Yaasade Ngapa (Maha Setthi Thang 5) The 5 Billionaires
Made : 139 pieces
*Every pieces is hand engraved scripture and comes with original temple box. Encased with waterproof custom-made Silver Casing with red colour enamel and one gemstone.
Created according to the original textbook of Kruba Nantiya Kheow Daeng (Red Tooth), Wat Muang Tha, Tai Wan Tok Khong.
Yaasade Ngapa (Maha Setthi Thang 5) the 5 billionaires, this sheet is a medicine that the Burmese and Thai Yai people like to worship. The text says that the main ingredient in this medicine is made of tree. The 5 billionaires brought to worship the powerful Phra Bucha Nat (Angel / Goddess).
With this incantation saying
"Omchomilla Punnakaka Yat Thanachart Mik Kohoti"
and the result is Good in Trading, having Good Luck, Money Flowing Uninterrupted. With Peace and Prosperity for yourself and your family. Popular to carry with you as beloved by people, ghosts, demons and the angels in this world will come to protect and bless to us with the power of Yaasade Ngapa (Maha Setthi Thang 5) the 5 billionaires.
If you having business or traveling to other countries. Let this medicine rain, put white moon water (thick, inches) rub your face and paint your body and go. You will be loved and have mercy like a son. If you want to trade, take this sheet of medicine soaked in holy water. Srinkle all over your goods. Easy to buy, easy to sell. Or will be used to mix tattoo ink (Sak Yant) on the body, tattoo on both palms, will have good fortune to collect money and etc.
铯提纳帕法药 (玛哈铯提邓哈) 5位亿万富翁, 第一次制造四方形, 古巴因达 & 古巴阿匹瓦, 瓦通碰寺庙 (佛历: 2562年)。
(玛哈铯提邓哈) 意思系
~玛哈 = 非常/超级
~铯提邓哈 = 由古缅甸的五位有钱人所演变的,
真的超级推荐 (灵验度超高)
古巴阿匹瓦开光红药「玛哈铯提邓哈法药」主要功效是可以让人增加财富,财富翻倍,增加财运和促进买卖的圣物。 「玛哈铯提邓哈法药」与招财类圣物一同佩戴可增加其他佩戴型或者供奉型招财类圣物的功效,令招财类圣物功效翻倍。
(Credit To The Owner)
Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong. |
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