1. Rian Phra Kaew Morakot (Emerald Buddha)
2. Rian Luang Phor Liew & Luang Phor Koon (Wat Ban Rai)
3. Locket Luang Phor Liew (兴银金) with monk robe
4. RoopLor Hanuman (bottom with LP Liew hairs and monk robe)
5. Rian Phra Pikanet (with monk robe behind)
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Phra Buccha Luang Pu Thuad (2.5 inch lap), made on Wan Sao Ha, Wat Chang Hai, Pattani (B.E.2560).
Size : 6.7 cm (Length) x 5.5 cm (Width) x 9 cm (Height)
Bottom inserted with a piece of copper material Satang with temple code.
-Personally "chao/rent" this direct from the temple.
Luang Pu Thuad amulets are well know to protect the wearer from danger, evil spirits and accidents. Many people believe that amulets created in Luang Pu Thuad image hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believers from seemingly fatal automobile accidents.
尺寸 : 6.7 cm (长度) x 5.5 cm (宽度) x 9 cm (高度)
-亲自从寺庙恭请回来。100% 原庙真品,全新,没有供奉过。
Roop Tai Luang Phor Seup, Lang Jeevorn with temple ink chop, Wat Sing, Nakhon Pahtom.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Locket Luang Pu Thuad & Phor Than Nien (Jamnien), Lang Yant Nak, Samnak Song Ton Leap, Songkhla (B.E.2539).
婆谭年师傅是在60岁才出家,学的法门是Khao Or派的。师傅对于Khao Or派的法术相当熟悉,包括了避险和包平安。 在2500年,师傅是在另一间庙的。一天当师傅修行的时候,Lp Thuad跑进了师傅的脑里,告诉Porthan Nian 前往离开不远的一间破庙,叫他照顾和住在那里。 Porthan Nian就集合了附近的村名,一起前往那间庙做维修等等。(说到这间庙,就是当年Lp Thuad出生后,他的父母亲将胎盘埋在一个liap树(也称菩提树)下,而胎盘的位子就是这颗大树下面。如今这颗大树大概10米高。)
有一次佛牌开光过程中,工作人员进行在庙里古法倒模仪式。在过程中放入了大量的老师父龙普的佛牌,旧料与符管之类的材料产入一同溶化。工作人员溶化了一段很长的时间可是不见得有什么起色,有位年轻和尚(龙p)赶到porthan nian 的卧室里叫师傅出来看看。
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Phor Than Nien (Jamnien), Samnak Song Ton Leap, Songkhla. |
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Rian Paed Tidt or Eight Directions, Nur Thong Daeng (Copper), Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai, Nakhon Pathom.
This Rian was made during LP Up 81 years old.
Rian Paed Tidt or Eight Directions is a sacred Geometric Yant containing eight Mantras written in 2 concentric circles in the center of the design. The design of the Paed Tidt Yant also incorporates eight representations of the Buddha, one for each day of the week (there are two on Wednesday).
This Yant is often seen as the Traveling Sak Yant tattoo, as it will provide you with protection from 8 directions, as well as it will ward off bad spirits. Keep in mind that the traveling could be anything between space, time and spirituality.
Rian Paed Tidt or Eight Directions is a sacred Geometric Yant containing eight Mantras written in 2 concentric circles in the center of the design. The design of the Paed Tidt Yant also incorporates eight representations of the Buddha, one for each day of the week (there are two on Wednesday).
This Yant is often seen as the Traveling Sak Yant tattoo, as it will provide you with protection from 8 directions, as well as it will ward off bad spirits. Keep in mind that the traveling could be anything between space, time and spirituality.
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Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai, Nakhon Pathom. |
Pra Buccha Mae Nang Phim, Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.2550).
Size : 5cm (Length) x 5cm (Width) x 12cm (Height)
*with Luang Pu Up handwritten yants behind.
100% guarantee genuine. Rented this piece of Pra Buccha Mae Nang Phim direct from Wat Thong Sai when LP Up still alive.
Luang Pu Up (LP Up) 的Nang Phim (南平女神)
Source: http://world-of-amulet.blogspot.com/2013/10/normal.html?m=1
Nang Phim 或 Mae Phim Pha (南平女神) 可说是其中一种让 Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai 成为广为人知的师父。这是因为拿去佩戴,或供奉的人,总是有许多的经历,让他们相信 LP Up 的法力高深,以至所加持的南平女神特别灵验。
但是在佛牌圈子里,还是有很多人一听到 “Nang Phim” 就会想到是阴牌。这或许跟 Nang Phim 的造型有关。
Nang Phim 的造型是一怀孕的妇女,穿戴首饰,还有婴孩的一双腿正在从下体出来。这样的造型,其实正代表着母爱的伟大,代表母亲的孩子的爱护与奉、牺牲的最高象征。
试想想,当母亲在生孩子的时候,不就是在冒着生命危险,极大的痛苦,为了就是让孩子平安诞生。而这就是 LP UP 的 Nang Phim 女神的深刻意义与精神。那就是:爱与付出给予。
所以,请别再用有色眼睛,把 Nang Phim 看成低级、下流的东西。LP Up 的 Nang Phim 法术,最初并没有做成佩戴型或供奉型。师父只是将这经文纹在弟子们的身上(通常是大腿)。后来,有些想要供奉 Nang Phim 的人,但又不喜欢纹身,所以师父才做出佩戴型与供奉型。
很多人怀疑:Nang Phim是鬼吗?
在这里郑重的说明:LP Up 反对一切的阴牌、邪术、乃至任何用尸体的任何部分来做牌的。他不鼓励弟子拿人骨、尸油等东西来做法术。原因是:如果做的人没有真正的精通这些法术,心术不正、定力不稳,那是很容易出事的。这会让佩戴的人的运气低落,或时运低的时候,就会更加的倒楣。或是,如果不能遵守一些事情,这些鬼将会反扑,伤害到供奉的人。所以,LP Up 的 Nang Phim 供奉了,是完全不用担心这些副作用。
据了解,只有头帮以及第三帮的 Nang Phim 有放了 Wat Sam Ngam 的材料,7坟土。过后,LP Up 就没有再用这些材料做了。因为他不想让后人以此作为榜样。
那么,为什么LP Up会有放到7坟土呢?不是自相矛盾吗?
事实是:所有的 Nang Phim,都是弟子们做给 LP Up,LP 只是负责加持而已。因为 Nang Phim 是纹身的法术。LP Up 学来的时候,就是学纹身而已。只是后来土徒弟做给他加持。当第一次有人做了掺有 Wat Sam Ngam(LP Yeam做古曼童的粉),他开始是有点埋怨。但是后来还是慈悲答应加持。后来又有人做来,他就言辞责备,过后才没有再用这些材料了。
头帮 Nang Phim
关于Nang Phim是谁?网上最流行的版本,应该是“难产女神”。
在早百多年前, 泰國的窮鄉僻壤住著一名懷有胎兒的婦人,在她臨盤時,不幸胎兒的胎位不正,以致爛產血崩,這名婦人在臨終前抱著一匡善念真心希望這世間上再沒有人受到這種苦難,並可得到幸福。
在這一念之間感動了天界,天神答應把這婦人的靈魂留在凡間幫助世人,並受予法力給這位婦人,好讓她可在世間行善積得, 幫助有須要的人脫離貧窮疾苦,而這位婦人便是咩冷篇了。百年多後,咩冷篇在森林遇到了高僧龍婆up,咩冷篇 希望此緣份能幫助有須要的人。於是就在龍婆up 打座的時候,咩冷篇特意走進龍婆up 禪定時的意識界中,並告知龍婆,可以借助自己的法力制作成聖物,使有緣 人得到咩冷篇的幫助走向更幸福美滿的生活。
但根据笔者向一位跟随 LP Up 多年的近身弟子所得知的,完全跟外面的说法不同。
那,Nang Phim 到底是什么?
Nang Phim 是天神!LP Up 常说,Nang Phim 不是阴术。而是拿来保护弟子们、帮助需要帮助的人。就好比母亲疼爱孩子一样。当孩子跟母亲讨什么,只要母亲能够帮到的,她一定会做给孩子。这是 LP Up 的禅定力加持出来,给信徒们供奉,以协助信徒们能够更好的生活。
LP Up 的 Nang Phim 法术从哪里学来?
在泰国一些版本说,是从柬埔寨深山或尼泊尔学来。也难怪会让人联想是阴牌。因为柬埔寨是出名这些法术。但事实上,LP Up 没跟人说过这回事。但,比较肯定的是,在泰国中部某个地方学得。
所以,总结的说,Nang Phim 不是阴牌,不是难产女神。而是一个充满爱心的女天神。
1. 保护远离危险,避险,保平安。
2. 买卖生意,让生意兴隆;也可以用来“追债”!
3. 魅力人缘。有人甚至说“phim pha riak sao”,就是 Nang Phim 帮忙找女友呢!
用白酒喷或点在 Nang Phim 嘴唇部分,同时念诵咒语9遍。
U Ka Ba Sa Ha Nak Put
乌 噶 八 洒 哈 那 扑
然后用心真诚许愿,请求 Nang Phim 帮助。不管是什么愿,只要每天诚心供奉,每天用白酒来点,心愿会更快实现。
如果要用来防身,去到危险地方,就把 Nang Phim 这个称呼改成 Nang(第一声) Der (第四声)。
如果一般许愿,比如财富、人缘、买卖等,可以把Nang Phim 握在手里,然后重复念诵咒语。如果觉得很舒服,凉,那就是代表会实现。如果手心觉得热,那就是代表这件事难以实现。要用在哪一方面,就看个人的心愿。
Mae (Mother) Nang Phim was a relative of the Lord Buddha. During her lifetime, she did lot of merits. Unfortunately, she encounter difficult birth. Her baby was in abnormal position which the position of the baby in the womb is legs-downward instead of head.
Mother Nang Phim is a เทพ (angel or deity) as mentioned by LP Up. Many people have misunderstood her as ghost which is not true. She help devotees to overcome obstacles, grant wishes and bring Metta to many over the years. The mytical guardian angel MNP Wicha subject (Magic Science Subject) originally from Tibet.
LP Up is a knowledgeable monk that learned many different types of Wicha subjects from many past gurus. Examples like from LP Noi Wat Thamasala, LP Boi Wat Manow, LP Tae Wat SamGuhn, LP Jong Wat NakTangNok and other white magic kalawat. He learned many different types of Wicha subjects (Magical Science Subject) from both Thailand and Khemer.
As mentioned by him, he learned total of 100 over types of different Wicha subjects. He would tried every types of Wicha subjects that he learned and select those effective wichas to keep for future use.
LP Up use all the Wicha subjects he learned to consecrate MNP and other amulets over the years. So what LP Up would do is that, he would integrate or combine all the Wicha subjects he learned over the years into the original MNP wicha subject to further enhance it's power.
Over the years, MNP and other amulets of LP Up have gain fames which his amulets provide miracles and good experiences by wearers from Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Malaysia and Singapore.
Katha for Mae (Mother) Nang Phim
1. Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahanto Samma Sabuddhasa (3 times)
2. Wu Ka Pha, Sak Ha Na Put (9 times)
2a. Apply Chinese white rice wine on the lip of MNP while chanting
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.
*with Luang Pu Up handwritten yants behind.
100% guarantee genuine. Rented this piece of Pra Buccha Mae Nang Phim direct from Wat Thong Sai when LP Up still alive.
Luang Pu Up (LP Up) 的Nang Phim (南平女神)
Source: http://world-of-amulet.blogspot.com/2013/10/normal.html?m=1
Nang Phim 或 Mae Phim Pha (南平女神) 可说是其中一种让 Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai 成为广为人知的师父。这是因为拿去佩戴,或供奉的人,总是有许多的经历,让他们相信 LP Up 的法力高深,以至所加持的南平女神特别灵验。
但是在佛牌圈子里,还是有很多人一听到 “Nang Phim” 就会想到是阴牌。这或许跟 Nang Phim 的造型有关。
Nang Phim 的造型是一怀孕的妇女,穿戴首饰,还有婴孩的一双腿正在从下体出来。这样的造型,其实正代表着母爱的伟大,代表母亲的孩子的爱护与奉、牺牲的最高象征。
试想想,当母亲在生孩子的时候,不就是在冒着生命危险,极大的痛苦,为了就是让孩子平安诞生。而这就是 LP UP 的 Nang Phim 女神的深刻意义与精神。那就是:爱与付出给予。
所以,请别再用有色眼睛,把 Nang Phim 看成低级、下流的东西。LP Up 的 Nang Phim 法术,最初并没有做成佩戴型或供奉型。师父只是将这经文纹在弟子们的身上(通常是大腿)。后来,有些想要供奉 Nang Phim 的人,但又不喜欢纹身,所以师父才做出佩戴型与供奉型。
很多人怀疑:Nang Phim是鬼吗?
在这里郑重的说明:LP Up 反对一切的阴牌、邪术、乃至任何用尸体的任何部分来做牌的。他不鼓励弟子拿人骨、尸油等东西来做法术。原因是:如果做的人没有真正的精通这些法术,心术不正、定力不稳,那是很容易出事的。这会让佩戴的人的运气低落,或时运低的时候,就会更加的倒楣。或是,如果不能遵守一些事情,这些鬼将会反扑,伤害到供奉的人。所以,LP Up 的 Nang Phim 供奉了,是完全不用担心这些副作用。
据了解,只有头帮以及第三帮的 Nang Phim 有放了 Wat Sam Ngam 的材料,7坟土。过后,LP Up 就没有再用这些材料做了。因为他不想让后人以此作为榜样。
那么,为什么LP Up会有放到7坟土呢?不是自相矛盾吗?
事实是:所有的 Nang Phim,都是弟子们做给 LP Up,LP 只是负责加持而已。因为 Nang Phim 是纹身的法术。LP Up 学来的时候,就是学纹身而已。只是后来土徒弟做给他加持。当第一次有人做了掺有 Wat Sam Ngam(LP Yeam做古曼童的粉),他开始是有点埋怨。但是后来还是慈悲答应加持。后来又有人做来,他就言辞责备,过后才没有再用这些材料了。
头帮 Nang Phim
关于Nang Phim是谁?网上最流行的版本,应该是“难产女神”。
在早百多年前, 泰國的窮鄉僻壤住著一名懷有胎兒的婦人,在她臨盤時,不幸胎兒的胎位不正,以致爛產血崩,這名婦人在臨終前抱著一匡善念真心希望這世間上再沒有人受到這種苦難,並可得到幸福。
在這一念之間感動了天界,天神答應把這婦人的靈魂留在凡間幫助世人,並受予法力給這位婦人,好讓她可在世間行善積得, 幫助有須要的人脫離貧窮疾苦,而這位婦人便是咩冷篇了。百年多後,咩冷篇在森林遇到了高僧龍婆up,咩冷篇 希望此緣份能幫助有須要的人。於是就在龍婆up 打座的時候,咩冷篇特意走進龍婆up 禪定時的意識界中,並告知龍婆,可以借助自己的法力制作成聖物,使有緣 人得到咩冷篇的幫助走向更幸福美滿的生活。
但根据笔者向一位跟随 LP Up 多年的近身弟子所得知的,完全跟外面的说法不同。
那,Nang Phim 到底是什么?
Nang Phim 是天神!LP Up 常说,Nang Phim 不是阴术。而是拿来保护弟子们、帮助需要帮助的人。就好比母亲疼爱孩子一样。当孩子跟母亲讨什么,只要母亲能够帮到的,她一定会做给孩子。这是 LP Up 的禅定力加持出来,给信徒们供奉,以协助信徒们能够更好的生活。
LP Up 的 Nang Phim 法术从哪里学来?
在泰国一些版本说,是从柬埔寨深山或尼泊尔学来。也难怪会让人联想是阴牌。因为柬埔寨是出名这些法术。但事实上,LP Up 没跟人说过这回事。但,比较肯定的是,在泰国中部某个地方学得。
所以,总结的说,Nang Phim 不是阴牌,不是难产女神。而是一个充满爱心的女天神。
1. 保护远离危险,避险,保平安。
2. 买卖生意,让生意兴隆;也可以用来“追债”!
3. 魅力人缘。有人甚至说“phim pha riak sao”,就是 Nang Phim 帮忙找女友呢!
用白酒喷或点在 Nang Phim 嘴唇部分,同时念诵咒语9遍。
U Ka Ba Sa Ha Nak Put
乌 噶 八 洒 哈 那 扑
然后用心真诚许愿,请求 Nang Phim 帮助。不管是什么愿,只要每天诚心供奉,每天用白酒来点,心愿会更快实现。
如果要用来防身,去到危险地方,就把 Nang Phim 这个称呼改成 Nang(第一声) Der (第四声)。
如果一般许愿,比如财富、人缘、买卖等,可以把Nang Phim 握在手里,然后重复念诵咒语。如果觉得很舒服,凉,那就是代表会实现。如果手心觉得热,那就是代表这件事难以实现。要用在哪一方面,就看个人的心愿。
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Luang Pu Up consecrated and chanted for Pra Buccha Mae Nang Phim. |
Mother Nang Phim is a เทพ (angel or deity) as mentioned by LP Up. Many people have misunderstood her as ghost which is not true. She help devotees to overcome obstacles, grant wishes and bring Metta to many over the years. The mytical guardian angel MNP Wicha subject (Magic Science Subject) originally from Tibet.
LP Up is a knowledgeable monk that learned many different types of Wicha subjects from many past gurus. Examples like from LP Noi Wat Thamasala, LP Boi Wat Manow, LP Tae Wat SamGuhn, LP Jong Wat NakTangNok and other white magic kalawat. He learned many different types of Wicha subjects (Magical Science Subject) from both Thailand and Khemer.
As mentioned by him, he learned total of 100 over types of different Wicha subjects. He would tried every types of Wicha subjects that he learned and select those effective wichas to keep for future use.
LP Up use all the Wicha subjects he learned to consecrate MNP and other amulets over the years. So what LP Up would do is that, he would integrate or combine all the Wicha subjects he learned over the years into the original MNP wicha subject to further enhance it's power.
Over the years, MNP and other amulets of LP Up have gain fames which his amulets provide miracles and good experiences by wearers from Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Malaysia and Singapore.
Katha for Mae (Mother) Nang Phim
1. Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahanto Samma Sabuddhasa (3 times)
2. Wu Ka Pha, Sak Ha Na Put (9 times)
2a. Apply Chinese white rice wine on the lip of MNP while chanting
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Prakam (Buddhist Rosary), Nur Phong Wahn Pasom Bailarn, Luang Phor Uttama, Wat Wang Wiwekaram, Kanchanaburi (B.E.2530++).
*Come with original tag.
Luang Phor Uttama mastery of the Wiccha Tam Prakam Saksit Sacred Rosary Blessing and Empowerment is legendary, and it is perhaps his rosaries that are amongst the most well known of his amulets, and which serve not only to protect and increase good fortune, good aura, but are a practical tool for the devotee to use for Prayer, Chanting Sutras, and for Meditation Practice with Katha Chanting.
Magical Effect: Serm Duang & Metta Maha Niyom.
Recommended Uses: Meditation, Prayer, Mantra Chanting, Magical Incantation, Wear for Protection and Karma Improvement, Prevent Black Magic.
The Prakam Saksit Sacred Rosary Bead Necklace, by Luang Phor Uttama, of Wat Wang Wiwekaram in Kanchanaburi Province, is made from Nur Phong Wahn Pasom Bailarn (Herbal Powders mixed with powdered Ancient Parchment Grimoire pages).
Each bead is 'Jum Rak' (dipped in herbal lacquer) for durability when used to count Mantras and Prayers with the hand. This Sacred Herbal + Bailan Powders Lacquer Coated Rosary Bead Necklace, is an mid-era exhibit, and an extreme rarity for true devotees of this Great Guru Monk of the Mon People, Luang Phor Uttama. The rosary's visibly aged features reveal it to be a mid era exhibit, and is a highly recommendable item for serious practitioners who like to use the rosary to pray with and count Mantras, but who also seek an empowered sacred talisman for protection and auspicious blessings. A meditation tool and a powerful defence against black magic and demonic entities, who like to disturb meditators in their practice.
A tiny Takrut Hua Jai is visible attached inside each bead of the 108 Prayer Beads, which is of course a heart Mantra to Invoke a spell within the Rosary. The beads are very hardened now as time has passed, and the brown herbal lacquer coating has added to the density and hardness of the Morn Sarn Sacred Powders, as the rosary has aged.
This well aged and immensely classic-looking rosary was empowered with incantations as each bead of the necklace was molded from Morn Sarn Sacred Powders, and then nightly empowerments as the beads were dried, before stringing them together into the rosary, once more with Incantations of Empowerment.
The Prakam Rosary of Luang Phor Uttama are one of the highly revered and preferred amulets of his devotees, and they are seen to be both useful for personal prayer and practice, as well as for wearing as a Talisman Amulet, for good Karmic Influences to Induce Lucky Fortunes, mercy Charm, Protection and Prosperity.
The Prakam Saksit sacred rosary of Luang Phor Uttama are hence his most popular 'Krueang Rang' type amulets, which are extremely sought after, and highly valued Pra Niyom category amulets of Master Class status in the collector circles of the Amulet Appreciation Societies.
Luang Phor Uttama mastery of the Wiccha Tam Prakam Saksit Sacred Rosary Blessing and Empowerment is legendary, and it is perhaps his rosaries that are amongst the most well known of his amulets, and which serve not only to protect and increase good fortune, good aura, but are a practical tool for the devotee to use for Prayer, Chanting Sutras, and for Meditation Practice with Katha Chanting.
Magical Effect: Serm Duang & Metta Maha Niyom.
Recommended Uses: Meditation, Prayer, Mantra Chanting, Magical Incantation, Wear for Protection and Karma Improvement, Prevent Black Magic.
The Prakam Saksit Sacred Rosary Bead Necklace, by Luang Phor Uttama, of Wat Wang Wiwekaram in Kanchanaburi Province, is made from Nur Phong Wahn Pasom Bailarn (Herbal Powders mixed with powdered Ancient Parchment Grimoire pages).
Each bead is 'Jum Rak' (dipped in herbal lacquer) for durability when used to count Mantras and Prayers with the hand. This Sacred Herbal + Bailan Powders Lacquer Coated Rosary Bead Necklace, is an mid-era exhibit, and an extreme rarity for true devotees of this Great Guru Monk of the Mon People, Luang Phor Uttama. The rosary's visibly aged features reveal it to be a mid era exhibit, and is a highly recommendable item for serious practitioners who like to use the rosary to pray with and count Mantras, but who also seek an empowered sacred talisman for protection and auspicious blessings. A meditation tool and a powerful defence against black magic and demonic entities, who like to disturb meditators in their practice.
A tiny Takrut Hua Jai is visible attached inside each bead of the 108 Prayer Beads, which is of course a heart Mantra to Invoke a spell within the Rosary. The beads are very hardened now as time has passed, and the brown herbal lacquer coating has added to the density and hardness of the Morn Sarn Sacred Powders, as the rosary has aged.
This well aged and immensely classic-looking rosary was empowered with incantations as each bead of the necklace was molded from Morn Sarn Sacred Powders, and then nightly empowerments as the beads were dried, before stringing them together into the rosary, once more with Incantations of Empowerment.
The Prakam Rosary of Luang Phor Uttama are one of the highly revered and preferred amulets of his devotees, and they are seen to be both useful for personal prayer and practice, as well as for wearing as a Talisman Amulet, for good Karmic Influences to Induce Lucky Fortunes, mercy Charm, Protection and Prosperity.
The Prakam Saksit sacred rosary of Luang Phor Uttama are hence his most popular 'Krueang Rang' type amulets, which are extremely sought after, and highly valued Pra Niyom category amulets of Master Class status in the collector circles of the Amulet Appreciation Societies.
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Luang Phor Uttama, Wat Wang Wiwekaram, Kanchanaburi. |
(B.E. 2453 - 2549)
Luang Phor Uttama (Pra Maha Uttama Rampo Bhikkhu) was one of the Mon hilltribe people’s top Master Monks and is highly revered by both Mon, Burmese and Thai people on both sides of the Thai Burmese border. Wat Wangwiwekaram is popularly known by local people of the Kanchanaburi district as ‘Wat Luang Phor Uttama’.
The temple of Wat Wangwiwekaram was built by Luang Phor Uttama himself in B.E.2504, with the help of some devotees who were Gahriang (Karen), and Mon tribe people. The temple was completed in 6 months, and was at first only a ‘samnak song’ (sangha office) because it was not yet officially recognized by the Buddhist Organism. Once it had been officially categorized by the Buddhist Organism as a ‘Wat’ (temple) in B.E.2505 BE, Luang Phor gave the name of the temple by using the name of the old municipality (wiwangka) calling the temple ‘Wat Wang Wiwekaram’.
Honors Recieved by Luang Phor Uttama
In B.E.2513 , Luang Phor began building the Uposadha (shrine room/chapel), baking and laying the bricks himself. After this, in B.E.2518, he built a chedi that was a replica of the Bodhgaya stupa in India, which he finished in B.E.2519.
In B.E.2504 he began as the head abbot of Wat Wangwiwekaram.
In B.E.2505, he was also appointed Abbot of Wat Sri Suwannaram.
In B.E.2509 he was appointed the status of Pra Gamma Wajajarn (vice Upachaya).
In B.E.2511 he was promoted to Upachaya status (only an Upachaya can ordain others as monks).
In B.E.2512, he was given the name of ‘Pra Kru Udom Sit Ajarn – Chao Khana Tambon Chan To (vice head monk of the Municipality), by Royal Decree.
In B.E.2516, he was appointed ‘Chao Khana Tambon Chan Eak’ (Head monk of the Municipality), by Royal Decree.
In B.E.2524, he was appointed Pra Racha Khana by Royal Decree and recieved the honors from Pra Udom Sangworn Thaera (Pra Sangkharacha, the head monk of all Thailand and head monk of the Royal Palace).
In B.E.2534 he was promoted to the even higher status of Pra Racha Udom Mongkol.
Luang Phor Uttama was the Kruba Ajarn of Luang Phor Naen of Wat Salud, who is in his own right famous for the empowerment and blessing of sacred Buddhist Rosaries, who can be seen receiving Wicha and co-empowering a batch of Rosaries with Luang Por Uttama.
Luang Phor Uttama was a highly revered monk of both the Mon Hilltribe and the Thai People, and was known for his extreme diligence in the practices of a renunciant mendicant monk, and for his great purity, and simplicity of living. His devotees revere his amulets with the highest degree of faith. His amulets are varied ranging from sacred powder, to monk coins, from Takrut and animist talismans, to his most famous blessed rosaries, and all are very rare to come across in any situation.
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Phra Khun Paen Dtam Roy Phong Prai Ghan Yaa, Silver Takrut, Wat NongKrathinThong, Suphan Buri Province (B.E.2557).
Light Brown colour Phong Prai Ghan Yaa, with one Silver Takrut.
*Come with temple box.
The above Phra Khun Paen mixed with the efficacious and Now very popular Phong Prai Ghan Yaa (Phong Plai Khan Yaa), Major blessing ceremony at Wat NongKrathinThong also temple where one of the ceremony held for the Khun Paen Phong Prai Ghan Yaa 1st batch.
Phong Prai Ghan Yaa is the holy powder created and mixed by Luang Phor Ya Khun Jun also know by local as Ajarn Jun, Phong Prai Ghan Yaa mixed with the ashes of a virgin female name Mae Nit from Ubon Ratchathani Province born on 7th day in March Saturday, passed away on 7th Tuesday. Before the ashes can be mixed into Phong Prai Ghan Yaa has to go through many major blessings and consecration, the method use by Ajarn Jun are the same as Luang Pu Tim of Wat Lahanrai, Rayong Province to create Phong Prai Guman, one of the reason that Phong Prai Ghan Yaa are now one of the most sough after Khun Paen in the market. Numerous good feedback from wearer devotees.
Note : The current market price of 1st issue has gone up between 4 to 5 figure in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) and even higher for special limited phim.
Effect : Metta Maha Niyom, Chok Dee, Chok Larp, Khakai
More info about Phong Plai KhanYaa (只共参考):
*Come with temple box.
The above Phra Khun Paen mixed with the efficacious and Now very popular Phong Prai Ghan Yaa (Phong Plai Khan Yaa), Major blessing ceremony at Wat NongKrathinThong also temple where one of the ceremony held for the Khun Paen Phong Prai Ghan Yaa 1st batch.
Phong Prai Ghan Yaa is the holy powder created and mixed by Luang Phor Ya Khun Jun also know by local as Ajarn Jun, Phong Prai Ghan Yaa mixed with the ashes of a virgin female name Mae Nit from Ubon Ratchathani Province born on 7th day in March Saturday, passed away on 7th Tuesday. Before the ashes can be mixed into Phong Prai Ghan Yaa has to go through many major blessings and consecration, the method use by Ajarn Jun are the same as Luang Pu Tim of Wat Lahanrai, Rayong Province to create Phong Prai Guman, one of the reason that Phong Prai Ghan Yaa are now one of the most sough after Khun Paen in the market. Numerous good feedback from wearer devotees.
Note : The current market price of 1st issue has gone up between 4 to 5 figure in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) and even higher for special limited phim.
Effect : Metta Maha Niyom, Chok Dee, Chok Larp, Khakai
More info about Phong Plai KhanYaa (只共参考):
Phra Khun Paen Dtam Roy Phong Prai Ghan Yaa, Silver Takrut, Wat NongKrathinThong, Suphan Buri Province (B.E.2557).
Black colour Phong Prai Ghan Yaa, with one Silver Takrut.
*Come with temple box.
The above Phra Khun Paen mixed with the efficacious and Now very popular Phong Prai Ghan Yaa (Phong Plai Khan Yaa), Major blessing ceremony at Wat NongKrathinThong also temple where one of the ceremony held for the Khun Paen Phong Prai Ghan Yaa 1st batch.
Phong Prai Ghan Yaa is the holy powder created and mixed by Luang Phor Ya Khun Jun also know by local as Ajarn Jun, Phong Prai Ghan Yaa mixed with the ashes of a virgin female name Mae Nit from Ubon Ratchathani Province born on 7th day in March Saturday, passed away on 7th Tuesday. Before the ashes can be mixed into Phong Prai Ghan Yaa has to go through many major blessings and consecration, the method use by Ajarn Jun are the same as Luang Pu Tim of Wat Lahanrai, Rayong Province to create Phong Prai Guman, one of the reason that Phong Prai Ghan Yaa are now one of the most sough after Khun Paen in the market. Numerous good feedback from wearer devotees.
Note : The current market price of 1st issue has gone up between 4 to 5 figure in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) and even higher for special limited phim.
Effect : Metta Maha Niyom, Chok Dee, Chok Larp, Khakai
More info about Phong Plai KhanYaa (只共参考):
*Come with temple box.
The above Phra Khun Paen mixed with the efficacious and Now very popular Phong Prai Ghan Yaa (Phong Plai Khan Yaa), Major blessing ceremony at Wat NongKrathinThong also temple where one of the ceremony held for the Khun Paen Phong Prai Ghan Yaa 1st batch.
Phong Prai Ghan Yaa is the holy powder created and mixed by Luang Phor Ya Khun Jun also know by local as Ajarn Jun, Phong Prai Ghan Yaa mixed with the ashes of a virgin female name Mae Nit from Ubon Ratchathani Province born on 7th day in March Saturday, passed away on 7th Tuesday. Before the ashes can be mixed into Phong Prai Ghan Yaa has to go through many major blessings and consecration, the method use by Ajarn Jun are the same as Luang Pu Tim of Wat Lahanrai, Rayong Province to create Phong Prai Guman, one of the reason that Phong Prai Ghan Yaa are now one of the most sough after Khun Paen in the market. Numerous good feedback from wearer devotees.
Note : The current market price of 1st issue has gone up between 4 to 5 figure in RM (Ringgit Malaysia) and even higher for special limited phim.
Effect : Metta Maha Niyom, Chok Dee, Chok Larp, Khakai
More info about Phong Plai KhanYaa (只共参考):
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Rian Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Ngern (Silver), Phor Than Eaum, Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phattalung (B.E.2556).
No. : 61
Made : 182 pieces
*Come with 2nd & 3rd place competition certificates.
龙婆恩 (庵) 第一期鸡蛋形自身法相佛牌,三纳松达玲赞,八打隆 (佛年 :二五五六)。
原料 :纯银
号码 :六十一号
制造 :一百八十二枚
龍婆庵 本來在Phatthalung並不是很出名,直到2556年 龙婆 答應推出了第一期自身牌後,一瞬間,各地的善信們開始拜訪和入廟參拜。
LP Eaum 出生於清寒家庭。在還沒剃度出家前,LP Eaum 是一名農夫。他娶了四個老婆和有一個非常美滿的家庭。他的岳父是一位非常有名的Karawat, 名叫Mor Kiew, 是Archan Thong Tao (Wat Kao Or 之父)的徒弟。 LP Eaum 曾經告訴過他的徒弟Mr.O 關於他和Archan Parn 的交流。 Archan Parn 有約過LP Eaum 到外走走,並且告訴LP Eaum : “ 有一天,你會有很光明的道路而你應該朝這個方向走去。” 那時候LP Eaum 還不清楚Archan Parn 到底要表達的東西是什麼。過了很多年,LP Eaum 突然向他的家人宣布說他要和他的乖孫一起剃度和短期出家7天。 (那個短期出家其實是給足歲的小孩參與的)。在短期出家的那一段時間,LP Eaum 夢見了很多奇怪的東西,例如:一些袈裟,和尚用具等等。那時的他非常迷惑,直到第六天,LP Eaum 決定把一生都投入在佛教這條道路,從此為僧。
LP Eaum 的法名是Prakru Udom Panya Koon, Wat KuanPanaTang, Talae Noi, Phattalung. 他住了十五年,直到七年前,LP Eaum 離開寺廟,並且在Taling Chan 森林進行Tudong (苦行)。在Samnak 的旁邊,是一個非常出名讓僧侶修苦行的地方,名叫Kumb Sabb。據說,沒有一個僧侶可以在那兒呆上七天,因為那裡有Win Yan 和Chao Tee Rang 駐守。他們是一些天神,地神或聖靈。如果有僧侶進入或侵犯,他們一律趕出外。
但是,有一天,正當LP Eaum 在煮東西時,那些聖靈前來拜會LP Eaum 並說, 如果LP Eaum 真的要修行的話,必須確保不可砍伐任何一棵在Taling Chan 森林的老樹。 LP Eaum 答應了,並且在Taling Chan 森林住了七年。到了三年前,Taling Chan 的村民開始邀請LP Eaum 出關,並住在Kutti 裡。而欣慰的是,這個Kutti 是村民們徒手建成的。 LP Eaum 在Phattalung 並不是很出名,直到去年(佛年2556) LP Eaum 答應推出了頭幫自身牌,一瞬間,外省的善信們開始拜訪和入廟參拜。目前,寺廟並沒有所謂的Kamakan或金主操控,全部都是村名們和一些專業人士打理廟方事物。
Made : 182 pieces
*Come with 2nd & 3rd place competition certificates.
龙婆恩 (庵) 第一期鸡蛋形自身法相佛牌,三纳松达玲赞,八打隆 (佛年 :二五五六)。
原料 :纯银
号码 :六十一号
制造 :一百八十二枚
龍婆庵 本來在Phatthalung並不是很出名,直到255
LP Eaum 出生於清寒家庭。在還沒剃度出家前,LP Eaum 是一名農夫。他娶了四個老婆和有一個非常美滿的家庭。他
LP Eaum 的法名是Prakru Udom Panya Koon, Wat KuanPanaTang, Talae Noi, Phattalung. 他住了十五年,直到七年前,LP Eaum 離開寺廟,並且在Taling Chan 森林進行Tudong (苦行)。在Samnak 的旁邊,是一個非常出名讓僧侶修苦行的地方,名叫Kum
但是,有一天,正當LP Eaum 在煮東西時,那些聖靈前來拜會LP Eaum 並說, 如果LP Eaum 真的要修行的話,必須確保不可砍伐任何一棵在Talin
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Phor Than Eaum, Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phattalung. |
Phra Somdej Katoh (Red Tiger Stripes), white color face, Luang Phor Pae, Wat Phikultong, Sing Buri (B.E.2515).
泰式神台桌崇迪佛 (红色虎纹)也被称为【狮子座崇迪】, 白色面, 龙婆培, 必贯烫寺, 信武里府 (佛历:二五一五年)。
*Come with 3rd placce competition certificate.
The four corners & Rakhang (bell) sharp-sharp without repair or touch up. Original conditon. Can clearly see the LP Pae's hairs and gold chips.
This particular version of Somdej is called "Katoh" meaning "table legs". This refers to the altar table leg-like steps upon which the Buddha is sitting. Made in Year B.E. 2515 and consecrated by Luang Phor Pae this Somdej was made with Luang Phor hairs with Luang Phor image at the back. It was made after Luang Phor came back from Sri Lanka in year 1972, totally four phim. Material include Luang Phor hairs and Gold chips embedded into it during the making of this amulet. This Amulet is grant for safety, Metta (loving-kindess), good business and protection to the owner.
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.
*Come with 3rd placce competition certificate.
The four corners & Rakhang (bell) sharp-sharp without repair or touch up. Original conditon. Can clearly see the LP Pae's hairs and gold chips.
This particular version of Somdej is called "Katoh" meaning "table legs". This refers to the altar table leg-like steps upon which the Buddha is sitting. Made in Year B.E. 2515 and consecrated by Luang Phor Pae this Somdej was made with Luang Phor hairs with Luang Phor image at the back. It was made after Luang Phor came back from Sri Lanka in year 1972, totally four phim. Material include Luang Phor hairs and Gold chips embedded into it during the making of this amulet. This Amulet is grant for safety, Metta (loving-kindess), good business and protection to the owner.
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Luang Phor Pae, Wat Phikultong, Sing Buri. |
Friday, November 15, 2019
Phra Kring Maha Mongkol (Phra Udom Prachanaat), Nur Nawak Loha, Luang Phor Pern, Wat Bang Phra, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.2537).
Phra Kring Maha Mongkol (Phra Udom Prachanaat) in commemoration of "The People's Monk" bestowed by King Rama 9 in (B.E.2537) (25 years ago) with 3,999 pieces ever made. This piece made by Nur Nawak Loha (九宝铜), a combination of 9 type of metals which includes Gold and Silver.
All of Luang Phor Pern's Phra Kring strictly follows the Wat Suthat style as every batch is designed by Wat Suthat as well. This piece of Phra Kring Luang Phor Pern good for Great Luck & Fortune, Great Health & Promote (步步高升).
All of Luang Phor Pern's Phra Kring strictly follows the Wat Suthat style as every batch is designed by Wat Suthat as well. This piece of Phra Kring Luang Phor Pern good for Great Luck & Fortune, Great Health & Promote (步步高升).
This Phra Kring is another perfect combination of Thai and Chinese Buddhism becoming one. Behind contains a coding (Nak) and is written Udom Prachanaat (Pern) 37. The base contains the serial number and a tiger face coding as well.
No. : 2709
*Come with temple box. Brand new, Unworn.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Rian Phrom Si Nha KhaoLamTak (Diamond Shape), Nur Satta Loha, Ajahn Tew, Wat Manichulakarn, Lopburi (B.E.2545).
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AC Tew Special Sign Yant! |
*With Ajahn Tew handwritten Yant.
Phra Phrom(The four-faced Brahmā Sahampati) 四面神
Brahmā Sahampati is an early Hindu religion dating back some 5,000 years. This religion is mainly symbolized by a trinity of Gods, namely; Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. It is believed that this Brahmanical triad combined their powers to create the Buddhist world.
One of the earliest iconographic descriptions of Brahma is that of the four-faced god seated on a lotus. In Thai Buddhism this Brahminist 4-faced god is known as "Phrom Sie Nah ", but it often referred to by others as the 4 faced Buddha.
Thai Buddhists highly respect many Brahminist gods including the 4-faced Phrom Buddhism grew out of a culture which believed in many levels of gods, called devas. There were also the highest level of gods, the Brahma gods, and Maha Brahma, the highest God.
Indeed many Thai religious ceremonies are heavily influenced by Hindu ritualistic practices even amulet consecrations. Buddhism as a religion is deeply rooted in early Hinduism from which it developed.
The description of Brahma like other deities of Hinduism bears a mystic symbolism. The lotus represents the Reality. Brahma sitting on the lotus indicates that he is ever-rooted in the infinite Reality. Reality is the foundation on which his personality rests. The four faces of Brahma represent the four Vedas. They also symbolise the functioning of the inner personality (antahkarana) which consists of thoughts. They are the mind (manas), the intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara) and conditioned-consciousness (chitta). They represent the four ways in which thoughts function. They are the manifestations of the unmanifest Consciousness
The significance of the 4 faced God from the Thai perspective is that the Great Brahma is able offer help to the people who cry to him from all directions, granting wishes to those who ask. It is widely thought that Phra Phrom offers protection from danger and prosperity in business.
The most famous image of Brahma or Phra Phrom is located at the Erawan Shrine which can be found at the intersection between Ratchadamri Road and Ratchaprasong Road in Pathum Wan district, Bangkok, Thailand. It is a popular tourist attraction and often features performances by resident Thai dance troupes, who are hired by worshippers in return for seeing their prayers at the shrine answered.
Interestingly Lord Brahma is not popularly worshipped in India. This is so, because the idea of creation is repugnant to seeker of Truth since the creation of thoughts has veiled the infinite Reality. The attempt of all spiritual seekers is to destroy the existing thoughts and maintain the state of single pointed thought until the Reality is revealed. Hence, Siva (god of destruction) and Vishnu (god of maintenance) are worshiped more than Brahma.
Phra Phrom will save you from black magic and the evil ones, brings you happiness, money and prosperity, help to make your good wishes come true, providing protection from danger, and endow the wearer with good luck and and fortune.
The significance of the the various objects held in the hands are:
1.Book signifies wisdom (Panna) leading to the right path to success
2.Chanting Beads signifies cultivation of good karma in the cycle of birth and death (Samsara)
3.Jug signifies ample water (wealth) where one would not be out of thirst opportunity to earn a living
4.Baton is used to discard all obtacles created by the evil ones
5.Shell signifies bringing luck and obtaining precious ones
6.Hand on the Chest signifies protection and safety
(The information about Phra Phrom is from others website. Just used for reference.)
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Ajahn Tew, Wat Manichulakarn, Lopburi. |
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Monday, November 4, 2019
Pa Yong Kham, 2nd batch, Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父) (B.E.247x).
Size : 一粒火柴头的大小
*Behind inserted with a pcs of Silver Takrut by Kruba Apiwat. Come with temple paper with temple ink chop.
*一罐满满的 Pa Yong Kham 人缘膏价值大约马币十多千起跳。
*Behind inserted with a pcs of Silver Takrut by Kruba Apiwat. Come with temple paper with temple ink chop.
*一罐满满的 Pa Yong Kham 人缘膏价值大约马币十多千起跳。
帕勇康(Pa Yong kham)人缘膏古巴 Wat Mai Hung 师傅制作,很多人都说师傅开光的方法很奇怪,要去三个地方加持开光,第一次要在庙里面的大佛祖前开光,第二次在人流非常旺的三叉路口开光,如果有人经过问在干什么,就要告诉别人,这是帮助有财有钱有人缘的,第三次要在坟场里开光,让徒弟去挖一尸两命的孕妇尸体,让徒弟帮尸体换上新的衣服,徒弟要长年轻20岁左右并且还要长得帅气,让徒弟在后面抱着尸体,把装满人缘膏的碗放在尸体的手上,让徒弟把尸体的手慢慢的放进碗里把人缘膏拌匀在一起,师傅会一边念经,慢慢的,尸体的手就在碗里动,直到尸体想要把碗里的人缘膏喝下去的时候,师傅就会念经让尸体的魂请回去,这样就完成了,很多人找师傅请人缘膏,但不是有钱就会给请到,要看人,人缘膏可以帮助感情桃花,特别厉害特别好,用鬼灵去帮助供奉者,只要把这个膏带在身上,去那都讨人喜欢,鬼神见到也会很喜欢。
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.
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Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父) |
Phra Nak Prok Bai Ma Kham, Nur Ngern (Silver), Luang Phor Pern, Wat Bang Phra, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.2534).
Size : 0.6cm (Width) x 1.2cm (Heigth)
LP Pern Phra Nak Prok Bai Ma Kham (7 Nagas protecting the great Buddha) made with solid silver material and limited to 999 pieces. It has effective efficacy to overcome obstacles and victory over bad/evil. 28 years old still in it's stunning condition with natural tarnish over the silver material.
All amulets consecrated by the late venerable Luang Phor Pern protects the wearer of dangers of all kinds. However, many do not know that his amulets have also the power and magic for Kongkrapan (the power for invulnerability), Maha Phokhasap (great wealth), Maha Larp (great fortune), Klaew Klaad (free from all harms), Maha Amnaj (great charismatic power fearedby others) and Maha Saney (to be greatly loved by others all around).
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Luang Phor Pern, Wat Bang Phra, Nakhon Pathom. |
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