Thursday, December 28, 2017

Pla Tapian Koo Ngern-Thong (Wealth Fetching Fishes Silver & Gold), Phim Lek (Small Mould), Luang Phor Tae, Wat Sam Ngan, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.2511).

Pla Tapian consecrated by LP Tae of Wat Sam Ngan in year B.E.2511, very good for Metta Maha Niyom (charming & attractiveness), Maha Larp (Good Fortune/ Good Luck), Khakai (Great Sales).

Come with Standard Amulet verification card (S-Card). 100% genuine or else money back guarantee. To make sure that friends and customers "rent" or "chao" with confident.

人缘招财鱼龙婆爹亲自加持, 制造于佛历2511。对人缘, 招财, 生意买卖很好。




Sihuhata (四耳五眼), Nur Mai (wood material), Kruba Boon Ma, Wat Samakeetham, Lampang Province (B.E.255x).

No. 190 

• Bring abundance of money luck
• Attract good luck
• Boost your wealth fetching
• Bring abundance wealth & prosperity
• Bring good fortune to devotee especially business owners and sales personnel
• Grant wishes and help you achieve your aims
• Improves gambling and 4D Toto luck

Additional info :
Sihuhata ( 4 ears & 5 eyes) is the Legendary Mystical Beast-form of Phra Indra, the Heavenly King. According to old legend, SiHuHaTa the beast whom likes to feed on burning charcoal of which it's excrements turned to gold which had brought a lot of gold fortune to the owner.
Kruba Boonma (Kruba is the same meaning as Luangpho or Luangpu spoken in northern Thailand) (his monk name: Suphattho), abbot of Wat Samakeetham, Lampang province is highly respected by people in the North. He is kind to everyone, helps people and teaches people to do good every day.

Kruba Boonma is a good friend of Luangpho Chao, Wat Huai LamYai, Nakhon Sawan province. They always respect each other.

Kruba Boonma was born on 5 June 2467 B.E. (1924 C.E.) in Lampang province, northern Thailand. He got ordained in Buddhism as a novice at age 15 and became a monk at age 20. After ordination, he concentrated on dharma and monk studing and accomplished Nak Tham Ek, highest degree of basic monk-novice education.

Kruba Boonma began Vipassana (meditation) and writing Yant (holy scripts) when he was young. He went to Bangkok to study Vipassana at Wat Mahathat (famous temple for meditation). He found Vipassana interesting and useful. When he returned to hometown, he learnt Vipassana from senior monk Kruba Thammachai for many years. Then he went to Samnak Susan TriLak to be a disciple of Luangpho Kasem whom he admires. After that, he learnt mantras from Kruba Yodjai Siriyo, abbot of Wat Thung Kwian, Lampang province at that time until fully understood. Finally, he studied more Vipassana from Kruba Phromma at Wat Phra Phutthabat Takpha, Lamphun province where was another famous meditation school in those days.
Until now, Kruba Boonma has been following the footsteps of Luangpho Kasem, admirable monk in Thai people hearts. Prominent personalities of Kruba Boonma are being modest, being solitary and being easy-going. His words usually imply dharma of Buddha. Most people visiting Kruba Boonma often have good luck.


Kruba Sriwichai(古巴洗威猜,与龙婆托一样,国宝级的圣僧,泰国无人不晓)在生时,曾收过众多的徒弟,多位都是禅定的一代宗师。其中于佛历2543年才圆寂的一位徒弟,一生也充满了传奇,且立伟绩无数。此位高僧就是Kruba Chaiya Wongsa,简称“Kruba Wong”。

Kruba Wong的寺庙离Kruba Sriwichai得庙大约有30多公里,同属于“梨”的县市,庙名为Wat Phraphu Tatbath Huay Tom。此庙建在一个山明水秀的农村里,寺庙里的建设全采用兰纳朝代的建筑风格,非常壮观。在庙前进口处的石柱上,供奉了一只圣兽。他就是“Pha Li”。泰国人称他为“洗虎哈打”(Si Hu Ha Da),“洗虎”意译为四只耳朵;而“哈打”则意译为五只眼睛。

原来Kruba Wong跟这只奇兽曾有一段渊源。事源Kruba Wong有一天夜里,梦见庙前一公里处有一个光圈。于是Kruba Wong便到发光处一看,发现有一只怪兽正在大便,而他的粪便都发出金光,Kruba Wong醒来之后,觉得梦境像真的一样,像似有什么预兆。于是他便找村里的长老询问。有一长老说,他曾听以前老人家说过类似这怪兽的典故。

他是Phra In与Anasuya所生的儿子,名叫Palee,样貌颇怪,犹像一只猴子,但拥有四耳五眼,还身负神通。据说从前有一个被称为Panthumathi的王国,国王Panthugan是一位非常仁慈的皇帝,爱民如子,所以人民安居乐业,国泰民安。当时城里有一户善心的贫穷农家,名乃巴塞与妻子名咩浓,生有一子名汶咩。乃巴塞要去农田时,必须经过一段森林小路,才到达自己耕种的农田。五年前的一个黄昏,乃巴塞耕种田回家走过森林小路时,突然听见树枝猛烈摇动的声音。于是忙回头一看,只见数棵小树猛烈摇动,不知何物在里面蹿动。

若干年后乃巴塞也过世了,他的儿子汶咩也十八岁了,有能力照顾母亲。有一次天庭的众仙开会讨论,原来Panthumathi王国不久后,将有一件重要的事情发生,Phra In他们就觉得乃巴塞曾经救了一只大猴子,而大猴子正是“四耳五眼”的前身。于是就议决委派“四耳五眼”下凡去帮助乃巴塞的儿子乃汶咩。当“四耳五眼”下到凡间后,竟然把乃汶咩的稻田搞个一塌糊涂,然后坐在一边等待。





之后Kruba Wong也追寻此灵兽的历史,结果在清迈一间名Wat Jingcang的古庙里寻找到一册以拜兰树叶所雕写的兰纳语文献,里面确有记载了关于此灵兽的事迹。Kruba Wong觉得这灵兽法力无边,决定铸造一尊灵兽的圣像,供奉在庙里,果然不久之后,吸引了各方众多善信,蜂拥膜拜祈福。善信们都希望能得到灵兽的庇护及赐予横财。果然,不少人都得到了灵兽的护佑及灵验感应,得了大横财及福运,寺庙也随即兴旺起来。
随着Kruba Wong无数次的做同一个梦,就是时常梦见灵兽第一次出现并大便的地点,现出一轮轮光圈照亮整个大地。Kruba Wong觉得此乃此灵兽所显现的佳兆。所以于佛历2538年,开始建黄金舍利塔。塔尖是用整三十公斤的黄金铸造,Kruba Wong才建成金塔,不久后,Kruba Wong也圆寂于佛历2543年5月17日,留下了一只灵兽与舍利金塔给后人供奉。





最近四耳五眼大热,价格也不断升高,尤其以Kruba Boonyang大师的更是如此,大师师傅正是四耳五眼圣物的创始人Kruba Wong大师。其实除了Kruba Boonma也是Kruba Wong的名徒之一,并且Kruba Boonma的四耳五眼相比起Kruba Boonyang的要平实不少,由于师出同门,其实差异不大。据行内人士介绍,Kruba Boonyang的佩戴四耳五眼比较好,而供奉的四耳五眼则是Kruba Boonma的比较好,不过仅作参考。

四耳五眼喜欢勤奋朴实心地善良的人,这亦是Kruba Wong大师曾经亲口对信众所说的。四耳五眼天神的一大喜好便是喜欢辅助善人,乐于帮助善人,所以希望各位恭请的朋友多行善积德。还要记得在四耳五眼旁边放着一堆木炭哦!


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Rian Yant Paed Tidt (eight direction Yant) Lang Seur (tiger behind), Nur Thong Daeng (copper), Luang Phor Pern, Wat Bang Phra, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.2536)

Luang Phor Pern was born in Nakhon Pathom province on the 12th of August B.E.2466. He studied magic from Luang Phor Dang of Wat ToongKauk Suphan Buri province when he was a Layman. Luang Phor Dang has been a guru monk who has knowledge of Visha and meditation. Luang Phor Pern wanted to study magic charms for protecting himself from the dangerous elements of the region. He was a soldier at the age of 21-22. After finish, Luang Phor Pern commenced studies spiritual tattoos or Yant composition from Luang Phor Huem of Wat Bang Phra who was a teacher in Buddha Magic and Sorcery.

Luang Phor Pern was ordained at the age of 25 at Wat Bang Phra more than 4 year, until Luang Phor Huem passed away. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. After that, he went to Luang Phor Opassi temple for building up knowledge of Visha and Buddhism way, about 1 year.

In the year 1953, Luang Phor Pern went also called “Tudong” in the deep jungle alone to border of Thailand and Burma .Tudong is monk’s journey to gain knowledge to build up good karma and to know the teaching of Buddha. In the year B.E.2509, admirers and disciples of Luang Phor Pern erected a statue of him in honour and respect of all the great acts of compassion. He had performed for the folk of Nakhon Pathom province.

At the age of 26 Luang Phor Pern would become ordained as a Monk. He was ordained by Phra Ajarn Huem, who was also his teacher in Buddha Magic and Sorcery. Luang Phor Pern was a Disciple of "Agkara Khorm" , and a student of yant composition and application. His yant were renowned for the power that they carried. Luang Phor Pern studied vipassana meditation with utmost dedication for many years. He became a disciple of Luang Phor Opassi who was one of the greatest monks of the time, known for his white magic power. After this, Luang Phor Pern went "Tudong" (Pilgrimage) in the jungle of Kanchanaburi which was known as being the thickest darkest jungle full of dangerous animals and evil spirits. It was said that when Luang Phor Pern was in the jungle, he was protected by a huge fearsome tiger which always accompanying him. Since then, the tiger became the protective symbol of Luang Phor Pern.

Luang Phor Pern seemed to be loved and respected wherever he traveled, due to the fact that he possessed such a transparent personality that allowed all to see his great compassion and his power to help folk with his magic. Luang Phor Pern later became the Abbot of Wat Koeg Khaemao in Nakhon Pathom which at that time was not only in a bad state of repair but was also in an area that was inaccessible, being thickly forested. He developed and repaired the temple gaining the love and respect of the local people. His very first amulets were consecrated at Wat Koeg Khaemao. It was from the donations received in return for those amulets which were consecrated by him that he was able to renovate the temple. After many years at Wat Koeg Khaemao he was invited to become Abbot of Wat Bang Phra where he became better known for spiritual tattoos or yant especially the tattoo festival in the month of March. Luang Phor Pern passed away in B.E.2545 at the age of 79. His temple Wat Bang Phra is known for its protection tattoos.

All Luang Phor Pern’s amulets are well-know for warding off dangers of all kinds. All recorded and unrecorded miraculous phenomena can be heard from people that wore Luang Phor Pern’s amulets. However, many do not know that, his amulets are also imbuing with the power for invulnerability, Maha Phokhasap (great wealth), Maha Larp (great fortune), Klaew Klaad (free from all harms) and Maha Amnaj (great charismatic power feared by others) and Maha Metta (to be greatly loved by others all around).

To enhance the efficacious result of the amulets, one need to do is simply said “Luang Phor Pern (x 3 times)” and informs him of the current needs by the wearer. In addition, synchronize with your right hand touching the amulet. Although, Luang Phor Pern had passed away in the year 2002 (30th June), your wish can still be answered by him. This is an evidence of one attainting Arahant.

Luang Phor Pern Wat BangPhra

龍婆本大師(Luang Phor Pern),是泰國有名的伏虎羅漢。因為龍婆笨本大師在曾經在山中有過持續9年的苦行經歷,並且經常在山上遇到老虎,而師父每次遇到老虎的時候,就會坐下來念經,老虎就會乖乖的過來聽,直到師父念完經後才是離去。而後,龍婆本大師也都給善信們做的刺符、佛牌等聖物,都喜歡用老虎的法相。有些聖物甚至真的含有虎皮,虎牙,大師說老虎能夠辟邪、增權力、招財運。


佛歷2500年,在大家的推薦下,龍婆本大師做了泰國西部屈那湯寺廟的住持,為時大概5年多。 直至佛歷2505年,大師才離開屈那湯回到家鄉那曠不通,而且成為屈湯他孔佛寺住持,並在這裡督造了第一期的佛牌,並開始為大家刺青紋符。大師在為大家督造佛牌、為善信紋符及善信香油得來的金錢,都會用來興建佛寺、學校、醫院、築橋、建路,是真正的好師父。



在龍婆本的佛牌裡,老虎像征著興旺,勇氣,信心,無畏和霸氣。這些使得想到龍婆在制作佛牌的時候就放進了小部分的虎牙,再加上特別的經咒。在泰國佛牌的術語中,喬舍(Khiao Ser)一般是指以老虎作為造型的聖物,通常制作喬舍的材料包括有老虎牙,熊的牙齒,像牙,木料甚至是青銅以及其他金屬。而當中最貴重的當然是老虎牙,是珍品,佩戴者在政治場上通行無阻,也可避免成為政治的受害者。

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Friday, December 22, 2017

1st batch Hand Print Phayant Phor Than Eaum, made on Wan Sao Ha, Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phatthalung Province (B.E.2557).

With temple ink chop and Phor Than Eaum hand written Yant.
No. 17
Made : 82 pieces

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Phra Somdej Wackman Lang Yant Fang Ploi, Luang Pu Moon, Wat Baan Jan, Sisaket Province.

Phra Somdej Phim Wackman Lang Yant Fang Ploi, Luang Pu Moon, Wat Baan Jan, Sisaket Province. 

Made in Wat Saplamyai in (B.E.2543). 

This batch was mixed with holy powder collected from 350 masters from all over Thailand and all Mon-Sarn Gao (old holy powder) collected was consecrated by LP Moon before making into amulets in B.E.2543. This perhaps is one of the most well consecrated and affordable batch of amulets by LP Moon available at present.

Biography of LP Moon

Luang Pu Moon Titasilo of Wat Baan Jan temple, Sisaket province was one of the greatest gurus who lived to the age of 109 years during the reign of King Rama 5 to King Rama 9.

Luang Pu was born on 15 April B.E. 2437 at Sisaket province to farmer parents. He was a novice monk at the age of 14 and practiced Buddhism under the guidance of Phra Ajahn Sida, the abbot of Wat Baan Jan before ordaining as a monk in B.E. 2460 at the age of 23.

Before Luang Pu Moon resided back to Wat Baan Jan 2520,he gained his knowledge in mastering his magical practices and Dharma's way by Tudong(Practice Forest Monastery).LP Moon always travels around in Thailand, Malaysia, Laos & Cambodia to seeks for great gurus who can guide him more on Dharma and Magical practices.LP Moon passed away in his hut on the 11 March B.E. 2546 @0730am at the age of 109 years and 86 years of monkshood.

Luang Pu spent more than 50 years meeting many great gurus and inherited the skill of making sacred powder especially from Phra Ajahn Sri Chantasiri, who was from the same lineage of Somdej Phra Puttakjan Toh, Wat Rakang temple & obtained the formula of using sacred powders for making effective amulets. Luang Pu Moon also learned making of alloy-based amulets from Somdej Phra Sangkarat Pae (Wat Suthat) and Mitmor (Magical Knife) from Luangpu Kam and Luangpor Ngen, both teachers of Luang Phor Derm of Wat Nong Pho, Nakon Sawan.

Amulets created by Luangpu Moon were very effective and highly sought-after by followers. Phra Luangta Maha Bua of Wat Pa Bantard temple once said to those who are seeking good and effective amulets to go to Luangpu Moon.

In present Thailand, many devotees who wish from LP was being answered though LP had passed away since Be 2546 and proven one of the holy monks that had lived.

Below are a list of masters whom Luang Pu Moon had met and learned from:

Phra Ajahn Sida (Preceptor)

Luang Pu Mun Burisato, Sakon Nakhon
Luang Pu Waen Suchino Wat Doi Mae Phang, Chiangmai
Somdej Sangkarat Pae Wat Suthat, Bangkok
Luang Pu Nak Wat Arun, Bangkok
Ajahn Tim Wat Changhai,(famous Ajarn who made LPT BE2497) Pattani
Luangpu Kron (Tok Raja) Wat Bangsek (Kelantan)
Phor Tan Klai Wat Suan Kan, Nakon Sithamarat
Ajahn Singh Wat Pa Sarawan
Luang Phor Jak Wat Bangabao
Luang Pu Kam Wat Kao Kaew (Teacher of Luang Phor Derm Wat Nong Pho)
Luangpor Ngen Wat Mak Plangluang (Teacher of Luang Phor Derm Wat Nong Pho)
Luang Phor Son Wat Seangsang
Luang Phor Kuay Wat Kositaram, Chainat

(Biography of LP Moon is from others website. Just used for reference.)

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Phra Somdej, Nur Rae, Phim Lek (small mould), Luang Phor Unn, Wat Tanggong, Phetchaburi (B.E.2540)

Approx. Size : 1.5 cm x 1.2 cm (Height x Width)

*Come with waterproof acrylic casing.

Nur Rae is one type of Rare Mineral Ore Stone. This batch of Somdej consecrated by Luang Phor Unn on B.E.2540, and it was one of the most popular Somdej by LP Unn collection. Thai peoples believe that this Nur Rae material has natural power of Maha Utt and Kongkapan effect, once a villager fall sick, local doctor try to give him an injection but the needle couldn't penetrate the skin during that time he's wearing the Somdej Nur Rae, doctor manage to give him the jab after he removed the Somdej. This is one of the many cases of this Somdej Nur Rae. Best for Kongkapan (great protection), Kaew Klaad (avoid danger), and Somdej are also very good for Metta Maha Niyom (charming, popular), wealth and prosperity.

Mini size suitable for women or kids.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Rian Lor Mag Lek (small mould), Nur KanLongHin, Luang Pu Toh, Wat Pradoochimplee, Bangkok (B.E.2523).

*Code Yant Nak
Made of mixed metals (bronze with copper and zinc). 
Total Made : 3000 pcs
[Phra Phitti Sao Ha B.E.2523]
It was made by LP Toh's disciples in B.E.2523. They gave it to LP Toh for magical incantation, consecration & blessing. LP Toh also did the casting ceremony for this amulet at Wat Tham Singh To Thong, Ratchaburi Province.

*底部有庙印 "Yant Nak"。

Monday, December 18, 2017

Phra Khun Paen, Luang Ta Chaiya, Wat Kuan Kiem, Phatthalung Province (B.E.2560).

with 1 silver takrut & 1 copper takrut

*Come with waterproof acrylic casing & temple box.


The devotee was electrocuted by high-voltage electricity while he was wearing Ajarn WuThai's handwritten takrut and the self image Rian of Aj WuThai. He escaped death and his skin only suffered burns.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Loop Om Phong Yaa Jindamanee (herbal), Luang Pu Cher, Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Nakhon Pathom.



  第二种病是属於冤亲债主找上身来,得这些病。这种病医生不能治 这叫冤孽病,冤亲债主找到身上。





Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Luk Sagot (法胆), Luang Phor Unn, Wat Tanggong, Phetchaburi Province (B.E.2550).

*Great for evading danger & Maha Utt purpose, which means great protection.

Thanks for people who support us. This item has been RENTED.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Chuchok (徐祝老人) 1st batch, Nur Alpaka, Luang Phor Sawai, Wat Preedararm, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2540).

No. : 1915

*Brand new, unworn. Come with temple box.


徐祝的故事是从一本叫Wetsandon的书中传出的,泰国南传佛教中,Maha Wetsandon Chadok是十个佛陀前世故事的最末世故事,而徐祝老人是此故事中的主要角色之一。书中写到如果这辈子布施给徐祝,下辈子会出生在非常好的家庭,男布施者会娶到漂亮的老婆女的布施者会嫁给英俊的老公,并且会有非常好的福报与财富,生下的子女也会非常可爱听话。

传说中,徐祝老人其中某一世的传说是,他是一位婆罗门教徒,生于Kalingkarat,当时他是一位其貌不扬的行乞者,人说他是一位极具福德的人,降世是为了更进一步的修行。他非常擅于乞讨,总是让人不忍心拒绝他的请求,因此总是会乞讨到满满的一袋钱或是有价值的东西。而且徐祝老人非常会节省,他会将钱存到一个程度后就交给一位朋友保管,然后徐祝就再继续去行乞。但是这位朋友因为非常爱花钱又不擅于管钱,有一天他偷偷将徐祝老人寄放在他那里的所有钱都花光了。直到有一天徐祝老人又从别的地方行乞回来,想跟朋友拿回之前寄放的钱时,才知道朋友已经将钱全部花光光,在没有法偿还的状况,这位朋友就只好将自己的女儿Amittada许配给徐祝老人,当作是偿还那笔钱。Amittada告诉徐祝老人说: “我可以当您的婢女奴隶,您愿意的话,我会是您贤淑的妻子。”最后徐祝老人就娶了她当老婆,然后回到自己的家乡


徐祝老人觉得很好,但不知道要去哪里找佣人。Amittda说,目前Phra Wetsandon从皇宫出来到森林修行,他位性乐善好施的人,不妨请求他的两个子女来当帮佣(在转世成为佛祖之前,佛祖共轮回了499次,最后一次转世为一位城邦主的儿子,叫Phra Wetsandon) 。徐祝老人依言照办,而Phra Wetsandon也真的愿意让自己的子女给徐祝老人做为帮佣。

回程时,徐祝老人带两个孩子经过Phra Wetsandon的皇宫,其父王看到两个孩子,认得是自己的孙儿,徐祝老人告诉Phra Wetsandon的父王说,Phra Wetsandon让他的两个孩子徐祝老人当帮佣。Phra Wetsandon的父王听后,决定付钱向徐祝老人买回两个孙儿,并宴请徐








(Information about Chuchok (徐祝老人) is from others website. Just used for reference.)

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Rian Maha Prab Lang Hanuman (fighting monkey), Nur Ngern (Silver Material), Chao Khun Surasak, Wat Pradoo, Samut Songkhram Province (B.E.2559).

Made : 2500 pieces
No. : 1105

Brand new. Come with temple box.

Effect : Amulets made by LP Maha Surasak is very popular in Thailand because there are many wonderful experiences from worshiper such as protect them from dangerous, harm and bad things. On the other hand, this powerful amulet can bring wealth (Polkasap), success and progress to worshiper. The Hanuman (behind) of the amulet is great for Luck and protect the owner from the danger and bad spiritual. Also bring Business get to attract more customer or bring owner have fascinate from the peoples, and make employee more obedience to the boss (Authority). The image of the Hanuman can help the wearer Victories in all obstacles and aspects of life. It also extremely good for Maha Larp (Great Fortune), Great charismatic power feared by others, being in authority (Maha Amnaj) and free from all harms (Klaew Klaad).

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Luang Phor Pern's Rian of ''Sua Maha Amnaj'', Wat Bang Phra, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2543).

Diameter : 3 cm
Material : Nur Thong Daeng (Copper) behind
with a piece of Real Tiger Skin

This is a rare to find Luang Phor Pern's Rian of "Sua Maha Amnaj", Wat Bang Phra, B.E.2543. It's the amulet to mark and commemorate the new millennium year 2000 (A.D.2000 = B.E.2543).

The tiger's face, with " Nak " Khom script in its mouth , is roaring to show its mighty power. The word Sua = tiger, Maha Amnaj = charismatic or natural power feared by others / Authority power.

LP Pern likes the nature of tiger, he said tigers are the mightiest power creature in the jungle, their roar scare all creatures. When a tiger watch at its prey, the prey will be stunned by the tiger's hypnotic power and its legs could not move, and at last the prey will be eaten. So this is the reason why a lot of LP Pern amulets related to tigers.

The rian was finished by Maha Amnaj and KongKraphan Chatri incantations, it's for real guys, police, soldiers, or security personnel who are fearless. There is the HuaJai PhyaSua scripts on the top of the locket, it reads: GU-RU-SU-GU; and Sangwan Petch scripts at the left and right, it reads: GA-RA-MA-THA, GI-RI-MI-THI, GU-RU-MU-THU, GE-RE-ME-THAE.

The word HuaJai PhyaSua = heart core of tiger-king incantation for Maha Amnaj, while SangwanPetch = a criscross of diamond-belt incantation for KongKraphan Chatri.

LP Pern made & blessed many ten kinds of amulets covering nearly all forms and contents, such as Takruts, Phayants, Palad Khiks, pendants, Phra Krings, holy powder amulets, herbal amulets, mini statues, carving amulets of wood and ivory, etc., but a most famous of his amulets related to tiger.

LP Pern was a disciple of the 3 great Gurus:- LP Daeng (Wat Tungkok), LP Ophasie (Ashram Bangmod), and LP Hiim, the late Abbot of Wat Bang Phra. LP Pern had lived at Wat KokKema, and later moved to Wat Bang Phra in B.E.2516 and staying there for nearly 30 years until his passing away in June 30, 2545 at the age of 79.

Even LP Pern has passed away for many years but he is still highly respected as one of the top great Gurus of present period because of his Buddhism incantation ability and ultra high Dhamma.

Most people know only that he was a top great tatto Guru, but actually his great incantation knowledge has a broad range covering all aspects viz invincibility, Maha Amnaj, Klaew Klaad, KongKraphanChatri, Maha Metta, Maha Niyom, Maha Saneh, etc.

HuaJai = heart, core, essence
Maha Amnaj = charismatic or natural power feared by others
Klaew Klaad = free from all harms
KongKraphanChatri = invincibility
Maha Metta = to be kindly loved by other people or by creatures
MahaNiyom = a "like" feeling from others
Maha Saneh = to be greatly loved by opposite-sex persons

* Special inscribed extra Yant on the acrylic waterproof casing.

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Monday, December 11, 2017

Phayant Phrom Si Nha, Luang Phor Sawai, Wat PreeDaRarm, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2540).


LP Sawai這個名字可是一位泰國佛統府知名的高僧。佛2464年1月18日出生於泰國大城府,父親叫Seu,母親叫Yim,父親是一位村長,同時也是一位具有特殊技能的人,常喝酒,一旦酒醉了就會吃玻璃,甚至還有吹火等法術表演給村子的人看。這些印像在LP Sawai的心底深植,他也對這些很感興趣,但是當時還小所以沒辦法學。後來父親過世,LP Sawai就開始去各地居住,後來來到Wat Yaisom(現在叫Wat Preedahram)。

在2481年時,在Wat Preedahram的學校小學畢業,所以就在寺廟當小和尚了,由Wat CheingLim 的 LP Zai收他為徒,當時的LP齋在當地也是一位很有名的大師。

LP Sawai在Wat Preedahram當小和尚 4年,於2484年 7月4日正式出家,由Wat Bangchangdai的LP Yai剃度,取了一個名叫Thi Wunnu。LP Sawai先從經文、巴利文學起,及禪坐和法術等等。因LP Sawai從小就很有興趣了,於是開始找對法術厲害的高僧拜師。有些法術甚至對生命有危險,但LP Sawai也都不怕,堅持到學會為止。
 Luang Phor Sawai, Wat PreeDaRarm, Nakhon Pathom. 
LP Sawai曾經跟很多有名的高僧學習,如:Wat Mimpin LP Phun,Wat Takong LP Cheam,Wat Thong Phakud LP Wong,Wat Donyaihom LP Ngern以上的大師都有教LP Sawai督造佛牌的技術和加持法門,所以大師督造的佛牌 是非常受歡迎的。LP Sawai的聖物是以人緣著稱的,大師的Palakit (跟龍婆Yit同一開光法脈)和坤平都是非常有口碑的,其獨門心法的人面招財通符咒,在泰國也是獨樹一幟。

在泰國佛牌界還流傳道這位高僧親制佛牌的聲望,可以算是一位名聲排在很前面的。論法術LP Sawai在當時可是赫赫有名,當地是無人不曉。他也非常正直,將老寺Wat Preedahram這間寺廟蓋成宏大的佛寺是他很大的一個理想。督造佛牌募款也是為了寺廟及僧眾。在佛歷2544年憑自己一人之力終於整間寺廟蓋成了,非常雄偉,百姓也都很歡喜,是佛統府最大的寺廟。但同年LP Sawai也在11月11日圓寂,享年80歲,金身也供奉於寺中。

Friday, December 8, 2017

Phra Kring Maha Larp, Nur Nawak with Silver Base, Luang Phor Kaek, Wat Soonthorn Pradit, Phitsanulok Province (B.E.2555).

No. : 380
*Come with temple box.
Luang Phor Kaek, Wat Soonthorn Pradit, Phitsanulok Province.

Roop Lor Luang Phor Ngern, Nur Lohak, Mass Chanted, Wat Suthat, Bangkok (B.E.2534-3535).

*Chanted for a year then only release to the public. Come with temple box.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Phra Pidta, Nur Wahn, Than Dum, Wat Mai Naparam, Narathiwat (B.E.2548).

*With Than Dum's hairs. Come with temple box.
Luang Phor Dum (Than Dum), Wat Mai Naparam, Narathiwat Province.

Phra Kring Sadung Glab (反手药师铃佛), Nur Nawak Lohak (九宝铜), Luang Phor Thong, Wat Sampaocher, Pattani (B.E.2552).

No. : 350
Luang Phor Thong, Wat Sampaocher, Pattani.