This Reusi/Lersi Tafai bless/chant by Luang Pu Garlong Jakarpat Narai and Watkru worship elder cermony B.E.2551. Backside attach Reusi/Lersi's head and Silver trakrut.
This amulet bless/chant for strong wealth luck and miracle fortune. One who pray may not fall, the tiger hermit grant successful wish and overcome all obstacles and dangers. By carrying with oneself the images of Phra Lersi, one can be protected from all forms of black magic and evil spirits as well. Students are also recommended to wear his image as he is able to aid one in studies and knowledgeable pursuits.
"Namo tassa Pakawatoh Arrahatoh Summa Sumputassa" (3 times)
The mantra worship Reusi/Lersi Tafai
"Namassitava Itsisithiloganaryung Anutarung Aesijapuntanusatra Arhungwuntamitung Aesisitthivedsa" (3 times)
"Sitthigidjung Sitthigummung Sitthigariyatathakatoh Sitthitaechochayunidjung Sitthilapohniruntarung Suppagummungphrasithhimae"
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