Saturday, December 28, 2019

Phra Buccha Mae Nang Phim, Nur Resin, Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.255x).

Size : 5cm (Length) x 5cm (Width) x 12cm (Height)

*with Luang Pu Up handwritten yants behind.

100% guarantee genuine. Rented this piece of Pra Buccha Mae Nang Phim direct from Wat Thong Sai when LP Up still alive.

Luang Pu Up (LP Up) 的Nang Phim (南平女神)


Nang Phim 或 Mae Phim Pha (南平女神) 可说是其中一种让 Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai 成为广为人知的师父。这是因为拿去佩戴,或供奉的人,总是有许多的经历,让他们相信 LP Up 的法力高深,以至所加持的南平女神特别灵验。

但是在佛牌圈子里,还是有很多人一听到 “Nang Phim” 就会想到是阴牌。这或许跟 Nang Phim 的造型有关。

Nang Phim 的造型是一怀孕的妇女,穿戴首饰,还有婴孩的一双腿正在从下体出来。这样的造型,其实正代表着母爱的伟大,代表母亲的孩子的爱护与奉、牺牲的最高象征。

试想想,当母亲在生孩子的时候,不就是在冒着生命危险,极大的痛苦,为了就是让孩子平安诞生。而这就是 LP UP 的 Nang Phim 女神的深刻意义与精神。那就是:爱与付出给予。

所以,请别再用有色眼睛,把 Nang Phim 看成低级、下流的东西。LP Up 的 Nang Phim 法术,最初并没有做成佩戴型或供奉型。师父只是将这经文纹在弟子们的身上(通常是大腿)。后来,有些想要供奉 Nang Phim 的人,但又不喜欢纹身,所以师父才做出佩戴型与供奉型。

很多人怀疑:Nang Phim是鬼吗?
在这里郑重的说明:LP Up 反对一切的阴牌、邪术、乃至任何用尸体的任何部分来做牌的。他不鼓励弟子拿人骨、尸油等东西来做法术。原因是:如果做的人没有真正的精通这些法术,心术不正、定力不稳,那是很容易出事的。这会让佩戴的人的运气低落,或时运低的时候,就会更加的倒楣。或是,如果不能遵守一些事情,这些鬼将会反扑,伤害到供奉的人。所以,LP Up 的 Nang Phim 供奉了,是完全不用担心这些副作用。

据了解,只有头帮以及第三帮的 Nang Phim 有放了 Wat Sam Ngam 的材料,7坟土。过后,LP Up 就没有再用这些材料做了。因为他不想让后人以此作为榜样。
那么,为什么LP Up会有放到7坟土呢?不是自相矛盾吗?

事实是:所有的 Nang Phim,都是弟子们做给 LP Up,LP 只是负责加持而已。因为 Nang Phim 是纹身的法术。LP Up 学来的时候,就是学纹身而已。只是后来土徒弟做给他加持。当第一次有人做了掺有 Wat Sam Ngam(LP Yeam做古曼童的粉),他开始是有点埋怨。但是后来还是慈悲答应加持。后来又有人做来,他就言辞责备,过后才没有再用这些材料了。

头帮 Nang Phim
关于Nang Phim是谁?网上最流行的版本,应该是“难产女神”。

在早百多年前, 泰國的窮鄉僻壤住著一名懷有胎兒的婦人,在她臨盤時,不幸胎兒的胎位不正,以致爛產血崩,這名婦人在臨終前抱著一匡善念真心希望這世間上再沒有人受到這種苦難,並可得到幸福。

在這一念之間感動了天界,天神答應把這婦人的靈魂留在凡間幫助世人,並受予法力給這位婦人,好讓她可在世間行善積得, 幫助有須要的人脫離貧窮疾苦,而這位婦人便是咩冷篇了。百年多後,咩冷篇在森林遇到了高僧龍婆up,咩冷篇 希望此緣份能幫助有須要的人。於是就在龍婆up 打座的時候,咩冷篇特意走進龍婆up 禪定時的意識界中,並告知龍婆,可以借助自己的法力制作成聖物,使有緣 人得到咩冷篇的幫助走向更幸福美滿的生活。


但根据笔者向一位跟随 LP Up 多年的近身弟子所得知的,完全跟外面的说法不同。

那,Nang Phim 到底是什么?
Nang Phim 是天神!LP Up 常说,Nang Phim 不是阴术。而是拿来保护弟子们、帮助需要帮助的人。就好比母亲疼爱孩子一样。当孩子跟母亲讨什么,只要母亲能够帮到的,她一定会做给孩子。这是 LP Up 的禅定力加持出来,给信徒们供奉,以协助信徒们能够更好的生活。

LP Up 的 Nang Phim 法术从哪里学来?
在泰国一些版本说,是从柬埔寨深山或尼泊尔学来。也难怪会让人联想是阴牌。因为柬埔寨是出名这些法术。但事实上,LP Up 没跟人说过这回事。但,比较肯定的是,在泰国中部某个地方学得。

所以,总结的说,Nang Phim 不是阴牌,不是难产女神。而是一个充满爱心的女天神。

1. 保护远离危险,避险,保平安。
2. 买卖生意,让生意兴隆;也可以用来“追债”!
3. 魅力人缘。有人甚至说“phim pha riak sao”,就是 Nang Phim 帮忙找女友呢!

用白酒喷或点在 Nang Phim 嘴唇部分,同时念诵咒语9遍。

U Ka Ba Sa Ha Nak Put
乌 噶 八 洒 哈 那 扑

然后用心真诚许愿,请求 Nang Phim 帮助。不管是什么愿,只要每天诚心供奉,每天用白酒来点,心愿会更快实现。

如果要用来防身,去到危险地方,就把 Nang Phim 这个称呼改成 Nang(第一声) Der (第四声)。

如果一般许愿,比如财富、人缘、买卖等,可以把Nang Phim 握在手里,然后重复念诵咒语。如果觉得很舒服,凉,那就是代表会实现。如果手心觉得热,那就是代表这件事难以实现。要用在哪一方面,就看个人的心愿。

Mae (Mother) Nang Phim was a relative of the Lord Buddha. During her lifetime, she did lot of merits. Unfortunately, she encounter difficult birth. Her baby was in abnormal position which the position of the baby in the womb is legs-downward instead of head.

Mother Nang Phim is a เทพ (angel or deity) as mentioned by LP Up. Many people have misunderstood her as ghost which is not true. She help devotees to overcome obstacles, grant wishes and bring Metta to many over the years. The mytical guardian angel MNP Wicha subject (Magic Science Subject) originally from Tibet.

LP Up is a knowledgeable monk that learned many different types of Wicha subjects from many past gurus. Examples like from LP Noi Wat Thamasala, LP Boi Wat Manow, LP Tae Wat SamGuhn, LP Jong Wat NakTangNok and other white magic kalawat. He learned many different types of Wicha subjects (Magical Science Subject) from both Thailand and Khemer.

As mentioned by him, he learned total of 100 over types of different Wicha subjects. He would tried every types of Wicha subjects that he learned and select those effective wichas to keep for future use.

LP Up use all the Wicha subjects he learned to consecrate MNP and other amulets over the years. So what LP Up would do is that, he would integrate or combine all the Wicha subjects he learned over the years into the original MNP wicha subject to further enhance it's power.

Over the years, MNP and other amulets of LP Up have gain fames which his amulets provide miracles and good experiences by wearers from Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Malaysia and Singapore.

Katha for Mae (Mother) Nang Phim
1. Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahanto Samma Sabuddhasa (3 times)
2. Wu Ka Pha, Sak Ha Na Put (9 times)
2a. Apply Chinese white rice wine on the lip of MNP while chanting
Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai, Nakhon Pathom.
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Phra Pidta Koon 88 Maha Setti (大富大贵)(Silver Mask + 5 Silver Takruts), Phim Yai (Big Mould), Luang Phor Koon (Total 108 famous monks co-chanted), Wat Bahn Rai, Nakhon Ratchasima (B.E.2553).

“Koon 88 Maha Setthi” (wealthy) Batch of year 2010 by LP Koon Paritsuttho, Wat Bahn Rai, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. 

Ceremony: There were 108 top monks around Thailand join to consecrate these amulets in Satu
rday 18 September 2010 at Wat Thanon HakYai such as

1. LP Phra Rajcha Tham Suthee, Wat Maha Thatworamaha Wiharn, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
2. LP Ueam, Wat Bang Nian, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
3. LP Nuan, Wat Saira, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
4. LP BoonHai, Wat Tha Muang, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
5. LP Chom, Wat PhoSadej, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
6. LP BoonLiam, Wat Khong KhlawDee, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
7. LP Phaisit, Wat Wiwet Samgaeow, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
8. LP Maitri, Wat PhraNakhon, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
9. LP Phat, Wat Khao Lek, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
10. LP Siri, Wat SriThawee, Nakhon SriThammaraj province
11. LP Khai, Wat Lamnow, Suratthani province
12. LP Chuen, Wat Nai Prab, Suratthani province
13. LP Thuam, Wat SriSuwan, Suratthani province
14. LP Chalong, Wat Wiwet, Suratthani province
15. LP Wong, Wat Prachawongsaram, Suratthani province
16. LP Phrom, Wat Ban Suan, Phathalung province
17. LP Run, Wat Ban Suan, Phathalung province
18. LP Sathain, Wat Khokdone, Phathalung province
19. LP Khiao, Wat Huay Ngo, Patthanee province
20. LP Kloy, Wat Phukhao Thong, Phathalung province
21. LP Hong, Wat Khao Oor, Phathalung province
22. LP Uthai, Wat Donsala, Phathalung province
23. LP Iat, Wat KhokYam, Phathalung province
24. LP Wan, Wat SabaaYoi, Songkha province
25. LP Chai, Wat Phakho, Songkha province
26. LP Pun, Wat SaiKhaow, Songkha province
27. LP Yuan, Wat chang Hai, Patthanee province
28. LP Dang, WatRai, Patthanee province
29. LP Chit, Wat Mujarin, Patthanee province
30. LP Siriphrom Soonthron, Wat Phrom Prasit, Patthanee province
31. LP Chin, Wat Mueang Yala, Yala province
32. LP Soot, Wat NaiTow, Trang province
33. LP Chom, Wat Mongkol Sathit, Pang Nga province
34. LP Reed, Wat Plamok, Pang Nga province
35. LP Panya Suthee, Wat Prachum Yothee, Pang Nga province
36. LP Suwat Thithammathat, Wat Samakkhee Tham, Pang Nga province
37. LP Phon, Wat Sahathammi Garam, Phetcha Buri province
38. LP Ji, Wat Wang Wah, Phetcha Buri province
39. LP Thongchai, Wat Trimit, Bangkok
40. LP Jet, Wat Nok, Bangkok
41. LP Noom, Wat Bang Wak, Bangkok
42. LP ThongGueng, Wat Chedi Hoi, Phatumthani province
43. LP Chamnarn, Wat Guthee Thong, Phatumthani province
44. LP Ang, Wat Yai Sawang Arom, Nonthaburi province
45. LP Yam, Wat SamNgam, Nakhom Phatom province
46. LP Phaeo, Wat Rang Mun, Nakhom Phatom province
47. LP OueiPorn, Wat Donyaihom, Nakhom Phatom province
48. LP Apinya, Wat Bang Phra, Nakhom Phatom province
49. LP It, Wat Chula Manee, Samut songkhram province
50. LP Watchara, Wat Tham Faet, Khranchana Buri province
51. LP Wichain, Wat Sai Thong Phatthana, Khranchana Buri province
52. LP Charoem, Wat Phra Yat, Ayutthaya province
53. LP Poon, Wat Ban Pan, Ayutthaya province
54. LP Ruay, Wat Tako, Ayutthaya province
55. LP Perm, Wat PomGaeow, Ayutthaya province
56. LP Iat, Wat Phailom, Ayutthaya province
57. LP Suea, Wat Don Yai Pheun, Singburi province
58. LP Somchai, Wat ThanonYai, Lopburi province
59. LP Thongdum, Wat Thamtaphain Thong, Lopburi province
60. LP Pichhai, Wat Khao Hong, Lopburi province
61. LP Sarun, Wat Dongnoi, Lopburi province
62. LP Tiw, Wat Maneechonlakhan, Lopburi province
63. LP Phain, Wat Gerngathin, Lopburi province
64. LP Gamjak, Wat Pla Sak, Chainat province
65. LP Nithat, Wat SriUthumporn, Nakhon Sawan province
66. KB Saithong, Wat ThaMaiDang, Tak province
67. LP Wiboon, Wat Phothikhun, Tak province
68. LP Boonyuen, Wat Soprong, Lampoon province
69. LP Nivit, Wat Sritia, Lampoon province
70. KB Tun, Wat Mon Pu In, ChaingMai province
71. LP Singwichai, Wat Phrasingworamaha Wiharn, ChaingMai province
72. LP Mah, Wat Phuttha PhromPanyo, Chaingmai province
73. KB Nueachai, Wat Thampla Achathong, Chaingrai province
74. KB Ariyachat, Wat Sanggaoew Pothiyan, Chaingrai province
75. LP Wichai, Wat Thamphajom, Chaingrai province
76. KB Jetsada, Wat Huaysak, Chaingrai province
77. KB Insom, Wat JomThong, MaeHongSorn province
78. KB Sritom, Wat Sitthimongkol, Mae Hong Sorn province
79. LP Wimon Molee, Wat SriKhomkham, Payao province
80. LP Soonthorn, Wat PhraThat ChoHae, Pae province
81. LP Thammayan, Wat Chedi Khiriwiharn, Utharadit province
82. LP Prayok, Wat Na LamLae, Utharadit province
83. LP Phairin, Wat Phra Srirattana MahaThat, Phitsanulok province
84. LP Khaek, Wat Soonthornpradit, Phitsanulok province
85. LP Thee, Wat JunTharawat, Burirum province
86. LP Sang, Wat Sompoi, Burirum province
87. LP Hong, Wat Phetburi, Surin province
88. LP Key, Wat Srilamyong, Surin province
89. LP Glaing, Wat NonGaed, Srisaket province
90. LP Junhom, Wat Boongkhilek, Ubonratchathanee province
91. LP Lom, Wat Pla Mettatham, Roiet province
92. LP Nu In, Wat Pla Phuttha Mongkol, Galasin province
93. LP Charam, Wat Phut Pradit, Mahasarakham province
94. KB Kritsana, Wat Weruwan, Nahonratchasima province
95. LP Nak, Wat Ningphawaa, Rayong province
96. LP Boon, Wat ThungHaing, Chonburi province
97. LP Foo, Wat Bangsamak, Chachoensao province
98. LP Khaow, Wat Sao Changok, Chachoensao province
99. LP Solot, Wat Khok U Thong, Prachin Buri province
100. LP Dum, Wat SantiTham, Sragaeow province
101. Ruesi Himmaparn Banphot (hermit)
102. Ruesi Phongsapak Sawangsuk (hermit)
103. Ruesi Wichain Tharaka (hermit)
104. Ruesi Suea (hermit)
105. Ruesi Wasit Dabot (hermit)
106. AJ Prachaup Khongluea
107. AJ Prakhong Rooncharoen
108. LP Koon himself

Material: Phra Pidta Chok Lap make from many holy substances such as holy herbs 288 kinds, holy flowers 188 kinds and holy tree 12 kinds.

Powerful: Phra Pidta Chok Lap by LP Koon is the best of wealth, luck, good business, success and progress.

Presented: Phra Pidta in front of amulet and Takrut made from silver. Moreover, there is hair of LP Koon in amulet.

Phim Yai : 5 Silver Takrud + Silver Mask
Phim Lek : 3 Silver Takrud + Silver Mask
Total made 4,888 Sets only

Purpose : donate the money from amulets to restore the Buddhist Church and buildings in Wat Thanon HakYai, Nakhon Ratchasima province.
Luang Phor Koon, Wat Bahn Rai, Nakhon Ratchasima.

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nok Yong (Peacock) with 1 silver takrut, Roon Raek (1st batch), Kruba Chaiya Phattaphee, Wat Doi DuangKaew Sappunyoo, Chiang Mai (B.E.2557).

古巴财亚巴达比 (金孔雀王高僧) 第一期, 魅力 孔雀牌 B.E.2557 (1支银塔固)

孔雀贵为鸟中之王, 象征富贵、权力、吉祥如意、转好运、增加个人魅力、助人缘异性缘。

Kruba Chaiya of Wat Doi DuangKaew Sappunyoo is one of youngest great monk in Chang Mai province who is only 26 years old this year. He was born in 15th March B.E.2534 was a novice monk who practice Buddhism and magical practice at the age of 13 under the guidance of Maha Supan, Abbot of Wat Hua Song and ordained as a monk at the age of 20. At the age of 16, while he was learning Buddhism and magical practice under Maha Supan, he managed to encounter a great guru who is Kruba Boon Chu.

Maha Supan strongly recommended Kruba Chaiya to study under Kruba Boon Chu as he know that Kruba Chaiya has great talents. Kruba Boon Chu decided to take in Kruba Chaiya as his disciple and guided Kruba Chaiya in Meditation, Buddhism and magical practice. After studying under Kruba Boon Chu for 2 years, Kruba Chaiya was sent to another temple where that is another great monk resided in, which is Wat Nam Pew. 

The Abbot of Wat Nam Pew is Kruba Indra who is one of the well known monks who is top few monk in meditation and magic practice among the Northern Thailand. Kruba Indra was 101 year old when he first encountered and take in Kruba Chaiya as one of his disciples. Kruba Chaiya got his ordination name from Kruba Indra before Kruba Indra passed away at the age of 102.

At the age of 20, Kruba Chaiya ordained as a monk under Maha Supan as his preceptor and was given the title of Phra Chaiya Pataphi. Due to many miracle incident happened that believers encountered from Kruba Chaiya, more and more believers started to seek blessing from Kruba Chaiya. During B.E.2555, a rich merchant who is a believer of Kruba Chaiya brought a piece of land and invited 108 top monks from northern part of Thailand to built a temple for Kruba Chaiya to reside in. This temple was named Wat Dong Rong Kaew.

-Incident I
The parents of the monk will always kept their child's first hair that was shaven as a monk and kept in a transparent container to place it at the Altar. The mother of Kruba Chaiya discovered that Kruba Chaiya hair sticks together and crystallize stones can be seem around it. After this news spreads around, believers started to gather whether Kruba Chaiya shaving his hair to gather it and place his hair in a small bag to keep inside their wallets. Many believers encounter good feedback and this drew more and more believers to gather together.

古巴猜也 Kruba Chaiya Pataphi
Wat Doi DuangKaew Sappunyoo

金孔雀王 - 古巴猜也年紀輕輕謹24歲就能當古巴 (要最少出身十年時間), 及已經成為 Wat Doi DuangKaew Sappunyoo 寺廟主持。

2534年23月15日 因母親出現車禍,懷孕七月就被迫出世。師父出世前一晚,師父母親夢見了一隻白孔雀在她頭上飛過,並吐出了一顆發光的珠子,珠子從空中飛下,就隱沒在母親肚上。 沒想到第二天就出世了。 出世後取名Pataphi,意為'大地的恩賜'。全名為Dechai Pataphi Intama。一年後其妹出世,名命為Kataling Intama。

Chaiya 10歲時,已經主動想出家,但父母不允許,Chaiya就長跪不起,而經一輪交涉下,只要Chaiya完成小學畢業就可以出家了。

13歲畢業那年,Wat Hua Song主持邀請Chiaya到其廟出家。2547年4月18日正式為沙彌,法號為'Samanean Pataphi'。
16歲那年,經過Wat Hua Keat巧遇泰北名師古巴汶春/Kruba Boon Chu。 古巴汶春跟古巴猜也談了一會兒,便說: 這位沙彌將會是我們佛教之寶。為我們佛門帶來燦爛光輝的發展。 其後古巴猜也跟蹤古巴汶春學習了一段時間。

17歲那年,Chaiya在Wat Paway閉關五日五夜,轟動了整個清萊府。隨後有善信向他討馬票貼士,結果開了頭獎,此事一傳十,十傳百,師父個朵極速嚮起。

18歲那年,師父轉去Doi Sekeat山上。山上有間廟Wat Nan Pew。 百歲名僧一代禪師Kurba Intra教古巴猜也禪定。 20歲時法名Phra Chaiya Pataphi。

與古巴猜也亦師亦友的長輩 - 古巴阿里雅察 賜他法名: Chay Ratana Cito Phisu。 信徒慣稱師父為古巴猜也/ 古巴尼。 而師父的頭髮非常出名,因他母親幫剃頭髮,不久後會生出結晶。

古巴猜也 Kruba Chaiya Pataphi
搵唔到佢地既合照, 粗粗地起書到影出黎先 sosad
其後師父再一次入關禪定。名為Nilot,是禪定最高法門之一。是Kruba Srivichai原創,後傳給古巴欣達,古巴欣達再傅給古巴猜也。 相傳是通往阿羅漢之途。不知過了第幾天,禪定中見到一名仙翁,交給師父孔雀經文。自此師父開始鑄造自身佛牌,另將孔雀牌發陽光大。 信徒稱師父為金孔雀王(Kruba Nok Thong)。

2555年5月5日,有位富商買了地捐給古巴猜也, 師父邀請了泰北108位高僧前來加持奠基儀式。取名為Wat Don Rong Keaw 。

因為了籌備起廟經費,曼谷的佛牌界都捐出收藏多了的舊牌,其中有2497龍婆托,百年前的阿贊多,龍婆添,龍婆多,龍婆炎等等,師父將其混合成 '聖靈之粉'。可惜的是,香港冇咩人識,直到有書介紹才多人了解。

Kruba Chaiya Phattaphee, Wat Doi DuangKaew Sappunyoo, Chiang Mai. 
Kruba Chaiya Phattaphee (left) & Kruba Ariyachart (right).

Roop Muern Chao Khun Phan, Nur Wahn, Phor Than Phon, Wat Na Pradu, Pattani (B.E.2535).

This is an powerful amulet with Chao Khun Phan self-image behind with specific Yants made by 108 type of holy herbs (Nur Wahn) same method of making Lung Pu Thuad ~ Wat Chang Hai B.E.2497, strongly blessed by Phor Than Phon & top monks in the year B.E.2535. Chao Khon Phan is the first abbot of Wat Na Pradu. 

 Phor Than Phon or Luang Phor Phon of Wat Na Pradu (current abbot) is famous temple, well-known and renowned, are because of one of the 3 prominent temples (Wat Na Pradu - Wat Chang Hai - Wat Sai Khao) which are closely associated to each other that also co-produce the famous Luang Pu Thuad commemorative amulets. The first abbot is Chao Khun Phan and was well respected and in high regard by Pattani villagers. The present chief abbot of Wat Na Pradu is LP Phon, has uphold all the previous abbots moral principle by carrying out his duty responsibly in teachings the Buddhist community the Buddha’s ideology.
Chao Khun Phan

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Phra Somdej Lang Phra Phrom & Rahu, Nur Phong Fang Ploy (Gemstone), Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin (B.E.2548).

*Bottom have temple code.
Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin.

Phra Khun Paen Lang Pran Boon, Luang Ta Chaiya, Wat Kuan Kiem, Phatthalung (B.E.2560).

帕坤平将军, 背后是人缘祖师 “潘汶”, 龙婆财雅, Wat Kuan Kiem, 博他侖府 (佛历: 二五六零年) 。 龙婆菜垭LT CHAI YA高憎师傅 师傅在今年年头2021已圆寂。 这位恩师是泰国著名的潘汶"(Phan Boon)面具达人。 潘汶"(Phan Boon)的面具圣物在新马一代也有人称作"人缘祖师"或红面将军! "潘汶"是泰南戏曲舞蹈"挪蜡楠"(Nora Num - 是北大年府一代非常古老流行的戏)里面常见到的一个人物角色, 他也是一位天神。 从"潘汶"古老戏曲成就衍生很多古老相传下来关于"潘汶"人缘的秘法法术, 比如说"威查威法门" (Wicha Wai), "皇之头冠灌顶法门" (WiCha MongKut Pra Put Jao),"制作人缘糕法门" (Wicha Huhn See pueg metta mahaniyom),"捆仙绳索法术法门" (Wicha Cheuak Kong HongSa ) , "潘汶之弓法门" (Wicha Katano Pan Bun)等。 戏曲里"潘汶"的前世是位天神因犯天条被贬入凡世! 转世的"潘汶"样貌奇丑难看而且非常的穷困潦倒. 转生的"潘汶"虽然难看潦倒但他是位出色勇敢的猎户而且精通法术,"潘汶"本身有一门神奇的法术,"潘汶"利用了他这独门的法术就能捕获所要捕抓的任何动物。 戏曲故事中提到神话时代的皇帝到了森林打猎,遇到了半人半鸟的"妙音鸟"刚好下凡间洗澡,当时的皇帝看了很喜欢但是皇帝试尽方法都抓不到此神鸟, 在苦无方法之下, 猎手们推荐"潘汶"给皇帝. 后来"潘汶"不负众望利用了他的独门法术把神鸟捆了抓了起来并献给了皇帝. 皇帝大喜下就册封"潘汶"为大将军, 而"潘汶"就从一位穷猎户变成了个有权势的大将军。
Luang Ta Chaiya, Wat Kuan Kiem, Phatthalung.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Phayant Jeevorn Roy Meur & Roy Tao (monk robe hand & foot prints), Luang Phor Loy, Wat Tha Din Daeng, Phatthalung.

No. : 12
Made Limited : 82 pcs

Surrounded with handwritten Yants, temple ink chop, LP Loy signature and serial number. Made by LP Loy old monk robe. 

手印脚印袈裟布符,由龙婆来加持,Wat Tha Din Daeng, Phatthalung.

限量制造 :八十二张


有效于生意招财,住家镇宅,生意兴隆与一本万利等等。师父的手掌就当你生意下落时,跟布符小小说一声,师父能推你一把把你运气拉上,运气好样样也会好,自然生意也会好。相反的当肮脏东西不小心飘进了你家,师父手印也会帮你顶住并把它推回出去,保护你家。师父脚印就如师父在到达你家或店门前了!自自然然帮你招财与祈福。一切 very good 啊!

Luang Phor Loy, Wat Tha Din Daeng, Phatthalung.
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Hanuman Prab Prairee, Kruba Sriharaj, Wat Mongkhon Wong Vipassana, Chiang Rai (B.E.2559).

No. : 151
Made : 500 pcs

Bottom inserted with a pcs of Kb Sriharaj handwritten Yant takrut then fill up with Morn San (holy powders).

*Come with temple box.

The specific verse for Phra Hanuman - 
"You are as powerful as the wind,
You are intelligent, illustrious & an inventor.
There is nothing in this world that's too difficult for you;
Whenever stuck, you are the one who can help."

Phra Hanuman is one of the main character in Ramakaya story, the white monkey with destructive power. He can have 4 heads and 8 arms when he transform into a giant. The powerful god warlord serve under Phra Rarm the reincarnate of Phra Narai 3 greatest gods of hindu. Hanuman is a powerful god, the fur of diamond, crystal canine, his yawn create stars and the moon.

The Hanuman Deity brings not only Invincibility, Charm and Victory, but also induces Lucky Fortunes for Promotion of Status, and Increase in Intelligence and Quick-Wittedness. 

Phra Hanuman is the symbol of Loyalty, for his unwavering dedication and selfless service to Prince Rama as told in the Ramayana. 

He is charming, super strong, invincible, wily and clever, and is the commander of all the Vanora Devas as their General.

Phra Hanuman can not only protect from dangers, black magic and ill fate, he can also bring winners luck to gambling tables, is an able seducer of maidens and nymphs, and is more or less a winner in every walk of life. 

Especially for those who are in competitive environment and profession, for winning over all your peers, enemies, overcome obstacles and contestants.

General Enhancements & Effects: 
• Victory & Success in all aspects of your life e.g. businesses or careers, etc
• Overcome all your Obstacles/Hindrances in life for Smooth Sailing Luck
• Boost your Self-Confidence & Morale Greatly
• Extremely Strong Authority & Influencing Power
• Boosting Your Wealth Fetching & Sales/Businesses Luck
• Protection against Danger, Bad Luck, & Negative Energy 

Especially for Users: 
• For Managers, Business Owners or Anybody who wished to be RESPECTED by their targets
• Who feel that are being cursed by BLACK MAGIC or Evil Spirits (Anti-Black Magic)
• Guidance For Better Decision Making (Not Influence By Negative Or Evil Forces)

Kruba Sriharaj, Wat Mongkhon Wong Vipassana, Chiang Rai.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Rian Stamp Luang Phor Sothorn, Roon Udom Phokasap, Nur Ngern LongYa Benjarong (Silver Material with Coloured Enamel), Wat Sothorn Wararam Woraviharn, Chachoengsao (B.E.2543).

Size : 2.3cm (Width) x 3cm (Height) 

*Come with temple box.

Effect: Thai Peoples believed that Luang Phor Sothorn help to avoid danger and unwanted happenings. Lead away from disasters and disturbance. Moreover, LP Sothorn can bring prosperity, wealth and fulfill worshiper’s desire.

Rian Stamp Luang Phor Sothorn coin Buddha Amulet from Internationally Famous, and National Sacred Temple, Wat Sothorn Wararam Woraviharn temple. Made from Real Silver with coloured enamel - the purpose of making this batch of Rian is to build monk's chamber (Sang Kutti).

This Rian Luang Phor Sothorn with Buddha Image coin is in the oblong 'Rian Stamp' shape, and is considered now one of the rarer editions of the amulets of the last quarter century proceeding from Wat Sothorn.

Made from Real Silver then embellished with a Luxurious coloured enamel glaze, 'LongYa Benjarong', the coins belong to the classic preferred type of Luang Phor Sothorn coin amulet, with the glazed enamel being a trademark of a certain priceless treasure that is destined to accumulate constantly throughout time in status and value, and sacredness.

Rian Stamp Luang Phor Sothorn in front is a Buddha Image and behind is Wat Sothorn Temple image along with the name of the temple and series code stamp, and the Sacred 'Yant Nak Mo Putt Tha Ya' Yantra, are visible on the rear face of the silver coin amulet.

All editions of Luang Phor Sothorn amulets disappear from the public marketplaces very fast (usually within 2 or 3 years of issue of each edition is sufficient to deplete stocks), and are one of Thai Buddhist Peoples 'Phra Koo Ban Koo Mueang' (Nationally Revered Sacred Buddha Images), along with the Emerald Buddha and of course the Chinnaraj Buddha of Phitsanulok.

The purpose of making this batch of Rian is to build monk's chamber (Sang Kutti) at Wat Sothorn, in B.E.2543. The coins were released in various colored glaze enamels on solid silver, as well as in other sacred/precious metals, and Phra Buccha statues.

As always with editions of this Buddha Image released at Wat Sothorn, a Grand Buddha Abhiseka (Phuttapisek) was held with Nationally Important Monks from around the country present to assist in the chanting of the Dhamma Chakra and the subsequent awakening and opening of the eyes of the Luang Phor Sothorn Buddha images.

Magical Power Effect : Metta Maha Niyom, Serm Duang (补运或起运), Gae Aathan, Kaew Klaad Plodpai (prevent danger & safety), Maha Larp (Great Fortune), Maha Phokasap (Great Wealth).

This is a highly recommended amulet for Buddhanussati, Meditation, Serm Duang Karma Improvement, and as a Great family Heirloom Amulet to pass down through further generations of your descendants.

The Luang Phor Sothorn Buddha is most famous for the Wish Granted Effect (有求必应) as you can see a lots of devotees (locals & foreigners) bought some eggs to pay back after their wish granted at the temple. You guys can see even more peoples at the temple during lottery days.

Second is its Miraculous Kaew Klaad evasion of deadly accidents power, and for its certain rise in rarity, Sacred Value, and Monetary Value as time passes.

A totally accepted classic Phim Niyom amulet of International fame, that no Devout Buddhist or Serious Amulet collector would frown upon to wear around his or her neck. This Rian Stamp is an amulet that can be worn with pride, and indeed, will most probably be viewed by all except the most highly studied students of Phra Luang Phor Sothorn, as a Priceless treasure that is beyond imaginable.
Luang Phor Sothorn, Wat Sothorn Wararam Woraviharn, Chachoengsao.
Credit : Internet Photo

The history of Phra Phuttha Sothorn:
Phra Phuttha Sothorn or Luang Phor Sothorn, Thai peoples want to worship most. The legend said that, one day there were three buddha floating into the river. Even though, using 500 people can’t bring three of them out to the land. Floating until to the Sampratuan, today is Sumpatuan and floating until they call it now that "Bang Phra."

Luang Phor sothorn is a Pang Samathi Buddha in Lan Chang type. While Wat Sothorn is the temple of Paad riew together with originates at Krung Sri Ayutthaya, located at Bangpakong river in the area that was called Kongmungkorn {Dragon bend of a river} or Chinese calls Wat Hong. Later, bringing Luang Phor to locate inside the temple. The wind is blowing till the post is broken. Then the people changes from post to flag staff and changes its name to "Wat Saothong". Not so long, the flag staff is broken again, and then changes its name to Wat Saothongthong and changes into Wat Sothorn in the final which means Wat Three Buddhas, all relatives. Later, because of Phutthanuphab has changed its meaning to Sothorn- purified, sacred from that time.

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Phra Glee Bua Maha Wahn, Roon Raek (1st batch), Luang Phor Boon Thong (Phra Kru Ka Chart), Wat Donsala, Phatthalung (B.E.2543).

Phra Glee Bua 常胜佛这是在佛历2543年由 Phra Kru Ka Chart 位于博他侖府 Wat Donsala 所制作的圣物。在 Wat Donsala 进行神圣的法会仪式,並使用 Maha Wahn 一百零八种不同的珍贵药草与药粉混合朱古力色带一点点灰色而製成的 Phra Glee Bua,这尊牌对于人緣吸引力受歡迎方面很好,还有無懈可擊,防止武器及動物侵害,防止搶劫,辟邪驅鬼等的功效

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

泰北师傅用心制作的 Metta Balm, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2559).

古巴API哇·史潘「踢哇達龍康實韻」(天神也迷路) 2559 泰國當今紅藥第一僧 《古巴API哇為泰北著名的古巴屈邁孔帕勇com法脈的傳承人,師傅除了精於開光帕勇com的法門,更被稱為現今泰國紅藥第一僧,師傅亦精通於泰曳族法門及緬甸法,其開光製作的聖物不但深受泰國人熱愛,當中亦不缺一些大富豪,更甚在中國內地及台灣亦大受歡迎,有如此高的受歡迎程度,原因很簡單-就是「靈驗」!另外,師傅亦常被泰北不同師傅邀請一同加持法會,在很多泰北大型的法會都會見到師傅的身影,可見其功力絕對不容忽視。》 圖為古巴API哇於佛曆2559年製作的史潘踢哇達龍康實韻「天神也迷路」,廟方將此膏如此命名,有著好明顯嘅意思,就係有強大嘅人緣魅力,連天神都為之迷失。 根據廟方所提供嘅資料,此膏混合多種珍貴的材料製作而成,包括師傅最拿手項目之一的和合燕通、緬甸法藥、多種花粉、雀鳥築巢喜用的植物「灣稍龍」(取其和合恩愛之意)、灣沙力架鏈燙、由多位高僧提供嘅聖料及人緣膏等混合製作而成。 塗抹或佩戴此膏將會有很大的親和力,在男女中都會很受歡迎;向長輩、老闆、客戶等尋求幫助,都會很容易得到相應的幫助;在交易中使用,這會更容易達到成交。

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泰北师傅用心制作的 Phayong Jamp Balm, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2559).

Phayong Jamp Balm is not Phayong Kham Balm.

The effect is totally different. The effect for Phayong Jamp is to exorcism and prevent evil spirits, get rid of bad energy and pain.

The price is more affordable for public.

Those who do not understand will be regarded as Phayong Kham.

法膏帕勇湛 , 不是帕勇 Kham



不懂的人,会当作帕勇 Kham。

“Phayong Jamp” 很多人想知道 Phayong Jamp 是什么颜色的蜂蜜法膏?可以用来人缘魅力效果吗?所以今天,我想回答一些关于 Phayong Jamp 的问题,让你了解。
.... Phayong Jamp 的意思是吝啬、凶猛,但在古代,Thai Yai 人在进行贸易时常常携带 Phayong Jamp。去不同的国家,不同的城市,不是他们的家乡,防止由神秘事物引起的鬼魂和危险的黑魔术。那个地区的人尝试一些科目, 有些风吹当你撞到什么东西时,疼痛、肿胀、无缘无故的疼痛。或有不同于身体疾病的症状,流行应用一些喝点热水那种奇怪疾病的症状会消失。哪个房子有孕妇?或者有小孩通常将它们放在房子旁边,以防止非人类,恶魔,山精和鬼魂。那常常让孩子们无端惊慌失措,有一种惊恐、震惊、痛苦的尖叫。打喷嚏后,这些症状就会消失。建造 Phayong Jamp 需要耐心寻找材料。即使通过吉祥的仪式和需要长时间的神秘身体的材料,例如寻求竹跨编织男性和女性蝴蝶结每人一千寻找蜇了一些死人的皇家黄蜂的巢穴编织七层眼到千眼等等,这些材料的获取难度很大,需要一定的时间。因此,Phayong Jamp 的创建是一个复杂而复杂的仪式。而且,Phayong Jamp 可以保护我们所培养的精神。一定要防止我们伤害我们。恶魔会非常害怕这个 Phayong Jamp 的力量。这个 Phayong Jamp 很好地解开了谜团。故而为历代有识之师所珍藏和隐瞒。直到现在几乎消失应该足以理解善用仁慈的一面好吗?名字已经说蜜蜂的颜色很凶.....

Monday, December 2, 2019

Takrut Mae Nang Phim & Dam Sen (2 in 1), Nur Takua (Lead Material), Luang Phor Up, Wat Thong Sai, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.255x).

Size : 4.7 cm

*Hand-drawn/written Takrut Mae Nang Phim & Dam Sen 2 images surrounded with yant by Luang Phor Up's disciple. After that final step cosecrated and chanted by Luang Phor Up. 

-Dam Sen is a pair of couple image with making love standing position. 

100% guarantee genuine. Rented this piece of Mae Nang Phim Amulet direct from Wat Thong Sai when LP Up still alive.


Luang Phor Up, Wat Thong Sai, Nakhon Pathom.
1. This Takrut Mae Nang Phim & Dam Sen (2 in 1) mainly consecrated for couples to be charmed by you and emotionally dependent on you. She/He will never leave you easily. 

2. Strongly recommend for husband and wife or couple which always having argument with each others. Or people who always can't found his/her good opportunity to having or start a good relationship. 

3. Takrut Mae Nang Phim & Dam Sen (2 in 1) will help your lovers eternally loyal and totally faithful to the you. Like Bees To Honey.

4. You get to develop great charisma and become a lot more sexually attractive.

5. You get to naturally attract the opposite sex and have a satisfying love life.

6. Turn your enemies/stranger to friends. One step closer, turn your friends to become best friends. Of course, you can turn best friends to become your lovers.

7. Takrut Mae Nang Phim & Dam Sen (2 in 1) also grab (the one that you falling in love) attention like make a fantastic, memorable, compelling impression, every time you meet up.

8. Increase your self-confidence.

Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.