Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Takrud Daw Lom Deurn (Surrounded by the Stars Talisman), Nuer Ngern (Silver Material), Chao Khun Maha Surasak, Wat Pradu (B.E.2564).

群星供月符管,纯银材质,昭坤玛哈素拉萨,帕杜皇家佛寺 (佛历:二五六四年)。

Made : 1000 pieces

Size : 5 inches

Takrud Daw Lom Deurn “The Stars around the Moon" means being loved by all people. Wearer is loved by the people around him/her and his/her family, like a moon surrounded by stars.

群星供月符管 ”月亮周围的星星“ 意味着被所有人所爱。佩戴者将会受到周围人和家人的喜爱,就像星星环绕着的月亮......