Friday, August 18, 2023

Phra Pidta, Nur Loha Pasom (Mixed Metal), Roon Wai Khru, Phor Than Wok, Arhin Sakak Arsom (B.E.2558).

Made : 400 pieces

*Bottom with temple codes & year (58). Pt Wok engraved with Yant. Arhin Sakak Arsom consider as Phor Than Wok's 2nd temple. Pt Wok total have 3 temples. Remembering the Buddhist Lent at Wat Phikun Thong, Narathiwat for 17 years, then went on a pilgrimage to the forests of the mountains throughout the country and also had the opportunity to study various knowledge. Before returning to the southern border provinces. He also resides in a cloister in the area at the end of Wat Mutchalintawapi Vihara, Pattani. It was formerly known as "Wat Tuyong". At present, he became the abbot of Wat Thepnimit. Although, the quantity of the amulets that made by Phor Than Wok is not much. But alots of experienced in the three Southern Provinces (Yala, Pattani & Narathiwat). A lots of Thai Army or Government Officer in the Southern Thailand like to wearing amulet that made and blessed by him. It has been proven the saksit-ness (very effective). His amulets is sacred in Klaew Klaad and Kanphai (protection for safety). 立体型帕必打 (掩面佛)、混合金属、拜师法会帮、婆谭窝、阿轩萨咔阿宋寺庙(佛历:二五五八年)。 制造 : 400 尊 *底部有打上庙印章, 法印 与 年份(58)。婆谭窝亲手刻上经文。 阿轩萨咔阿宋寺庙属于 婆谭窝 的第二间庙。婆谭窝 一共居留过三间寺庙。 在泰国拍必达佛牌是非常著名的,掩面佛又称必达佛,将对佩戴者不利的事、物阻挡在体外,使之不能进入身体影响人们的心灵,由此挡灾避险,同时避小人及不好的运气近身,使之正气随身,同时佩戴者还会借助掩面佛的功力,有助招偏财运,使佩戴者正财、偏财滚滚来!小人霉运远远去。 简介: ** 必达佛(掩面佛)**   传说,佛祖有一位弟子,名为"拍马哈格咋也纳",他非常聪敏、样貌与佛祖有点相似,他长相俊朗,人缘很好,所以很多善信都很喜欢他,更常有善信误认他为佛祖,这些对他的修行都做很大的障碍,部份师兄弟间出现闲言闲语,有些女善信因为他的英俊外表而加以款待,又被外间说他与女子有染犯下佛门重戒,"拍马哈格咋也纳"有见及此,为避免这些不利的传言再出现,便利用神通法力将容貌变得丑陋、矮小、肥胖,这也是现今有称为"善加财"佛像的法相,但这都不能令善信们改变对他的热诚态度,所以他唯有便将眼长期合上,不理会别人对他的态度及闲言,只一心修行,因此有帕必达的俗称。    掩面佛分两手必达佛和多手必达,两手必达叫做 Pidta Maha Larp,也就是我们经常看到的双手掩面的佛祖了,佩戴双手必达能够帮助,避免是非,招揽财运,而多手比达叫做 Pidta Maha Utt (Pakawan),经常会有4手甚至8手,掩住眼,耳,肚脐,等,佩戴多手比达,可以帮助善行挡灾,适合危险职业的人佩戴。