Monday, January 24, 2022

Mae Nang Setti Kham Ong, Nur Phong Yaa (Powdered Medicine) Pathom Asang, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2564).

50% old powder *Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing inlaid with Gemstones. Ready to use. 泰国红药第一高僧,古巴阿匹瓦,第一期 “佛统阿桑药粉” Mae Nang Setti Kham Ong 招财天神(湄南塞蒂康翁)据文献资料记载 Kham Ong 是专门掌管生意方面的天神,有帮助与促成生意和找到有利润的生意。在掸邦、泰北和缅甸的生意人都有佩戴和供奉 “塞蒂康翁” 的习俗,无论任何生意只要 Kham Ong 天神在便会轻松达成交易。 除开促进生意的功效以外,有 “Metta 咩打、Khakai 卡凯、Chok Larp 促喇、Maha Saney 玛哈神尼、Maha Niyom 玛哈力勇的神奇功效” 获得任何人的喜爱,长辈和领导的关爱和特别的照顾,可以在红药底部钻孔后将红药粉末放入日常使用的香水瓶中,在每天出门使用香水喷洒在左胸口并许愿即可轻松达成。并且使用 Kham Ong 红药后会获得特别的魅力,并且变得富有。 日常佩戴出门可以获得天神的照顾,变得幸运,运势变佳。Kham Ong 红药可以保证资金源源不断的流动,可以特别的销售但禁忌是不可以在产品受到大家欢迎后涨价。可以在需要的时候将红药粉末刮下后浸泡在水中洗脸,可以得到所有人的认可和仰慕。平时放在办公桌上或者店里、家中都非常好,且古巴阿匹瓦这期红药制作数量稀少,值得收藏和备起来使用。

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Rian 1st batch "Setti Huan Duang", Committee Set of 4, Nur Thong Daeng LongYa with Thong Thip Rung Mask, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2564).

No. : 60

Made : 168 pcs

Chanted and consecrated for 1 phansa 3 months during Buddhist Lent.

**Thong Daeng LongYa = Copper with Green Colour Enamel.
Thong Thip Rung Mask = Brass with Rainbow Colour Mask.

第一期鸡蛋形古巴阿匹瓦自身法相铜牌, 理事模版本, 红铜龙牙材质并盖上一片黄铜彩虹色面, 通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六四年)。

编号 : 六十号
制造 : 一百六十八枚


Kruba Apiwat 古巴API哇2564第一期金属硬币自身,论“瑟缇隆端”,也被称作为“钱进不停”招财自身。作为泰国境内的缅甸法术第一高僧,用缅甸法门开光3个月后,再送往不同的缅甸寺庙开光。


Friday, January 21, 2022

Rian 1st batch "Setti Huan Duang", Committee Set of 4, Nur Alpaka with Thong Thip Rose Gold Plated Mask, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2564).

No. : 60

Made : 168 pcs Chanted and consecrated for 1 phansa 3 months during Buddhist Lent. **Alpaka = Nickel. 
Thong Thip Rose Gold Plated Mask = Brass with Rose Gold Plated Mask. 第一期鸡蛋形古巴阿匹瓦自身法相铜牌, 理事模版本, 镍材质并盖上一片黄铜镀玫瑰金面, 通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六四年)。 编号 : 六十号 制造 : 一百六十八枚 在守夏节时开光加持一个雨季三个月。 Kruba Apiwat 古巴API哇2564第一期金属硬币自身,论“瑟缇隆端”,也被称作为“钱进不停”招财自身。作为泰国境内的缅甸法术第一高僧,用缅甸法门开光3个月后,再送往不同的缅甸寺庙开光。 最后一场仪式在泰北古寺瓦帕醒举行,参与的高僧有:古巴端占、古巴杰士达、帕阿赞巴勇萨等人。背后为缅甸掌管财富的天神,佩戴这期自身不仅可以得到师父的祝福和庇护,更可以得到缅甸天神“瑟缇隆端”的帮助,让有关赚钱的事情更加轻松和容易。在生意和买卖方面促进达成,事半功倍、一本万利,可以帮助事业和提升运势,防止降头等邪术,避开危险。

Rian 1st batch "Setti Huan Duang", Committee Set of 4, Nur Thong Thip Rung with Thong Thip Mask, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2564).

No. : 60

Made : 168 pcs Chanted and consecrated for 1 phansa 3 months during Buddhist Lent.
**Thong Thip Rung = Brass with Rainbow Colour.
Thong Thip Mask = Brass Mask.
第一期鸡蛋形古巴阿匹瓦自身法相铜牌, 理事模版本, 黄铜彩虹色材质并盖上一片黄铜面, 通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六四年)。 编号 : 六十号 制造 : 一百六十八枚 在守夏节时开光加持一个雨季三个月。 Kruba Apiwat 古巴API哇2564第一期金属硬币自身,论“瑟缇隆端”,也被称作为“钱进不停”招财自身。作为泰国境内的缅甸法术第一高僧,用缅甸法门开光3个月后,再送往不同的缅甸寺庙开光。 最后一场仪式在泰北古寺瓦帕醒举行,参与的高僧有:古巴端占、古巴杰士达、帕阿赞巴勇萨等人。背后为缅甸掌管财富的天神,佩戴这期自身不仅可以得到师父的祝福和庇护,更可以得到缅甸天神“瑟缇隆端”的帮助,让有关赚钱的事情更加轻松和容易。在生意和买卖方面促进达成,事半功倍、一本万利,可以帮助事业和提升运势,防止降头等邪术,避开危险。

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Rian 1st batch "Setti Huan Duang", Committee Set of 4, Nur Chanuan with Silver Mask, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2564).

No. : 60

Made : 168 pcs Chanted and consecrated for 1 phansa 3 months during Buddhist Lent. 第一期鸡蛋形古巴阿匹瓦自身法相铜牌, 理事模版本, “参暖”材质并盖上一片纯银面, 通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六四年)。 编号 : 六十号 制造 : 一百六十八枚 “参暖”材质中文翻译为混合铜。

在守夏节时开光加持一个雨季三个月。 Kruba Apiwat 古巴API哇2564第一期金属硬币自身,论“瑟缇隆端”,也被称作为“钱进不停”招财自身。作为泰国境内的缅甸法术第一高僧,用缅甸法门开光3个月后,再送往不同的缅甸寺庙开光。 最后一场仪式在泰北古寺瓦帕醒举行,参与的高僧有:古巴端占、古巴杰士达、帕阿赞巴勇萨等人。背后为缅甸掌管财富的天神,佩戴这期自身不仅可以得到师父的祝福和庇护,更可以得到缅甸天神“瑟缇隆端”的帮助,让有关赚钱的事情更加轻松和容易。在生意和买卖方面促进达成,事半功倍、一本万利,可以帮助事业和提升运势,防止降头等邪术,避开危险。
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Monday, January 17, 2022

[FOR SHOW / 纯粹分享] Phra Pidta Bhagavampati 7 Wat, Nur Mai (Wood), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2559).

Made : 108 pieces

No. : 23 (Michael Jordan) *Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing inlaid with Pink Gemstones. Ready to use. Very rare. This Buddha image was created according to the original textbook of Kruba Wichaiya Siri Witchayo (Kruba Wat Mai Hung) by bringing the Bodhi Nirvana wood (Sali Maha Bodhi wood) hundreds of years old. With a branch pointing towards the eastern part that was broken in the early morning of Songkran Festival year 2016, it was carved into the image of the Buddha. His left hand rubbed his stomach. It means abundance, having something to eat, do not need to be starve, with the right hand covering the face. It means safety, escape from all dangers and then lacquered, stick with 24k real gold leaves. Contains magical powder (Phong Phutthakun) and a pcs of real gold takrut according to the compulsory textbook and is covered under the base with silver plates. Stamped with codes and serial numbers on every piece. By making only 108 pieces. This Phra Bhagavampati has brought in the coronation ceremony and prayed from the monks who have magic power. There are many precepts and steadfast concentration. If you want to worship, use the following spells. “Kavampati Ca Maha Thero Nirasavo Bhavabhave Nibbana Kojaro Santo Sathasotthi Karotumee” carry it with you, houses, shops, vehicles to prevent being invaded by all Sambhawesi (demons). Protect you from the occult, evil-spirit, ghost, backstabber, the wild wind blows, various wicked things. Escape from all kinds of dangerous accidents. Before leaving the house or go to work, go to trade, go to meet the opposite sex. Who to ask for help, to bring this Phra Bhagavampati to sprinkle perfume and put it in his hands and make a chant according to the spell above. And then pray as you wish…
帕必达巴嘎瓦帕蒂七瓦,古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺庙(佛历:二五五九年)。 制造:一百零八尊 编号:二十三号(迈克尔·乔丹) * 已经镶好防水定制的纯银外壳,并镶上粉红色宝石。随时可以佩戴了。 非常稀有。 这尊佛牌是根据 Kruba Wichaiya Siri Witchayo (Kruba Wat Mai Hung) 的原装教科书而制造出来并此用了数百年的菩提涅槃木 (Sali Maha Bodhi wood) 在2016年的泰国泼水节清晨折断的树枝并且是要指向东方。雕刻成佛牌,他的左手揉了揉肚子。意识是富足,容易找到吃,不会饿死,右手掩脸。 意味着保护平安,安全逃离一切危险,然后涂上一层漆,贴上 24k 真金箔。根据教科书上必须要包含 Phong Phutthakun圣粉和一支真金符管,并在底座下覆盖一片纯银片。 每片纯银都印有庙印记和佛牌的编号。 总共制作 108 尊。 这个尊帕巴嘎瓦帕蒂经过许多念经仪式,并由有法力的高僧开光诵经。 有很多戒律与坚定的加持,若欲拜,请此用以下经文。 “Kavampati Ca Maha Thero Nirasavo Bhavabhave Nibbana Kojaro Santo Sathasotthi Karotumee” ...随身携带、房屋、商店、车辆能够防止被所有 Sambhawesi 恶魔入侵。保护你免受神秘的,恶灵,鬼怪,背后中伤你的人,邪风吹,各种邪恶的事情。 逃离各种危险事故,出门前上班,去交易,去找异性朋友。向谁寻求帮助,都佩戴上这尊巴嘎瓦帕蒂,喷上一些香水,放在手中,然后按照上面的经文参念。 然后随心所欲地许愿...

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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Rian Buddha Racha (front) - Sura Sathee Mee Doh (back), Nur Takua (Lead Material), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2563).

Made : 77 pieces

*There is a temple code on the back of the amulet, come with original temple box. Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing with Black Colour Enamel.

Sura Sathee Mee Doh (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom)
The supreme goddess of Myanmar, it is said that she is the first prophet of the universe, knows everything in the universe, has a lofty position, and takes care of her duties ~ Buddha, the three celestial books in hand record the past, present and future of the Buddha.

And her beauty made her loved by gods and even demons wherever she went.

The effect of wearing Rian Buddha Racha - Sura Sathee Mee Doh is super good for popularity and wealth. Everyone loves you, and wealth is abundant, which opens the way for us. When encountering difficulties, they will solve some problems wisely.
Sura Sathee Mee Doh (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom) / 幸运与智慧女神苏拉萨迪
由经文组合的铜牌 ~ 莲拉查佛主 (前面), 幸运与智慧女神苏拉萨迪 (背后), 铅材质, 古巴阿匹瓦开光加持, 通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六三年)

制造: 七十七枚


佛历: 2563 年 由古巴阿匹瓦领团开光加持

此尊为缅甸兰纳法脉最顶级经咒符文牌,涵盖了苏拉萨迪,五方佛陀经咒组成的人形图腾。用上最好的金属供佛器皿,金银首饰 Wat Thong Pong 历代高僧留下的金属佛牌熔炼督造。


【智慧女神 / 幸运女神】

缅甸至高的女神,传说她是宇宙第一先知,知晓宇宙一切,地位崇高,职责看管 ~ 佛陀,手上的三本天书记载着佛陀的过去现在未来。


佩戴功效是人缘和财运超级棒,人见人爱, 财源广进, 为我们开路。 遇到困难时会有智慧的解决一些问题。

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Mae Nang Setti Kham Ong, Nur Phong Yaa (Powdered Medicine) Pathom Asang, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2564).

50% old powder

*Come with good quality stainless-steel openable Ah Pook casing.

泰国红药第一高僧,古巴阿匹瓦,第一期 “佛统阿桑药粉” Mae Nang Setti Kham Ong 招财天神(湄南塞蒂康翁)据文献资料记载 Kham Ong 是专门掌管生意方面的天神,有帮助与促成生意和找到有利润的生意。在掸邦、泰北和缅甸的生意人都有佩戴和供奉 “塞蒂康翁” 的习俗,无论任何生意只要 Kham Ong 天神在便会轻松达成交易。

除开促进生意的功效以外,有 “Metta 咩打、Khakai 卡凯、Chok Larp 促喇、Maha Saney 玛哈神尼、Maha Niyom 玛哈力勇的神奇功效” 获得任何人的喜爱,长辈和领导的关爱和特别的照顾,可以在红药底部钻孔后将红药粉末放入日常使用的香水瓶中,在每天出门使用香水喷洒在左胸口并许愿即可轻松达成。并且使用 Kham Ong 红药后会获得特别的魅力,并且变得富有。

日常佩戴出门可以获得天神的照顾,变得幸运,运势变佳。Kham Ong 红药可以保证资金源源不断的流动,可以特别的销售但禁忌是不可以在产品受到大家欢迎后涨价。可以在需要的时候将红药粉末刮下后浸泡在水中洗脸,可以得到所有人的认可和仰慕。平时放在办公桌上或者店里、家中都非常好,且古巴阿匹瓦这期红药制作数量稀少,值得收藏和备起来使用。
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Friday, January 7, 2022

钱母 (print) from Luang Phor Kloy, Wat Phukhao Thong, Phatthalung (B.E.2556).

*与Phra Pirab 和象神 Phra Pikganesh 同一个法会念经加持。

第一次在 Wat Thamtaload 做大法会,第二次在 Wat Pukalthong 做大法会,参与大法会念经加持 的都是泰南最有名的高憎 :~


Si Pheung Pa Yong Kham (Balm) 帕勇康人缘膏, 1st batch, Kruba Witchaiya Sri Witchaiyo aka Kruba Wat Mai Hong (眼镜师父).

Size : The size of a match head. / 一粒火柴头的大小。

*Behind inserted with a pcs of Silver Takrut Salika by Kruba Apiwat. Come with temple paper with temple ink chop. Guaranteed authentic. 背后有放入一支由古巴阿匹瓦手写纯银萨利卡人缘鸟符管。拥有原装庙纸并盖上庙印章。保证正品。 A full balm container of Pa Yong Kham made by Kruba Wat Mai Hong cost around RM10k++. 一罐满满的 Pa Yong Kham 人缘膏价值大约马币十多千起跳。 Encased with custom-made waterproof 90% Gold Casing. 已经镶好定制的防水 90% 黄金外壳。 Magical Effect : Wish granted, Opposite Sex Attractiveness, Charming, Maha Phokasap (Business Luck & Wealth Fetching). 神奇功效:许愿有求必应,异性魅力,好人缘,吸引力,Maha Phokasap(生意运和招财)。 帕勇康(Pa Yong Kham)人缘膏 古巴Wat Mai Hung师傅制作,很多人都说师傅开光的方法很奇怪,要去三个地方加持开光。 第一次要在庙里面的大佛祖前开光,第二次在人流非常旺的三叉路口开光,如果有人经过问在干什么,就要告诉别人,这是帮助有财有钱有人缘的。 第三次要在坟场里开光,让徒弟去挖一尸两命的孕妇尸体,让徒弟帮尸体换上新的衣服,徒弟要长年轻20岁左右并且还要长得帅气,让徒弟在后面抱着尸体,把装满人缘膏的碗放在尸体的手上,让徒弟把尸体的手慢慢的放进碗里把人缘膏拌匀在一起,师傅会一边念经,慢慢的,尸体的手就在碗里动,直到尸体想要把碗里的人缘膏喝下去的时候,师傅就会念经让尸体的魂请回去,这样就完成了。 很多人找师傅请人缘膏,但不是有钱就会给请到,要看人,人缘膏可以帮助感情桃花,特别厉害特别好,用鬼灵去帮助供奉者,只要把这个膏带在身上,去那都讨人喜欢,鬼神见到也会很喜欢。

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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Phra Chaiwat (Mini Size Medicine Buddha / 迷你药师佛), Silver, 75 years old, Roon Sao Ha, Luang Phor Sawai, Wat Preedararm (B.E.2539).

*Come with two temple codes at the Monk Robe (Jeevorn) & Bottom.

Effect : Increase Good Health, Improve Good Luck and Business Luck, unimaginable Wealth, overcome all odds, You can achieving success.
Medicine Buddha Medicine Buddha is commonly called Phra Kring or Phra Chaiwat, which means Medicine Buddha in Thai.He is a fully enlightened being that is devoid of any form of biased against living beings. Like Avalokitesvara or Tara, the Medicine Buddha is a Buddha filled with unlimited compassion towards us. The Sutra of the Master of Healing states that when the Medicine Buddha became a Bodhisattva, “he made Twelve Great Vows to grant all beings with whatever they pray for.” In essence the twelve great vows indicate that Medicine Buddha is a Buddha that heals us from physical, mental, and spiritual illness. When we think how exactly Medicine Buddha Phra Kring or Phra Chaiwat can cure sicknesses and diseases, we should remember that all our karma is created by our wrong threefold activity: wrong actions, wrong language and wrong thinking or perception. All karma is created by the three poisons of the mind: attachment, aversion and confusion. When we meditate on Medicine Buddha or chant his mantra, we identify ourselves with the absolute buddha-mind of Sangye Menla, the state which is liberated and free from all impurities and imperfections. External world is just a mirror of what is inside of our mind. If the mind is sick, the body becomes sick and the external world becomes troublesome. If we are loosening the tights of our bad habits and thinking patterns, by the help of Medicine Buddha by reminding the clear light of the mind and our previous healthy state, we are cutting off the roots of our sufferings; it cannot grow or deepen anymore there. It brings us a recovery. The Buddha of Medicine’s formal name is Bhaisajyaguru Vaidurya Prabharaja, which means Master of Healing, Azure Radiance or Master of Medicine and King of Lapis Lazuli Light. The sound and vibrations of the Medicine Buddha name and mantra can touch very deep levels of our consciousness. That is why in the sutra is said that who hears the name of the Medicine Buddha will not be reborn in the lower realms of the existence. Medicine Buddha will protect us from four types of ailments: disease, harm from spirits, negative karma and obstacles.
Luang Phor Sawai of Wat Preedararm. 
Luang Phor Sawai born on Wednesday, 18th of January 2464 in the year of the Chicken at Barn LatChakkum, Ampher Bangsai in Ayutthaya. His father name Sear and his mother name Yim. His father also learned wichah ( Ancient Art ) and always performed eating glass after drinking section to show that he also have wichah Kongkhapan.

As Young Sawai watching his dad performed all the time make him very interested in learning wichah himself. When his dad passed away, Young Sawai had no place to stay and have to travel around to look for odd job to survived.

One day he came across Wat Predaram while he were travelling and make his decision to stay in Wat Predaram attendad the school in the temple till Primary 6 then he decided to become a novice monk at the temple and never leave the mookhood till the day L.P.Sawai attained Nibana.

LP Sawai started to learn wichah of Yant kongkhaopan Chathee, MahaUd, Metta Mahaniyom and also doing takrud from L.P.Phoon of Wat MaiPingKaew, after LP Sawai learned everything from LP Phoon, he went to studied under L.P.Ngern of Wat Predaram, then continue his journey to learned Sak Yant ( Ancient tattoo ), Phayant MahaYant Khumnert Narai ( famous Phayant from L.P.Sawai with many proven incidents ) under Acharn Yang ( white robe master ) in Pethburi.

Next he went to continue his study under Acharn SearYoiChuRot ( a Big Time Money Lander/Mafia ) who also expert in wichah Yant NakPhak ( draw metta oil on our forehead ) as L.P.Sawai like this wichah so much and later he used it as his Favourite Yant in most of LP amulets. After he completed he went to Luang Phor Kao at Wat SuanSom, SamutSakorn to learn wichah PitThong on NakPhak. Then to Acharn PinLotkongThan to learned wichah of making Good Paladkik as Acharn Pin is disciple to L.P.Lear Wat SaoChanNgor and L.P.Ee of Wat Sathahip. L.P.Sawai learned this art very successfully as he can use his paladkik to cut the rainbow and while he chanted in the BartNamMon filled with water, the paladkik can swim around it. many of his disciples saw LP Sawai performeed before and they know how efficious the paladkik make by L.P.Sawai.

After that L.P.Sawai continue his wichah study under Acharn ChamTaKunSoong , a disciple to L.P.Cheam of Wat Takong to learned the Traditional Medical in Herbs. then L.P.Sawai went to see PhrakPaladThot of Wat WongSear to learned Calling Back Soul of the people who died drowning in the sea or river, using bamboo to act like a fishing rod, and pull back the soul, many people saw the bamboo bend like pulling in a big fish on the rod, it performed to call back the soul and guide them back to the right place where they belong. then LP went to learned the art of making Mercury Amulets for klaewklad under L.P.PraPanKanasing.

Luang Phor Sawai love to learn wichah and studied under L.P.Ngern Wat DonYaiHom, L.P.Noi Wat Sisathong and even with L.P.Roong of Wat ThaKrabuer. Luang Phor Sawai also went Tudong around Esan area, Lopburi and Uttaradit area and at last he stayed and became the Abbot of Wat PreDaram.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Rian Phra Pairee Phinat, Phim Prok Bai Makham (Tamarind Leaf Shape), Roon Sao Ha, with code, Silver, Wat Suthat Thepwararam, Bangkok (B.E.2536).

3 big blessing ceremony at 3 famous temples (Wat Suthat, Wat Sothon, Wat BangKhlan).

Made : 295 pieces

*Amulet age 29 years old, guaranteed authentic amulet. Come with original temple box.

Effect : Defeated your enemies & competitor.

“Sao Ha” around 2 to 3 times a year is considered as lucky. On March 27, B.E.2536 (Year : 1993), the 5th waxing moon of the 5th month of the Rooster year is "Saturday 5" aka “Sao Ha”, which is auspicious and important, a solid day and a magical day in consecration.
In ancient times, gaeji archan (monks) believed that the consecration of the Buddha amulet on the fifth Saturday would become more intense and sacred than on normal days, and the spells or seals that were prayed in the ceremony would become even more powerful and difficult to deteriorate.

The reason why most temples prefer to hold the ceremonies because it is believed that the ceremony will make the ceremony more magical. Alchemy will have a very good holiness. But if “Saturday 5” can complete the formula, it must be “Saturday 5th” or the fifth waxing moon of the 5th month, Saturday only. But it will be a very rare “Saturday 5th”, because it will be exactly like this. You have to wait about 5 or 7 years. Observe it carefully. If it is a full 5th Saturday like this, there will be a temple to hold a cosecration or blessing ceremony. Many because it is considered a strong day and is very sacred.

Magical effect of Phra Pairee Phinat amulet protects against malicious people, protects against enemies, protects against those who want to do bad things to our family members in our house. Seeing or unseen things that are malicious, therefore suggesting that every home, shop, office or organisation. Should have a sacred Buddha image of Phra Pairee Phinat to worship in order for those who think evil to our family members are defeated and perish.
Phra Pairee Phinat was a small Buddha Image which was presented to King Rama 5 while he was ordained as a monk in the year B.E.2391. King Rama 5 named this Buddha Image to be "Phra Pairee Phinat" due to the fact that at that time Mom-Krai-Sorn who competed with him for the position of the King. Mom-Krai-Sorn tried every way to prosecute King Rama 5 but was never successful in his evil plot. Not long after King Rama 5 received Phra Pairee Phinat Buddha Image, Mom-Krai-Sorn was executed at Wat Pa-Thum-Kong-Ka (temple) for his serious violation of palace law.

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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Rian Buddha Racha - Sura Sathee Mee Doh, Copper, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2563).

Made : 699 pieces *There is a temple code on the back of the amulet, come with original temple box. Sura Sathee Mee Doh (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom) The supreme goddess of Myanmar, it is said that she is the first prophet of the universe, knows everything in the universe, has a lofty position, and takes care of her duties ~ Buddha, the three celestial books in hand record the past, present and future of the Buddha. And her beauty made her loved by gods and even demons wherever she went. The effect of wearing Rian Buddha Racha - Sura Sathee Mee Doh is super good for popularity and wealth. Everyone loves you, and wealth is abundant, which opens the way for us. When encountering difficulties, they will solve some problems wisely.
Sura Sathee Mee Doh (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom) / 幸运与智慧女神苏拉萨迪
由经文组合的铜牌 ~ 莲拉查佛主 (前面), 幸运与智慧女神苏拉萨迪 (背后), 红铜材质, 古巴阿匹瓦开光加持, 通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六三年) 制造: 六百九十九枚 *佛牌的背后有打上庙印,拥有原装庙盒。

佛历: 2563 年 由古巴阿匹瓦领团开光加持

此尊为缅甸兰纳法脉最顶级经咒符文牌,涵盖了苏拉萨迪,五方佛陀经咒组成的人形图腾。用上最好的金属供佛器皿,金银首饰 Wat Thong Pong 历代高僧留下的金属佛牌熔炼督造。

【智慧女神 / 幸运女神】 缅甸至高的女神,传说她是宇宙第一先知,知晓宇宙一切,地位崇高,职责看管 ~ 佛陀,手上的三本天书记载着佛陀的过去现在未来。 而且她的美貌让她不管到哪里都受到天神甚至妖魔的爱护。 佩戴功效是人缘和财运超级棒,人见人爱, 财源广进, 为我们开路。 遇到困难时会有智慧的解决一些问题。
Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.

Phaya Main Tahka Gob Kam (King of Frog that brings Growth / Fortune) made by Kruba Apiwat of Wat TungPong (B.E.2559).

This amulet originates from Tai Yai, and has a folk legend connected to it – the story of “Montahka Arlong Gob Kam”. As the story goes, there once lived an enchanted frog that was able to bring back the dead. It was said the frog was even able to revive itself after being eaten alive by a deity. It was an enchantment that was highly sought after in all realms. Whoever possessed these skills was worshipped as a King. In those tumultuous days, spirits, humans and animals were often at war. Whenever any side suffered casualties, the fallen would be brought before the frog to be brought back to life. The frog realized that this would be an endless cycle, and preached about peace and the happiness it brings to everyone involved in the war, hoping to end it once and for all. After years of strife, and through the prolonged efforts of the frog, the war finally ended. Out of respect and reverence for the frog that had brought them peace, the survivors used gold and Keaw Kao Pragarn(9 types of precious gems) to build a castle for it, and crowned it King. Thus, the Tai Yai regard this amulet, named for the mythical frog-king, as a bringer of peace, happiness, wealth, and recovery from unfortunate circumstances. Another origin story came from China. In ancient times, farmers observed that frogs hibernated during the winter, and came back to life in spring. Thus, they regarded frogs as an auspicious animal that brought an end to the winter cold, and served as the emissary of renewal and the harvest in spring. Kruba Apiwat of Wat TungPong made this Phaya Gob Kam out of holy wood, before inserting Parod (mercury) and plastering it with Pidthong (gold foils). 3 consecration ceremonies were carried out; 1. The first blessing was conducted on the day of the solar eclipse on 1 September B.E.2559. 2. A second blessing was completed on the night of the lunar eclipse on 16 September B.E.2559. 3. A final Phithi Chanpen (Full Moon Ceremony) was conducted on 14 November B.E.2559. Methods of Use: Here are several ways to worship Phaya Gob Kam: 1. When you first bring Phaya Gob Kam into your house, place the holy item on a mat and bathe it with fragrant water (water steeped with sacred flowers). Position the frog facing the entrance of your house, and speak to it in a soft, sweet voice. Pray, and ask for what you desire. Following which, locate a spot in the house where the morning sunlight will shine directly onto the frog, and set it up there. Pay your respects to the frog with a glass of tea. One day soon, should you happen to hear the sound of a frog croaking, pray to the frog and reiterate what you have wished for. It will be granted shortly. 2. If you wish to worship the frog in your shop, place it on a mat and bathe it with fragrant water. Position the frog facing the outside of your shop, and speak to it in a soft, sweet voice. Pray for what you desire, and pay your respects with a glass of tea. When you hear the sound of a frog croaking, pray to the frog and ask for good business. You will soon experience good fortune and effortless sales. 3. If you want to increase your wealth, and enjoy a steady flow of income, keep the frog where you store your money or jewelry. 4. If you need to travel, stop over, or reside in another location, keep yourself safe by carrying Phaya Gob Kam and a bottle of fragrant water or perfume on you. Before you go to sleep, take out the frog and the perfume and place them close by. Pray to it and chant “The Salutations to The Buddha” (refer to the article on Salutations to the Triple Gems), then ask for Phaya Gob Kam to keep you safe. 5. If you seek improvements in your business, or success, stability and acceptance in your career, place Phaya Gob Kam on your work desk. 6. If you have to travel to or stay in a place that has evil spirits, wear the Phaya Gob Kam, or keep it close to your body. When you feel it vibrating or pulsating, do not fear. Chant “The Salutations to The Buddha”, and ask Lord Buddha and Phaya Gob Kam to help keep you safe. 7. If you are a pregnant, pray to Phaya Gob Kam with 5 water lilies, then soak them in Sompoiwater. Bathing with this holy mixture every day will ensure a smooth delivery and a bright child. Note: To make Sompoi water, dilute powdered Sompoi herb. This is obtained from drying the fruit pods of the Acacia Concinna tree, and grinding them into powder. Sompoi is readily available in traditional medicine shops across Thailand. 8. If you wear Phaya Gob Kam, it will bless you with Metta Mahasaneh and you will be well-liked by everyone. You will be blessed with good luck and good fortune. Katha Namo Tassa Pakawatoh Arahatoh Samma Sambuddhassa (x3) (“The Salutations to The Buddha”) Itipiso Bhagawa, Arahang, Samma Samputto, Wicha Jarana Sampanno, Sukhato, Logawitu, Anuttaro Purisa Thamma Sarathi, Sattha Tewa Manussanang, Putto, Pakawati.

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