Wednesday, February 22, 2023

[ FOR SHOW / 纯粹分享 ] Takrut Surasatee Mei Doh Luck Point, Silver, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2562).

Takrut Surasatee Mei Doh Luck Point, Size : 1.4 cm (length). Inside of the takrut is covered with Phong Yaa Wisek (magic powder) of the Kru (teacher) Surasatee line, encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing with 3 rings, surrounded by beautiful gemstones, ready to use. This Takrut is very rare to make. Only once in a while, you will find one.

This Takrut was created by Kruba Apiwat of Wat Thung Pong, built according to the original slate (chanuan) of Kruba Wichaiya, Wat Mai Hung, built on the occasion of Poi Swang Ya Swang Ang of the year 2019 (B.E.2562). It was originally believed that Phra Nang Surasatee Mei Doh Luck Point (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom), the Director of the Five Achievements, authorized by the Buddha named "Kakusandha", the first Buddha of this Bhadrakappa. To guard the Tipitaka Hall. But in ancient times, would people study Dharma? Popular superstition scriptures first say the value of the Lord. In order to bestow auspicious blessings on us first, the ancient masters therefore created this takrut medicine and idols to worship and carry for prosperity. Carry it with you. Dear to all demons and angels in this world will inevitably. Come to protect and bless us with the power of Surasatee Mei Doh Luck Point. Surasatee Mei Doh Luck Point (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom) The supreme goddess of Myanmar, it is said that she is the first prophet of the universe, knows everything in the universe, has a lofty position, and takes care of her duties ~ Buddha, the three celestial books in hand record the past, present and future of the Buddha. And her beauty made her loved by gods and even demons wherever she went. The effect of wearing Takrut Surasatee Mei Doh Luck Point is super good for popularity and wealth. Everyone loves you, and wealth is abundant, which opens the way for us. When encountering difficulties, they will solve some problems wisely. 幸运与智慧女神苏拉萨迪符管,纯银材质,由古巴阿匹瓦全手写符管与开光诵经加持,瓦通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六二年)。 尺寸:1.4 厘米(长度) 跟随古巴瓦迈鸿的旧法本而制造,符管里面塞入苏拉萨迪法脉的旧圣粉与药粉。制作数量超少,非常难找!偶尔才能遇见到一支半支。 佩戴此符管的善信将不会贫困潦倒,不会为金钱烦恼,做什么事都能成功。不会被疾病缠身,生意不入困境,可绝处逢生。不会被邪术恶灵侵害,能得到最好的人缘,功效非常的好。 【智慧女神 / 幸运女神】 缅甸至高的女神,传说她是宇宙第一先知,知晓宇宙一切,地位崇高,职责看管 ~ 佛陀,手上的三本天书记载着佛陀的过去现在未来。 而且她的美貌让她不管到哪里都受到天神甚至妖魔的爱护。 佩戴功效是人缘和财运超级棒,人见人爱, 财源广进, 为我们开路。 遇到困难时会有智慧的解决一些问题。