Monday, January 17, 2022

[FOR SHOW / 纯粹分享] Phra Pidta Bhagavampati 7 Wat, Nur Mai (Wood), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2559).

Made : 108 pieces

No. : 23 (Michael Jordan) *Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing inlaid with Pink Gemstones. Ready to use. Very rare. This Buddha image was created according to the original textbook of Kruba Wichaiya Siri Witchayo (Kruba Wat Mai Hung) by bringing the Bodhi Nirvana wood (Sali Maha Bodhi wood) hundreds of years old. With a branch pointing towards the eastern part that was broken in the early morning of Songkran Festival year 2016, it was carved into the image of the Buddha. His left hand rubbed his stomach. It means abundance, having something to eat, do not need to be starve, with the right hand covering the face. It means safety, escape from all dangers and then lacquered, stick with 24k real gold leaves. Contains magical powder (Phong Phutthakun) and a pcs of real gold takrut according to the compulsory textbook and is covered under the base with silver plates. Stamped with codes and serial numbers on every piece. By making only 108 pieces. This Phra Bhagavampati has brought in the coronation ceremony and prayed from the monks who have magic power. There are many precepts and steadfast concentration. If you want to worship, use the following spells. “Kavampati Ca Maha Thero Nirasavo Bhavabhave Nibbana Kojaro Santo Sathasotthi Karotumee” carry it with you, houses, shops, vehicles to prevent being invaded by all Sambhawesi (demons). Protect you from the occult, evil-spirit, ghost, backstabber, the wild wind blows, various wicked things. Escape from all kinds of dangerous accidents. Before leaving the house or go to work, go to trade, go to meet the opposite sex. Who to ask for help, to bring this Phra Bhagavampati to sprinkle perfume and put it in his hands and make a chant according to the spell above. And then pray as you wish…
帕必达巴嘎瓦帕蒂七瓦,古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺庙(佛历:二五五九年)。 制造:一百零八尊 编号:二十三号(迈克尔·乔丹) * 已经镶好防水定制的纯银外壳,并镶上粉红色宝石。随时可以佩戴了。 非常稀有。 这尊佛牌是根据 Kruba Wichaiya Siri Witchayo (Kruba Wat Mai Hung) 的原装教科书而制造出来并此用了数百年的菩提涅槃木 (Sali Maha Bodhi wood) 在2016年的泰国泼水节清晨折断的树枝并且是要指向东方。雕刻成佛牌,他的左手揉了揉肚子。意识是富足,容易找到吃,不会饿死,右手掩脸。 意味着保护平安,安全逃离一切危险,然后涂上一层漆,贴上 24k 真金箔。根据教科书上必须要包含 Phong Phutthakun圣粉和一支真金符管,并在底座下覆盖一片纯银片。 每片纯银都印有庙印记和佛牌的编号。 总共制作 108 尊。 这个尊帕巴嘎瓦帕蒂经过许多念经仪式,并由有法力的高僧开光诵经。 有很多戒律与坚定的加持,若欲拜,请此用以下经文。 “Kavampati Ca Maha Thero Nirasavo Bhavabhave Nibbana Kojaro Santo Sathasotthi Karotumee” ...随身携带、房屋、商店、车辆能够防止被所有 Sambhawesi 恶魔入侵。保护你免受神秘的,恶灵,鬼怪,背后中伤你的人,邪风吹,各种邪恶的事情。 逃离各种危险事故,出门前上班,去交易,去找异性朋友。向谁寻求帮助,都佩戴上这尊巴嘎瓦帕蒂,喷上一些香水,放在手中,然后按照上面的经文参念。 然后随心所欲地许愿...

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.