Monday, October 31, 2022

Phra Phong Roop Muern 1st batch, 133rd anniversary of the teacher Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父), Nur Phong Yaa Akhid Tokinutsei (Metta 528), Lang Takrut Nur Ngern (behind inserted with a pcs of Silver Takrut), made and consecrated by Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2562).

Gold Takrut Made : 133 pieces **Silver Takrut Made : 395 pieces Total Made : 528 pieces • As a remembrance of the merit of Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父). • Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing inlaid with Pink Gemstones. Ready to use. Very rare. • Kruba Apiwat inscribed additional Yantra on the back of the amulet. Good for Wish Granted (有求必应), Khakai (Great Sales & Good Business), Chokh Larp (Good Fortune), Metta (loving kindness). Thai Yai 族和兰纳法门的第一高僧“雅碧鸦”草药自身,高阶版纯银符管。如果古巴瓦迈鸿生前开光的兮碰“帕勇堪”为成愿之王的话,那古巴瓦迈鸿的每一期自身一定就是愿望和人缘的源头,虽然古巴瓦迈鸿早已圆寂但每年 Wai Kru 拜师法会时在场高僧在入定的时候均有感受到古巴瓦迈鸿的到来和诵经的声音。所谓离开善信的仅仅是肉躯,而精神永远陪伴在深信师傅的各位善信身旁,给予无时无刻的帮助和庇护。无需供奉还愿同样需要使用金箔或者黄金,只要你的愿望合情合理向古巴许求,那你们关于财运和人缘感情类愿望均可以达成,且概率在 90% 以上。原庙开光发行高阶纯银符管版本,市面罕有流通。
Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父).
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

[ FOR SHOW / 纯粹分享 ] 古巴瓦迈鸿第一期自身牌,佛历2558年加持发行,正面是古巴瓦迈鸿自身像,后面填入了6种红药,萨帖nga巴红药、苏拉萨迪红药、坤登坤湾红药、咩打528红药、玛哈C缇5红药、拉达纳萨喇红药,以及其他材料,给予佩戴者全部功效守护,心想事成、人缘、招财、避开不好的事情等等。

制作 : 79 枚 (有编号) 大约在佛历254x年,古巴api哇就听过一个传说:有一个80多岁的老人,他在古巴瓦迈鸿还在世的时候就开始收集帕勇康,也学习过古巴瓦迈鸿制作帕勇康的方法,他非常喜欢古巴瓦迈鸿,希望在自己去世之前能见到古巴瓦迈鸿的照片被做成佛牌。 佛历2557年,有一个叫“素林喜玛囊”的93岁老人来到Wat Tung Pong 礼佛,古巴api哇见到以后就上去问他从哪里来的,老人回答说自己来自湄宏顺,是古巴瓦迈鸿的弟子...古巴api哇就想起了之前的传说,觉得他就是之前传说里的那位老人,又想到自己有一张古巴瓦迈鸿的照片,但是已经很老旧了,于是就问老人有没有古巴瓦迈鸿的照片,想要看一下,老人直接从钱包拿出来给他看了。后来经过交谈,古巴api哇知道这个老人就是之前传说的那位。 因为这个事情,加上Wat Tung Pong 需要善款用于建设寺庙里的卫生间、厕所和厢房(寺庙在山上,给远道而来的善信的住所),古巴api哇决定用古巴瓦迈鸿照片里的样子为原型,制作一期古巴瓦迈鸿瓷面自身牌,正好可以带去不久后在瓦喜当猜举办的“帕醒仪式”上加持。 古巴api哇联系了一家制作瓷面的工厂,并要求在制作的时候在上面印上“帕库威猜雅喜里威猜优”(古巴瓦迈鸿的正式僧侣名),定做了108尊。可是当成品出来以后,瓷像的清晰度和色彩没有达到古巴api哇想要的样子。但是由于时间比较紧急,离“帕醒仪式”只有不到20天了,于是古巴api哇就跟古巴瓦迈鸿许愿,希望新联系的工厂能在仪式之前把瓷面做好...结果工厂就做出了很完美的古巴瓦迈鸿瓷像,也赶上了仪式的时间。但是因为古巴api哇没有交代工厂要印名字,所以就有了108尊没有印名字的古巴瓦迈鸿瓷面自身牌。 佛历2558年4月4日,星期六,古巴api哇制作完(填料)这批自身牌后,就带去了瓦喜当猜参加仪式,整个加持过程持续了一天一夜,到4月5日结束。这个仪式的阵容几乎涵盖了全泰四方所有有名的高僧前来参加: 1. 龙哺古巴奥潘提达,99岁,Wat Phra That Chom Wae(清迈府,点燃胜利蜡烛) 2. 帕库叟他亚缇坤/婆谭彭拙迪够,85岁,Wat Tham Phru Takhian(春蓬府,点燃吉祥蜡烛) 3. 龙婆蜀的弟子,Wat Kalong(龙仔厝府,熄灭胜利蜡烛) 4. 帕谭玛芒咖拉赞/龙哺通喜利蒙卡洛,92岁,Wat Phra That Si Chom Thong(清迈府) 5. 帕央威散缇拉/龙哺代诺少哈素帕洛,90岁,Wat Pa Sak Kwan(加拉信府) 6. 龙哺古巴昭萨拉乌威拉,95岁,Wat Mueang Na(清迈府) 7. 龙哺古巴汤玛基纳,78岁,Wat Sri Chom Rueang(帕尧府) 8. 龙哺古巴攒拙迪够,91岁,Wat Nam Pang Wanaram(帕尧府) 9. 帕库皮蒙谭玛拉/龙哺古巴丹跌贪摩,92岁,Wat Yaprai(清迈府) 10. 帕库威素萨姆坤/龙婆阿南威素托,60岁,Wat Bang Phli Noi(北榄府) 11. 帕库皮散扎利亚皮隆/龙婆玛哈苏拉萨阿迪萨扣,54岁,Wat Pradu Amphawa(夜功府) 12. 帕库蒙坤奔亚空/龙哺古巴奔玛素帕托,91岁,Wat Samakkhitham(南邦府) 13. 龙哺古巴因塔班亚哇琦洛,83岁,Wat thonchok(清迈府) 14. 帕库匹皮奔亚皮拉/龙哺古巴因达因他班优,82岁,Wat Sala(清迈府) 15. 帕库匹尼散汤/龙哺古巴潘彭喜诺,88岁,Wat Phrabat Huai Tom(南邦府) 16. 龙哺古巴博洋,80岁,Wat Huai Nam Woon(南邦府) 17. 帕库桑翁央叟喷/龙哺扎楞央乌塔托,86岁,Wat Thampakpiang(清迈府) 18. 龙哺古巴占咔绵多,Wat Sala(清迈府) 19. 帕颂彭谭玛散/龙婆利缇隆央瓦洛,Wat Pa Daraphirom(清迈府) 20. 帕库班亚喜拉哇/龙婆通班班亚萨洛,Wat Pa Ban Mai(湄宏顺府) 21. 帕库巴拉苏瓦谭纳蒙坤沃拉坤/龙婆喇安纳优,Wat Sutthawas Wipassana(大城府) 22. 帕库威钱班亚/古巴昭谭哉,Wat Pa Ngio(清迈府) 23. 帕库威济哇塔纳维谭/龙婆古巴娇,Wat Doi Thi Mu(来兴府) 24. 帕古巴堪匹喇汤,Wat Pa Dad(清迈府) 25. 帕古巴央朗嘎喜利亚诺,Wat Doi Phothiyan(清迈府) 26. 帕巴拉阿皮哇因塔湾诺,Wat Thung Pong(湄宏顺府) ... 还有其他很多僧人以及Wat Pa Mu Mai 和Wat Sisoda 的僧团前来诵经祈福。期间有龙婆玛哈颂萨带领108名僧人念诵“奘缇玛苏”经文12次,念诵拉胡经文108次。 佛历2558年4月10日,古巴api哇又把这批自身牌带去古巴瓦迈鸿的佛塔(Wat Phatha,存放古巴瓦迈鸿骨灰的地方),在这里告诉古巴瓦迈鸿制作这期自身牌的原因,并奉请古巴瓦迈鸿降临现场共同加持。 Credit : 刘师兄
古巴瓦迈鸿 (眼鏡師傅)

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Phra Chao Sua (Magnate/Tycoon) Phong Yawasana Chindamanee, Roon Raek (1st batch), Phim Lek (Small Mould), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2556).

Phim Yai (Large Mould) made : 299 pieces ** Phim Lek (Small Mould) made : 199 pieces ** This is powerful & efficacious of Phra Chao Sua (Magnate/Tycoon) made by Nur Phong Yawasana Chindamanee Herb strongly blessed by Kb Apiwat in year B.E.2556. Featured with sacred Phra Chao Sua image at front. This sacred Phra Chao Sua is made from sacred Phong Yawasana Chindamanee Herb powder materials and very fragrance. Additional with sacred specific Yant Phut Sorn ~ Na Mo Budd Dha Ya and stamped at back. Highly collectible, in excellent condition and entirely genuine. I highly recommend to you. Effect : Overall good luck, Superb for Noble Star or aka "Gui Ren" (贵人), you will gain the helper's hand when you need someone to help, Superb for Conquer Evil Forces and Bad Luck, Good opportunity and Successful in everything that you do, bring Good Luck and Protection in your daily life, Increase Luck tremendously. the beginning of (B.E.2555) Year : 2012 The temple received mercy from a lay master (who did not ask to mention his name), he was honoured as a grandson and a student of Luang Pu Thong Yoo's successor at Wat Tha Sao, Samut Sakhon (if I'm mistaken. I'm sorry) and is a successor student studying the subject line of Wat Klang Bang Kaew School. Unparalleled Taxila of the Nakhon Chaisri Basin. At that time, he had the mercy of making amulets according to Wat Klang Bang Kaeo for Wat Thung Pong, a number of them (which had a cause that he made as a miracle) which Kruba Apiwat had to mold into tablets to distribute to those who believed. The need to heal the disease in the body to be sufficiently relieved according to the luck of each person and was divided into a number. With the remembrance that once Kruba Apiwat had to submit himself as a student to study this subject from the stone sect of the Nakhon Chaisri Basin by having gone to be a disciple of Luang Pu Phra Samut Chuer/Jher Piyasilo, the Bodhisattva of the Nakhon Chaisri Basin. The first time he stepped into the dharma umbrella of Luang Pu, he had mercy on giving amulets of Chao Sua powder, Yawasana Chindamanee powder as the beginning and kept as a memorial to remember his master until today. And had intended that if there was an opportunity, he would ask to build Phra Phong Chao Sua this medicine powder once. To give as a Buddhanusati and encouragement to those who sacrifice their wealth in the maintenance of Buddhism. People who are related to each other, but ascendant to the name "Yawasana Chinda Mani" until the time has passed, when the teacher came to make medicine for offerings, therefore, made amulets of Chao Sua powder, Yawasana powder. as intended When the yavasana was pressed into a amulet of Chao Sua. Kruba Apiwat have made two prints with pure Yawasana Jindamanee powder: 1. The first print, a little big (Phim Yai), intended to be given to the Prince. 2. The small print, a little smaller (PhimLek). Dedicated to women believers in Buddhism in order to be able to carry it with you without being bulky. In order to need the power to support the fortune to be higher Raise your destiny so you don't fall prop up the luck not to fall behind Chao Sua prosper with fortune. There is a way of getting wealth often, not wanting to not be difficult, not poor. As the words of the great grandfather who gave this medicine book. When finished, both prints were brought to the ceremony and asked for mercy to the teacher (gaeji archan) who had mercy on the spiritual prayer as follows. 1. Taken to join the Maha Phutthapisek ceremony, the annual Wai Kru Ceremony (B.E.2556) Year : 2013, Ajarn Supot Ruecha at Wat Thong Khung, Bang Ya Phraek, Samut Prakan Province, on March 2, 2013 by 12 monks and asked for mercy from the monks. The scholars and scholars, you have mercy on the spiritual prayers as listed below. 1. Luang Pu Chan Inmutto, Wat Bang Bo, Samut Prakan. 2. Luang Phor Anan Wisuttho, Wat Bang Phli Noi, Samut Prakan. 3. Luang Pu Iad Inthawaso, Wat Phai Lom, Ayutthaya Province. 4. Luang Phor Maen (Mian) Ajarn Sampanno, Wat Natang Nok, Ayutthaya. 5. Luang Phor Yuwong Suphatto, Wat Natang Nai, Ayutthaya. 6. Luang Phor Perm Attatipo, Wat Pom Kaew, Ayutthaya. 7. Luang Phor Som Suchiwo, Wat Pho Thong, Angthong. 8. Luang Pu Nam Sasanapachoto, Wat Noi Chompoo, Suphan Buri Province. 9. (Chao Khun) Luang Phor Maha Surasak Atisokko, Wat Pradu, Samut Songkhram. 10. Luang Pu Fu Atiphattho, Wat Bang Samak, Chachoengsao Province. 11. Luang Phor Somchai Phutthasaro, Wat Phrom Akat, Chachoengsao. 12. Luang Phor WayPhorn Thitiyano, Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom. 13. Luang Phor Pra Attasanto, Wat Khok Dok Mai, Chainat Province. 14. Luang Phor Erb Thitthammo, Wat Suan Krai, Chainat Province. 15. Kruba Krong Kattiyo, Wat Tha Ma Kwen, Lampang Province. 16. Kruba Jina Sujinno, Wat Sri Chom Rueang, Phayao. 17. Kruba Inta Katapunyo, Wat Sala, Chiang Mai. 18. Kruba Khamfan Inthawanno, Wat Ko Chok, Chiang Mai. 19. Kruba Awi Kovito, Wat Hua Fai, Chiang Mai. 20. Kruba Ma Tamonuto, Wat Sirichai Nimit, Chiang Mai Province. 21. Kruba Boonpan Papakro, Wat Pa Daet, Chiang Mai Province. 22. Kruba Un Atthakamo, Wat Rong Wua, Chiang Mai. 23. Kruba Tan Techthammo, Wat Ya Phai, Chiang Mai. 24. Kruba Muang Suphatto, Wat Ton Kok, Chiang Mai. 25. Kruba Noi Techapanya, Wat Sri Don Mun, Chiang Mai. 26. Kruba Panthita, Wat Phra That Doi Yuan Kham, Myanmar, etc. 采用非常珍贵的金达麻尼药王材质制造的 ~ 第一期帕周所座山佛,古巴阿匹瓦,瓦通碰寺庙 (佛历:2556年)。 古巴阿匹瓦所制造的金达麻尼药王传承于瓦甘绑娇的 ~ 龙婆遮师父。制作金达麻尼药王的过程也是相当的复杂与昂贵。瓦甘绑娇是全泰出座山佛最权威的庙(由龙婆Boon, 龙婆遮)是其两大最出名的圣物一是座山佛,二是挡降贝,而由于座山佛的产量极少,所以价格一直居高不下,而功效却灵验至极。 这期由古巴阿匹瓦所制造的第一期,座山佛的法门为贵人相助,即佩戴后得到靠山,佩戴者办事的时候必有贵人在明处或暗处帮忙,让行事者能够顺利成愿,工作上得上司提拔,下属服从,对生意,事业,官运等诸多方面都可大幅度提升运势,是著名的富贵佛之一人人泰国不少官员在佩戴后都是权势与威望得到字很大的提升,得民心所向,步步高升,政绩显赫。
Luang Pu Chan Inmutto, Wat Bang Bo, Samut Prakan.
Luang Pu Fu Atiphattho, Wat Bang Samak, Chachoengsao Province.
Luang Phor WayPhorn Thitiyano, Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakhon Pathom.
Luang Phor Perm Attatipo, Wat Pom Kaew, Ayutthaya.
Luang Phor Maen (Mian) Ajarn Sampanno, Wat Natang Nok, Ayutthaya.
(Chao Khun) Luang Phor Maha Surasak Atisokko, Wat Pradu, Samut Songkhram.
Kruba Panthita, Wat Phra That Doi Yuan Kham, Myanmar.
Luang Phor Erb Thitthammo, Wat Suan Krai, Chainat Province.
Luang Pu Iad Inthawaso, Wat Phai Lom, Ayutthaya Province.
Luang Phor Pra Attasanto, Wat Khok Dok Mai, Chainat Province.
Kruba Noi Techapanya, Wat Sri Don Mun, Chiang Mai.
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been RENTED.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Si Phuerng Maha Saney Maha Niyom Chansorn (Charming Metta Balm), Kruba Auwichaiya, Wat Kong Mookham, Chiang Tung (B.E.2563).

100% 人缘花瓣香油提炼的人缘膏,不加入C油成份,没阴料。

功效 :招人缘、招桃花、增加异性缘、增加自身魅力、增加交集能力。除了可让爱情方面上更顺遂, 在事业工作人际关系人上可让您招贵人相助,更能让事业成功、生意順利、人缘变好很重要。除了一般学生、上班族很适合外。超适合从事业务工作、演艺圈或模特兒工作的人士使用呢!

每次少许塗抹於身上,如塗抹额头、耳后、脖子、手腕處等, 可增加魅力助助人缘,让人对您产生好感。

Kruba Auwichaiya

Maha Deva Osot, Yaa Khun Duern Khun Wan (a Billionaire Medicine), created according to the original textbook Kruba Wat Mai Hung by Kruba Apiwat of Wat Thung Pong (early batch).

Size : 2.6 cm Beautiful condition, very rare. *Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing inlaid with Pink Gemstones. Built out of respect for the two great gods. It is Suriyathep and Chandrathep who is like the left and right eyes of the world. According to ancient texts. Respecting the sun and the moon as the eyes of the world. The sun is great in the daytime. The moon is big at night. Therefore created this Medicine Amulet to carry implying to be great day and night. Both asleep and awake. The power that the textbook says when tattoo-carry-use. This medicine amulet will be intimidating. And is a great mercy (Metta). The people looked at you with a beautiful face. Like we look at the moon on a full moon night. The enemy looks at us as if looking at the sun, trembling in our majesty. ++ Peacock image instead of Phra Suriyathep. The image of the Rabbit represents the moon ~ Phra Chandrathep. ++ Effect : Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract good opportunity to you. 【昆端昆仑法药】 Kruba Wichaiya Siriwitchaiyo (Kruba Mai Hung) 教科书上的第三位亿万富翁的守卫,由古巴阿匹瓦,瓦通碰寺庙的原版教科书制造而成 (早期)。 尺寸:2.6 厘米 这枚佛牌品相保存完好,非常稀有。 **已经镶好带有粉红色宝石的防水定制纯银外壳,即可使用。** .......这种法药本身拥有力量。夜间照顾世界的 “Chantra Thep” 传达幸福、和平、安宁,而白天照顾世界的 “Phra Suriya Thep”。随着太阳的热量到达 Tabadecha,幸运的力量。据称教科书所说的当信徒纹这种法药时,身边的人都会感到害怕。 .....今天就以这两种力量在【昆端昆仑法药】中充电。佩戴着两位大神会给佩戴者带来幸福、和平、财富、力量、好运、latbadecha。这枚佛牌有两个面,一个面是兔子,意味着月亮。另一边是孔雀,意味着太阳。如果孔雀被拒之门外,那将是一个超级大国。如果兔子被拒之门外,那将是一种仁慈的魅力。 【昆端昆仑法药】就像父母一样保护着我们,父亲像右肩的太阳,母亲像左肩的月亮。 这是用来统治群众的能量。 功效:提升好运,摆脱厄运,防止小人,转移负能量,做每一样事情都会成功完成,吸引好机会给佩戴者。

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Bia Gae, 1st batch, Phisek (Special Edition), Luang Pi Mod & Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2565).

Made : 33 pieces

(Issued to worship : 25 pcs)

*Stick with Real Gold Leafs.

The magic science to create Bia Gae amulets was known and inherited from the Ayuttaya Period or at least 400-500 years ago and many believe that the tradition is older than that.

Bia Gae (Cowrie/Cowry/Seashell, commonly filled with mercury and takrut) is a special kind of amulet which is widely use to
avoid and protect from Black Magic, Evil Forces, Ghosts and Spirits.

Cowrie or Cowry shell is a very beautiful shiny tropical sea shell, it is humped back sometimes decorated with spots like a leopard skin. During ancient time in China, South East Asia and Africa, it was commonly used as coin or money. The Thai people called it Bia Gae and used it instead as a talisman for protection. The arched back of cowrie is like a shield and therefore it is believe that it could bounce off evil energy, similar to tortoise shell was employed by Feng Shui master in China for warding off bad energy. Mercury was also filled inside the cowrie, takrut then placed at the gap of the cowrie, and sealed tightly with special ingredients preventing it from leakage. Sometimes, it will be tied around with strings and painted with lacquer.

The wearer believes that he will be protected against: black magic, bad luck, evil forces and demons. Bia Gae are known to be effective for protection and in particular from evil influences and malevolent spirits. It is not uncommon for persons on their death bed to request such an amulet as protection from spirits that will endlessly disturb and torture the dying. It is said by some that such amulets will also help to set the soul free and give protection beyond the grave,ensuring a smooth passage into the next life.

第一期挡降贝, 由 龙P莫 与 古巴阿匹瓦 起手合作制造, 特别版本, 通碰寺庙 (佛历: 二五六五年)。

制造 : 三十三尊

(公开被恭请 :只有二十五尊)


龙P莫 & 古巴阿匹瓦 制作挡降贝
【此圣物为挡降贝,挡降贝传说是泰国神秘的挡降头法术、避险的法宝,得道高僧所督造的挡降贝,据说不仅可开运、避邪、制煞、挡降头 , 让他人无法对佩带者下咒、不受鬼魂干扰】



Kruba Apiwat learned the way of making effective Bia Gae from Venerable Luang Pu Cher/Jher of Wat Klang Bang Kaeo, Nakhon Pathom.

Photo taken during 29 June 2004.

(Photo Credit To The Owner.)

Friday, October 21, 2022

Ahyong Tohsin Akkhi Ya That (Elemental Fire Bead), Phim Lek (Small Mould), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2565).

Made : 199 pieces

Size : 1.3cm (Length) x 1.1cm (Width) x 0.7cm (Height) *Come with original temple box. Kb Apiwat handwritten Yantra on behind. Stamped with one temple code. This is an Ahyong Tohsin Akkhi Ya That (Elemental Fire Bead) metal that has increased in price several times. When using the Elemental Fire Bead you should always be close to the body, you can see the best result of the effect. When the Elemental Fire Bead turned black, it is believed that it sucks out the toxins that remain in our body. The body often feels exhausted. Drink a lots of water. To continue to hang, do not rush to wash, or hurry to scrub. Because as long as the poison in us is not exhausted, it will continue to black like that. If you want the Elemental Fire Bead to always be bright and bright. It is best to keep it in a temple box. But it was not the purpose of making the most difficult Elemental Fire Bead at all.
Kruba Apiwat did it this time, it would be a long time before he was ready to do it. Or probably won't do it again. Doing this is to help people who want to use it. Because the original things that used to do have a much higher price. People who want to use it are difficult to find. If this round is over, it must depend on who's luck he/she have to seek for himself/herself. If someone who are wearing the Elemental Fire Bead daily. And it's completely black because the poison in his/her body probably has a lot of it as well. The elemental pellets are black as onyx... If someone's Elemental Fire Bead turned to be black don't be shocked. Shows that there is a lot of residual toxicity in the body, a lot of toxins accumulated in the liver, in the bile, in the lungs, in the tendons and in the blood.
1. Should always wearing this Elemental Fire Bead, contact with the body. Wear it when sleeping, it can repel and absorb poison. Remaining in the figure projected out make sleep well, wake up refreshed cheerful. Prevent Khun Saiphai Thanroi Matika later. 2. Prevent Bad Luck, Evil Ghost, Bad Stuff. All dangers are not allowed to invade us. 3. Balance the 4 elements in the body regularly (Na, Ma, Pa, Ta). Not easy to get sick. Illnesses do not occur in us. 4. Enhance your fortune have the power to support ascend. Let's carry it with us. Raise your destiny, so you don't fall, prop up the luck. Not to fall your great fortune. Wealth constantly, not starving, not difficult, not poor, trades well, has wealth, easy to save money when your destiny is up. This elemental fire will shine bright and gleaming in gold. When it's unlucky. This Elemental Fire Bead will dull and blackened. To be soaked in "Som Boi" to bathe and then should make merit and pluck up bad luck. You will always be young. 5. Wherever you go. Let the perfume be sprinkled on this Elemental Fire Bead and pray it as you wish. When worshiping this Elemental Fire Bead should always pay homage to the monks or chant the Lord Buddha Itipiso x3 times a day, it will be much better and better.