and weapon.

Presented: In front of the amulet which is Lord Buddha image in meditation style with holy Yant “Phut” and “Tho” in arch. Moreover, in the back has holy Yant “Na Pad Talod” with Thai alphabets to increase power.

Luang Phor Unn was born on Friday 9 March of B.E. 2459 at Ban Nong Hin Tuang, Tumbon Mab Pla Khao, Amphor Tha Yang, Petchburi province. In childhood, LP studied at Wat Sai Kan and went from school to help LP’s parents in agricultural field. Besides, when LP was 20 years, LP ordained on 21 July B.E. 2479 at Wat Tanggong and after that LP had studied with LP Phiew that was the beginning of Phutthakom study. Beginning with looking after of LP Phiew and teaching LP for Phutthaakom. Next Phansa, LP Unn has pray LP Thong Suk of Wat Tanode Luang to be LP Suk’s student in Kasin subject until fluently in 10 of Kasin and besides LP has studied Phong Metta .
For studying, LP Unn must walk from Wat Tanggong to Wat Tanode Luang each time has to stay for 15 days and must go to the forest with LP Thong Suk. Later, LP had met LP Jan, Wat Malurkathaiyawan who was the relatives of LP Thongsuk by teaching Sakod Chatri subject for LP Unn. LP Unn passed away in 31 October C.E.2010.

近代19大高僧龙婆温高僧生于佛历2459年,于佛历2479年20岁的时候正式出家、成为僧侣,法名Sukhakamo。龙婆温高僧年轻时曾拜访多位名师学习法术与禅定,主要传承的是Wat Tankong龙婆Piu以及Wat Tanod Luang龙婆Tong Suk的法脉,其中Wat Tanod Luang的龙婆Tong Suk高僧又是对龙婆温日后发展影响最大的一位师傅。龙婆Tong Suk在当时是泰国Petchburi府内的一位极具盛名的高僧,在府内历史上都算是最伟大的高僧之一,他教导了很多著名的僧人学习法术,后来他的很多弟子都成为了不同寺庙的主持,龙婆温高僧之外,还包括了Wat Nong Jok的龙婆Yid,Wat Tano De Luang的龙婆Paew,Wat Prasong的龙婆Lair等近代佛牌制作名师。龙婆温跟随恩师多年,从其身上学到了符文纹身的方法,后来还为泰国的九世皇亲自纹过身;此外还跟恩师学习了人缘及挡险方面的法门,多年后,有位善信佩戴了龙婆温的佛牌后还出现过被人用枪射击数枪奇迹生还的神迹,当时的善信被枪打过后,身体一点没事,只是衣服上破了很多的洞而已,可见在刀枪不入法门上龙婆温佛牌的力量有多大了。至于那些高僧圣物的致富神迹,多年来善信口碑众多,不过大多只是民间广为流传,很多都没有正式的在报纸上登载。龙婆温高僧于佛历2553年圆寂,结束了自己长达74年的僧侣生涯,享年94岁。