Sunday, July 24, 2022

Roop Lor Loy Ong Tai Hong Kong, Neur Sumrit (Bronze), Xiude Shantang, Chiang Mai.

*Comes with original temple box. Tai Hong Kong was a highly respected Chinese monk who lived during the Song Dynasty, over a millennium ago. He was renowned for his boundless empathy, and selflessness. The Tai Hong Kong shrine, is a spiritual port-of-call for the Thai people, particularly those of Chinese descent. The inherited faith of Tai Hong Kong was believed to have sprung forth from here, flowing through generations of Thai communities. Thai people believe that paying homage to Luang Pu Tai Hong, will help to reverse poor fortunes, and bolster your chances against impending calamity. Magical Power : Tai Hong Kong amulet is very popular in Thailand and abroad because can bring wealth, good luck, business and healthy to worshiper. Moreover, this powerful god amulet is the best of harm protection.
宋大峰祖师佩戴型小金身,青铜材质,清迈修德善堂。 *配有原装寺庙盒。 大峰祖师 ,宋朝佛教高僧,曾于广东省潮阳县一带从事收尸、医疗、教育、筑桥等慈善事业,潮汕、香港、东南亚皆有奉祀。 北宋宝元二年(1039年)出生于浙江省温州的富有家庭,俗姓林,自幼研读佛经,经科举得进士名衔获知县职务,至54岁时,对政治腐败失望,出家四处弘扬佛法。另根据《潮阳县志》记载,大峰祖师为福建人。 81岁时,在广东省潮阳县因暴雨引致河水泛滥,触发瘟疫等多种灾害,产生许多无人认领的尸体。大峰祖师收集尸体火化、设立诊所、供应食品给有需要的人士、教育弟子助人的美德。那时有一道600米宽的河流,每年都翻船淹死乘客,他发动人民兴建桥梁。
北宋靖康二年(1127年)大峰祖师圆寂,圆寂时88岁,人民认为他已成佛道。 由于祖师功德,人人感念。故圆寂之后,广受潮汕民众的奉祀,在潮汕、香港等地域都有香火和庙宇,在东南亚一带的潮汕籍华人善堂也有供奉大峰祖师。 神奇的力量:宋大峰祖师佛牌在泰国和海外的华人圈子里很受欢迎,因为善信们相信他可以带来财富、好运、生意兴荣和身体健康。 而且,这尊宋大峰祖师是最好的防护与避险的佛牌。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.