Friday, September 10, 2021

Phra Somdej Wackman, Nur Khaw Lang Phaen Ngern (White Materials), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2560 - 2564).

Made : 69 pieces (Released to public : 50 pcs only)

Chanted and consecrated for total 5 years then only release for devotees.

The meaning of Wekman is like "opening of curtains" thus this amulet is good for opening of new opportunities/doors in one's life. 

Using mixed materials : Phong Ittijae, Phong Maharaj, Phong Trinisinghae, Phong Kb Apiwat, Ploy (Gemstones) & sacred hairs.

*Encased with waterproof Silver Casing with Red LongYa. Behind of the amulet is a pcs of Silver engraved with KB Apiwat’s Yant (every pcs come with different Yant depend on your luck).
Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong. 
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.