Monday, July 12, 2021

Why are you so excited about mere strands of hair?

In the past, Luang Pu Boon Song shaved his head by himself. Luang Pu held a mirror in one hand and held a razor in another. Luang Pu looked into the mirror and shaved at the same time. And once Luang Pu put the razor down, Luang Pu threw his hair on the ground. It was like this for many years.

Then, a miracle happened when one of his pupils went by the mangosteen tree where Luang Pu always shaved his hair.

He saw something black and round in shape under the mangosteen tree. Looking closer, he found that this was a mass of hair clumped together into a ball with white solid objects scattered all over.

Who does this hair belong to? It definitely belongs to Luang Pu Boonsong; the hair that Luang Pu scattered all over the ground. They were miraculously combined.

The pupil was so excited and conveyed the news to Luang Pu. After Luang Pu learnt of the story, Luang Pu calmly replied, “It is merely hair."

The pupil, therefore, asked for an opportunity and permission from Luang Pu to keep the hair to pay homage to and took a picture.

Luang Pu didn’t say no. He also told the disciple that if he wanted to keep the hair, he could go ahead.

Luang Pu still mercifully taught the disciple:
" Why are you so excited about a mass of hair?
If you believe that my hair transformed into relics,
Then you’d better make your hair transform into relics too. This would be even better.
Consider this frequently. "

Luang Pu Boon Song
The below pics on the hairs that kept by disciples had turn into relics





弟子们接着请求隆普给予机会与允许,以便他们能带走这些头发以作供奉,以及拍照留念。隆普没有明言拒绝,仅说,“你要带走的话,那就随你意吧。” 虽然如此,隆普仁慈地劝导弟子说,“何必要对一团头发如此激动?既然你相信我的头发可以转化成舍利子,那不如也把你自己的头发转化成舍利子,如此这般岂不是更好、更值得被赞叹?你应当常常如此思维。”
