No. : 105
Made : 108 piecesCome with 3rd place certificate, competition at Trang Province.
Encased with waterproof gold casing.
Phor Than Chao Seng (也有人称Phor Gae Chao Seng)。从简单的网络资料得知, PT Chao Seng是当今泰南三府(Pattani,Yala 以及Narathiwat)出家年资最高的师父之一。PT Chao Seng生于佛历2462(公元1919年)2月7日,今年94岁。佛历2483 (公元1940),21岁的PT Chao Seng出家为僧,至今已是迈入第73三个年头了,目前是Wat Ban Trang的住持。
PT Chao Seng是生于泰南北大年府(Pattani)的Mayo县。那时一个曾经充满民族传统色彩的小镇,在1400年前,这里曾经是佛教与婆罗门教的盛行地。而如此, Pattani连同另外两个府,Yala以及Narathiwat,目前大多数人民信奉伊斯兰教。
过去10年来,这个本来祥和的泰南地区,被恐怖分子搞得人心惶惶,若非亲身去体验,是绝对很难去体会当地居民的心情。 能够搬离的人,都搬离到别的地方, 留下的人, 除了靠军警来保护之外,他们最大的依靠就是寺院与高僧。PT Chao Seng就是其中一位备受当地居民乃至军警的爱戴。
除了依靠军力与武器之外,没有什么东西比得上佛牌圣物,更能给泰南平民带来安全感。PT Chao Seng这几十年来,过着非常简低调的生活,他所加持的圣物广泛的被当地居民与军人所喜爱。尤其是军人们,多次有遇到带了PT Chao Seng的圣物之后化险为夷,比如子弹开不出,炸弹只出烟但没爆炸等等类似的事件。泰国佛牌圣物的神奇,在这样的环境下更加明显了。
年高94的PT Chao Seng在今年才动了个膝盖的手术,然而让人惊讶的是他复原的非常快,现在走起路来不需要人扶,耳力视觉都依然正常。
老师父说,他出家后就来到Wat Ban Trang安居,70多年前,当时的社会依然非常的远离发展,不管是教育,医药等发展的步伐始终来不到这里。所以,人民一直以来都是过着非常简单的生活。为了可以更能够帮助到人民,PT Seng发心学习各种可以接触人们痛苦的法术,因为他认为身为出家人,他的任务不只是吃饭诵经而已,反而应该随缘随份的为社会做出贡献。
PT Chao Seng的法术,主要是跟两位大师学习,Phor Than Thong Keow 以及Phor Than Chai。这两位都是Wat Ban Trang的老师父。其中Phor Than 才Chai是Wat Ban Trang当时的住持,PT Chai传给PT Chao Seng的法术都是Wat Ban Trang的古老法门。比如神牛(Kwai Thanu),天将(Hoon Payong),以及法带(Kayaphan)。
PT Chao Seng解释有关『法带』 (Kayaphan)的意义:这是Wat Ban Trang过去历代祖师流传下来,记录的法术宝典里的一门秘门法术。
PT Chao Seng说,每一条法带都是他的代表,因此,每个经文每一个仪轨步骤,必须完全依照祖师们所流传下来的方法,外面的人,曾经联络过PT Chao Seng,希望老师父可以大量“生产”,但PT Chao Seng没有答应,因为,他认为身为制作与加持的师父,必须对供奉此圣物的信徒之生命负责任。
PT的圣物,最为人称道的就是其“避险”的功能。其实,PT Chao Seng的法术,也包含了人缘、招财之效果。
Information Credit : Facebook - 泰佛交流中心
Phor Than Chao Seng / Phor Gae Chao Seng of Wat Baan Trang was one of the highest respect monks in the 3 provinces of Pattani,Yala, and Narathiwat. He lived to the age of 98 years old and was born in the 7th February B.E.2462. Phor Than Chao Seng ordained as a novice monk at the age of 21 who has served 76 years in Buddhism He was born in the province of Pattani, in the city name call Mayo. During that time, Mayo was a small town whose culture is way much closer to the tribe.
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Phor Gae Chao Seng, Wat BaanTrang. |
For the past 10 years, Pattani which used to be a peaceful province has become a place full of terrorist and bombing issues. People who have the capability to move out of this province has already done so due to safety reasons and those people who have left behind in the province are poorer families, army or the monks. Besides relying on the army for protection, the monks, and high monks has become their only moral supports for the poor families to believe in.
During this kind of situation, weapons and firearms are more trustable than the law. Besides weapon and firearms, nothing else can be comparable to a sacred object or amulet consecrated by a high monk to keep them safe. During this 10 over years, he has been living as simple life just as anybody else. Amulets and sacred object consecrated by him have been highly sought by people and the army. Due to many escapes from death incident, Military officers from the army will always seek for Phor Than Seng sacred object for wearing for protection purposes.
After ordained as a novice monk, Phor Than Seng has been studying Buddhism and Magic Practice under the guidance of 2 senior monks of Wat Baan Trang who is Phor Than Keow and Phor Than Chai. Phor Than Chai was the ex-abbot of Wat Baan Trang before Phor Than Seng who is an Expert in the ancient Magical practice of Kwai Thanu and Hoon Pa Yoon and Kayaphan. Kayaphan is the special magic practice of Wat Baan Trang passed down through generations of Wat Baan Trang. To others, it might just look like a normal belt with some engraved yants. However, every single of yants engraves onto the belt has a special effect and meaning. It takes very long efforts and time to complete each set of a belt.
Sacred objects and amulets consecrated by Phor Than Seng are well-known for protection from harm, Maha Niyom and wealth fetching effects. Over the years, a lot of believers has been approaching Phor Than Seng to mass consecrated amulets due to demands in devotees. However, Phor Than Seng has been rejecting such offers due to he does not want to misuse Buddhism. Due to the reason of reconstruction and repairing of Wat Baan Trang, Phor Than Seng has only agreed to consecrate a few batches of amulets in this recent years to collect funds.
Phor Than Chao Seng passed away on 22th August 2017. He was one of the most well respected monk in the 3 provinces of Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat.
Menorah is a Thai poem and dance drama that was originally started from the Ayutthaya era of Thai history and Menorah folk dance in Southern Thailand is often performed by the minority ethnic groups. One of the main characters in the drama is a Kinnaree, a bird-like female creature of beguiling beauty.
The story originally comes from the Pannasa Jataka, folktales based on the previous birth of the Lord Buddha written in Pali Language.