Luang Phor Yen live a long life from B.E.2445 to B.E.2539 and passed away at the age of 94 years old. LP Yen was ordained at the age of 21 and it was said that he further his higher Dhamma studies and vicha at Wat Rakang Temple (Bangkok).
What is purpose?
It's to get assistance from ancestors to assist us. Ancestors is ever willing to help and easier to ask.
One day, he met an old monk who visited Wat Rakang and needed some help, seeing the old monk looked helpless, the young LP Yen offered to assist selflessly and in return the old monk asked young LP Yen what he wanted most? LP Yen replied that he wanted to rebuild his hometown village temple, Wat Saparian in Chainat Province.
The old monk handed over a Goat look-alike item called Por Pahn Khao Maethi (พ) to young LP Yen and at the same time handed over to LP Yen the artistry and wicha of making this Por Pahn (พ), and told young LP Yen that this Por Pahn (พ) could help him rebuild Wat Saparian. LP Yen started his efforts to rebuild Wat Saparian in B.E.2507 and completed it in B.E.2522 and these Por Pahn (พ) were given out to devotees who had helped and donated to the cause. It was later said that the old monk who taught LP Yen the art of making this Por Pahn (พ) is none other than the legendary Luang Pu Thep Lord Udon.
Pidta Maha Larp behind inserted with a piece of Hand made Por Pahn created by Luang Phor Yen, Wat Saparian, Chainat Province in original condition and unused which previous owner got them from temple directly. It's believe that Por Pahn invokes the power of our ancestors. Por Pahn (พ), an alphabet of Thai language representing Buddha, Dharma and Sangha created by Luang Phor Yen Wat Saparian, Chainat Province B.E.2530s using joss-stick and chanting string (sai-sin) for protection from mishaps, metta and especially for enhancing one's luck.
What is purpose?
It's to get assistance from ancestors to assist us. Ancestors is ever willing to help and easier to ask.
龙婆烟(瓦萨帕联)是一位备受泰国人尊敬的一位高僧,以 制做一种名为“波”的圣物而闻名。 据说是一位天神传授于龙婆烟(与阿赞农的那莱邦路符管极 为相似),利用香支与白线绑成像骆驼或绵羊形状的圣物。 后期,师傅也利用了圣粉或铜料制作,有些还印在金属牌上 与圣物等。
只要有“波”的佛牌圣物一经过龙婆烟开光后,效果都相同 。配戴者如有守5戒,或时常行善者,都能得到祖先和天神 的庇佑,在遇到任何危险或不好的状况都能迎刃而解,顺利 过关。 龙婆烟的“波”是用白线和香支所捆绑的,看似像骆驼或绵 羊的形状,但制作“波”用的白线和香支相当讲究与慎选。
帕比达佛 ( Phra Pidta ) 或又称为掩面佛,可以帮助佩戴者把一些不利的事、物等阻
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Luang Phor Yen, Wat Saparian, Chainat Province. |