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The Legend of the Warlord!!
Khun Paen Sakod Thap is one of the signature amulets of Wat Khao Mai Daeng which is highly sought after by devotees and amulet collectors and it was proven with miracles in many different way.
The main sacred materials used for making this Khun Paen is from the old fragments of the earlier creation of Khun Paen Sakod Thab. It was mixed together with many types of sacred materials and it was created during the Eclipse of the Moon.
According to the ancient sacred magic text book the best method of creating the strong METTA amulets was during the Eclipse of the Moon.
It was belief that during this time the amulets would developed the strongest power with the greatest effect of Metta Maha Niyom, Maha Saneh and Improve Fortune luck than the usual way.
The greatness of Khun Paen Sakod Thab was told by Luang Phor YongYuth to his god son that whoever wearing the Khun Paen can also pray to Gumarn Thong while he was still inside his mother (Buaklie) stomuch.
And the Metta Maha Saneh is so powerful that many pair of snakes came out from the nearby forest to mate during the consecration empowerment rituals of these Khun Paen Sakod Thab.
Beside the greatness power of the Metta Maha Saneh and Kongkrapan in these Khun Paen Sakod Thab.
Also it was belief that the power from this Khun Paen can bring harmonious into any household, improve the relationship in the work place, help to win in any form of competition such as work place competition and business rivalry competitio, just like how Khun Paen win his battle easily by just chanting the mantra to hypnotizing the armies of his enemy.
Prakru Thammakitkosol or Luang Phor YongYuth Thammakosalo is one of the well known master in the Eastern of Thailand and he was one of the great master from Wat PraduuSongtham lineage.
He was a disciple of Luang Phor Lim (Wat Sai Tai, Nakorn Sawan Province) and Kru Jaab Suwan "a white robe Archan who taught Kammathaan (insight meditation) in Wat PraduuSongtham. He was a master of Luang Phor Tiam (Wat KasattraTirart), Luang Phor Taen (Wat Thammasen), Luang Phor Salak (Wat PraduuSongtham), Luang Phor YongYuth (Wat KhaoMaiDaeng) and many more great Monks. He was a friend of Luang Phor Parn (Wat Bangnomko) whom reportedly healed Luang Phor Parn of his sickness from black magic spell by using his holy water".
*** The proof of this story is inside the book of Luang Phor Ruesie Lingdam. ***
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Luang Phor YongYuth, Wat Khao Mai Daeng, Chonburi. |
LP Yong Yuth Wat Kao Mai Daeng, T. Bangphra, A. Sriracha, Chonburi province is a well known monk amongst the Thai people. He followed many great Geiji Acharn masters in learning his wicha(magic). One of his earlier masters LP Lim of Wat Sai Tai Nakrorn Sawan, famous for being able to stop trains in its tracks, taught karmmataan(insight meditation) to LP Yong Yuth. His second master was Acharn Jaab Suwan, a medicinal doctor whom reportedly healed LP Parn Wat Bangnomko of his sickness using his holy water made using wicha Kasin(elemental meditation) which was passed on to LP Yong Yuth as well. LP Parn later spoke of Acharn Jaab and referred to him as Por Mor(Revered Doctor). Furthermore, LP Yong Yuth was also a disciple of Wat Pradoo Songtham such as LP Kee Wat Huchang, LP Tiam Wat Krasatratirat, LP Tan Wat Kaewfah Ratchaburi, and LP Pluem Wat Suanhongse Supanburi. LP Yong Yuth has on multiple occasions displayed his wicha Kasin to temple devotees and disciples, such as controlling elements and the renowned calling of crows, an untamed bird that usually avoids humans by nature. The most sought after amulets by LP Yong Yuth are his earlier batches made before 2525. Many of his disciples include Admirals and Commanders from the Royal Thai Navy due to his temple being en route to the Royal Thai Navy’s main garrison and base in Sattahip. LP Yong Yuth was also a fellow peer of LP Put Wat Kao Mai Daeng who was a direct disciple of LP Suk Wat Pakklong Makamtao since he was a novice. Both LP Put and LP Yong Yuth occasionally share their knowledge and wicha obtained from their masters. LP Yong Yuth passed away on the 17th of November 2545, at the age of 75. His body, like many great Geiji Acharns before him does not rot and decompose which to this day is contained within his statue in an upright position at the temple!
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圣粉穿透玻璃 |
Luang Phor YongYuth Phra Khun Paen Sakod Thap Phim KhongKwan B.E.2525
薩果塔意思是有至高的權威 未打仗前已令敵軍聞風喪膽 能以最少的兵力取得勝利 戰場上無往不利。
此坤平是師父親自設計 有別於一般坤平
正面坤平法相身上帶刀 坐下左右2邊是他的兩位妻子- Buakli和灣通 也是這期坤平的特別之處 能夠讓兩位老婆和平相處 而尊敬地膜拜他 若無足夠的人緣 和權威是很難做到的。
在右邊的是Buakli 正是古曼的親母 設計為她在懷孕期間 所以大肚子。
龍波勇佑曾說 這期坤平佛牌 同時也有古曼的功效 想要向古曼祈求任何願望也可以。
此外 師父也曾說 此坤平可以改善家庭問題 如父子關係不好 夫妻常吵架 婆媳問題等 只要把坤平供在家 都能得到改善。
這是人緣魅力效果非常強大的坤平佛牌 師父每次在加持薩果塔坤平時 寺廟外都會出現許多蛇 而且都是一對對在交配。
介紹給身邊朋友配戴之後 在他們生活和事業上 已經不能沒有這坤平了 每每在棘手的案件上 或是卡很久的案件到最後都能完美落幕。
好牌不一定高價 只要你嘗試了師父佛牌 就會有回不去了的感覺。
Luang Phor YongYuth, Wat Khao Mai Daeng, Chonburi.
🙏 龍婆勇郁師傅(LP YongYuth)🙏
在春武里府Bangphra的Wat Khao Mai Daeng,該寺廟與白龍王廟相距路程不遠。寺廟裡供奉了一尊宏偉莊嚴,全身金色的銅像,也就是已圓寂多年,泰國人中眾所周知的龍婆勇悅師傅的塑像。
龍婆勇郁師傅跟隨過許多偉大的阿贊學習wicha(魔法)。師傅早期的恩師之一LP Lim Wat Sai Tai Nakrorn Sawan,因能夠使行走中的列車停下來而聞名,Lp Lim向LP Yongyuth教授了karmmataan(洞察冥想)。他的第二位恩師是Acharn Jaab Suwan,是一名醫學博士,據報導,他使用wicha Kasin製作的聖水(元素冥想)治療了LP Parn Wat Bangnomko,並將其傳給了LP Yongyuth師傅。
此外,師傅也是Wat Pradoo Songtham的門徒,很多有名的師傅如LP Kee Wat Huchang,LP Tiam Wat Krasatratirat,LP Tan Wat Kaewfah Ratchaburi,以及LP Pluem Wat Suanhongse Supanburi。
師傅曾多次向寺廟公德主和弟子展示他的法術,例如能夠召喚一種通常避開人類的野生烏鴉。 LP Yongyuth也是LP Put(Wat Kao Mai Daeng)的學習夥伴,Lp Put是九大聖僧LP蜀 Wat Pak Klong Makamtao的直屬弟子。 LP Put和LP Yongyuth偶爾會分享他們的知識和從他們的師傅那裡獲得法術。
No matter wherever you are.
No matter how dificult your lives may seem.
I will always be there readily to help.
If not, be more, than your FATE.
Luang Phor YongYuth, Wat Khao Mai Daeng, Chonburi.
🙏 龍婆勇郁師傅(LP YongYuth)🙏
在春武里府Bangphra的Wat Khao Mai Daeng,該寺廟與白龍王廟相距路程不遠。寺廟裡供奉了一尊宏偉莊嚴,全身金色的銅像,也就是已圓寂多年,泰國人中眾所周知的龍婆勇悅師傅的塑像。
龍婆勇郁師傅跟隨過許多偉大的阿贊學習wicha(魔法)。師傅早期的恩師之一LP Lim Wat Sai Tai Nakrorn Sawan,因能夠使行走中的列車停下來而聞名,Lp Lim向LP Yongyuth教授了karmmataan(洞察冥想)。他的第二位恩師是Acharn Jaab Suwan,是一名醫學博士,據報導,他使用wicha Kasin製作的聖水(元素冥想)治療了LP Parn Wat Bangnomko,並將其傳給了LP Yongyuth師傅。
此外,師傅也是Wat Pradoo Songtham的門徒,很多有名的師傅如LP Kee Wat Huchang,LP Tiam Wat Krasatratirat,LP Tan Wat Kaewfah Ratchaburi,以及LP Pluem Wat Suanhongse Supanburi。
師傅曾多次向寺廟公德主和弟子展示他的法術,例如能夠召喚一種通常避開人類的野生烏鴉。 LP Yongyuth也是LP Put(Wat Kao Mai Daeng)的學習夥伴,Lp Put是九大聖僧LP蜀 Wat Pak Klong Makamtao的直屬弟子。 LP Put和LP Yongyuth偶爾會分享他們的知識和從他們的師傅那裡獲得法術。
No matter wherever you are.
No matter how dificult your lives may seem.
I will always be there readily to help.
If not, be more, than your FATE.
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Luang Phor YongYuth is one them in The FIVE Tigers of Chonburi Province 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 龍波勇佑 是 其中一位 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 春武里府 的五猛虎 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 |