Friday, November 20, 2020

Phra Somdej, crack mould (裂模), Roon Sao Ha 1st batch, Nur Phong Ittijae, Mass Chanted, Wat Rakhang Khositraram Woramahavihan, Bangkok (B.E.2536).

*Come with temple box.

瓦拉康佛寺(Wat Rakang),這間百年古佛寺,只要你一提起它,立刻會聯想到泰國一百多年來,凡是佛教徒都崇敬的“颂德布达赞多” 以及他親手所督造的“順德瓦拉康佛牌”。

於佛曆二五三六年,瓦拉康佛寺集合了当年著名的高僧,出了一批含有阿占哆親手督造加持的破舊順德瓦拉康佛牌所磨研出來之含質的Sao Ha順德。 

The above Phra Somdej mixed with old Wat Rakhang powder by Somdej Toh and chanted during "Sao Ha" day in 27 March B.E.2536 (Saturday) at Wat RaKang. People believed the day was a very good day "Sao Ha" is a very good day in Thai ancient calender. Amulets that chanted and consecrated on this day will be very effective.

以上佛牌为第一期瓦拉康(Wat Rakhang)少哈 (ShaoHa) 顺德佛牌,SaoHa是依据泰国古历为一个吉祥的日子,人们认为在Sao Ha 这吉祥的日子制作的佛牌特别灵验.

顺德Wat Rakhang“少哈”佛牌的制作掺杂了顺德阿赞多(俗称Somdej Toh)大师所制的旧粉并云集了当年许多的高僧于佛历2536,三月27日的星期六为此帮佛牌诵经加持。

People believe that Phra Somdej amulet is best for strong protection and give the wearer Smooth sailing in life, Good business luck, Wealth fetching, Overcome all obstacles in life, Good in Business, Protection from harm and danger, Protection from evil spirit and Increase your personal good luck.