Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Phra Sivali, Nur Phong, Luang Phor Nian, Wat Phra Woraraja Tinaddamatu, Phetchabun.

*Come with original temple box.

帕西瓦里, 劲粉材质制造, 由龍婆年带领开光加持, 卧佛寺, 碧差汶府。


《 三刀改運高僧龍婆年 》

Pra Khu Palad Nisit Tanasumpunno. 泰國高僧龍婆年也有人稱為龍普靚(音譯)大師父,師父七歲便能流利朗誦佛經,十三歲出家,二十歲有自己的佛廟。二十五歲時,他受泰皇的高僧頒發和榮譽封賜,號為“Pra Khu",成為泰國最年輕的和尚獲此封賜。二十五歲時,他受泰皇的高僧頒發和榮譽封賜,號為“Pra Khu",成為泰國最年輕的和尚獲此封賜。如今是泰的皇室、和國軍認同的和器重的法力高超的慈悲大師,井且云遊四海為大眾善信驅惡消災。如今是泰的皇室、和國軍認同的和器重的法力高超的慈悲大師,井且云遊四海為大眾善信驅惡消災。龍婆年專長用巴冷刀砍善信三刀,以消災解難。龍婆年專長用巴冷刀砍善信三刀,以消災解難。他曾經被電電擊中但安然無恙,創下不死奇蹟,至今2009年,師父已由泰國僧皇榮封最高的第九級高僧。


西瓦里(Phra Sivali)又称西哇里,是泰国最著名的尊者之一,西瓦里与舍利弗,迦叶,乌巴离尊者等等都是佛陀最出名的弟子。在所有的弟子中,西瓦里的福报第一,被佛陀称为最有运气的尊者。


西瓦里(Gatha Phra Sivali)的故事是从古时代就流传至今的,据泰国书中的记载翻译:他的母亲在当时是皇后,由于西瓦里的前世罪业,因此母亲怀胎非常之久,总共怀了有七年七个月七天,而且西瓦里尊者虽然是还在母亲的腹中,但就能够帮助其母亲带来多种财富饮食。







1. 男女房事不能佩戴,房事佩戴是对佛的一种不敬,可取下来放床头柜

2. 洗澡、游泳不能佩戴,避免进水毁坏佛像

3. 杀生不能佩戴,佩戴杀生是对佛的一种不敬

4. 佩戴佛牌多发善心、多做善举功德,积累福报


Sivali ja Mahathero

Devatanarapuchito Soraho Pajjayatimhi

Sivali ja Mahathero

Yakkhadeva Puchito Soraho

Pajjayatimhi Ahang Wanthami Tang

Sathatassatherassa Aetang

Khunang Sotthilabhang Bhavantumae 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Phayant Roy Meur (Handprint Talisman Cloth), Chao Khun Maha Surasak, Wat Pradu (B.E.2563).

Size : 38.5cm (Height) x 27cm (Width)

昭坤玛哈苏拉萨师父的手印招财, 镇宅与护身符布 (佛历 : 二五六三年).

尺寸:38.5厘米(高度)x 27厘米(宽度)
Chao Khun Maha Surasak of Wat Pradu.

Rian Sema Luang Pu Thuad Hua Toh (Baby Face), Nur Nawak Loha with Real Gold Mask, Roon MongKhoon 80 (Made on 80 years old), Phor Than Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani (B.E.2552).

Serial Number : 860

*Come with temple box. With temple code Chinese wording prosperity "Fook" or ”福“.

Luang Pu Thuad amulets are well know to protect the wearer from danger, evil spirits and accidents. Many people believe that amulets created in Luang Pu Thuad image hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believers from seemingly fatal automobile accidents.

Phor Than Keow, Wat Hui Ngor.

[FOR SHOW] Mae Nang Phim, Nur Wahn, Luang Phor Up, Wat Thong Sai, Nakhon Pathom (B.E.2552).

Behind with LP Up handwritten Yant. 

Pre-owned. Drink too much of white rice wine.

100% guarantee genuine. Rented this piece of Mae Nang Phim Amulet direct from Wat Thong Sai when LP Up still alive.

Luang Pu Up (LP Up) 的Nang Phim (南平女神)


Nang Phim 或 Mae Phim Pha (南平女神) 可说是其中一种让 Luang Pu Up, Wat Thong Sai 成为广为人知的师父。这是因为拿去佩戴,或供奉的人,总是有许多的经历,让他们相信 LP Up 的法力高深,以至所加持的南平女神特别灵验。

但是在佛牌圈子里,还是有很多人一听到 “Nang Phim” 就会想到是阴牌。这或许跟 Nang Phim 的造型有关。

Nang Phim 的造型是一怀孕的妇女,穿戴首饰,还有婴孩的一双腿正在从下体出来。这样的造型,其实正代表着母爱的伟大,代表母亲的孩子的爱护与奉、牺牲的最高象征。

试想想,当母亲在生孩子的时候,不就是在冒着生命危险,极大的痛苦,为了就是让孩子平安诞生。而这就是 LP UP 的 Nang Phim 女神的深刻意义与精神。那就是:爱与付出给予。

所以,请别再用有色眼睛,把 Nang Phim 看成低级、下流的东西。LP Up 的 Nang Phim 法术,最初并没有做成佩戴型或供奉型。师父只是将这经文纹在弟子们的身上(通常是大腿)。后来,有些想要供奉 Nang Phim 的人,但又不喜欢纹身,所以师父才做出佩戴型与供奉型。

很多人怀疑:Nang Phim是鬼吗?
在这里郑重的说明:LP Up 反对一切的阴牌、邪术、乃至任何用尸体的任何部分来做牌的。他不鼓励弟子拿人骨、尸油等东西来做法术。原因是:如果做的人没有真正的精通这些法术,心术不正、定力不稳,那是很容易出事的。这会让佩戴的人的运气低落,或时运低的时候,就会更加的倒楣。或是,如果不能遵守一些事情,这些鬼将会反扑,伤害到供奉的人。所以,LP Up 的 Nang Phim 供奉了,是完全不用担心这些副作用。

据了解,只有头帮以及第三帮的 Nang Phim 有放了 Wat Sam Ngam 的材料,7坟土。过后,LP Up 就没有再用这些材料做了。因为他不想让后人以此作为榜样。
那么,为什么LP Up会有放到7坟土呢?不是自相矛盾吗?

事实是:所有的 Nang Phim,都是弟子们做给 LP Up,LP 只是负责加持而已。因为 Nang Phim 是纹身的法术。LP Up 学来的时候,就是学纹身而已。只是后来土徒弟做给他加持。当第一次有人做了掺有 Wat Sam Ngam(LP Yeam做古曼童的粉),他开始是有点埋怨。但是后来还是慈悲答应加持。后来又有人做来,他就言辞责备,过后才没有再用这些材料了。

头帮 Nang Phim
关于Nang Phim是谁?网上最流行的版本,应该是“难产女神”。

在早百多年前, 泰國的窮鄉僻壤住著一名懷有胎兒的婦人,在她臨盤時,不幸胎兒的胎位不正,以致爛產血崩,這名婦人在臨終前抱著一匡善念真心希望這世間上再沒有人受到這種苦難,並可得到幸福。 

在這一念之間感動了天界,天神答應把這婦人的靈魂留在凡間幫助世人,並受予法力給這位婦人,好讓她可在世間行善積得, 幫助有須要的人脫離貧窮疾苦,而這位婦人便是咩冷篇了。百年多後,咩冷篇在森林遇到了高僧龍婆up,咩冷篇 希望此緣份能幫助有須要的人。於是就在龍婆up 打座的時候,咩冷篇特意走進龍婆up 禪定時的意識界中,並告知龍婆,可以借助自己的法力制作成聖物,使有緣 人得到咩冷篇的幫助走向更幸福美滿的生活。


但根据笔者向一位跟随 LP Up 多年的近身弟子所得知的,完全跟外面的说法不同。

那,Nang Phim 到底是什么?
Nang Phim 是天神!LP Up 常说,Nang Phim 不是阴术。而是拿来保护弟子们、帮助需要帮助的人。就好比母亲疼爱孩子一样。当孩子跟母亲讨什么,只要母亲能够帮到的,她一定会做给孩子。这是 LP Up 的禅定力加持出来,给信徒们供奉,以协助信徒们能够更好的生活。

LP Up 的 Nang Phim 法术从哪里学来?
在泰国一些版本说,是从柬埔寨深山或尼泊尔学来。也难怪会让人联想是阴牌。因为柬埔寨是出名这些法术。但事实上,LP Up 没跟人说过这回事。但,比较肯定的是,在泰国中部某个地方学得。

所以,总结的说,Nang Phim 不是阴牌,不是难产女神。而是一个充满爱心的女天神。

1. 保护远离危险,避险,保平安。
2. 买卖生意,让生意兴隆;也可以用来“追债”!
3. 魅力人缘。有人甚至说“phim pha riak sao”,就是 Nang Phim 帮忙找女友呢!

用白酒喷或点在 Nang Phim 嘴唇部分,同时念诵咒语9遍。

U Ka Ba Sa Ha Nak Put
乌 噶 八 洒 哈 那 扑

然后用心真诚许愿,请求 Nang Phim 帮助。不管是什么愿,只要每天诚心供奉,每天用白酒来点,心愿会更快实现。

如果要用来防身,去到危险地方,就把 Nang Phim 这个称呼改成 Nang(第一声) Der (第四声)。

如果一般许愿,比如财富、人缘、买卖等,可以把Nang Phim 握在手里,然后重复念诵咒语。如果觉得很舒服,凉,那就是代表会实现。如果手心觉得热,那就是代表这件事难以实现。要用在哪一方面,就看个人的心愿。
Luang Phor Up, Wat Thong Sai.
Mae (Mother) Nang Phim was a relative of the Lord Buddha. During her lifetime, she did lot of merits. Unfortunately, she encounter difficult birth. Her baby was in abnormal position which the position of the baby in the womb is legs-downward instead of head.

Mother Nang Phim is a เทพ (angel or deity) as mentioned by LP Up. Many people have misunderstood her as ghost which is not true. She help devotees to overcome obstacles, grant wishes and bring Metta to many over the years. The mytical guardian angel MNP Wicha subject (Magic Science Subject) originally from Tibet.

LP Up is a knowledgeable monk that learned many different types of Wicha subjects from many past gurus. Examples like from LP Noi Wat Thamasala, LP Boi Wat Manow, LP Tae Wat SamGuhn, LP Jong Wat NakTangNok and other white magic kalawat. He learned many different types of Wicha subjects (Magical Science Subject) from both Thailand and Khemer.

As mentioned by him, he learned total of 100 over types of different Wicha subjects. He would tried every types of Wicha subjects that he learned and select those effective wichas to keep for future use.

LP Up use all the Wicha subjects he learned to consecrate MNP and other amulets over the years. So what LP Up would do is that, he would integrate or combine all the Wicha subjects he learned over the years into the original MNP wicha subject to further enhance it's power.

Over the years, MNP and other amulets of LP Up have gain fames which his amulets provide miracles and good experiences by wearers from Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Malaysia and Singapore.

Katha for Mae (Mother) Nang Phim
1. Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahanto Samma Sabuddhasa (3 times)
2. Wu Ka Pha, Sak Ha Na Put (9 times)
2a. Apply Chinese white rice wine on the lip of MNP while chanting 

Monday, April 26, 2021

Phra Pidta Phim Yant Yung, Roon Metta Roon Raek (The First Generation of Mercy), Neur Takua (Lead Material), Luang Pu Tim, Wat Phra Khao, Ayutthaya (B.E.2540).

Size : 1.6cm (Height) x 1.3cm (Width) 

 Made : 10,000 pieces 

 *Brand New, Unworn. Come with original temple box.

The word Yant Yung = labyrinthine designs of Khom scripts on the Pidta's reverse side. The Pidta's bottom base was chopped with a temple code. The Pidta's tummy with Khom script "Nak" and was said to have comprehensive properties for Mahalap, Metta, Klaewklaad, and Kongkrapan.

Effect : Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Harmproof and bring good fortune especially business and authority.
Luang Pu Tim of Wat Phra Khao.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Rian Ong Phor Jatukam Ramathep, Roon KanChong Fa Tawan Nuea Duang Yok Thaa Na, Phim Klaang (Medium Mould), Phra Ajarn Choke, Wat Phutthaisawan, Ayutthaya, C.E.2007 (B.E.2550).

Material : Nuer Nawak Loha (九宝铜)

Size : 3.3 cm diameter

Jatukam Ramathep has experience about wealth and successs that owner will ceaselessly have money. Moreover, the medal will reflect bad things back like its name “Kanchong” that means “mirror” and attract only good things.

Purpose for making :
This amulet made for join Donation at the temple and made for memorial in Phitti WaiKru (worship teacher ceremony).

Description : This Jatukam medal (Jatukam Ramathep God) by Luang Pu Huan was created in 2007 in title “Kanchong Pha Tawan Nuea Duang” as a token of Wai Kru ceremony (1 March 2007).

Feature of this amulet :
On the front is Jatukam sitting on Naga surrounding by Rahu and incantation. On the back is KanChong(Mirror) with incantation.
Phra Ajarn Choke of Wat Phutthaisawan.
The Legend of Jatukam Ramathep :
Once upon a time, many centuries ago (about 1700 years ago), it was a time of war and trouble. There lived a king and his princes in Central Siam. The elder prince named Jatukam and the other named Ramathep. After many years of war, the King finally conquered and managed to secure Sri Lanka into part of his Kingdom. There was a saying that the King possessed a sacred treasure, this was none other than the holy relics of Lord Buddha. Before the King began his journey to the newly conquered land, he tasked the protection of the relics to his two princes, & ordered them to guard it with their lives.

Some time later, the princes received information of plan by their enemies to capture the relics. They immediately informed the King in Sri Lanka. The King instruction was to quickly take the relics away by sea and head to Sri Lanka. Halfway through the journey, a thunderstorm struck and their ships were sunken. Except the two princes, the rest of the crew did not survive.

The two princes were washed ashore, but well. Without the sea transport, they could no longer bring the relics to Sri Lanka. They started praying sincerely to the relics, saying: “Dear Enlightened One! If this land we step upon is a holy piece of land, then please guide us let us live a new life here. With our people, we shall guard and protected your relics forever.”

Later the two princes built a temple on this holy land and with much hard work, they also establish a wealthy and strong city. They brought new hope and peace to all the people. In remembrance of the great deeds by the two princes, they named this place Nakhon Si Thammarat in their honour. This is now located in Southern Thailand at the present time. The temple that the two princes built for the relics is called Wat Mahathat - as it is known now.

Ever since then, after a few centuries, many people had travelled to Wat Mahathat to locate the relics that were buried by the princes. Finally, they found a stone carving and the relics buried at the Wat. The stories of the two princes were found engraved on this stone.

The two princes had done many great deeds and the greatest is by erecting the temple to house the relics. And they promised to guard the Relics with their lives. They had earned respect from both the heavenly and earthly beings. Later, the people combined the two princes into one and named him Tao Jatukam Ramathep when praying to him. Tao Jatukam Ramathep becomes one of the most respected and popular deities in the South of Thailand. In olden days, Tao was used to address noble ones. It is believed that those that pray to Tao Jatukam Ramathep will be blessed with fulfilling life and better in all aspects in everyday work. 

*Brand new, Unworn. Come with original temple box.

Effect : Prevent backstabber & gossip, Protection from harm and danger, Smooth in Sales and Great Fortune, earn good opportunity and successful in everything that you do, grants wishes and help you achieve your goal. Overcome all obstacles in life.

A Thailand Multi-Millionaire named ~ Pong Suphan (in white shirt) also one of the close devotees of Phra Ajarn Choke of Wat Phutthaisawan. 
The Phra Buccha Jatukam Ramathep statue in Wat Phutthaisawan.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Phra Pidta Plodnee (必打无负债), Neur Chan Mak (Betel Nut Material), Chao Khun Maha Surasak, Wat Pradu (B.E.2563).

Made : 7000 pieces

*Come with temple box. Consecrated & Chanted for total three ceremonies.

以师傅吃过的槟榔渣, 108种药草, 碎宝石, 聖发, 金箔等等印制。
Chao Khun Maha Surasak of Wat Pradu.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Phra Luang Pu Thuat, Phim Yai, Roon Samanasak, Nur Phong Kluk Rak Nur Dum fang Somdej Bang Khun Phrom, Ajarn Thong / Luang Phor Thong, Wat Sampao Chey (B.E.2545).

*Behind with two codes. Brand new, Unworn.

Made 7500 pieces only. Behind implanted with black rice grains and broken fragment of old Somdej Bang Khun Phrom.

There are many different type of design (model) and shape in this batch. Mr. Khun Charoen from Pattani Province who is very respect and faithful in Buddha image Luang Pu Thuat of Wat Chang Hai donate this auspicious amulet such as Phra Chaiwat (B.E.2485), Phra Pidta (tree) and Med Daeng (mini coin) of Ajarn Nong (B.E.2537). Black rice with thousands years and many others sacred broken fragment of old Somdej Bang Khun Phrom are buried inside the amulet.

Luang Phor Thong created this model as a special Nur Phong Kluk Rak black material behind inserted with black rice grains and broken fragment of old Somdej Bang Khun Phrom. This promotion was created on an important occasion. Luang Phor Thong was bestowed as an ordinary royal monk in B.E.2545 (Year 2002), only 7500 pieces were created.

This batch of Luang Pu Thuad amulets chanted together with Luang Pu Thuad, Model Sor Kor, and also held a mass Phuttha Phisek ceremony at Wat Tuyong, Pattani Province together with Phor Than Suk of Wat Tuyong who lead the consecration ceremony. Final, with the honouring ceremony of Ajarn Thong at Wat Sampao Chey.

Therefore it can be counted as this batch of Luang Pu Thuad well chanted and consecrated with both rituals and making intent. It is worthy of worship and conservation.

Luang Pu Thuad amulets are well know to protect the wearer from danger, evil spirits and accidents. Many people believe that amulets created in Luang Pu Thuad image hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believers from seemingly fatal automobile accidents.
Ajarn Thong / Luang Phor Thong of Wat Sampao Chey.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Phra Luang Pu Thuat, Phim Yai, Roon Samanasak, Nur Phong Kluk Rak Nur Khao fang Somdej Bang Khun Phrom, Ajarn Thong / Luang Phor Thong, Wat Sampao Chey (B.E.2545).

*Behind with two codes. Brand new, Unworn.

Made 1500 pieces only. Behind implanted with black rice grains and broken fragment of old Somdej Bang Khun Phrom.

There are many different type of design (model) and shape in this batch. Mr. Khun Charoen from Pattani Province who is very respect and faithful in Buddha image Luang Pu Thuat of Wat Chang Hai donate this auspicious amulet such as Phra Chaiwat (B.E.2485), Phra Pidta (tree) and Med Daeng (mini coin) of Ajarn Nong (B.E.2537). Black rice with thousands years and many others sacred broken fragment of old Somdej Bang Khun Phrom are buried inside the amulet.

Luang Phor Thong created this model as a special Nur Phong Kluk Rak white material behind inserted with black rice grains and broken fragment of old Somdej Bang Khun Phrom. This promotion was created on an important occasion. Luang Phor Thong was bestowed as an ordinary royal monk in B.E.2545 (Year 2002), only 1500 pieces were created.

This batch of Luang Pu Thuad amulets chanted together with Luang Pu Thuad, Model Sor Kor, and also held a mass Phuttha Phisek ceremony at Wat Tuyong, Pattani Province together with Phor Than Suk of Wat Tuyong who lead the consecration ceremony. Final, with the honouring ceremony of Ajarn Thong at Wat Sampao Chey.

Therefore it can be counted as this batch of Luang Pu Thuad well chanted and consecrated with both rituals and making intent. It is worthy of worship and conservation.  

Luang Pu Thuad amulets are well know to protect the wearer from danger, evil spirits and accidents. Many people believe that amulets created in Luang Pu Thuad image hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believers from seemingly fatal automobile accidents.
Ajarn Thong / Luang Phor Thong of Wat Sampao Chey.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Phra Pidta Maha Larp, Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Thong Leung (Brass Material), Phor Than Eaum, Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phatthalung (B.E.2556).

Thong Leung (Brass Material) made : 982 pcs
The Pidta amulet with a monk sitting in full or half-lotus position and with his hands covering his eyes and face is a style that has become very popular among Thai Buddhists, but other Buddhists across the world as well.

Phra Pidta, meaning closes or covers its eyes in Thai, also known as closed eyes Buddha. There are few types of Phra Pidta in Thai, with four arms, six arms or fully covered with mantras.

It is one of the favourite kind of Buddha amulets of Thai citizens. Phra Pidta is a representation of a venerable monk well known for deep samadhi meditation (absorption) during Gautama Buddha’s time more than 2,550 years ago.

Why Is Phra Pidta Holding His Hands Over His Eyes in Amulets?

Hands over the eyes symbolizes a blocking out of the outside world during intense Sammabart meditation. This is jhana level meditation which can also cross-over into Abhinna.

Abhinna are supernatural experiences which people meditating in the fourth Jhana can sometimes attain. People "rent or chao" these amulets to increase their wealth primarily.

Business prosperity is a major benefit of this amulet. Yet, there are said to be many benefits of the amulets including good luck and protection from harm of all sorts. Phra Pidta, meaning closes or covers its eyes in Thai, also known as closed eyes Buddha.

There are few types of Phra Pidta in Thai, with four arms, six arms or fully covered with mantras. It is one of the favorite kind of Buddha amulets of Thai citizens. Something, nobody can do any bad things to you such as making rumors.

Phra pidta closes his eyes, thus has the function to prevent villains. It’s for avoiding weasel and devil, bringing unexpected money, investing in business.

His Past Lives :

Phra Pidta was an apprentice of Buddha according to the legend. He had accumulated plenty blessings and virtues in his past lifetimes when he was still a human.

During one of his past life, he practiced Buddhism with other monks. At one night, the place was flooded and the monks were almost drowned. Buddha immediately sent Phra Pidta to stop the water flow and save the monks.

From then on, men in heaven and the mortal were convinced of his ability and respected him. In his another past life, he always worshiped Buddha and eminent monks with fresh flowers.

While in another past life :

He was a child to a cattle raising family. In mornings, he often saw a mendicant monk meditating at a free ground. He knew it must be hard for the monk to meditate under hot sun.

Therefore, he set up a simple shed for the monk when he wasn’t around, so that the monk can stay from hot sun and rain. All the good things he had done had made him promoted to the heaven.

Phra Pidta had a handsome look and good karma. Many worshipers loved him very much. Even some of them mistaken him for Buddha. These had become barriers to his practice.

Rumors about female worshipers had better hospitality to him because of his handsome appearance were spread. There was even saying he had affair with the female.

Thus to avoid these rumors from spreading again, Phra Pidta used his supernatural power to change his outlook and became ugly, short or fat. However, these couldn’t change their enthusiasm to him.

Therefore he closed his eyes in long time, ignoring people’s words and attitude, with all focus in his practice. Since then, Phra Pidta’s facial image is made into the one we see now, covering his eyes signifying to cover up the six roots of sensations: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and desire to free from human desires and passions.

The six gunas: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought can keep one in mind the teachings of Buddha. Therefore, wearing Phra Pidta Buddha amulet can make one’s mind more focused no matter on practicing Buddhism or thinking.

In mortal world, Phra Pidta’s image is publicly known as posture of avoiding from disasters and dangers, keeping one safe from harm. It is also known for preventing villains. Monks across Thailand have made Phra Pidta style amulets, the belowmentioned are some of the notable monks that have made powerful amulets. 
No. : 773 (RENTED)
No. : 507 (RENTED)
No. : 150 (*Come with 1st place competition certificate.)
 Phor Than Eaum of Samnak Song Taling Chan (the name of the temple).

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Takrut LookPern, Nur Kalai Thong (Gold Plated), Made on 89 years old batch, Luang Pu Keow / Phor Than Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani (B.E.2560).

Size : 2 cm

*with 2 temple codes & individual serial numbers.

Effect: This Takrut Look Puen’s powers include protection, ascendancy and being invulnerable. Whoever carries Takrut Look Puen by LP Keow will have more ascendancy, be protected and safe from danger, weapons, enemies, bad power, etc.

[Kids don't kill mothers. Mother doesn't kill children.]

**Note: This Takrut Look Puen protects a good man not a bad man.

Luang Pu Keow / Phor Than Keow of Wat Hui Ngor.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

RoopLor Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom), Nur Ngern (Silver Material), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2562).

Made : 24 pieces Size : 2.1cm (Height) x 1.5cm (Width) *With Kb Apiwat handwritten Yant and two temple codes. RoopLor Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom) The supreme goddess of Myanmar, it is said that she is the first prophet of the universe, knows everything in the universe, has a lofty position, and takes care of her duties ~ Buddha, the three celestial books in hand record the past, present and future of the Buddha. And her beauty made her loved by gods and even demons wherever she went. The effect of wearing RoopLor Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi is super good for popularity and wealth. Everyone loves you, and wealth is abundant, which opens the way for us. When encountering difficulties, they will solve some problems wisely.

Kruba Apiwat's Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom) silver material Made in Myanmar and Thai Yai Goddess Sura-Satee is the source of spells and wisdom, and is in charge of everything in the world. The main effect of Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi is to achieve aspirations and increase wisdom. Any work and study that requires brainstorming can be greatly helped. In addition, businessmen can get rich profits when wearing them. Pregnant women wear special rituals to protect the fetus in the abdomen. You can ask for a child and get a happy relationship and family. Wearing the Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi can get luck, smoothness and peace, increase charm, popularity, help school and career smoothly, and can also help a positive relationship. 

For practitioners, Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi is also the source of spells. Almost all masters in Northern Thailand and Burma will enshrine Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi on the altar. In short, wearing Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi is really good. Wearing the Goddess Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi for children can increase children's wisdom and protect them from healthy growth. 

Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi's effects are very comprehensive, and it can almost be said to be unwilling. There are special rituals for wearing Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi. Before wearing it for the first time, you can offer bananas, coconut water, and a white candle on the day of your birth on the day. It will be more effective to wear it afterwards. This is also the way to make a wish in the future. Increase tribute (flowers or gold and silver jewelry).
Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom)
素拉色提妈妈小金身 (智慧与幸运女神),纯银材质,古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺庙(佛历:二五六二年)。
制造:二十四尊 尺寸:2.1厘米(高度)x 1.5厘米(宽度) *底部拥有古巴阿匹瓦亲手写经文和两个庙印。 【智慧女神 / 幸运女神】 缅甸至高的女神,传说她是宇宙第一先知,知晓宇宙一切,地位崇高,职责看管 ~ 佛陀,手上的三本天书记载着佛陀的过去现在未来。 而且她的美貌让她不管到哪里都受到天神甚至妖魔的爱护。 佩戴功效是人缘和财运超级棒,人见人爱, 财源广进, 为我们开路。 遇到困难时会有智慧的解决一些问题。 古巴阿匹瓦 苏拉萨迪女神(九天凤女)银材质 依缅甸法本制成在缅甸和Thai Yai族苏拉萨迪女神为法术和智慧的源泉,掌管人世间的一切。 苏拉萨迪的功效主要是成愿和增加智慧,凡是需要动脑的工作和学习均可以得到非常大的帮助,另外生意人佩戴可得到丰厚的利润,孕妇佩戴有特殊仪轨可庇佑腹中胎儿,可求子,得到美满幸福的感情和家庭。佩戴苏拉萨迪女神可获得幸运,顺利和平安,功效增加魅力,人缘,可助学业以及事业顺利,也可以帮助正感情姻缘。 在对于修法者来说萨拉萨迪也是法术的源泉,泰北及缅甸几乎所有师傅的法坛上都会供奉苏拉萨迪。总之佩戴苏拉萨迪真的相当好,给小孩子佩戴苏拉萨迪女神可增加小孩的智慧,庇护小孩健康成长。 苏拉萨迪功效十分全面,几乎可以说是无愿不成。佩戴苏拉萨迪有特殊仪轨,第一次佩戴前可在自己周几出生的那天供奉香蕉,椰子水,一根白蜡烛,供奉之后佩戴会更加灵验,以后许愿还愿也是这样的方式,还愿可增加贡品(鲜花或金银珠宝)。
Kruba Apiwat of Wat ThungPong.