Friday, December 9, 2022

Phisanok Khwan Kru (Axe), with Wood Handle, Phor Than Wok (Luang Wok), Wat Thepnimit, Pattani (B.E.2535).

*Made during Pt Wok staying at Luang Daeng’s Wat Rai temple.

Very Rare! Seldom come across. Pt Wok have mercy to fully handwritten Yantra on the whole pcs of the Axe. Bottom of the Axe 🪓 inserted with a pcs of Pet-Na-Tang and attached with two gemstones 💎 (front & back). The handle of the Axe tied with colourful lucky ribbon 🎀.

Pet-na-tang = Pyrite, believed to have power of protection of all danger and warding off poisonous animals, bad omens, spells.

婆谭窝的最早期 (神斧)大约 (佛历:二五三五年) 制造而成。

婆谭窝的神斧可以助你招来更多财富,砍断厄运,劈开小人,让你大事化小,小事化无,逢凶化吉,化险 为夷,劈开一条财路给你兴兴,让你福到财到好运到。
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