Friday, May 14, 2021

Phra Pidta ChaeNamMoon, Nur Phong Fang Takrud ThongKam, Luang Phor Koon, Wat Bahn Rai (B.E.2537).

To commenrate 6 cycle - 72 years old birthday 

Year : B.E. 2537

Material: Holy powder embedded with 1 Real Gold Takrud

This batch is soaked in holy water for 3 months and LP Koon intentionaly blessed for 72 days, to commenrate his 72 years old birthday.

Lp Koon has a nickname of 活财神 when he was alive by many devotees. LP Koon once said that those who have faith in me will not be poor and indeed those who pray to him faithfully had sufficient to make a living.

Excellent piece for collection and wearing it
on dailing basis is for protection, wealth fetching, good luck and succession in everything you do.

*Come with original temple box.
Luang Phor Koon of Wat Bahn Rai.