(famous for Betta Fish amulets - Siamese Fighting Fish)
Friday, February 24, 2017
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Rian Phra Phrom KaoLamTak (diamond shape), Nah Yai (big face), Nur Ngern (silver material), Luang Pu Sie, Wat Sakae, Ayutthaya (B.E.2523).
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With LP Sie handwritten Yant on behind. Made : 400 pieces |
Chinese Buddhists populary call HIM four-faced Buddha (四面佛) — Si Mian Fo in Mandarin / Sie Ming Hook in Teochew.
Phrom Si Nah is popularly called by Thais as Thao Maha Phrom — HE is the same one that placing in front of Erawan Hotel, Ratchaprasong Square, Bangkok.
Thao Maha Phrom is also highly respected by Chinese Buddhists in many countries:- such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, etc.
They fly to Thailand to worship Thao Maha Phrom at Erawan Shrine, Bangkok to request for prosperity, flourish business, success in life and career, illness recovery, long-life living, academic examination, family harmony, love life, etc. Their requests have been well responded as intended.
There are many Thao Maha Phrom shrines in Hong Kong and over a hundred locations in Taiwan alone.
Thao Maha Phrom has 4 faces and 8 arms — 7 arms except 1 holding holy objects. Thao Maha Phrom (Brahma) is one of the Great Trimurti comprising:-
Brahma — the creator
Vishnu — the maintainer or preserver
Shiva — the destroyer or transformer
(Brahma — Thao Maha Phrom in Thai. )
Hindu or neo-Brahma has 4 arms, but Thai version — Thao Maha Phrom has 8 arms.
Thao Maha Phrom is a benevolent God — by Thai belief, HE creates everything in the universe and loves everyone. HE is the creator and fate maker or controller. You can beg from HIM for wealth, career or business success, happiness and life
One short but so efficacious Katha for Thao Maha Phrom is as follows:-
Thai Buddhists also highly respect some Brahman gods including Thao Maha Phrom — just because Buddhism was developed from Brahmanism which is well blended into people's way of life from birth to death. Apart from that, lots of practical religious ceremonies related to Brahmanism including amulet consecrations of which partially related to.
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Luang Phor Klaan, Wat Prayat (Ayutthaya). |
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Archan Heng Praiwan |
LP Sie and Archan Heng had the same teacher — LP Klaan. LP Sie was junior to Archan Heng, and later learned Phrom Si Nah creation with Archan Heng.
Phrom Si Nah that created by Archan Heng is the most expensive Phra Phrom amulets in Thailand now and Luang Pu See of Wat Sakae was the only monk whom he had requested to bless the amulets. In fact, most of the Archan Heng's Phrom Si Nah amulets bear the handwritten Yant (scripture) of Luang Pu See.
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Luang Pu Sie, Wat Sakae (Ayutthaya). |
If you looks carefully on the amulets created by Luang Pu See, you would noticed that the Yant on the earlier batch of the Phra Phrom were more neatly written as compared to those made in the later batch. This is because of Luang Pu See's eyesight had deteriorated when he was old.
Many famous LP Sie's amulets are of Brahma gods such as Phrom Si Nah, Hanuman, Phra Pikanet (Ganesh), etc. LP Sie's Phrom Si Nah has great properties for wealth, prosperity, Metta, career progress, business success, and life protection.
Luang Pu See of Wat Sakae passed away peacefully at the age of 88 in 30th January B.E.2526.
(Information and details is from others website. Just use for reference.)
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Phra Greeb-bua, Ajahn Parn, Wat Khao Or and Ajahn Nam, Wat Donsala, Phim Yai, Phatthalung Province (B.E.2511).
Effect : Kongkrapan Chatri (invulnerable), Kaew Klaad (prevent from mis-perhaps), change bad luck to good luck, boost up your luck when you're down.
In those times many people send their child to study Wiccha (magic) at Samnak Khao or. Holy scriptures of Wat Khao Or incantations branch out thru out Thailand. Student of Samnak Khao Or often have go thru all the important task given. For example : Ceremony of bath in herbs & medicine to give magical power of invulnerable, Ceremony of cooking sticky rice to be eaten & Ceremony of making blend of herbs to be consume also gives the power of invulnerable.
The father of Wat Khao Or, Pra Kru Wijaan Na Chat Tan Banpot which is Ajahn Thong Tao. Important lineage of Pra Ajahn Thong Tao are Pra Ajahn Parn , Pra Ajahn Aied, Pra Ajahn Dit, Pra Ajahn Nam, Pra Ajahn Kong, Pra Ajahn Si-Ngern.
Ajahn Aied was the abbot of Wat Donsala created Phra Pidta Haa Yant Khao Or. Ajahn Aied was send to study in Wat Khao Or by his parents on 22nd February B.E.2425 and at B.E. 2447 go into monkhood. He learned from Ajahn Thong Tao and succeed. After that abbot of Wat Donsala Pra Ajahn Gliang passed away. Villager in the area invited Pra Ajahn Aied to leave Ajahn Thong Tao to take up the abbot position in Wat Donsala.On B.E.2483 Pra Ajahn Aied created his Phra Pidta Haa Yant by using carve candle and cover it to form a mold. The mixture for make the Phra Pidta consists of lead, tin & molten silver. The process of making the mixtures include sheets of pean loha or so call metals sheets to be inscribed with holy yant then melted together with the 3 main material according to the formula of Samnak Khao Or. Quantity made about 1000 pieces for this version of Phra Pidta. After that Ajahn Aied chanted it together with Pra Ajahn from his sect for 2 weeks before distributing it to lay persons and soldier going to the Indochina War.
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Ajahn Parn, Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung Province. |
Pra Ajahn Parn created his Phra Pidta since B.E.2490. Ajahn Parn made his Phra Pidta on his free time & when there is material. Each time made in small quantity then consecrate and distribute out, his Phra Pidta made continuously till Ajahn Parn passed away.
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Ajahn Nam, Wat Donsala, Phatthalung Province. |
Phra Pidta 1st batch, Nur Wahn with Jang Rak, bottom inserted with a takrut, Chao Khun Onn, Wat Prachum Cholthara, Narathiwat Province (B.E.2538).
在今时今日的泰南,因为有着不同的宗教信仰,在当地时常会爆发宗教冲突。比如泰南的回教武装分子,时常会策划恐怖活动。但在当地却有一位高僧,不只受到佛教徒们的尊重,也被回教徒和其它的宗教信徒所尊重。他就是泰王御封的僧王昭坤ONN,现在在 Sugaipadee被称为 Tontep (全名:PratepSinlaveesut/ Onn tontajitto) 昭坤ONN在泰国是一位知名高僧,今年72岁,出生于1938年一月七日。昭坤ONN在二十一岁时出家为僧,并拜龙婆术为师。龙婆术跟大马比打王TOK RAJA为同门师兄弟,他们的师父也是泰国有名的高僧龙婆占。昭坤ONN在年轻时对于修行非常的精进所以很受到当地人的尊敬,也同时他怀有一颗慈悲的心,引用他那丰富的佛学知识去帮助人民解决很多纠纷和难题。 昭坤ONN可称为一位非常特殊的僧人,不但会马来语,对建筑与设计也非常感兴趣,而且还是为修行非常严格的僧人。昭坤ONN是泰南一带信众的心灵依靠者。由于泰国南部出现恐怖分子发生枪战,昭坤ONN常以佛法引导信众让大家勇敢的面对乱局。更加鼓励佛教徒与伊斯兰教徒和平相处,互相帮助,并教导人民不应因彼此信奉不同的宗教,就互相仇视彼此,应该尊重和体谅彼此。也因为如此,每当昭坤ONN有任何法会或生日时,当地的回教代表都会出席并献上捐款给与他们所尊重的昭坤ONN。 昭坤ONN在东南亚各国家都有大量的信徒,每天都会有不同国籍的信徒上门拜访,希望得到昭坤ONN的祝福。有时一天的访客太多了,可是昭坤ONN不忍拒绝千里迢迢来拜访他的信徒,便强打起精神为信徒加持与祈福。信徒被得到昭坤ONN的祝福,都在所求的方面有所好转,同时一些得到昭坤ONN提醒未来将会发生什么事的信徒,也一一的应验了!!所以信徒们相信,照坤ONN有一张“金口”,所讲出的事都会实现。 昭坤ONN和泰国皇室的关系非常的好,举凡昭坤ONN举办任何法会,皇室必派成员出席,这也要说到早年泰皇与昭坤的相遇。在昭坤ONN刚步入中年时,有一次,泰国九世皇蒲眉蓬南下省察民情,从当地的官员与民众口中听到昭坤ONN的事迹,钦佩之心油然而起,便邀请昭坤ONN一路陪伴省察。九世皇在一路的省察过程都向昭坤ONN询问意见,而昭坤ONN的回答总是能解答泰皇的疑问,并提出了非常好和能解决问题的意见。 泰皇经过这次的会面,对昭坤深感钦佩不已,便在回宫后不久,亲自册封昭坤ONN为僧王(照坤),而这荣衔在泰国僧侣的阶级上仅次于只有一位的“顺德治”。泰皇同时也任命昭坤ONN为曼谷市一间庙的住持,同时委任昭坤ONN为Narathiwa, pathani 和yala这三省政府部门和寺庙的总顾问,所以有什么问题无法做出一个决定时,便会请教昭坤ONN。昭坤ONN同时也是WatKaogo, wat phadihauthalam和wat phalamsaddhi的顾问,不只这些,吉兰丹所有的寺庙在有法会都会通知昭坤ONN,希望他能出席。泰皇也以昭坤ONN的名义开一个基金会,再调动一大笔钱进入者基金会,任昭坤调动。而昭坤ONN也运用基金会在泰南长期支持寺庙发展,成人学校活动,并帮助贫困的人民。 昭坤ONN常为生病的信徒祈福,并赠予生病的信徒他所加持过的圣水。喝了这些圣水的信徒们,如果天寿已尽,就很安详并没有痛苦的离去。如果并非阳寿将至或业障所引起的疾病,信徒们喝了圣水后,很快便康复了。 昭坤ONN本身所出的佛牌也非常的有名,由于跟TOK RAJA 师承一脉,照坤ONN也非常善长制造“必达”:富贵遮面佛佛牌。这包括铜牌,黑木必达等等。相传:曾经有军人佩戴昭坤 Onn的佛牌跟恐怖分子战斗,结果军人安全无事!
照坤ONN所制作的佛牌里最受藏家喜爱的是2538年第一批的必达佛牌 。 此批必达无论用料或加持开光都是相当圆满.用料方面包括了:2497龙普托旧粉,108种草药,龙波Dum (Wat Mainaparam已故泰南高僧也是制作立体必达闻名)的特别老粉等等.. 开光方面有昭坤Onn先开光然后送由阿詹弄(wat saikao),龙波本(Wat Bangphra),龙波Dum(Wat Mainaparam) ,龙波Keaw (Wat Huigor目前泰南制作龙普托佛牌高僧),瓦仓海(Wat changhai)和瓦邦蛇( Wat Bangshe)在度加持开光。已有圆满的效力的证明,一向是回教武装分子最活跃的南部yala省在不久前一位佩戴此必达的信众遭到回教武装的攻击而逃过一劫,令大师此批必达名声大噪加上泰皇的钦点新马藏家都认为此批是南部最有收藏和佩戴价值的必达。 在这佛教末法的时代,还能有一位福慧双修高僧,实乃佛教徒之福分。而难得的是昭坤ONN也不辞劳苦,不在乎自己日渐年迈的身体周游列国,只为了能帮助各国的信徒们,加强他们对佛法的了解与信任,并为他们祈福,加持改善信徒们的运势。昭坤ONN的德行,真正的体现出佛教的慈悲与普渡丛生的精神,在此也向昭坤ONN献上万二分的敬意。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Locket 1st batch, Luang Ta Chaiya, Wat Kuan Kiem, Phatthalung Province.
Behind inserted with a piece of Luang Ta Chaiya handwritten yant takrut, old monk robe and hairs.
No. : 31
龙达财亚, Luang Ta Chaiya, Wat Kuan Kiem 寺庙的现任住持,今年82岁,出生于泰国帕塔隆府,龙达财亚在家中是为独生子,四年级就毕业于,18岁在Wat Huadei 第一次出家当小沙弥,Wat Donpradoo 寺的Luang Phor Dum 高僧成为了他的第一个师父,龙达财亚在跟随LP Vijid 在Wat Hanyaknai 学法三年,在这三年,大师学习禅定,诵经及一些人缘秘法。过后便还俗,跟平常人一样入职工作。
直到55岁的时候,因为对世俗的厌烦,看到这社会里,很多人为钱财而烦恼。。。龙达财亚选择Wat Kuan Kiem佛寺再次出家成为僧人,大师从寺庙前任住持龙普宋高僧学到了各种法术。由于大师比较喜欢看见善信们拥有一个幸福美满快乐的家庭,所以他专注学习人缘招财法术,他向多位高人学习各种秘法如-Wicha Long Na人缘法术,红面将军人缘(Wicha Prangboon),南部增财秘法Wicha Telong Nang Kom及 泰国考噢佛寺秘法Wicha Khao Or。
大师也曾经向泰国制作招财女神著名高僧LP Plot学习招财增运秘法。龙达财亚除此学习人缘招财法术以为,他也喜欢研究佛法,并获得了博士学位,佛历2538(1995年)年成为Wat Kuan Kiem 的第三任住持,大师在泰国得到很多泰国信众的尊敬和膜拜,泰国善信们都爱向大师讨个祝福及加持。他们相信能得到龙达财亚的祝福及加持可以达到万事顺利,生意兴隆。
No. : 31
龙达财亚, Luang Ta Chaiya, Wat Kuan Kiem 寺庙的现任住持,今年82岁,出生于泰国帕塔隆府,龙达
大师也曾经向泰国制作招财女神著名高僧LP Plot学习招财增运秘法。龙达财亚除此学习人缘招财法
1st batch Guman Thong Rooplor JaroenLarp, Nur Ngern (Silver Material), Luang Phor Yeam, Wat Sam Ngam, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2536).
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Silver Material, Very Rare! |
Effect : Bring good luck, wealth fetching, increase business sales, protect and warn the owner to avoid danger.
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*Come with Samakon verification certificate (old type). |
He entered the priesthood on the 2nd May, 1938 at the principal monastery of Wat Sam Ngam Temple, officiated by the Reverend Father Utarakarnbodi (Sook Pathumwasano) of Huay Jorakhe Temple, Luang Phor Tae Kongthong, the abbot of Sam Ngam Temple, and the Luang Phor Petch.
After passing the Buddhist exams, he continued to study meditation, magic incantation, and magic drawing from the Luang Phor Tae Kongthong who was his master. He gained a lot of knowledge from Luang Phor Tae.
Luang Pu Yeam is now 99 years old and in the 68th year of his priesthood. He is the appointed Master, or a first-class abbot of a private temple, Wat Sam Ngam. His position is similar to that of Assistant Abbot of a first-class royal temple and is duty bound to sustain the Buddhist religion.
Luang Pu Yeam is highly revered and respected for his powerful mind developed from meditation and mantra, ancient astrology, traditional medicine, magic drawing and incantation, and of course his amulets. His powers are well known both locally and internationally. Because of this he is invited to many temples in Nakhon Pathom to participate in sacred ceremonies. He is a major disciple of the Reverend Father Luang Phor Tae Kongthong, a famous guru master.Luang Phor Tae of course is an exceptionally well known guru master, known particularly for GumanThong. The Reverend Father Luang Phor Tae Kongthong was a disciple of the Luang Phor Ta of Paniengtaek, Luang Phor Chaem of Wat Takong Temple, and Luang Phor Wongse of Wat Tungpakgood.
Luang Pu Yeam is highly revered and respected for his powerful mind developed from meditation and mantra, ancient astrology, traditional medicine, magic drawing and incantation, and of course his amulets. His powers are well known both locally and internationally. Because of this he is invited to many temples in Nakhon Pathom to participate in sacred ceremonies. He is a major disciple of the Reverend Father Luang Phor Tae Kongthong, a famous guru master.Luang Phor Tae of course is an exceptionally well known guru master, known particularly for GumanThong. The Reverend Father Luang Phor Tae Kongthong was a disciple of the Luang Phor Ta of Paniengtaek, Luang Phor Chaem of Wat Takong Temple, and Luang Phor Wongse of Wat Tungpakgood.
These monks were highly respected by Luang Phor Tae Kongthong and Luang Pu Yeam was to often to meet Luang Phor Chaem of Wat Takong, during his visits to Wat Sam Ngam and was able to add considerably to his own knowledge. Furthermore, Luang Pu Yaem learnt from other masters, such as Luang Phor Luea of Wat Saow Cha Ngoak, Chachoengsao Province.
Luang Pu Yeam Thanayooto was appointed to be the abbot of Sam Ngam Temple in 1957 and as a verbal declarer in the same year. He has followed Luang Phor Tae’s methods regardless of religious duties or meditation. He has a very good memory and will always share his knowledge with other people. We were very lucky to have spent a great deal of time with Luang Pu Yeam, discussing his life and learning more about the Golden Idol amulet. One of the most fascinating facts he told us, was that he had not washed for 40 years as instructed by his Master, Luang Phor Tae.
In fact anyone that wants more knowledge, can ask him, he is always pleased to provide an explanation, although he is a little hard of hearing, and some patience is required.
He has many religious duties, for example, the principal monastery at Dontoom in Nakhon Pathom Province, the principal monastery at Srasampaothong Temple in Kanchanaburi and Tungkathin Temple in Ratchaburi, Tungjedhab in Pichit, the latter three which he was responsible for creating himself.
Luang Pu Yeam has created many amulets including Phra Kring Barami 80, amuletic medals, amuletic Khun Paen made from herbal powder, Nang Phya amulets, Toan amukletic rolled brass, Chud am, uletic rolled brass and three circle amuletic rolled brass.
But his most famous amulet is that of the Golden Idol made from clay and metal. It is well-known among amulet collectors that Luang Pu Yeam of Wat Sam Ngam is the guru monk who make the best Guman Thong statues and amulets, after the late Luang Phor Tae Kong Thong of Wat Sam Ngam.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.
Phra Buccha Luang Pu Yeam 94 years old batch, 5 inch lap, Wat Sam Ngam, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2556).
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No. : 343 |
He entered the priesthood on the 2nd May, 1938 at the principal monastery of Wat Sam Ngam Temple, officiated by the Reverend Father Utarakarnbodi (Sook Pathumwasano) of Huay Jorakhe Temple, Luang Phor Tae Kongthong, the abbot of Sam Ngam Temple, and the Luang Phor Petch.
After passing the Buddhist exams, he continued to study meditation, magic incantation, and magic drawing from the Luang Phor Tae Kongthong who was his master. He gained a lot of knowledge from Luang Phor Tae.
Luang Pu Yeam is now 99 years old and in the 68th year of his priesthood. He is the appointed Master, or a first-class abbot of a private temple, Wat Sam Ngam. His position is similar to that of Assistant Abbot of a first-class royal temple and is duty bound to sustain the Buddhist religion.
Luang Pu Yeam is highly revered and respected for his powerful mind developed from meditation and mantra, ancient astrology, traditional medicine, magic drawing and incantation, and of course his amulets. His powers are well known both locally and internationally. Because of this he is invited to many temples in Nakhon Pathom to participate in sacred ceremonies. He is a major disciple of the Reverend Father Luang Phor Tae Kongthong, a famous guru master.
Luang Phor Tae of course is an exceptionally well known guru master, known particularly for GumanThong. The Reverend Father Luang Phor Tae Kongthong was a disciple of the Luang Phor Ta of Paniengtaek, Luang Phor Chaem of Wat Takong Temple, and Luang Phor Wongse of Wat Tungpakgood.
These monks were highly respected by Luang Phor Tae Kongthong and Luang Pu Yeam was to often to meet Luang Phor Chaem of Wat Takong, during his visits to Wat Sam Ngam and was able to add considerably to his own knowledge. Furthermore, Luang Pu Yaem learnt from other masters, such as Luang Phor Luea of Wat Saow Cha Ngoak, Chachoengsao Province.
Luang Pu Yeam Thanayooto was appointed to be the abbot of Sam Ngam Temple in 1957 and as a verbal declarer in the same year. He has followed Luang Phor Tae’s methods regardless of religious duties or meditation. He has a very good memory and will always share his knowledge with other people. We were very lucky to have spent a great deal of time with Luang Pu Yeam, discussing his life and learning more about the Golden Idol amulet. One of the most fascinating facts he told us, was that he had not washed for 40 years as instructed by his Master, Luang Phor Tae.
In fact anyone that wants more knowledge, can ask him, he is always pleased to provide an explanation, although he is a little hard of hearing, and some patience is required.
He has many religious duties, for example, the principal monastery at Dontoom in Nakhon Pathom Province, the principal monastery at Srasampaothong Temple in Kanchanaburi and Tungkathin Temple in Ratchaburi, Tungjedhab in Pichit, the latter three which he was responsible for creating himself.
Luang Pu Yeam has created many amulets including Phra Kring Barami 80, amuletic medals, amuletic Khun Paen made from herbal powder, Nang Phya amulets, Toan amukletic rolled brass, Chud am, uletic rolled brass and three circle amuletic rolled brass.
But his most famous amulet is that of the Golden Idol made from clay and metal. It is well-known among amulet collectors that Luang Pu Yeam of Wat Sam Ngam is the guru monk who make the best Guman Thong statues and amulets, after the late Luang Phor Tae Kong Thong of Wat Sam Ngam.
Friday, February 17, 2017
Phra Pidta Maha Larp with Por Pahn (พ) behind, Luang Phor Yen, Wat Saparian, Chainat Province (B.E.2536).
Luang Phor Yen live a long life from B.E.2445 to B.E.2539 and passed away at the age of 94 years old. LP Yen was ordained at the age of 21 and it was said that he further his higher Dhamma studies and vicha at Wat Rakang Temple (Bangkok).
What is purpose?
It's to get assistance from ancestors to assist us. Ancestors is ever willing to help and easier to ask.
One day, he met an old monk who visited Wat Rakang and needed some help, seeing the old monk looked helpless, the young LP Yen offered to assist selflessly and in return the old monk asked young LP Yen what he wanted most? LP Yen replied that he wanted to rebuild his hometown village temple, Wat Saparian in Chainat Province.
The old monk handed over a Goat look-alike item called Por Pahn Khao Maethi (พ) to young LP Yen and at the same time handed over to LP Yen the artistry and wicha of making this Por Pahn (พ), and told young LP Yen that this Por Pahn (พ) could help him rebuild Wat Saparian. LP Yen started his efforts to rebuild Wat Saparian in B.E.2507 and completed it in B.E.2522 and these Por Pahn (พ) were given out to devotees who had helped and donated to the cause. It was later said that the old monk who taught LP Yen the art of making this Por Pahn (พ) is none other than the legendary Luang Pu Thep Lord Udon.
Pidta Maha Larp behind inserted with a piece of Hand made Por Pahn created by Luang Phor Yen, Wat Saparian, Chainat Province in original condition and unused which previous owner got them from temple directly. It's believe that Por Pahn invokes the power of our ancestors. Por Pahn (พ), an alphabet of Thai language representing Buddha, Dharma and Sangha created by Luang Phor Yen Wat Saparian, Chainat Province B.E.2530s using joss-stick and chanting string (sai-sin) for protection from mishaps, metta and especially for enhancing one's luck.
What is purpose?
It's to get assistance from ancestors to assist us. Ancestors is ever willing to help and easier to ask.
龙婆烟(瓦萨帕联)是一位备受泰国人尊敬的一位高僧,以制做一种名为“波”的圣物而闻名。 据说是一位天神传授于龙婆烟(与阿赞农的那莱邦路符管极为相似),利用香支与白线绑成像骆驼或绵羊形状的圣物。后期,师傅也利用了圣粉或铜料制作,有些还印在金属牌上与圣物等。
只要有“波”的佛牌圣物一经过龙婆烟开光后,效果都相同。配戴者如有守5戒,或时常行善者,都能得到祖先和天神的庇佑,在遇到任何危险或不好的状况都能迎刃而解,顺利过关。 龙婆烟的“波”是用白线和香支所捆绑的,看似像骆驼或绵羊的形状,但制作“波”用的白线和香支相当讲究与慎选。
帕比达佛 ( Phra Pidta ) 或又称为掩面佛,可以帮助佩戴者把一些不利的事、物等阻
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Luang Phor Yen, Wat Saparian, Chainat Province. |
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop 80 Years Old Batch, Nur ThongKam (gold), Phim Yai (big size), Archan Nong, Wat Sai Khao, Pattani Province (B.E.2542).
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1st placing in Pantip Bangkapi Amulets Competition. Come with competition certificate. |
Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop, or loosely translated as "Narayana (Hindu deity, avatar of Vishnu) changing form" was Acharn Nong's most famous sacred talisman which is extremely popular and famous among collectors due to many positive experiences among devotees. This is the one and only type of Thakrud ever created by Acharn Nong.
Acharn Nong mentioned to his devotees that he learnt to create such a thakrud from "Mae Nang Jan", a forest spirit who actually visited Acharn Nong in a dream to teach him the sacred method and incantations. Mae Nang Jan wanted to help Acharn Nong complete the building of the main shrine of Wat Sai Khao and also the monks' living quarters so as to gain merits.
Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop is popularly known for "changing misfortune into good fortune". In ancient text, it was mentioned that this type of thakrud is created by very powerful magic which is like the Hindu God Vishnu changing into various avatars to aid his devotees to overcome all types of obstacles in life. However, such a thakrud was extremely difficult to create as the person creating this thakrud must have attained a high-level of supernatural power to be able to invite Vishnu and contain his image and power in the thakrud. Due to this difficulty, not many masters were able to create effective Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop, with Acharn Nong being a notable exception.
It was known that Acharn Nong started creating Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop for the first time around B.E.2496 (C.E.1953) using metal sheets. Later on, Acharn Nong would received ammunition catridges given to him by villagers as well as his disciples for him to create the thakrud. The ammunition catridges came in all sizes, large and small and many thakruds were created using these cartridges. Later on, these thakruds would also be created in gold casings given by donors. The item inside the thakrud is actually a type of wood known as "Mai Luang Pu Thuad", which can only be found on a mountain resided by the forest spririt Mae Nang Jan. Acharn Nong would not allow anyone to see how the thakrud was created and people were forbidden as a rule to open the thakrud. If the thakrud was open, the spell would be broken and the thakrud would no longer be usable.
Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop is a common feature in many of Acharn Nong's amulets such as his medals, which goes to show how famous he is for his thakrud. Acharn Nong passed away in B.E.2542 (C.E.1999) without passing the knowledge of creating this thakrud to any of his disciples.
(Credit : The informations and details from Brother Smoke from Amulets.Sg. Just for sharing purpose.)
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented out.
Rian Nang Phan (front) & Thep Rahu (behind), Roon Chanajon (战胜贫穷), 80 years old batch, Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin Province (B.E.2560).
Kamakan Set made : 500 sets
A Kamakan Set inside have 3 pieces of Rian : -
Material (left to right) :
1.) Chanuan + Fabart Mask
2.) Alpaka (nickel) + Fabart Mask
3.) Thong Daeng (copper) + Fabart Mask
1.) Chanuan + Fabart Mask
2.) Alpaka (nickel) + Fabart Mask
3.) Thong Daeng (copper) + Fabart Mask
No. : 19
Co-chanted with Chao Khun ThongCai, Wat Traimit and Kruba Krissana Inthawanno.
Effect : Kaew Klaad (prevent danger), Metta Maha Niyom (will get Famous and Attractiveness), Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck.
Rian Nang Phan (front) & Thep Rahu (behind), Roon Chanajon (战胜贫穷), 80 years old batch, Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin Province (B.E.2560).
Silver made : 100 pcs
No. : 100
Co-chanted with Chao Khun ThongCai, Wat Traimit and Kruba Krissana Inthawanno.
Effect : Kaew Klaad (prevent danger), Metta Maha Niyom (will get Famous and Attractiveness), Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck.
No. : 100
Co-chanted with Chao Khun ThongCai, Wat Traimit and Kruba Krissana Inthawanno.
Effect : Kaew Klaad (prevent danger), Metta Maha Niyom (will get Famous and Attractiveness), Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck.
Rian Nang Phan (front) & Thep Rahu (behind), Roon Chanajon (战胜贫穷), 80 years old batch, Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin Province (B.E.2560).
Silver LongYa made : 200 pcs
No. : 22
Co-chanted with Chao Khun ThongCai, Wat Traimit and Kruba Krissana Inthawanno.
Effect : Kaew Klaad (prevent danger), Metta Maha Niyom (will get Famous and Attractiveness), Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck.
No. : 22
Co-chanted with Chao Khun ThongCai, Wat Traimit and Kruba Krissana Inthawanno.
Effect : Kaew Klaad (prevent danger), Metta Maha Niyom (will get Famous and Attractiveness), Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.
Phra Somdej, Nur Phong, Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin Province (B.E.2516).
在儿童时期,龙婆奴因是所有孩子中最听话乖巧的孩子。由于父亲是虔诚的佛教徒, 在每个佛日,他的父亲都带他到庙里,耳闻目染各种宗教箴言 。到了上学年纪,父亲送他到家所在的区的学校, 位于Kalasin 府的Toa-Hai-Raj-Pha-Dung学校。一直到他完成了4年级水平的学习。但是在他12岁这年,不幸的事情发生了,他的母亲突然离世,也因此彻底改变了奴因的生活。因为从此,他做农夫担负起了养家照顾弟妹的重担。20岁那年,他又征兵入伍。
在龙婆奴因的青少年时期,他被一对已婚的夫妻一直收养着。然而他们逐渐消失的爱情和不停的争吵,让他做出了单身的决定,希望能够过平静的生活。1957年,当地村民们依照习俗选出20个优秀年轻人到寺庙学习,而奴因就实是其中一个。在同年的3月13日,也就是他21岁这年,仪式在他家乡的Phoe-Chai庙由当地的大师苏卡瓦塔库主持。从此,他获得法号Kitti-sa-roe。1958年,为了完成一个中级佛法学习, 他移居到Buddha-Mong-Kol庙宇。1960年,他顺利的完成了学习。最终,他还继续完成了高等佛法的学习。
接着他又遇见了人生中的另一位导师: 斯利通,一位在Narborn 村, Kalasin府隐居多年的佛法高僧。神奇的是,在龙婆奴因到来之前,斯利通大师已经通过自己的意念能力得知龙婆奴因即将到来,因为他对村民说 : “我哪都不会去,因为有个弟子即将到来。”
在和师傅斯利通学习了7,8天后, 龙婆奴因向斯利通师傅表达了跟随师傅修习佛法和法术的意愿,但是斯利通师傅拒绝了他的请求,表示他不可以带着他去任何地方,因为他的弟子在等他。接着斯利通师傅离开了龙婆奴因,龙婆奴因则继续和其他大师学习经咒和修练。
在Ban Loob, Loob, Muang 区, Kalasin府,每天都有很多人到去Buddah Mongkon庙找龙婆奴因求佛牌,随着龙婆奴因制作圣物的神奇不断传播,来找龙婆的人越来越多,由于善信实在太多,庙宇的管理者,每天都需要出面维持秩序,包括提供桌椅给这些信者.
Pramoon Mahipan先生,是庙宇的管理者,告诉我们,这些信者都是长年跟随着龙婆奴因.他们前来拜见龙婆奴因,有些是特地赶来咨询问题,有些是来恭请圣物,在恭请圣物的善信中,流传着很多神奇的事迹。.
Boonmee Kampratuang先生,现年51岁,居住在18 Moo 6 Loob, Muang 区, Kalasin府,2010年3月26日与我们交流时说,他2个月大的侄子Nattakit Chaorai,身体非常差.一出生就有哮喘,甚至严重到呼吸都有困难.他带着侄子已经拜访了很多很多个医生,但是情况一点都没有好转.在绝望万分的时候,他决定带侄子去见龙婆奴因.因为他知道龙婆奴因刚刚修炼了可以遇见未来的崇迪和必达经咒和冥想打坐.
龙婆奴因在给Nattakit Chaorai预测了未来后,他选择了一种圣物,并将圣物浸在圣水里.然后龙婆奴因将圣水含在嘴巴里,喷向Nattakit Chaorai,突然间,奇妙的事情发生了,Nattakit Chaorai的呼吸突然间变的顺畅了很多,而且看起来,不会再变回之前那样.
Sootee Chaihajit先生, Kalasin府海关的工作人员,他告诉我们他有很多关于龙婆奴因圣物的体验,他有好几次非常危险的境遇,但是因为龙婆奴因的圣物,他都化险为夷了.
Pornsak Songsan先生,是一位艺术家,他追随龙婆奴因已经有20年之久了,他告诉我们正是因为龙婆奴因的圣物,他才可以成为一个明星,并且一直红到现在.他坚信这些圣物正在很好的帮助他。
在法会上,一位来自Ban Phai, Khonkean当地的一家诊所的医生(由于道德因素,他不能透露自己的名字,和诊所的名字).他告诉我们他的诊所接治了两位发生严重事故的伤者Jamruen Yodsa-nga 和Raynoo,但是他们四肢却没有折断或者挫伤,这让他非常非常的疑惑和吃惊.
两位伤者都是都穿着泰国的民族服装.他们是骑摩托车去参加在Hinmarkpeng 庙宇举行的龙婆 Tade的葬礼,以可以最后表示自己的悼念.
他们到达Tah Bo区的时候,和一辆车发生了严重的事故,他们的摩托车已经完全报废成废铁了,他们两个 也被送到了医院.医生同意他们回家,这样他们就可以去龙婆Tade的葬礼.
他们路过Ban Phai的时候,就来见了医生,希望能确认他们的内脏没有受到损伤.医生在做了仔细检查后,的确发现没有任何伤害,两个人都完好无损.
医生告诉我们,Jamruen一直佩带着龙婆奴因的 必达佛牌(1994制作)和龙婆奴因的有150年历史的Pedmaimongkon牌.而Raynoo一直佩带着Naga Prog 牌.
Watcharin Haukeaw,42岁,.也是位军官,他驾驶着他的无牌照的汽车和一辆大卡车相撞.瞬间,他的车被彻底压扁,但是军官本人却毫无伤口,安然无恙.这一场景无疑让在场的目击者大为震惊. 所有目击者都以为军官将无法生还,或者已经受到大伤. 军官是在去年的3月28日,在Kalasin边界附近,晚上7点左右发生的车祸.
2010年的3月29日,下午2点,当时的目击者之一,Kalasin医院的负责人Somkid Suriyalerd医生询问军官的健康情况.医生检查完后,告诉42岁的Watcharin Haukeaw,一切健康,只是有很小几处骨裂缝.
Watcharin Haukeaw告诉我们,事发当天他从Kalasin开车到出事地点,前面的卡车突然停止不动了,而当时他的驾驶速度又很快.于是就撞向了前面的卡车.当时,他只记得眼前一片漆黑,然后有人把他从车里拉出来并送往医院.
医院的负责人Somkid Suriyalerd,告诉我们 “伤者的外表几乎没有任何严重的伤口.最严重的就是右手的骨裂,但是内脏器官完全良好”他估计只需要2-3天左右Watcharin Haukeaw就可以康复.他觉的Watcharin Haukeaw实在太幸运了,因为从车祸现场情况看,他应该是死亡或者严重受伤的.
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