Luang Pu Garlong 91 years olds. Phra Reusi/Lersi Narsur Tiger face is the great master of spell. Luang Pu Garlong once meditation practice at Wat Dowdueng and see the face of very old man hundreds of year in his meditation. Sudden the face change into the face of furious tiger. The tiger hermit then ask Luang Pu who are you. Luang Pu Garlong reply "My name is Garlong, now i'm prilgrimage tranining mindfulness with meditation by the teaching of Buddha" The tiger face Reusi/Lersi then told him that there're monk who come and try to test the power of them self with spirits. He was once a monk in Ayuttaya era periods around 500 years ago name "Luang Phor Kruith", he was success the high level of yan meditation and "Ser Ming" the white tiger spell. Once he died his spirit become a hermits living with a tiger face until this days.
To prove that his word are all trust and truth, he lead Luang Pu Garlong to the big rubber plant next to the hut he stay. And told him to dig up. Luang Pu Garlong found 2 of Gold Buddha statue 9"inch knee wide prove that in the previous life, Luang Pu Garlong and him have been conduct good karma together and it's a bond. Luang Pu Garlong build Wat Khao Lam in B.E.2513, every time in his meditation he's always see this spirit. The powerful spirit that always come to help and protect Luang Pu Garlong.
This amulet is made by those old amulet materials. So the surface of the amulet is quite rough. This amulet bless/chant for strong wealth luck and miracle fortune. One who pray may not fall, the tiger hermit grant successful wish and overcome all obstacles ,dangers, ward off black magic and bad luck.
"Namo tassa Pakawatoh Arrahatoh Summa Sumputassa" (3 times)
The mantra worship Tiger Reusi/Lersi
"Namassitava Itsisithiloganaryung Anutarung Aesijapuntanusatra Arhungwuntamitung Aesisitthivedsa" (3 times)
"Sitthigidjung Sitthigummung Sitthigariyatathakatoh Sitthitaechochayunidjung Sitthilapohniruntarung Suppagummungphrasithhimae"
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