Saturday, November 12, 2022

Ahyong Tohsin Akkhi Ya That (Elemental Fire Bead), Phim Lek (Small Mould), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2565).

Made : 199 pieces

Size : 1.3cm (Length) x 1.1cm (Width) x 0.7cm (Height) *Come with original temple box. Kb Apiwat handwritten Yantra on behind. Stamped with one temple code. This is an Ahyong Tohsin Akkhi Ya That (Elemental Fire Bead) metal that has increased in price several times. When using the Elemental Fire Bead you should always be close to the body, you can see the best result of the effect. When the Elemental Fire Bead turned black, it is believed that it sucks out the toxins that remain in our body. The body often feels exhausted. Drink a lots of water. 

To continue to hang, do not rush to wash, or hurry to scrub. Because as long as the poison in us is not exhausted, it will continue to black like that. If you want the Elemental Fire Bead to always be bright and bright. It is best to keep it in a temple box. But it was not the purpose of making the most difficult Elemental Fire Bead at all. Kruba Apiwat did it this time, it would be a long time before he was ready to do it. Or probably won't do it again. Doing this is to help people who want to use it. Because the original things that used to do have a much higher price. People who want to use it are difficult to find. If this round is over, it must depend on who's luck he/she have to seek for himself/herself. If someone who are wearing the Elemental Fire Bead daily. And it's completely black because the poison in his/her body probably has a lot of it as well. The elemental pellets are black as onyx...

If someone's Elemental Fire Bead turned to be black don't be shocked. Shows that there is a lot of residual toxicity in the body, a lot of toxins accumulated in the liver, in the bile, in the lungs, in the tendons and in the blood. 1. Should always wearing this Elemental Fire Bead, contact with the body. Wear it when sleeping, it can repel and absorb poison. Remaining in the figure projected out make sleep well, wake up refreshed cheerful. Prevent Khun Saiphai Thanroi Matika later. 2. Prevent Bad Luck, Evil Ghost, Bad Stuff. All dangers are not allowed to invade us. 3. Balance the 4 elements in the body regularly (Na, Ma, Pa, Ta). Not easy to get sick. Illnesses do not occur in us.

4. Enhance your fortune have the power to support ascend. Let's carry it with us. Raise your destiny, so you don't fall, prop up the luck. Not to fall your great fortune. Wealth constantly, not starving, not difficult, not poor, trades well, has wealth, easy to save money when your destiny is up. This elemental fire will shine bright and gleaming in gold. When it's unlucky. This Elemental Fire Bead will dull and blackened. To be soaked in "Som Boi" to bathe and then should make merit and pluck up bad luck. You will always be young. 5. Wherever you go. Let the perfume be sprinkled on this Elemental Fire Bead and pray it as you wish. When worshiping this Elemental Fire Bead should always pay homage to the monks or chant the Lord Buddha Itipiso x3 times a day, it will be much better and better.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

🔥🔥🔥 [ Restock !!! ] 🔥🔥🔥 Si Phuerng Piyanawa Buppha (Metta Balm), Special Edition, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2565).

Kruba Apiwat 古巴API哇在 (佛历: 2553年) ‮开‬光后封存‮今至‬的 “兮碰‮瓦纳‬钵帕” Si Phuerng Piyanawa Buppha 最‮贵珍‬的黄金‮缘人‬膏,掸‮民邦‬间信‮中仰‬最好的‮缘人‬膏之一。 特‮版别‬本含纯金、纯‮符银‬管,古巴API哇第一期‮银纯‬燕通。


在‮抹涂‬完人‮膏缘‬后燕‮和通‬雅菲可以‮外另‬包壳佩戴,均‮古为‬巴API哇第一期圣物。 使‮的用‬方法有‮多很‬种:

1.) 可以将‮涂膏‬抹在‮何任‬人缘类‮牌佛‬圣物上‮以可‬增加‮佩其‬戴功‮和效‬成愿功效。

2.) 可‮将以‬膏涂抹‮家在‬中或者店铺、公‮内司‬的门梁上,招‮生揽‬意和顾客‮时短‬间立竿见‮门影‬庭若市。

3.) 在‮缘人‬和感‮方情‬面的‮用使‬可以‮解化‬干戈、矛盾,如爱人、情‮离人‬自己而‮可去‬以将对‮的方‬照片打‮后印‬将少量‮体膏‬涂抹在照‮上片‬配合心‮许咒‬愿,晚上‮觉睡‬放压在枕‮下头‬方,对方‮时短‬间可回‮使到‬用者身边。 使‮心用‬咒后‮无用‬名指‮抹涂‬自己的嘴‮和唇‬眉心许愿‮以可‬化解与家人、长辈、情侣、朋友、领‮和导‬客户之‮的间‬任何矛盾。

4.) 此‮非膏‬常珍贵‮实其‬佩戴在‮特身‬有增加桃‮和花‬正缘的功效,可‮为以‬单身人‮招士‬揽优质‮桃的‬花人缘,让‮人靠‬脉吃‮的饭‬朋友使‮此用‬膏后‮右左‬逢缘‮鱼如‬得水,提‮个升‬人魅力‮及以‬社交能力,改‮使善‬用者社交‮面方‬的缺陷。

5.) 因为“兮‮纳碰‬瓦钵帕”中‮有含‬红药“苏‮萨拉‬迪、咩打528、雅‮鸦碧‬等”所以佩‮也戴‬有提‮运升‬势和财运‮功的‬效,可以‮做让‬生意的善‮使信‬用后‮卖买‬更容易达成,利‮倍润‬增,更具有‮争竞‬力。 古巴API哇‮对在‬恭请善信‮叮的‬嘱,因‮材为‬料原因“兮‮纳碰‬瓦钵帕”非‮灵常‬验,需要‮德道‬使用不‮破可‬坏他人家庭,不‮用可‬于做不‮德道‬的事情。 此‮需膏‬要配‮古合‬巴口传‮咒心‬使用,心‮需咒‬要恭请‮告后‬知。

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Phra Buddha Nirantrai (Phra Bang Nha Bang Lang), Nur Ngern (Silver), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2557 - 2559).

Size : 2.3cm (Height) x 1.3cm (Width)

*Very rare! Hard to find. 
Stamped with a temple code. Come with original temple box. 

*Chanted and consecrated for 3 years.

*Created according to the original textbook of Phra Kruba Wichaiya Siriwitchayo (Kruba Wat Mai Hong). Old medicine powder filling on the base, that have excellent protection against danger. 

BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Takrut Karb Yant Hua Jai Ngern Hua Jai Kham (ThongKham), Nur Thong Daeng (Copper), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2565).

Size : 4 cm (Height) x 2.5 cm (Width) (Issued to worship : 159 sheets.) *The folding Silver & Gold Heart Talisman. Stamped with a temple code. An ancient believed that it is a kind of object that has a soul, has a heart of it. When we hold anything in our heart, it will seek more and more friends, increase it, fill it up until it overflows. Kruba Archan (teacher) therefore, bind them to form a talisman (takrut). Name it as "Talisman of The Heart of Silver - The Heart of Gold" to carry in the purse, wallet, handbag. Encased it up for worship or wearing on the chest, keep it in your safe deposit box, treasures, implying to call for more, to have more, completely wealth fetching. Put a banknote or coin into the hoof of the talisman (takrut). And then worship with this incantation (Katha) saying, Namo x 3 times. "Ehitabpo, Ehimama, Maremaso, Maremama, Ehithanang, Ehilapang, Ehichittang, Piyangmama." x 3 times Before leaving your house and go to work, go to trade, go find opposite sex. Who to ask for help, bring the talisman sheet. Sprinkle perfume and put it in your hands and chant according to the spell (katha) above. Pray as you please. Carry it in find an adult boss. Contact a business for help. Will be dear to the mercy (Metta) of all. If go to trade, let the talisman be soaked in water to make holy water. Chant according to the above spell (katha), then bring that holy water to sprinkle all over your products, will make good sales.
财源滚滚钱生钱符片【银心经符咒 和 黄金心经符咒】 红铜材质版本,古巴阿匹瓦,瓦通碰寺庙 (佛历:二五六五年)。 尺寸:4 厘米 (高度) x 2.5 厘米 (宽度) (发行供奉:159张 *折叠的银心经符咒和 黄金心经符咒护身符片。 打上寺庙印记。 一个传承于古老的信仰认为,它是一种有灵魂的物体,它有”心“的。当我们把符片镶好佩戴在心前时,它就会寻求越来越多的朋友,帮我们慢慢增加,还会填满,直到溢出。所以,老师们把符片绑起来形成一个护身符。称为 “银心经符咒 和 黄金心经符咒” 让信徒与徒弟们随身携带或置于胸前、保险箱、宝物上供奉,寓意呼唤更多、拥有更多的财富、招财与吸财、钱生钱、财源滚滚来。 将钞票或硬币放入在护身符的蹄子里。 然后用这个咒语崇拜,Namo (x 3次)。 "Ehitabpo, Ehimama, Maremaso, Maremama, Ehithanang, Ehilapang, Ehichittang, Piyangmama" (x 3次)。 每天出门之前去上班,去交易,去寻找异性朋友。向附片寻求帮助, 然后佩戴上护身符片。喷上香水,放在手中,按照上面的咒语 (经文) 念诵,随心所欲地祈求。 随身佩戴去可找个老板,联系企业寻求帮助。 将会得到别人的爱黛与人缘方面极佳。如果要进行交易买卖,将符片浸泡在水中,制成圣水。根据上述咒语念经,然后将圣水洒在货物或产品上,会有良好的销售量。
Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Ahyong Tohsin Akkhi Ya That (Elemental Fire Bead), Phim Lek (Small Mould), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2565).

Made : 199 pieces Size : 1.3cm (Length) x 1.1cm (Width) x 0.7cm (Height) *Come with original temple box. Custom-made Silver Ring (Size : 59 / Diameter : 1.8 cm) for customer. Kb Apiwat handwritten Yantra on behind. Stamped with one temple code. 

This is an Ahyong Tohsin Akkhi Ya That (Elemental Fire Bead) metal that has increased in price several times. When using the Elemental Fire Bead you should always be close to the body, you can see the best result of the effect. When the Elemental Fire Bead turned black, it is believed that it sucks out the toxins that remain in our body. The body often feels exhausted. Drink a lots of water. To continue to hang, do not rush to wash, or hurry to scrub. Because as long as the poison in us is not exhausted, it will continue to black like that. If you want the Elemental Fire Bead to always be bright and bright. It is best to keep it in a temple box. But it was not the purpose of making the most difficult Elemental Fire Bead at all. 

Kruba Apiwat did it this time, it would be a long time before he was ready to do it. Or probably won't do it again. Doing this is to help people who want to use it. Because the original things that used to do have a much higher price. People who want to use it are difficult to find. If this round is over, it must depend on who's luck he/she have to seek for himself/herself. If someone who are wearing the Elemental Fire Bead daily. And it's completely black because the poison in his/her body probably has a lot of it as well. The elemental pellets are black as onyx... If someone's Elemental Fire Bead turned to be black don't be shocked. Shows that there is a lot of residual toxicity in the body, a lot of toxins accumulated in the liver, in the bile, in the lungs, in the tendons and in the blood.

1. Should always wearing this Elemental Fire Bead, contact with the body. Wear it when sleeping, it can repel and absorb poison. Remaining in the figure projected out make sleep well, wake up refreshed cheerful. Prevent Khun Saiphai Thanroi Matika later. 2. Prevent Bad Luck, Evil Ghost, Bad Stuff. All dangers are not allowed to invade us. 3. Balance the 4 elements in the body regularly (Na, Ma, Pa, Ta). Not easy to get sick. Illnesses do not occur in us.

4. Enhance your fortune have the power to support ascend. Let's carry it with us. Raise your destiny, so you don't fall, prop up the luck. Not to fall your great fortune. Wealth constantly, not starving, not difficult, not poor, trades well, has wealth, easy to save money when your destiny is up. This elemental fire will shine bright and gleaming in gold. When it's unlucky. This Elemental Fire Bead will dull and blackened. To be soaked in "Som Boi" to bathe and then should make merit and pluck up bad luck. You will always be young. 5. Wherever you go. Let the perfume be sprinkled on this Elemental Fire Bead and pray it as you wish. When worshiping this Elemental Fire Bead should always pay homage to the monks or chant the Lord Buddha Itipiso x3 times a day, it will be much better and better.
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been RENTED.