Rare item !! Seldom come across...
*With authentication temple code. Handwritten Yant by Kb Apiwat.
Encased with waterproof custom made silver casing with red colour gemstone.
Takrut Yant Takraw is a magical drawing that using a long 925 silver sheet then tie with a "Sepak Takraw" or Rattan Ball shape's knot.
Takrut Yant Takraw is good to carry along in order to be safe from harm, dangers, evil forces and fierce animals with fangs or tusks. If doing business, put this Takrut Yant Takraw in a money box and you will sell very well.
The Takrut Yant Takraw in fact, contains a vast compendium of blessings, ranging from Maha Utt Pern protection, to Maha Utt Sap (Maha Phokasap) wealthy fortunes, with very strong leanings towards Klaew Klaad evasion of dangers, and Kongkrapan Chadtri Invincibility, being the most prominent form of magic present.
Besides that, this Takrut Yant Takraw also have another unique effect which is, when the wearer encounter black magic, evil spirits and ghosts, it will naturally bounce back to your enemies like the "Sepak Takraw" or Rattan Ball.
This Sacred 'Kreung Rang Khong Khlang' Occult and Effective Talisman from the great Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong, is a very rare item indeed to find. It is so highly sought after and preferred in the amulet collector, and with the many devotees of Kb Apiwat around South-East Asia (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia & Singapore).
藤球经文符管 (魔法保护), 纯银材质, 由古巴阿匹瓦亲手制造, 通碰寺庙。
藤球经文符管是一种神奇的绘画,使用长形的 925 纯银片写上满满的经文,然后纯手工编织上 “Sepak Takraw” 或藤球形状的结。
事实上,藤球经文符管包含了大量的祝福,从保护功效 ”玛哈乌” 到 ”玛哈婆加湿” (Maha Phokasap) 富有与财富,非常倾向于 Klaew Klaad 避开危险,以及 Kongkrapan Chadtri 比如:避开刀枪子弹之类,是目前最突出的魔法形式。
这个来自通碰寺庙的伟大师父~古巴阿匹瓦 'Kreung Rang Khong Khlang' 神圣与灵验的冠兰护身符,确实是一件非常罕见而且制作数量非常少的物品。它在佛牌收藏家和古巴阿匹瓦的信徒中备受追捧和青睐,并在东南亚(中国、香港、台湾、马来西亚和新加坡)。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.