Monday, September 27, 2021

Phra Kring Chakaphat (White Bottom), Nawak Loha Material, Mass Chanted, Wat Suthat (B.E.2546).

No. : 555

*Come with original temple box.

Very famous Phra Kring Chakaphat, made from Nawak Loha material. Blessed in super Grand ceremony at Wat Suthat for 9 days 9 nights, chanted non-stop day by Top monks in year B.E.2546. Indeed to create this series Phra Kring, old Phra Kring amulets were used as one of the many components to ensure that the amulets were as sacred as possible.

Wat Suthat is famously created Phra Kring in Thailand. Generally early Phra Kring of Wat Suthat design works under the supervision of Somdej Phra Ariyawongsakotayarn Sakolmaha Sangkhaparinayok or simply short for Somdej Phra Sangkarai Pae who was also the spiritual teacher of King Rama VIII.
Monk : Mass Chanted - 9 days 9 nights. Almost all the top-top monks from whole Thailand attend this chanting ceremony.

Temple : Wat Suthat.

Special : This Phra Kring Chakaphat was consecrated in year B.E. 2546 and blessed in Super Grand Ceremony at Wat Suthat for 9 days 9 nights, non-stop day chanted by Top Monks. With code at the back of the amulet. Made from sacred Nawak Loha metal and mixed old Phra Kring amulets. Highly collectible, in excellent condition and entirely genuine. Supplied with original temple box.

Effect : Increase Good Health, Improve Good Luck and Business Luck, unimaginable Wealth, overcome all odds, You can achieving success.
Part 1
Part 2
Phra Kring Chakaphat Wat Suthat寺院(白底)4032尊,未打磨。 背后只有一个Dhamma圆形法轮代码,行驶编号。 

漂亮编号: 555 这Phra Kring 念经加持于2546年,是Wat Suthat Thepwararam最大的念经加持开光仪式。 为庆祝第 72 维苏达提巴(Visudhathibadi) 方丈诞辰 6 周年,并筹集资金筹建Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya 大学 。
很多高僧大德来自中国、韩国、斯里兰卡、缅甸、 尼泊尔、不丹、西藏、高棉和老挝,并邀请来自76个省的所有地区的龙婆高僧。 Phra Wipassana Chan Phra Pa Sai,东北地区坐在 Thep Wararam、Wat Suthat 的 Ubosot 整夜祈祷念经打坐念经加持心灵觉醒。
邀请来自9个国家的僧侣大德参加100年后的伟大的普塔比色大典,表明它将被尊为一生吉祥。 记者报道,在大佛法会结束后,这位九国僧人于今天(2 月 2 日)凌晨 1 点 39 分在 Ubosot, Wat Suthatthepwararam 敲响了的钟声,庆祝生肖六周年。 72 岁的 Phra Wisutathibadi 是 Wat Suthat Thepwararam 的住持和筹款建立 Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya 大学或 Maha Chulalongkornrajavidyalaya 大学,这座寺庙已向所有职业、性别和年龄的人开放,他们从昨天下午(2 月 1 日)开始等待。 在24:00之前,寺院已经开放了一张优惠券供公众先购买,以便领取Phra Kring 。
邦乐警察局警司苏那提瓦拉兰寺的顾问 Kraalert Bua Kaew 上校说,在 9 天 9 夜中,他邀请了 9 位国际僧侣和北、南、东、中。 来参加盛大的仪式。在那之前,最重要的是内观大师,东北地区 65位高僧大德。坐下来祈祷整晚的的8打坐心灵觉醒。 这是近100年来建寺僧人的盛大仪式,引起兴趣的强购恭请人潮。 昨天12:00前还有人排队,超过10000人,庙里外都是人山人海24:00才开出优惠券让群众供请。 一个人只可以买1张恭请卷,抽签方式每人1张,每人可以抽到一个佛牌,可能会得到一个红底,黑底,金底,黄名底或白底,取决于每个人的功德。 每张优惠券的价格为 3,999 泰铢 Phra Kring Chakaphat Wat Suthat(红色底)672尊。 有圆形法轮的缩写。 运行编号在底座的佛像后部。 Phra Kring Chakaphat Wat Suthat(金底)672尊未打磨,只有一个佛法轮编码。 号码位于底座的佛像底部。 Phra Kring Chakaphat Wat Suthat寺院(黑底)672尊,未打磨。 底座顶部只有一个Dhamma圆轮代码,行驶编号。 共有672名佛。 黄白相间的佛像有6套,共4032尊。 Phra Kring Chakaphat Wat Suthat(黄色底座)4032尊。 Dhamma法轮代码,每个 Phra kring 名称为都以每位Phra Arahant来命名和有各自的运行编号。 Phra Kring Chakaphat扫管Su素(白底)4032尊。 Dhamma法轮代码, 每个 Phra Kring 名称为都以每位Phra Arahant来命名和有各自的运行编号。 Phra Kring Chakaphat Wat Suthat(运行编号的委员会模具)共有13,440尊。 Phra Kring Chakaphat Wat Suthat(底部模具带有3个代码的委员会模具)共有13,440尊。 Credit : 校长

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Roop Tai (Photo) of Luang Phor Doo, Wat Sakae, Ayutthaya. & Roop Tai (Photo) of Phra Phrom / Phrom Si Nha (Brahma) with Luang Phi ChanCai (Wat Sakae) handwritten Yant (B.E.2560).

Roop Tai (Photo) of Luang Phor Doo, Wat Sakae, Ayutthaya.


Roop Tai (Photo) of Phra Phrom / Phrom Si Nha (Brahma) with Luang Phi ChanCai (Wat Sakae) handwritten Yant.

Attached with a small little pcs old jeevorn (monk robe) of Luang Phor Doo.

Both pcs with codes. These photos is made by Luksit of LP Doo then chanted & consecrated on 18th of January (B.E.2560) at Wat Sakae. Given to those who attend on that day. Made very limited pieces. There will be a Memorial Day of Luang Phor Doo on every 18th January yearly.

Size : 3.2 cm x 2.5 cm (Height x Width)

Good for those who do their Morning & Night chanting on Maha Chakrapradi Mantra (The Supreme Mantra / 无上世尊经文).

[ Twin Turbo ] Rian Roon Raek (1st batch) + Phra Pidta Maha Larp, Roon Raek (1st batch)

Rian Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Ngern (Silver), Phor Than Eaum, Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phatthalung (B.E.2556).

No. : 138
Made : 182 pieces

婆谭恩 (庵) 第一期鸡蛋形自身法相佛牌,三纳松达玲赞,八打隆 (佛年 :二五五六)。

材质 :纯银
号码 :一百三十八号
制造 :一百八十二枚


Phra Pidta Maha Larp, Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Ngern (Silver), Phor Than Eaum, Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phatthalung (B.E.2556).

No. : 3
Made : 82 pieces

必达大幸运 (盖面佛) 第一期,婆谭恩 (庵),三纳松达玲赞,八打隆 (佛年 : 二五五六)。

材质 :纯银
编号 :三号
制造 :八十二 尊
Phor Than Eaum, Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phatthalung.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Palakit, Nur Thong Leung (Brass), Luang Phor Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani (B.E.2562).

Size : 2.6 cm *Get it direct from the temple. 巴拉吉,黄铜材质,波谭喬,Wat Hui Ngor,北大年府。 尺寸:2.6 厘米 *亲自到庙恭请。 功效: 增加人緣, 異性緣, 貴人緣, 魅力, 助成功, 靈感, 招正偏財, 帶來財富, 助事業, 助生意, 提升運氣, 辟邪避險, 保平安 陽神巴拉吉佛牌的簡介: 泰語中,巴拉吉指一種巨靈神的聖物,以成年男士陽具造型的法器。泰國人比較熟悉.但是巴拉吉並非起源於泰國,而是源自古印度婆羅門教三大神明之一“濕婆神Shiva天王”的化身,此“濕婆神天王”以男性陽具為象徵.婆羅門教及印度教流傳入泰國後,一些高僧法師也開始督造巴拉吉。 巴拉吉法力無邊,常為村裡男子帶來財運,於是村中不分男女老少,腰間都隨時戴上這種聖物,並深信這種聖物會帶來好運與財運,久而久之,使之成為泰國流傳最廣的一種招財的圣物。 巴拉吉的功效: 招正、偏、橫財同時對工作不順,生意不利,人緣不合者,有很大幫助,更可使佩帶者得貴人扶助,病魔邪降不能入侵,使萬物有重生的機會。 巴拉吉禁忌少, 男女誰都適合佩戴, 可以佩戴在腰部以下部位,或放於隨身包中都行。 师傅介绍 波谭喬/龍普喬大師,是泰國南部把知名的大師,在南部高僧被稱為波探/登 意為與龍婆一樣。 波谭喬/龍普喬大師出生於佛曆2472年(西元1929年),是位高齡的大師,大師出生在一個平凡的家庭,小學四年級時,親生父親就離開人世,因此在小小年紀就犧牲自己的學業,外出工作,成為一家的經濟支柱,直到大師20歲成年的那年,決定出家成為僧眾,以報答父母的恩情,於佛曆2492年6月在把答尼府的Wat Huay Ngor佛寺剃度,受戒為僧,自披上僧袍的第一天起,大師就完全的奉獻給佛教,專研佛法及修行,對於禪定、經文及法術,均非常認真的學習;在大師修習佛法期間,經常去數位知名的老高僧學習,是位非常熱衷於學習的大師。 大師所習得的功力之深,在當地早已富有盛名,也因大師修證極高,以督造波谭喬大師法相佛牌知名的Wat Chang Hai佛寺,還特別邀請波探喬大師參與督造加持法會。龍普喬大師是在最出名的Wat Chang Hai2497大法會、2506及2524年大法會中現今極少數仍在世的高僧之一,當年法會的高僧很多都是製作龍婆托佛牌的佼佼者。师傅督制的圣物有多次的避险记录,于佛历2552制作的LP THUAD ROON BARAMEE 还替信徒挡下了21枚子弹,而红级一时…… 眾所皆知的是,大師所加持的龍婆托大師法相佛牌非常有靈力,而且大師專修的「擋災避險」、「招財開運」及「人緣魅力」等。各種法門皆相當高深,因此大師所督造的佛寶聖物都深具口碑,在泰國佛教界中,波谭喬大師更是一位讓泰國信眾非常敬仰的高僧。泰國佛教書籍「當代十九位名師」中,亦有重點介紹師傳為泰國南部的知名高僧。 大師嚴守戒律,直到現在每天仍然親自托缽化緣。大師為人非常低調,直到2547年才開始自己督制第一期佛牌提供給善信。傳聞大師開光時能夠請到龍婆託的神靈前來一同加持佛牌,因此大師督制的龍婆托佛牌非常靈驗。

[Katha] Namo (x3) Oum Palung Kam Lung Ja Hang Savaha Upasampa Suna Molo
Phor Than Keow of Wat Hui Ngor.

Thanks for people who support us. This item has been RENTED.

Takrut Normo (Namo), Nur Ngern (Silver Material), Ajarn Prachuap (B.E.2558).

Limited Made : 8 pieces

Size : 7.1 cm

*Phuttha Phisek together with Rian Sema 7 Rop Phor Than Eaum ceremony.

The cost of the Silver Plate around 3,000 thb (RM380). Very thick & pure 92.5% Silver.

The students of both Phra Ajarn... (Khao Or Lineage) Ajarn Prachuap Khongleur, a layman in the modern era of Khao Or. Handwritten Yant in every single piece of takrut (NOT pump by machine / factory), 7 cm in length.

On Saturday, October 17, B.E.2558 (2015), "Ajarn Prachuap Khongleur" was a native of Phatthalung and currently he is a lay teacher who performs traditional rituals according to his beliefs. A ceremony with great experience and abilities. Inherit the traditional ceremonies that participate and play a role in important ceremonies. Both at the local and national level knowledge or science about performing various rituals that he has learned from Buddha image Former dean of Khuan Khanun District Deputy Priest of Phatthalung Province and the abbot of Wat Suwan Wichai, Khuan Khanun District, Phatthalung Province, ordained as a novice and study the Dharma. In the office of Wat Suwanwichai by Phra Phutthithamthada has given an old textbook which is a textbook about ancient medicine of Phatthalung Texts on rituals related to belief and faith that has existed since the ancestor's time as the ultimate subject. At present, these texts are almost completely lost. He has collected and preserved for future generations to study for further succession.

Including learning all subjects from Ajarn Sri Ngern, Don Sala Temple, until he completed his master's degree. Including learning all subjects from the textbooks of Wat Khao Or from many Golden Grandmaster disciples When they lived in those days, whether they were monks or lay people, such as Ajarn Sri Ngern, Phra Kru Kachart, Don Sala Temple, Ajarn Chaeng Petcharat, etc.

Phra Normo Takrud It is a Takrud sheet made of silver material, engraved with characters on both the outside and the inside according to the ancient recipe. Scribble hands on both sides of every pieces.
 Ajarn Prachuap

Phra Nakk Prok Bai Ma Kham, Nur Ngern (Silver Material), Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin Province (B.E.2560).

Behind with temple code & serial number : 122 *Come with temple box.

*Suitable for women or kid. Phra Nakk Prok Bai Ma Kham amulet : small amulet ; 1.3 cm tall, has a similar form to the Tamarind leaves. Tamarind Leaf Seven Dragon Buddha: refers to a kind of amulet that is very similar in shape to tamarind leaf, and the length is about 1.3 cm. In Thailand, there are different guardian Buddhas every day, seven days a week. The guardian Buddha of those born on Saturday is the Seven Dragon Buddha (Phra Naga Prok), also known as the Snake Guardian Buddha or Dragon King Buddha. The origin of the Seven Dragon Buddha According to ancient documents, when the Buddha was meditating under the woody forest by the lake, the weather suddenly became very bad, the temperature dropped rapidly and heavy rains continued. In order to protect the Buddha's practice, the Dragon King set himself. It became a seven-dragon umbrella to protect the Buddha from wind and rain, allowing the Buddha to continue to meditate. This is the origin of the seven-dragon Buddha. It is a metaphor for the boundless Buddha's shade, so it is highly respected by the Thai people. The shape of the Seven Dragon Buddha is that the Buddha is sitting on a lotus platform with a knot and swaying his hands on his chest. There is a seven-headed snake god Naga (Naga) protector behind the Buddha. Phra Nakk Prok Bai Ma Kham amulets can help wearers, benefit entrepreneurship, prevent disasters and avoid dangers, and protect safety. It is suitable for people who want to develop in their careers. 罗望叶七龙佛:是指一种形状与罗望叶非常相似的佛牌,长度大约 1.3 厘米。
在泰国,一周七天每天都有不同的守护佛。星期六出生的人守护佛是七龙佛祖(Phra Naga Prok),又称蛇神护法佛祖或龙尊王佛。 七龙佛的由来根据古文献所记载,佛陀在湖边的木真林树下进行禅修之时,天气突然变得非常恶劣,气温急速下降且暴雨不断,龙王为了保护佛陀修持,于是将自已变成了七龙宝伞替佛陀遮风避雨,令佛陀得以继续禅修,此为七龙佛的由来,比喻佛法无边佛祖庇荫,因此深受泰国民众的尊崇。 七龙佛祖的造型为佛陀结跏趺端坐在束腰莲台上,双手置胸前结说法印,佛陀身后有七头蛇神那伽(Naga)护法,蛇头于佛像头顶伸向前方。 七龙佛牌能助事业、利创业、挡灾避险、保平安,适合对于想在事业上有所发展的人佩戴。
Chao Khun Nu-Inn of Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun.

Phra Somdej Wackman (without takrut), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2560 - 2564).

Phra Somdej Wackman (without embedding any takrut) made 1,199 pieces.
Encased with openable Stainless Steel Casing. Chanted & consecrated total 5 years. Phra Somdej Wackman (Break The Curtain) The meaning of Wekman is like "opening of curtains" thus this amulet is good for opening of new opportunities/doors in one's life. Year : 2017 - 2021
Kruba Apiwat used to collect Phra Somdej Wackm
an. A piece that made by late Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo, Wat Kositaram, Chainat Province, another one piece from whom Kruba can't remember. (Genuine or not, may not know) has a beautiful shape, very fond of it, so it has always been preserved with faith in Luang Phor's work. Until the beginning of B.E.2560 / Year : 2017 (April), one of my students, Phra Inthapanyo, came to be ordained as a Buddhist monk (30 days of ordination then leave). Have a talk after the evening ritual. In this ordination, I want to create a sacred object (amulets) as a souvenir. Therefore, allow me to create amulets as Buddhanusati. So I came to remember Phra Somdej Wackman. With two implications that: 1. I respect the practices of Luang Phor Kuay. He is a very kind teacher. (I never learned anything in his lineage. Just respect with the heart and pray to tell yourself to be your disciple only) 2. Phra Somdej Wackman as he wishes. Have a very good meaning. It means having the courage to swim through all the obstacles and problems in life. Until their desired success and is a side of fortune, mercy, greatness, like a heroic hero who breaks the curtain. Everyone was waiting eagerly. When he came out, there was a round of applause and a smile of joy and happiness. So Kruba searched for him and made it out of print. Searching for the collected material mix the substance. Press hands with each other by the novice monks at the temple on auspicious occasions, based on the auspicious occasion of Phraya Wan B.E.2560 as the main (Buddhist Day). Did not go through the factory in any way. All are made inside the temple of Wat ThungPong. (May not be all beautiful). At first, it was intended to be made into a pure magic powder (80% Phong Wisek - magic powder, 20% Phong Yaa - medicinal powder). When mixed, the color turned out to be white and gray, not so beautiful. Therefore, various medicines and other masses must be mixed together in a heavy hand to form 60% Phong Yaa (medicinal powder), 40% Phong Wisek (magic powder). Every pieces is buried with gemstones (Sai ​​Kham Chomthong) at Luang Pu Kruba Bunpan Thampanyo, the noble monk of Wat Rong Khum. He used to pray in the prayer ceremony. The first version of him was in the year 43 for a long time (if Kruba is not mistaken, it lasted up to 49 days), some of them had lumps of anointing powder (Luang Phor Aunt's powder / Luang Phor Prasit) and some robes were scattered. The heavy mass of the magic powder Kruba Apiwat have given Phra Indapanyo. Which Phra Indapanyo mixed Kruba Apiwat's sacred hairs and a special mass of material that is believed to be carried to be precise. When he succeeded as Phra Somdej Wackman, he is then taken to pray on the occasion of the coronation ceremony. Until the end, it was taken to ask for the blessings of Luang Phor Kuay (passed away) at Wat Kositaram, Chainat, and then published for the devotees in this year (B.E.2564). The Total Amount of Phra Somdej Wackman that made : ~ Phra Somdej Wackman Embedded with 1 Gold Takrut : 21 pieces Phra Somdej Wackman Embedded with 1 Silver Takrut : 199 pieces Phra Somdej Wackman (without embedding any takrut) : 1,199 pieces Phra Somdet Wackman, Nur Phong Wisek (Magic Powder) behind with a piece of Gold Yant : 9 pieces Phra Somdet Wackman, Nur Phong Wisek (Magic Powder) behind with a piece of Silver Yant : 60 pieces Mass materials that used to mixed of Phra Somdej Wackman (B.E.2560 - 2564) 1. Phra Somdej Bang Khun Phrom Powder, Year : 1966 (B.E.2509) 2. The magic powder of Wat Bowon, Bangkok. 3. Magic Powder Chao Khun Sri, Wat Suthat, Bangkok. 4. Slate powder Somdej Phra Sangkharat (Pae) ​​Wat Suthat, Bangkok. 5. The magic powder of Luang Phor Phrom Tissatewo, Wat Khanon Nuea, Ayutthaya Province. 6. The magic powder of Luang Phor Ngern Janthasuwanno, Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom Province. 7. Magic powder of Luang Phor Chaem Thanussako, Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom Province. 8. The magic powder of Luang Pu Rueang Aphassaro, Khao Sam Yot Temple, Lopburi Province. 9. The magic powder of Luang Phor Nueng Kovito, Wat Chulamanee, Samut Songkhram Province. 10. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo, Wat Kositaram, Chainat. 11. Phong Ithijae, Luang Pu Prong Sasano, Wat Thamma Chedi, Singburi Province. 12. The magic powder of Luang Pu Yim Chanthachoto, Wat Nong Bua, Kanchanaburi. 13. Powder of Bayeng Nong, Luang Phor Uttama, Uttamarampho, Wat Wang Wiwekaram, Kanchanaburi. 14. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Sanguan Thammananto, Wat Phai Pan Muer, Suphanburi. 15. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Pian Akkadhammo, Wat Kreng Kathin, Lopburi. 16. Magic Powder, Luang Phor Sal, Wat Pradu Songtham, Ayutthaya. 17. Nomo powder enters the room of Luang Phor Kloi, Thanthammo, Wat Tham Khao Ngern, Chumphon Province. 18. Phong Ithijae Luang Pu Suk Sukpemo, Wat Pa Wai, Singburi Province. 19. Magic Powder Luang Phor Ngern, Wat Phra Prang Leung, Nakhon Sawan. 20. The magic powder of Luang Phor Derm, Buddhasaro, Wat Nong Pho, Nakhon Sawan. 21. Magic Powder Luang Phor Kaew, Wat Kruewan, Chonburi. 22. The magic powder of Luang Pu Suk Kesaro, Wat Pak Klong Makham Thao, Chainat. 23. Pink powder (Thepranjuan) Luang Phor Somnuk, Wat Nong Than Nuer. 24. Phong Yaa Chindamanee, Luang Pu Perm Punyawatno, Wat Klang Bang Kaeo, Nakhon Pathom. 25. Powder Yawasana Chindamanee Luang Pu Chuer Piyasilo, Wat Klang Bang Kaeo, Nakhon Pathom. 26. Khao Phrom Cha-ngae mineral powder, Luang Phor Unn, Sukkamo, Wat Tankong, Phetchaburi. 27. Magical powder, Pathomang, Chao Sala U Kitti, Langhe, Myanmar. 28. Phong Wiset Pathamang, Chao Sala Uwanasiri, Jokmae City, Myanmar. 29. Magical powder, Pathamang, Chao Sala Uphanthita, Kunnge, Myanmar. 30. Phong Jerm Powder, Luang Phor Un Apipalo, Wat Rongko, Uthai Thani. 31. Germ powder, Luang Phor Prasit, Punyamaro, Wat Pa Mu Mai, Chiang Mai. 32. Phong Pathom/Maharaj/Ithijae/Trinisinghe/Phutthakhun Ajarn Chatree 33. The 5 Magical Powders Ajarn Pum, Pathum Thani. 34. Soil from the four sanctuaries India. 35. A million prayers incense powder from sacred places across the country. 36. Soil from sacred places across the country. 37. Flowers worship monks from sacred places across the country. 38. Moss relics that are sacred throughout the country. 39. Amulets from various places. 40. Nur Wahn powder 108 41. Nur Kesorn (Flower Pollen) Powder 108 42. Thanaka Powder at Maha Muni's face, Mandalay, Myanmar. 43. One-eyed coconut powder and no-eyed coconut shell. 44. Seyokee Mineral Powder 45. Pomegranate Sand Powder (Sai ​​Kham) 46. Mae Khong Sand 47. 7 days of jealousy pill powder 48. Billionaire Medicine Powder 5 49. Akidto Jae Metta powder 528 50. Sura sati powder 51. Lejun Anathi Powder 52. Piya Jungse Powder 53. Yamanohari Pankum Kham Powder 54. Primal medicine powder 55. Powder and medicine 16 capitals 56. Mei Yo Ze Pill Powder 57. Magic Powder, Five Hundred Arahants, Tub Tao Cave, Chai Prakan, Chiang Mai. 58. Phra That Phra Siwalee Powder 59. Plaster powder for Wat Phra That Rong Khum/Mueang Paeng 60. Temple/Wat Chan 61. Love powder/gold
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Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Phra Somdej Wackman, embedded Silver Takrut, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2560 - 2564).

Phra Somdej Wackman embedded with a pcs of Silver Takrut made 199 pieces. Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing with Red Gemstone. Chanted & consecrated total 5 years. Phra Somdej Wackman (Break The Curtain) The meaning of Wekman is like "opening of curtains" thus this amulet is good for opening of new opportunities/doors in one's life. Year : 2017 - 2021
Kruba Apiwat used to collect Phra Somdej Wackm
an. A piece that made by late Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo, Wat Kositaram, Chainat Province, another one piece from whom Kruba can't remember. (Genuine or not, may not know) has a beautiful shape, very fond of it, so it has always been preserved with faith in Luang Phor's work. Until the beginning of B.E.2560 / Year : 2017 (April), one of my students, Phra Inthapanyo, came to be ordained as a Buddhist monk (30 days of ordination then leave). Have a talk after the evening ritual. In this ordination, I want to create a sacred object (amulets) as a souvenir. Therefore, allow me to create amulets as Buddhanusati. So I came to remember Phra Somdej Wackman. With two implications that: 1. I respect the practices of Luang Phor Kuay. He is a very kind teacher. (I never learned anything in his lineage. Just respect with the heart and pray to tell yourself to be your disciple only) 2. Phra Somdej Wackman as he wishes. Have a very good meaning. It means having the courage to swim through all the obstacles and problems in life. Until their desired success and is a side of fortune, mercy, greatness, like a heroic hero who breaks the curtain. Everyone was waiting eagerly. When he came out, there was a round of applause and a smile of joy and happiness. So Kruba searched for him and made it out of print. Searching for the collected material mix the substance. Press hands with each other by the novice monks at the temple on auspicious occasions, based on the auspicious occasion of Phraya Wan B.E.2560 as the main (Buddhist Day). Did not go through the factory in any way. All are made inside the temple of Wat ThungPong. (May not be all beautiful). At first, it was intended to be made into a pure magic powder (80% Phong Wisek - magic powder, 20% Phong Yaa - medicinal powder). When mixed, the color turned out to be white and gray, not so beautiful. Therefore, various medicines and other masses must be mixed together in a heavy hand to form 60% Phong Yaa (medicinal powder), 40% Phong Wisek (magic powder). Every pieces is buried with gemstones (Sai ​​Kham Chomthong) at Luang Pu Kruba Bunpan Thampanyo, the noble monk of Wat Rong Khum. He used to pray in the prayer ceremony. The first version of him was in the year 43 for a long time (if Kruba is not mistaken, it lasted up to 49 days), some of them had lumps of anointing powder (Luang Phor Aunt's powder / Luang Phor Prasit) and some robes were scattered. The heavy mass of the magic powder Kruba Apiwat have given Phra Indapanyo. Which Phra Indapanyo mixed Kruba Apiwat's sacred hairs and a special mass of material that is believed to be carried to be precise. When he succeeded as Phra Somdej Wackman, he is then taken to pray on the occasion of the coronation ceremony. Until the end, it was taken to ask for the blessings of Luang Phor Kuay (passed away) at Wat Kositaram, Chainat, and then published for the devotees in this year (B.E.2564). The Total Amount of Phra Somdej Wackman that made : ~ Phra Somdej Wackman Embedded with 1 Gold Takrut : 21 pieces Phra Somdej Wackman Embedded with 1 Silver Takrut : 199 pieces Phra Somdej Wackman (without embedding any takrut) : 1,199 pieces Phra Somdet Wackman, Nur Phong Wisek (Magic Powder) behind with a piece of Gold Yant : 9 pieces Phra Somdet Wackman, Nur Phong Wisek (Magic Powder) behind with a piece of Silver Yant : 60 pieces Mass materials that used to mixed of Phra Somdej Wackman (B.E.2560 - 2564) 1. Phra Somdej Bang Khun Phrom Powder, Year : 1966 (B.E.2509) 2. The magic powder of Wat Bowon, Bangkok. 3. Magic Powder Chao Khun Sri, Wat Suthat, Bangkok. 4. Slate powder Somdej Phra Sangkharat (Pae) ​​Wat Suthat, Bangkok. 5. The magic powder of Luang Phor Phrom Tissatewo, Wat Khanon Nuea, Ayutthaya Province. 6. The magic powder of Luang Phor Ngern Janthasuwanno, Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom Province. 7. Magic powder of Luang Phor Chaem Thanussako, Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom Province. 8. The magic powder of Luang Pu Rueang Aphassaro, Khao Sam Yot Temple, Lopburi Province. 9. The magic powder of Luang Phor Nueng Kovito, Wat Chulamanee, Samut Songkhram Province. 10. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo, Wat Kositaram, Chainat. 11. Phong Ithijae, Luang Pu Prong Sasano, Wat Thamma Chedi, Singburi Province. 12. The magic powder of Luang Pu Yim Chanthachoto, Wat Nong Bua, Kanchanaburi. 13. Powder of Bayeng Nong, Luang Phor Uttama, Uttamarampho, Wat Wang Wiwekaram, Kanchanaburi. 14. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Sanguan Thammananto, Wat Phai Pan Muer, Suphanburi. 15. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Pian Akkadhammo, Wat Kreng Kathin, Lopburi. 16. Magic Powder, Luang Phor Sal, Wat Pradu Songtham, Ayutthaya. 17. Nomo powder enters the room of Luang Phor Kloi, Thanthammo, Wat Tham Khao Ngern, Chumphon Province. 18. Phong Ithijae Luang Pu Suk Sukpemo, Wat Pa Wai, Singburi Province. 19. Magic Powder Luang Phor Ngern, Wat Phra Prang Leung, Nakhon Sawan. 20. The magic powder of Luang Phor Derm, Buddhasaro, Wat Nong Pho, Nakhon Sawan. 21. Magic Powder Luang Phor Kaew, Wat Kruewan, Chonburi. 22. The magic powder of Luang Pu Suk Kesaro, Wat Pak Klong Makham Thao, Chainat. 23. Pink powder (Thepranjuan) Luang Phor Somnuk, Wat Nong Than Nuer. 24. Phong Yaa Chindamanee, Luang Pu Perm Punyawatno, Wat Klang Bang Kaeo, Nakhon Pathom. 25. Powder Yawasana Chindamanee Luang Pu Chuer Piyasilo, Wat Klang Bang Kaeo, Nakhon Pathom. 26. Khao Phrom Cha-ngae mineral powder, Luang Phor Unn, Sukkamo, Wat Tankong, Phetchaburi. 27. Magical powder, Pathomang, Chao Sala U Kitti, Langhe, Myanmar. 28. Phong Wiset Pathamang, Chao Sala Uwanasiri, Jokmae City, Myanmar. 29. Magical powder, Pathamang, Chao Sala Uphanthita, Kunnge, Myanmar. 30. Phong Jerm Powder, Luang Phor Un Apipalo, Wat Rongko, Uthai Thani. 31. Germ powder, Luang Phor Prasit, Punyamaro, Wat Pa Mu Mai, Chiang Mai. 32. Phong Pathom/Maharaj/Ithijae/Trinisinghe/Phutthakhun Ajarn Chatree 33. The 5 Magical Powders Ajarn Pum, Pathum Thani. 34. Soil from the four sanctuaries India. 35. A million prayers incense powder from sacred places across the country. 36. Soil from sacred places across the country. 37. Flowers worship monks from sacred places across the country. 38. Moss relics that are sacred throughout the country. 39. Amulets from various places. 40. Nur Wahn powder 108 41. Nur Kesorn (Flower Pollen) Powder 108 42. Thanaka Powder at Maha Muni's face, Mandalay, Myanmar. 43. One-eyed coconut powder and no-eyed coconut shell. 44. Seyokee Mineral Powder 45. Pomegranate Sand Powder (Sai ​​Kham) 46. Mae Khong Sand 47. 7 days of jealousy pill powder 48. Billionaire Medicine Powder 5 49. Akidto Jae Metta powder 528 50. Sura sati powder 51. Lejun Anathi Powder 52. Piya Jungse Powder 53. Yamanohari Pankum Kham Powder 54. Primal medicine powder 55. Powder and medicine 16 capitals 56. Mei Yo Ze Pill Powder 57. Magic Powder, Five Hundred Arahants, Tub Tao Cave, Chai Prakan, Chiang Mai. 58. Phra That Phra Siwalee Powder 59. Plaster powder for Wat Phra That Rong Khum/Mueang Paeng 60. Temple/Wat Chan 61. Love powder/gold
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Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong. 
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Takrut Ngern Lai Ma (Money Coming In / Wealth Fetching), Nur Ngern (Silver), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong.

*stamped with temple code.
Approx. Size : 5.5 cm

Made : 50 pieces only

*Handwritten Yant by Kb Apiwat, then stamped with temple code, last tied with holy colour string.

*Encased with Stainless Steel Pipe Casing. Come with single or double hooks.

古巴阿匹瓦的纯银招财符管 (手写经文)。

大约尺寸 : 5.5 厘米

制造 :五十支而已

*然后打上庙印 (记号), 最后绑上彩色经绳。

*已经装好不锈钢符筒。有单扣或者双扣, 任君选择。
Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.
Left 3 pcs. / 剩下三支

Takrut Ngern Lai Ma (Money Coming In / Wealth Fetching), Nur ThongKam (Solid Gold), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong.

Approx. Size : 5 cm

*Handwritten Yant by Kb Apiwat, then stamped with temple code, last tied with holy colour string.

*Custom-made openable Silver Pipe Casing with Blue & Red Enamel (LongYa) ~ engraved with Temple Name & Yant Kru (Teacher's Yant).

古巴阿匹瓦的纯金招财符管 (手写经文)。

大约尺寸 : 5 厘米

*然后打上庙印 (记号), 最后绑上彩色经绳。

*定制纯银可开关符筒, 并刻上庙名与师父的招牌符印。
Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Rian 1st batch Kruba Wichaiya Sri Wichaiyo aka Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父), Nur Thong Daeng (Copper), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2561). (Block 2)

No. : 595 Made : 2500 pcs Good for Wish Granted (有求必应), Khakai (Great Sales & Good Business), Chokh Larp (Good Fortune), Metta (loving kindness). 第一期莲古巴V猜压屈邁鴻(眼镜师父)自身法相铜牌,红铜,由古巴阿匹瓦念经加持,通碰寺庙(佛历:二五六一)。第二模 号码:五九五 数量 : 两千五百枚 功效:增加人緣,財運,求事成願,提升運氣,保平安等等。 由於在累積人緣財富及事業方面非常擅長,這幾年的聖物皆在尚未出廟前就被請供一空,無論是當地善信亦或是其他國家,一聽聞師傅督造聖物,即造成聖物空前搶供之熱潮。古巴屈邁鴻 著名聖物 帕勇康。 泰北麥紅府內的麥紅寺的主持,其製作的聖物不多,當中遺留在世的只有少量的符布及人緣膏。師傅生於1886年3月12日邦毛村。生下時村內每個住民都說他將是一個大德高僧,必會給大家帶來好運,原因是出生當天,天色突然轉好及每個村民都感到自在、心情無憂不慮,大家都說他上世必乃救人救世之者。 古巴天性聰明不在話下,成年不久便到各處出家學習各方面知識。 古巴首出家於緬甸,之後回到麥紅府。受到當地居民愛戴被推為麥紅寺的主持。

Friday, September 17, 2021

Phra Somdej Wackman, embedded Silver Takrut, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2560 - 2564).

Phra Somdej Wackman embedded with a pcs of Silver Takrut made 199 pieces.

Encased with waterproof handmade Silver Casing with Red Gemstone. 

Chanted & consecrated total 5 years. 

Phra Somdej Wackman (Break The Curtain) The meaning of Wekman is like "opening of curtains" thus this amulet is good for opening of new opportunities/doors in one's life. Year : 2017 - 2021
Kruba Apiwat used to collect Phra Somdej Wackman. A piece that made by late Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo, Wat Kositaram, Chainat Province, another one piece from whom Kruba can't remember. (Genuine or not, may not know) has a beautiful shape, very fond of it, so it has always been preserved with faith in Luang Phor's work. Until the beginning of B.E.2560 / Year : 2017 (April), one of my students, Phra Inthapanyo, came to be ordained as a Buddhist monk (30 days of ordination then leave). Have a talk after the evening ritual. In this ordination, I want to create a sacred object (amulets) as a souvenir. Therefore, allow me to create amulets as Buddhanusati. So I came to remember Phra Somdej Wackman. With two implications that: 

1. I respect the practices of Luang Phor Kuay. He is a very kind teacher. (I never learned anything in his lineage. Just respect with the heart and pray to tell yourself to be your disciple only) 
2. Phra Somdej Wackman as he wishes. Have a very good meaning. It means having the courage to swim through all the obstacles and problems in life. Until their desired success and is a side of fortune, mercy, greatness, like a heroic hero who breaks the curtain. Everyone was waiting eagerly. When he came out, there was a round of applause and a smile of joy and happiness. 

So Kruba searched for him and made it out of print. Searching for the collected material mix the substance. Press hands with each other by the novice monks at the temple on auspicious occasions, based on the auspicious occasion of Phraya Wan B.E.2560 as the main (Buddhist Day). Did not go through the factory in any way. All are made inside the temple of Wat ThungPong. (May not be all beautiful). At first, it was intended to be made into a pure magic powder (80% Phong Wisek - magic powder, 20% Phong Yaa - medicinal powder). When mixed, the color turned out to be white and gray, not so beautiful. Therefore, various medicines and other masses must be mixed together in a heavy hand to form 60% Phong Yaa (medicinal powder), 40% Phong Wisek (magic powder). Every pieces is buried with gemstones (Sai ​​Kham Chomthong) at Luang Pu Kruba Bunpan Thampanyo, the noble monk of Wat Rong Khum. He used to pray in the prayer ceremony. The first version of him was in the year 43 for a long time (if Kruba is not mistaken, it lasted up to 49 days), some of them had lumps of anointing powder (Luang Phor Aunt's powder / Luang Phor Prasit) and some robes were scattered. The heavy mass of the magic powder Kruba Apiwat have given Phra Indapanyo. Which Phra Indapanyo mixed Kruba Apiwat's sacred hairs and a special mass of material that is believed to be carried to be precise. When he succeeded as Phra Somdej Wackman, he is then taken to pray on the occasion of the coronation ceremony. Until the end, it was taken to ask for the blessings of Luang Phor Kuay (passed away) at Wat Kositaram, Chainat, and then published for the devotees in this year (B.E.2564).

The Total Amount of Phra Somdej Wackman that made : ~

Phra Somdej Wackman Embedded with 1 Gold Takrut : 21 pieces
Phra Somdej Wackman Embedded with 1 Silver Takrut : 199 pieces
Phra Somdej Wackman (without embedding any takrut) : 1,199 pieces
Phra Somdet Wackman, Nur Phong Wisek (Magic Powder) behind with a piece of Gold Yant : 9 pieces
Phra Somdet Wackman, Nur Phong Wisek (Magic Powder) behind with a piece of Silver Yant : 60 pieces

Mass materials that used to mixed of Phra Somdej Wackman (B.E.2560 - 2564)
1. Phra Somdej Bang Khun Phrom Powder, Year : 1966 (B.E.2509)
2. The magic powder of Wat Bowon, Bangkok.
3. Magic Powder Chao Khun Sri, Wat Suthat, Bangkok.
4. Slate powder Somdej Phra Sangkharat (Pae) ​​Wat Suthat, Bangkok.
5. The magic powder of Luang Phor Phrom Tissatewo, Wat Khanon Nuea, Ayutthaya Province.
6. The magic powder of Luang Phor Ngern Janthasuwanno, Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom Province.
7. Magic powder of Luang Phor Chaem Thanussako, Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom Province.
8. The magic powder of Luang Pu Rueang Aphassaro, Khao Sam Yot Temple, Lopburi Province.
9. The magic powder of Luang Phor Nueng Kovito, Wat Chulamanee, Samut Songkhram Province.
10. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo, Wat Kositaram, Chainat.
11. Phong Ithijae, Luang Pu Prong Sasano, Wat Thamma Chedi, Singburi Province.
12. The magic powder of Luang Pu Yim Chanthachoto, Wat Nong Bua, Kanchanaburi.
13. Powder of Bayeng Nong, Luang Phor Uttama, Uttamarampho, Wat Wang Wiwekaram, Kanchanaburi.
14. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Sanguan Thammananto, Wat Phai Pan Muer, Suphanburi.
15. Phong Ithijae, Luang Phor Pian Akkadhammo, Wat Kreng Kathin, Lopburi.
16. Magic Powder, Luang Phor Sal, Wat Pradu Songtham, Ayutthaya.
17. Nomo powder enters the room of Luang Phor Kloi, Thanthammo, Wat Tham Khao Ngern, Chumphon Province.
18. Phong Ithijae Luang Pu Suk Sukpemo, Wat Pa Wai, Singburi Province.
19. Magic Powder Luang Phor Ngern, Wat Phra Prang Leung, Nakhon Sawan.
20. The magic powder of Luang Phor Derm, Buddhasaro, Wat Nong Pho, Nakhon Sawan.
21. Magic Powder Luang Phor Kaew, Wat Kruewan, Chonburi.
22. The magic powder of Luang Pu Suk Kesaro, Wat Pak Klong Makham Thao, Chainat.
23. Pink powder (Thepranjuan) Luang Phor Somnuk, Wat Nong Than Nuer.
24. Phong Yaa Chindamanee, Luang Pu Perm Punyawatno, Wat Klang Bang Kaeo, Nakhon Pathom.
25. Powder Yawasana Chindamanee Luang Pu Chuer Piyasilo, Wat Klang Bang Kaeo, Nakhon Pathom.
26. Khao Phrom Cha-ngae mineral powder, Luang Phor Unn, Sukkamo, Wat Tankong, Phetchaburi.
27. Magical powder, Pathomang, Chao Sala U Kitti, Langhe, Myanmar.
28. Phong Wiset Pathamang, Chao Sala Uwanasiri, Jokmae City, Myanmar.
29. Magical powder, Pathamang, Chao Sala Uphanthita, Kunnge, Myanmar.
30. Phong Jerm Powder, Luang Phor Un Apipalo, Wat Rongko, Uthai Thani.
31. Germ powder, Luang Phor Prasit, Punyamaro, Wat Pa Mu Mai, Chiang Mai.
32. Phong Pathom/Maharaj/Ithijae/Trinisinghe/Phutthakhun Ajarn Chatree
33. The 5 Magical Powders Ajarn Pum, Pathum Thani.
34. Soil from the four sanctuaries India.
35. A million prayers incense powder from sacred places across the country.
36. Soil from sacred places across the country.
37. Flowers worship monks from sacred places across the country.
38. Moss relics that are sacred throughout the country.
39. Amulets from various places.
40. Nur Wahn powder 108
41. Nur Kesorn (Flower Pollen) Powder 108
42. Thanaka Powder at Maha Muni's face, Mandalay, Myanmar.
43. One-eyed coconut powder and no-eyed coconut shell.
44. Seyokee Mineral Powder
45. Pomegranate Sand Powder (Sai ​​Kham)
46. Mae Khong Sand
47. 7 days of jealousy pill powder
48. Billionaire Medicine Powder 5
49. Akidto Jae Metta powder 528
50. Sura sati powder
51. Lejun Anathi Powder
52. Piya Jungse Powder
53. Yamanohari Pankum Kham Powder
54. Primal medicine powder
55. Powder and medicine 16 capitals
56. Mei Yo Ze Pill Powder
57. Magic Powder, Five Hundred Arahants, Tub Tao Cave, Chai Prakan, Chiang Mai.
58. Phra That Phra Siwalee Powder
59. Plaster powder for Phra That Rong Khum Temple/Mueang Paeng 60. Temple/Wat Chan
61. Love powder/gold
Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.